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@KarelG also paella
@KarelG I just started the master
I already want to die xDDDDD
I have a lot of maths :c
@KarelG & @MadaraUchiha Thanks you helped me a lot
@Neoares fun, isn't it?
sometimes, yes
@Neil can you provide a library or demo that you think is good ?
what does your maths syllabus say?
@Thewise Nope, and not because I'm a jerk (I am also that), but because I'm not too familiar with React, sorry :)
but I'm sure there are plenty
I didn't realize that my Data Mining class is going to be Linear Algebra and probability in disguise, although it does make sense
@GNi33 there's no math syllabus
@Thewise Some free advice though: pick one that meets your needs and has a lot of people who use it
there is a numeric lineal algebra syllabus, an optimization syllabus, and a bayesian statistics syllabus
:cries in spanish:
well, yeah
that's basically what I meant :)
those can all be fun though
hehe, I see PCA in there
learn that well, it will come up a lot
I guess
lin. Alg. looks pretty similar to what I did
so if you're ever stuck, I might be able to help
@KarelG btw I solved it
.calendarContainer td {
  position: relative;
  width: 14,29%;
  padding-top: 0;
  padding-bottom: 0;

.calendarContainer td:after {
  content: '';
  display: block;
  margin-top: 100%;

.calendarContainer td .content {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
cc @MadaraUchiha
@GNi33 :o
right now I'm proving that f(x) = e^(ax) is a convex function
cat /usr/share/games/bsdgames/acronyms
some of those entries are gruesome
look at the longer ones starting with B
possibly nsfw
we should use this one more often:
> EWAG experienced wild-ass guess
yay differentials
it's an answer to neoares' problem
@Neoares something something Taylor series I guess?
I'm trying to run a node server and `ng server` in parallel , but for some reason it waits after `node serverNew.js`.
this is the command i've used :
"dev": " node serverNew.js & ng serve ",
Why doesn't it run in parallel ? I've used & ...not && ...
update : I think i've found this "run": "start node serverNew.js && start ng serve", ....but it creates two windows shells...
I don't remember much about the Taylor series, but I recall it was quite nice for projecting trends in data
at least at first.. it sort of grows exponentially up or down after a while
@GNi33 yes but I'll use another theorem
if the second derivative function is positive semidefinite, then the function is convex
the second derivative of e^(ax) is a^2 e^(ax)
a^2 is a positive real number, and e^(ax) is a positive semidefinite function
so the whole thing is still positive semidefinite
!!giphy boom
she never understands me
that's such a 90s gif too
if 90s gifs had a style, that would be it
sweet, seems like I already forgot most of that stuff again
@Neoares that has to be known, that exp(ax) is a semidefinite function
@KarelG what do you mean?
that I should prove that e^(ax) is a positive semidefinite function?
well, if you get that as a question on an exam, you have to add that exp(ax) is a positive semi-definite function
sure, I added it to the whole demonstration :D
to complete your proof. During exercises, I am allowed to reference to other, previous exercise or to a page in the book
and if it was a definite one, multiplying by a^2 would convert it into a semi-definite
cause a^2 can be 0
but the professor warned us that we have to include these in our exams. Plenty of people where backreferencing by writing literally "as x is proven in exercice 1.2.3, I thereby conclude this proof"
Someone questioned how a student manages to remember the exercise number
he: "if you keep re-using it, you eventually memorize it..."
oh, so you have to prove it, not just mention it?
only during exams yes
but should not be a problem
oh ok
I'll ask him just in case
anyway, going to uni :D
Wanted to buy this course to enhance my JS skills. Should I go about?
thank you for the tips Karel
@BasheerAhmedKharoti Kyle Simpson is a cool guy, and he knows what he's doing.
I can tell you without even looking at the course syllabus that it's going to be good.
@MadaraUchiha Thanks for your opinion..!
Enums arent iterables?
in what language?
uh I did not mean iterables
@KamilSolecki TypeScript?
I meant iterators
and yes TS
Yeah, they're objects
weird that they dont support that
how does TS convert enums?
It's even worse than that, because of the two way mapping, even if you iterate it with for..in or Object.entries(), you get both string keys and number keys
pretty much every other lang does that
@Neil Objects with numeric values
@MadaraUchiha wait really
thats pretty ugly
Foo[Foo["One"] = 0] = "One";
ok ...
seen enough today (I hope)
@KarelG Foo["One"] = 0 returns the 0
So it's a shorthand for Foo["One"] = 0; Foo[0] = "One";
It's like that so that you can get the string key back if you pass the enum back into itself
i.e. Foo[Foo.One] === 'One'
mhm my git shell is broken.
PS C:\dev\projectAfro> git commit --amend
hint: Waiting for your editor to close the file...       0 [main] vim 6896 C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\vim.exe: *** fatal error - cmalloc would have returned NULL
> projectAfro
you growin some hair, bud?
also, double pun
a project from here, named with "aphrodite".
made myself easier :P
@KarelG GitHub suggests reducing the size of the buffer
Also, that's what you get for using Windows. Peasant.
Pea Saint
"cmalloc would have returned NULL" - one of the most convoluted ways of saying "not enough memory"
I appreciate the detail of error messages, but not at the expense of basic understanding
Otherwise I'll just dump out the contents of memory in binary form as my error message and be done with it
Hey. Not very familiar with javascript - just written this routine to add an up or down arrow to a table header when it's clicked to indicate sort direction.
@MattThrower Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
              asc = !asc;

              let sortArrow: string;
              if (asc) {
                  sortArrow = 'â–²';
              } else {
                  sortArrow = 'â–¼';

              for (let entry of element.parentElement.childNodes) {
                  entry.textContent = entry.textContent.replace('â–²', '').replace('â–¼', '');
Can't help a nagging feeling there might be a better way of doing it?
@MattThrower CSS pseudo elements
@MadaraUchiha what sorcery is this?
Lawks, you can even use it to insert raw text. Neat.
So essentially you're suggesting to do the same but apply a psuedo element for the arrow rather than adding or removing the actual arrow characters?
you can use content css style to add the arrow
and then just toggle the class up or down
var isDate = evaluDate.match(/\d\d-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\d\d/gi);
var isDateEmpty = $.isEmptyObject(isDate);
// false
	dateTimeObject = new Date(isDate[0]); // Invali Date in edge browser
	dateString = dateTimeObject.toString();
	if(dateString != "" || typeof dateString != "undefined" || dateString != null){
//something here...
Does edge browser doesn't supports new date function of javascript?
there is a console error on the new Date() function
@CommonMan Log isDate[0]
i m getting result
!!> new Date('01-JAN-18')
its // 01-JAN-18
@Neil null
@Neil - I didn't understand... you wanted me to implement that notion?
@CommonMan no, testing it in chat
This error is only in edge.. unfortunately i don't have edge or windows 10
> dateString
String value representing a date. The string should be in a format recognized by the Date.parse() method (IETF-compliant RFC 2822 timestamps and also a version of ISO8601).
- You wanted me to implement the below,

dateString = dateTimeObject. Date.parse();

instead of,

dateString = dateTimeObject.toString();
@CommonMan No.. I think you should show what's getting passed to the date constructor
is it "01-JAN-18" or "// 01-JAN-18"?
while I debug I get the below,

isDate[0] = "01-JAN-18";

dateTimeObject = new Date(isDate[0]); // Invalid Date in edge browser
@CommonMan That's not a valid date format
!!> new Date('01-JAN-18')
but there are tutorials in w3school
@MadaraUchiha null
@CommonMan w3school is shit
i know
Use a proper, standard timestamp.
!!> new Date('2018-01-01T00:00:00Z')
like any example
@MadaraUchiha "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
just tried it in edge
01-JAN-18 isn't a valid date
JAN-01-18 works interestingly enough
thats what i am getting from the webserivces... let me give you a clear picture
what i trying to do
Well that's certainly an education .. thanks :)
So something like this?
                  asc = !asc;

              for (let entry of element.parentElement.childNodes) {
                  if (entry.classList) {

                  if (entry.classList) {

              if (asc) {
              } else {
@CommonMan Then you need to convert it into a proper format yourself.
@CommonMan ok, well change one. the value from the server should change or you change it client-side
ideally the server simply sends a better format though
This is the input // Sometext zxy1 01-JAN-18 to 30-JUN-18

required output // January 01 2018
OFC I only need to check entry.classList once
I use the above script that i written to get this done...
The guy who is writing the server side code is a shithole... he won't change it... so ideal is ruled out... it supposed to me that I have to change it @Neil
@MattThrower you know there's a toggle method
@CommonMan yep, no getting around it then
@Neil - Shall I do this work around then?
how should i swap 01-Jan-18 to JAN-01-18 using regular expresssion in javascript
@Neil Aha.
Not that helpful though as I need to remove it on all the other table header elements
!!> let dMatch = "01-JAN-18".match(/(\d?\d)-([A-Z]{3})-(\d\d)/i); dMatch[2] + '-' + dMatch[1] + '-' + dMatch[3];
@Neil "JAN-01-18"
@Neil - what does !!> means?
@CommonMan it means, what follows is javascript.. run it
Hi. Does anybody know why my input accepts values like '12abc' ? I want to be validated only by numbers: pastebin.com/HeHB8djd (It works just fine for other types of inputs)
@CommonMan Caprica gave me the result, see?
@MattThrower First time you need to add it. From then on it is just a toggle
Yes @Neil - let me try this too
Good @CapricaSix
!!> /^[0-9]+$/.test('123ac')
@Neil false
@Thewise seems to work for me
no son
found the thing
if desiredQuantity is smaller than count, but followed by letter, it will be saved
if its bigger than no
you probably want that to be an if else
when you validate, the first error should halt validation
@MattThrower there is also a replace.. probably better replace at that point
@neil nope, not working
or maybe how should I right it exactly
That was just a good rule of thumb
Not sure why your regular expression isn't working
Seems to work fine for me
make sure that 123ac is the input arriving to your regular expression
./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng serve -e local correctly assigns environment, but ng serve -e local doesn't. Anyone know why?
Hi guys, what is benefit of using docker? I read some articles but still dont have any idea what is docker
nvm thanks @neil it was some inside behaviour
Is docker make it possible to directly run app in different machine/environment without reinstalling the dependencies?
That seems about right
Erm, kind of.
@hfbachri_ It's essentially somewhere between running all your apps on one OS, and having every app run on its own isolated virtual machine.
In dockers case the kernel is shared. You get the benefit of running isolated environments without all the headache of running many actual virtual machines.
@Neil - could you do a quick review my code if this will work in edge browser good. jsfiddle.net/xc4jz08k
@Neil - is Neil off?
I verified it by myself... thank you all and special thanks do the nerdy @Neil
anyone here in Florida?
I hear they've got a big thing coming today lol
I used to live there. No one cares or listens.
They get snacks and alcohol and get plastered.
hah I believe that
So did Google make anything cool?
All I see is more talking speakers
More Chrome OS nonsense.
Yea.. More tablets, laptops, cell phones, talking speakers. Same old shit lol
At least by the time I'm middle aged all the "I want to talk to my device" geezers will have died
I want it in my eye or in my brain or with my hands with no gloves or all three.
I definitely do not want to interface with my voice. That's hard even for humans.
I'm fine with poking things
I'd rather my devices wait for my explicit input than constantly watch me in case I meant to do some gesture or eye tracking
If you think about it it's all the same.
I mean your mouse is constantly going "WHAT POSITION AM I AT?!?!?!?!"
Not really. Eye tracking vs touch screen is quite fundamentally different
@Allenph It's looking for some extremely limited 2D sensor data
Not le face
Meh. If it was implemented the same way a touch screen or a mouse is I would be fine with it.
If it was its own IOT device and not an input that would be different.
I gotcha
posted on October 09, 2018 by CommitStrip

Hi, I'm new here, I primarily do my work in ReactJS
@YashKaranke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@MoonEater916 stop behaving like my ex xD :P
trying to write it in a way that makes sense
the typing out loud
So in C++ you could define a function with no code, then call the function then define the code later on. Professor called it prototyping but javascript seems define prototyping as something different.
Isn't that an interface?
maybe.. lets look it up
let me find a example...
1 message moved to Trash can
@MoonEater916 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@DavidKamer nope, I dont even own a chromebook
check example 2
Add is declared ahead of time but isnt defined untill at the end of the code.
I would like todo that in javascript
@MoonEater916 Now I get it...
@MoonEater916 Have you tried doing it so?
no... i thought it would be different...
lets try
In theory it should work, but it's javascript so couldn't be sure
getSomething: Observable<any> {} What does <any> mean? It's completely foreign to me that you would need to declare two types for any reason. Isn't Observable enough to tell you what the return type is?
@ShrekOverflow Oooh, very fascinating, thanks!
Experiment's going okay - moving has interrupted it a bit, but I'm slowly getting back on track
@YashKaranke Same. Suh duude
@ex080 I'm obsessed with the idea of putting Linux on this: store.google.com/us/config/…
@DavidKamer ex080 is afk.
@Allenph I don't TS, but it would seem to be you're defining the type that the Observable will respond with
@DavidKamer well fortunately for you, it's already done
@forresthopkinsa DavidKamer is afk.
I know lol
Guys do we agree that we have october now? Which is represented by a "10", so why does the javascript Date object return 9?
0 index'd dude
months are representative data, so you get a 0 index for array mapping
Day otoh is the actual day
so 1 index'd
@rlemon I mean...I guess...that seems weird AF.
Ahh ... facepalm
Of course..
It's just weird that the actual date is not 0 index'd.
Hey guys, I wonder if you know of a quickstart guide/repo of a
server: node, typescript
client: typescript react
@DannySivan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
because 9 isn't a month. it's an index representing a month
just like day of the week is 0 index'd, because it represents something else. 3 isn't a day of the week
but day of the month is just a number
so it represents itself and therefore is actual data
not an index
not saying it's a perfect system, but there is some reasoning behind it
Now that you say it that way, it actually makes sense.
the reasoning is arbitrary though
who says days shouldn't be 0-30? They're clearly directly indexing a month.
@KendallFrey const daysOfTheMonth = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,....]; seems silly?
I get it, if the value returned is not representing a label, use the actual value, if it's a label, you're likely to pass it to something to map it to a human readable value.
day of the month is already that
Just as silly as daysOfWeek = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
but who would represent days of the week like that
const daysOfTheWeek = ['Sun','Mon', ... ]
The same people that use the system for days of month?
@rlemon Cheerz
again, I'm not really defending the choice, just saying there is some resemblance of reasoning behind it
The bad thing about indexing the months that way is that I will have to format my dates like this: ${d.getDate()}/${d.getMonth()+1}
That "1" could easily be forgotten
Yeah, my point is the reasoning is applied to arbitrary and unreasonable assumptions
@coco That is surely a duplicate. In a few mins it will be closed with a question that hopefully answers your question
I haven't written a single line of javascript in like 3 months
It's been C++ and Java for the most part
I am probably super rusty, but we're entering a front-end phase of our project, so we'll see
        url: "try1.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: formData,name:name,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        success: function(data){
It's bits of code like that that make me glad that I haven't written any javascript
been writing mostly coldfusion for the past few months
I'm so sorry
kind of
you probably deserve it
@KevinB Wait what is this
        data: formData,name:name,
Tf is that
it's bad
Are those supposed to have newlines?
Why would you pass name and image1 to $.ajax
Im so lost
it's supposed to be adding additional fields to the form data
but that's now how this works
That is what I thought.... Damn haha
Q: Can't read POST value in PHP from JavaScript AJAX request

robertHow can i call a post value in php from javascript or ajax here is my code HTML <form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="image1" id="image1" class="image-tag"> <label>Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name"> <label>Email</label> <input type...

:44210948 ohh wow, now your account is deleted

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