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@KendallFrey Know much about aerodynamics?
CC @rlemon
eh not much but i'm happy to try
Have an ambitious project. Too much work for one person. Thought you guys might be interested.
Osprey type drone with sonar for object avoidance guided by radars. I know a bit about aerodynamics, and a little about radio, and plenty of EE, but I'm going to need help for sure.
Ground radars, that is.
by osprey type do you mean twin rotor, or what?
hello people's
Twin rotor with an airfoil for forward flight.
So VTOL landing take off and manuevering plus airplane like flight.
would the rotors pivot over to horizontal then?
so I have determined shipping a japanese keyboard to any country unless they already have them is expensive
cheapest one I got was $7 on ebay
in the US
everything is $20+
@KendallFrey That would be the idea. I would assume we could make it easier on ourselves and still use four rotors, but...I'm not sure on the weight requirements of that.
quadcopters are quite a bit simpler in design, and the aerodynamics are a lot closer to "4 thrust vectors"
Figured whoever wanted to help could buy hardware for their bit then when the others finished theirs we could share designs and then each of us could build the parts we were missing.
I don't know if weight would be an issue. I know that winged aircraft can fly with more weight to thrust though
Or print for that matter. Preferably print.
you'd still need full thrust capability for VTOL mode though
I have a quadcopter drone
I fly
@KendallFrey That was my thought too. The reason I say four rotors is because it would be easier to achieve VTOL because we dont have to worry about weight distribution for VTOL with two rotors.
If you want to do a group project, maybe you should move to KW :P
rlemon and I both live (near) there
I'm just gonna guess on his behalf that he probably doesn't have much time to spend on drone building
I've wanted to build a quadcopter for a while
university of waterloo is where the guy developed php I think
I'm in Utah. I was hoping for a more open source type thing with guys I know are smart and interested.
most also be pretty smrt
I've wanted to as well and thought I might as well go all out and get help.
utah what part?
you mormon?
I'm happy to contribute IP
@William ...
@William I was I've since thrown off such childish notions.
I think we talked about this
your were raised
but never beileved it
so you don't believe in the magical underwear
@KendallFrey Theres no such thing as IP.
My main barrier to building a drone is being able to get the correct hardware without a bunch of trial and error
But I'd be happy to have your help. Want to do airfoil?
@KendallFrey I'm pretty good at that part.
I do a lot of hobby EE.
Even though my main slowdown would probably be trying to write the software
because I'd definitely want to write the software
I'm not that great at C either.
@KendallFrey Dont like ME?
What's that
just use an Arduino and use javascript
Mechanical engineering.
Oh that's fine mostly
@Rick Dude...come on now.
ordering stuff online and hoping it works is more what I was thinking of
@KendallFrey Would you rather I just let you know where I'm at and ask for help or take a portion?
what motors do I want? what battery? what sensors? you can go all in on sensors
I'm pretty good at that bit and I have an EE lab. I can even make us custom boards at a whim.
@Allenph I don't think I can take responsibility for a big piece of it, I can maybe CAD a frame or write a bit of code or something
Like if I'm bored for an evening, that sort of thing
The main bit I was needing help with was the frame and the airfoil.
And I think that needs to get done before everything else.
With a drone less so, but with a hybrid...
I don't know enough about aerodynamics to design the perfect aerofoil, I'd just copy a picture
By the way if you have a few minutes maybe you'd like to review a circuit problem I had to deal with
I built a plane out of foam I found in a river once. Theres more play in it than the aerospace engineers would like us to believe. That said I think it's going to be far more difficult for a hybrid than it would be for a regular plane.
@KendallFrey I'm pretty drunk already but I'll give it a go.
Basically I'd like to control a PNP with the emitter at 9V, but the problem is the IO pin only goes up to 5V, which isn't enough to turn it off
I had a couple of ideas
hang on let me get diagrams
That shows one idea where I stuck a diode chain to drop the extra 4 volts between the 9 and the 5
The simplest idea is to switch the IO pin to input (high impedance) mode, but the microcontroller isn't designed to have inputs above 5V
The current best idea is to stick an NPN between the base and ground
Why do you need to use a PNP?
Because I'm switching between the 9V rail and the circuit
If the next question is why don't I use a NPN on the other end, I am
Yeah. That was my next question.
It's for LED multiplexing
So for simplicity's sake, say the 9V rail switches enable rows, and the ground rail switches enable columns
Use the 9V rail to drive the N junction with an NPN.
I'm not sure what that means
This is what I'm working with now
the LED is a standin for a more complex circuit, including the NPN switches to ground
full circuit in case that helps
ignore the logic chips, that's just for simulating a test from an arduino
It's not working correctly in the simulation, but as far as I can tell it's not a problem with the circuit
Use an NPN to drive the PNP. NPN Emmiter to 9V rail. NPN Collector to the base of the PNP. NPN base to 5V signal.
I'm not sure how that would work
For one thing, NPN emitter never goes on the power rail afaik
It's pretty standard...if you dont have enough voltage in your signal to drive your PNP...amplify it.
And you have a power rail available to do so.
Did you intentionally mean emitter to 9V rail?
Wouldn't that reverse bias the transistor?
I said that backwards. Sorry.
Even with the NPN emitter on the PNP base, wouldn't it still end up floating at 9V, and the 5V wouldn't be enough to turn it on?
Do you see what I mean or do you want me to restate?
Well I have a picture in my head but it doesn't make a sensible circuit
so idk which one of us is confused
@kendallFrey is it better to build a string using catination or to strigify an array at the very end?
The most common problem with concatenation is it copies the entire string every time, which gets longer and longer as you concat more stuff
There are ways to put everything together at once in one operation, but I don't know how JS would handle that
well tell me how this would be done in another language and i'll translate it to js
in C# it would be done with StringBuilder
@KendallFrey would't that be the same as converting an array to a string at the very end?
Well, it would be one possible way to do it
3 hours later…
@KendallFrey can you convert a number between 0-31 into binary (5 bits) with no if statements or loops?
I have one question asked in interview i wanna know answer
can any budy help
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@JunedLanja Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@JunedLanja Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
  foo : 'Foo',
  func : () => {
         () => { console.log(this.foo)} //cant change this line
this currently logs undefined
I can only change in one line and out put should log foo's value
func : function () {
@KevinB Yea i got it in arrow function this will be undefined
promise.all map
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@JunedLanja Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@JunedLanja Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@KevinB can you please explain
Currently, this program says that then is not a function in line 7. Fix that and the promise should be resolved after all maps load
function downloadMaps(countries) {
    return countries.forEach(getMap)  // line 2
function getMap(country) { // assume THIS FUNCTION WORKS
    // returns a promise that resolves after loading map
downloadMaps(['brazil', 'usa', 'australia']).then(() => console.log('loaded')) //line 7
@JunedLanja function is a closure
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@KevinB Got it
downloadContry = (contries) => {
  return Promise.all(contries.map(getCountry));

getCountry = (country, index) => {
return  new Promise((res, rej) => {
    }, 1000)

downloadContry(['australia', 'brazil', 'india']).then(() => {
@Rick Yea your right .. In arrow function this is set to lexical scope so it will be window object instead of undefined .. I mistakenly write undefined : )
@BenFortune what
4 hours later…
@Rick You're gonna need to be wayyyy more specific than that. Because as far as I can tell, it already is.
1 hour later…
calling setTimeout(null, 0) slows down a loop by ~30ms. Why?
1 hour later…
Guys I have date in my mysql db with value "2018-10-08" but when I print the query result, my data change to "2018-10-07" why this happen?
I have checked db timezone, and nothing is wrong
@Mosho You wrote it didn't you?
does anyone else think it's a bad idea to have images as inputs in a form instead of some combo of html/css?
you mean inputs of type file?
or custom input styling?
I don't think it's bad for styling checkboxes, as there's no other way to get nice ticks and similar I'm aware of, but for the rest, it's generally pointless
and either way, try to keep it semantic at all times, by using those elements
@towc in this situation, there's a div with a background image and a form text input inside of the div. there's probably like 10 divs with background images. but i was thinking that could cause some page load slowness instead of just having the html/css show a gray transparent background with some white text
const x = <put any expression in here>
if (x === []) {
  // can this ever be run? How?
I'm having trouble with GreaseMonkey... I know that GreaseMonkey executes all userscripts in a security context/sandbox, but why in the heck does this code output false?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         GreaseMonkey test
// @version      0.1
// @author       irrelevant
// @include      *
// ==/UserScript==

window['Bar'] = class{
  static test(){
    return this === Bar;

console.log(Bar.test()); // output: false
If I change the class definition to class Bar{ or call the function like window['Bar'].test(), the output changes to true
So where the heck does GreaseMonkey store global variables if not in window? Nvm, that wouldn't even explain this behavior
I'm looking for the common name people give to text controls that show a placeholder for characters that haven't been entered yet. If I haven't typed something in it, maybe it's "YYYY-MM-DD". Then I start typing and I might have "201Y-MM-DD", where the Y-MM-DD is lighter gray than the user text. What's this pattern called?
Hi, can we (and should we) use the await keyword anywhere in the code (within async functions of course)? e.g. Is "!await Promise.resolve(10);" appropriate or should it be "await !Promise.resolve(10);"? Also, what about using await within a for loop initialisation? e.g. "for (const i = 0; i < await Promise.resolve(10); i++) {...}"
nvm, looks like a good question for main site, will post there.
I can't say if it's allowed, but I can tell you that it doesn't ever belong in a for-loop.
that's what I thought, thanks. Basically await the promise, store the result and then proceed, results in a much cleaner / readable code.
Yep. And async functions should return the promise rather than resolving it within the function, in case you want to add .then and .catch logic elsewhere depending on where you called it.
ah yes, I was forgetting that part.
hello, who knows draw a border with SVG elements?
i need help about it.
!!> const whaat = function() {/*
This is so cool
That zirak cannot
believe it!
*/}.toString().slice(14, -3);
@KamilSolecki "SyntaxError: unterminated comment"
welp, cap cant handle it
Is there a way to see if a particular string can be converted to a number without loss of precision?
@person27 they are always 64 bit floating point
@person27 What counts as "loss of precision"? Does "0.1" count? It can't be represented exactly as a number in JS.
losing an eye
@Rick "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
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@Rick Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Rick "undefined" Logged: ""
@Rick Did you see the pickle rick bloopers?
omg noooo
I just watched an animated pickle mouth say fuc for 3min. And it was epic!!!
[npm] What is engines property in package.json for? Does it makes sense to setup if the library is meant to be loaded in a <script> tag?
From the NPM docs:
If you specify an "engines" field, then npm will require that "node" be somewhere on that list. If "engines" is omitted, then npm will just assume that it works on node.
Which confuses me a bit, because not every front-end lib shall work on node
Oh, this prop is only for "install" purposes. Silly me
@Rick I love this stuff lol. I think there is going to be a Christmas episode.
@Rick I think Mr. poopybutthole is the same species as Mr. Noobnoob...
@DavidKamer I hope there is a Christmas episode they take forever to produce a single episode. The remember when the first season came out. It was like 5 years ago but it felt like 10 years had gone by.
@DavidKamer both Mr. Poopybutthole and Mr. Noobnoob both get it. That's the only thing that matters. However, I would like to see pencilvester come back.
@Rick I think they've been building up to the Christmas episode. I doubt pencilvester will ever come back.
I think it's going to be a continuation of the ricklantis mixup.
I would hope so, but they love to leave us hanging on stuff... I could be just jaded at this point. I actually started watching at season 2, right before it came out but everyone I talked to would always say, "I bet you watch Rick and Morty"
so I had to watch it... I ended up buying all three seasons, and it's the only show I rewatch lol
@Rick any which way we have 70 episodes to look forward to.
I hope they keep doing whatever it is they are doing. The stories are always compelling, never one dimensional or raunchy like the Simpsons, SouthPark, and Family Guy. They don't ever shy away from controversial topics. The stories have real depth and the melancholy tied to Rick is so grounded that it's refreshing, it feels like you're swimming in a glacial lake.
@Rick I agree. There's actual depth there. It's the only animated series that I've ever felt emotion while watching. Anime really really tries to get you emotionally involved, but it always falls short for me. I think a big part of it is the premise and setup for me. The episodes are really well written, but I think that Rick and Morty could be put in a lot of situations and those situations would be more digestible for me. Something about a scientist who isn't sold out to the system.
I think a lot of people who like the idea of science hate the idea of being systematically forced to practice it in a way that isn't scientific but is systematic. Forced to believe something or look at something in a different way even if we fully know that what's "science" today has to be at least partly disproved tomorrow, because that is what science is.

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