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I do like being able to use css, html, and js though
@ex080 the only to fix that would not to statitically link chrome
which is a worse idea because then if chrome gets future bugs or fixes a bug everything is worse
I wonder how much of that 111 is chrome
111MB is nothing on my 1TB laptopt
that's the most obvious fix not sure
lol im writing to deploy to an RPI
Also that user asking for help looping his audio didn't accept my answer.
his question was poorly written
I don't think he actually new what he wanted
I spent a good 30 mins reading docs and making the fiddle just to get some rep
the CSS HTML and basic JavaScript questions give me the most rep
if somebody is asking for you to read PIs and do something complex I don't mess with it
also Googlable questions give the most points
idk hopefully he accepts it soon
I might have to hunt for easy asks to get my 31 rep up
asking questiosn then can be upvoted also give you points
Join mathematica.se and ask some good questions
you can get your entire site rep up easily
I got 4k or so on that site easily with out doing much of anything
SO you really need to understand the technology prior to it becoming popular to get points
which means you need to basically predict what will get popular which is annoying
good news once you get I think 200 rep on one site you atumotacially get 100 on the other sites
i'll give it a go
just join what you are interested in
join that site :D
i like math
I like Electrical Engineering
I like JS
i like lamp
again this should clear a file no?
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-62-133 ~]$ > log
-bash: log: Permission denied
1 hour later…
So turns out electron-forge wont pkg for arm7l unless i pkg from my pi
which is lame
because my pi is slow
1 hour later…
Am I the only person who easily gets lost in firebase documentation!!?
@TeddyMcZieuwa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
can someone help w/ clearing nginx log file
i'm unable to clear the file even when using sudo
@AlexBollbach Try sudo truncate -s0 logfile
that worked.
i also noticed sudo bash -c '>log' works
but not sudo > log
why would that be?
Because > is executed by your shell, the sudo command never receives it
my mental model of sudo was that it places you in the context of a super user. and therefore any actions "after" sudo should execute with super user privilege.
sudo is just a normal program that executes argv[1] with arguments argv[2:] as root
But shell redirection happens outside of that
@AlexBollbach I recommend reading a book on Shell :)
> is an artifact in the shell
@copy o/
Consider echo foo > bar: It doesn't pass > to echo. Instead, the shell handles redirecting echo's output to a file
@ShrekOverflow o/
so basically > is a special case
and yes i have to read at least one book on shell. its very confusing i find. and i understand monads
what you want is sudo bash -c "> tmp"
right i mentioned that a few comments up
ah right
seriously. i'd say i have a decent grasp on at least 4 languages. and bash is always .. well makes me want to bash my head
I lol'd at ^
2 hours later…
my monday starts good:
Q: Check string position in jquery

Azaz khanI've a string which has 0 and 1.I want to check in which position 1 is and in which position string has 0. This is My string: "110111110001100000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...

@ShrekOverflow happy birthday. Please wish that you are allowed to get to usa. (yet I'd suggest another country)
Thanks :)
Coincidentally, I came back from the US on Aug 16.
@KarelG what on earth is going on in that question
the answer is completely out of nowhere
"Have you test this?"
@ShrekOverflow without a metal piece in your body? I'd say: you have been lucky man.
@KarelG LOL
where is that coming from ?
they're kinda trigger happy with non-whites 😀
..am I missing some context?
@KarelG well the ones I interact with are pretty nice.
that is kinda a perception though. Those bad events in the news while meeting most of those people personally ends nicely usually
Hi.. good day
Is it possible to detect hardware button press by javascript/jquery GPIO on raspberry pi?
without nodejs
jQuery on a raspberry pi?
@HiDayurieDave And if you're not running node, how are you running JS on your pi?
Sounds like someone mixing up client-side and server-side code, aka "how can I set a PHP variable using jquery" ;)
He could have a browser running on his PI, I guess?
Good Morning ya'boys n girls
@Cerbrus True... but do that many people connect a screen and mouse/keyboard/touchscreen to their Pi?
Anyway, running a browser as root on any device... *shudders*
Happy Birthday @SomeGuy !
(not that running a nodejs webapp as root is much better, but at least it's not a huge piece of software like any modern browser)
Have a great year, what do you have planned out?
@ThiefMaster yeah, also browsers are sandboxed so there's that
We learnt about Cobol and Fortran in c++ class
at least star the right thing pleb
I didn't star it
I did star that however
var currentIndex = j + i.toString();
console.log("currentIndex ", currentIndex, typeof currentIndex);  // 00  string

//html code
onchange='Sample.IsNewContent(this," + currentIndex + ")'

function IsNewContent(selectId, CurrentID) {

//Here CurrentID is 0!
How is this possible
What are you trying to do and what do you think it is doing instead?
I wanted to pass say, 00 (values of j and i respectively
as a string and expect it
" + currentIndex + " this is just a string
the second parameter of that function call is just a string with the text "currentIndex"
but the called function is taking it as an integer
it is not the text
i'd highly suggest you to avoid using inline JS such as onchange="..." at all and instead register event listeners from your javascript code
that way you also don't have to use global variables...
hmm alright but what is the reason it is happening like this overhear?
should pass as a string
you have probably omitted the relevant code
Please provide a MCVE so that one of us could give you the right answer
I posted this question on SO and got instant 4 downvotes
deleted it now :/
@KarelG but currentIndex is string right?
I have not
> Please provide a MCVE
I changed currentIndex = 'Hello'
and now it gives error saying 'Hello' is not defined
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
@Breathing can you link to it anyway? (many users here have enough rep to see deleted questions)
Do not include me in that :P
I posted the same thing so there no difference
sorry KarelG
I think only V is missing
@Breathing Please just give us the link. Maybe we can help you improve your question.
no, I am ashamed and embarrassed enough already :'(
Then we can't help you.
yeah sorry for your time
@ShrekOverflow @BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you!
Any plans for the year?
Hookers and cocaine
is it year of playah?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm moving out in a month-ish, finally
I rented a hooker someday for a friend. Just a cheap stripper for a friend.
I'm thinking about an "experiment" for careers, of sorts
although she got my instructions wrong
@SomeGuy where?
Study one field intensively for say 2 months, take 2 weeks off, repeat until I've broadened my skillset a fair bit
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bangalore. Primarily for better weather, a better balance in life, and the extremely affordable rent
I asked her to disguise as a cop and strip in front of X. When done, just leave away, leaving him "stiff". But she went further because he "has a nice face"
Are you planning to stay in India?
Mumbai's culturally...shit. The only things available outside of working hard are partying hard
(Just curious)
@BenjaminGruenbaum For a while, to save up
one of my purchases where I had a laugh during it
@KarelG Hahahahaha, your friend must have quite liked it
@SomeGuy there's nothing wrong with just living there in general :P I was just wondering since it seemed to make sense for you to do the opposite (a year or two abraod to broaden your horizons)
@SomeGuy you can choose to go to the southern regions now. Maybe Kerala ;)
hey i am reading a date from an excel file and trying to convert it to a given format . so far i am not successfull
here's what i have done
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, that was originally the plan, but I think I'll want to go to Europe for a Master's in a year or two anyway, so I'll have that soon
And I'm probably gonna travel still
@Joseph How are you reading it? Because that doesn't look right.
@KarelG Yeah, Bangalore is much closer (Karnataka). Kerala AFAIK would be much harder for me (it's not as much as a city as I'm used to, and I don't speak any of the local languages)
looking at the moment js official stuff, my case seems to be this one => X 1410715640.579 Unix timestamp
No I mean the excel date
@BenFortune doing this rng.Value2() ..
Because that's not a timestamp
it's a vba script
Y'all have any recommendations for subjects you think everyone ought to study, btw?
5 mins ago, by Some Guy
Study one field intensively for say 2 months, take 2 weeks off, repeat until I've broadened my skillset a fair bit
@SomeGuy heh. I was making some pun because Kerala is experience floodings right now
@BenFortune so it's the format i am getting wrong ?
I'm thinking of things like writing, economics, biology, math, history
you can try biology
there is a huge demand for bio-IT'ers here
Here being Belgium?
Tentatively, I'd like my Master's to be in neuroengineering
I've just never formally studied biology or neuroscience since high-school, so I want to wet my feet before I decide
I think in whole continent
That's perfect :p
because in the city I am working now has 338 open spots for that branch only
whole country, 2314
lots of pharma sectors with emphasis on innovation here :)
I'm a bit worried because I'm not sure I'll ever have a work culture as amazing as we do in just tech
But I guess we'll see
hmm interesting company biscglobal.com
(Was checking some vacancies :P)
eh. importing jQuery as module
Q: how to get `jQuery` as function after ES6 style `import * as jQuery from "./js/jquery.js";`

Roman PokrovskijI'm experimenting with native ES6 modules support in Chrome. jQuery is not es6 module (no export) - I know. Still, trying to understand what does it mean for us. This works without errors: <script type="module"> import * as jQuery from "./js/jquery.js"; </script> And of course jQuer...

* jackie chan what the ... gesture *
@Joseph Whatever value you're getting back in VB is wrong, that number doesn't represent any date
random dates are kinda odd
just random year + month + day if you want to make it simple
@KarelG random year + day [1-365]
Considering the difference in the length of a month...
But then you have leap years...
that is better :P but not sure if vba supports it
only scratched the surface of it someday
1 hour later…
@ArtiMann Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
You know how the Chrome console can print HTML objects with styles and everything? that must mean that there is an object constructor that creates a HTML object, is there a way that I can programmatically convert a string containing HTML into an actual HTML object?
I can't use JQuery
or any library at that
@Cereal herro
@JacobSchneider: Don't randomly ping someone.
I was saying hello, is that wrong now?
@JacobSchneider what's an HTML object? Do you mean a DOM Element?
yes, a HTML tag
element, the thing that's returned when you do document.querySelector('*') that isn't null
So, no, not an HTML tag, but a DOM element
yes, that is what I mean
And you want a console log output like that, from an HTML string?
so that I can work with the HTML elements as though I had selected them through the querySelector method
If you're creating those elements, you can just create them with the dom api
I would preferably not place the elements into the DOM until I have finished processing the HTML
Right. What's being logged are DOM elements. you can't log a DOM element from a HTML string, unless you make the browser turn that into a DOM element...
Which you do by passing the HTML into the DOM.
Okay, so that's that. there's no constructor or anything alike?
is this achievable through an XML interface?
check for DOMParser
@JacobSchneider Yes, take a look at documentFragment and DOMParser.
@BenFortune done
Cheers love
@MadaraUchiha thanks, I'll check that out.
Back, Lads
Anyone know what this guys on about:
stop right there
leave that shit on meta
you have ONE warning
was going to show you a screen shot of comment
@Tobiq: You need to understand one thing: Give us any reason to remove you from the room and we will.
Cerbrus could you reply to my meta comment, thanks
Your comment was quite slanderous
Keep that shit on meta
how clear do I need to be
That went well.
@Tobiq Please keep the meta discussion on meta. If you don't get a reply, just let it go.
We don't want the discussion crossing over to the room.
So, hows everyone been
@Tobiq you're not welcome here :)
I guess we're enforcing a kick-on-sight then.
@MadaraUchiha the thing with shairez is pretty interesting, lmk if you wanna hang and discuss.
Well, it's an interesting idea
I have no idea what you're talking about.
My evening today is full but we can do thursday
If you wanna beer/dinner and talk the test joining idea
I don't know what idea you're referring to. Link in messenger?
Oh, I thought I talked to you about it, it's just a neat idea - we're thinking about writing something that "join"s your unit tests - so if you have tests for A, B and C and have mocks it'll detect mocks that return the same values as real objects, maybe check for side effects with the new chrome tooling and then see if it can automagically join the tests
@MadaraUchiha what do you think?
Haters gonna hate.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm almost certain you did not talk with me about it. But it does sound interesting
@Cerbrus Meh, I did tell him that he would not be immediately trusted.
Well, part of the goddamn was at being ninja'd
He'll have to give it time and dedication if he's serious about regaining the room's users' trust.
Trusted? The code of conduct and welcoming stuff doesn't sit well with accepting abuse.
That is, either the site is enforcing a code of conduct and it's not putting up with abuse, or it's not and it's putting up with abuse - but I can't do both and I'd rather not put up with abuse anyway.
This must be a record though. 16 minutes to get a automated 30-min chat suspension
Why though? He's one person, is he worth excluding 5-10 others? We have some (pretty nice) new users in the last few weeks - discussion here is mostly constructive - isn't huge-volume and mostly interesting.
I don't see "giving people arbitrarily many chances" as a core value of this chat. I'm not going to put my foot down and I'm definitely willing to back down if others feel differently.
he just wants to annoy you all it seems
I'm just baffled at it since it's the opposite of what conflict management training teaches.
On another topic - where would you put your global.d.ts @MadaraUchiha ? We sadly have to introduce one
@BenjaminGruenbaum A types directory directly under /src
Alternatively, /types on the root of the project
IIRC, one of them is defined to be looked at by TypeScript by default
So you don't have to make changes to your tsconfig.json file
Cool, makes sense - it found it anyway (wasn't there) but we want to be on the safe side
@ShrekOverflow dat rasputin
Shared a very plain and unemotional response to the meta post
Ah, the classic "This is SE's fault"
I dig it
I dig it because it's the truth
We are literally required to do this by the site and we are risking our leverege and reputation with Stack Overflow by not enforcing this room being harassment and abuse free.
ugh... This room has some weird connection with MSO..
@SurajRao how so?
Social connection or physical (links etc)?
We're OK with talking about stuff
Third recent meta post directly related to the room ASAIK
Yea, stuff is cool
@SurajRao popularity comes with its own set of issues
What other threads were there recently?
I either missed them, or we have a different definition of "recent"
So i built my first electron app and deployed it to my PI. It works but the cpu usage is at 60% when running lol.
Might have to find ways to optimize
rpi is underpowered
I am not even comfortable running a DE on it
better to just use it as a webserver and serve up a network 'web app'
Ahh ok.
that's just my take.
others claim to have it running with decent performance
but I've never seen it
Thing is i might not always have internet? Can i serve it from a computer local to the PI?
We use electron on 60 or so pi's in our warehouse
@ex080 Absolutely
Apparently the PI can run a terraria server
I don't use a DE, just a simple X server with Electron running in it
@BenFortune what's ur pi setup like?
In warehouse.
why do you need electron tho? ask yourself.
It made it super easy to code my app.
what benefit does electron offer over just hiding the pi in a closet and access mypi.local?
@ex080 Custom case with a pi, 10 inch screen and a barcode scanner
This is a good read
Oh i see @rlemon
POS software doesn't need to be as snappy I guess.
It's a pack house, not POS
Anyone created a snap from electron builder?
Nope, heard it's super easy though
Also do snaps care about arch?
Not really, but you do need snapd installed to run them
Got it
And snapd runs on almost every arch
Yeap I used it to install vlc and docker
I don't think it's too mature yet, but it's pretty good
Hmm just read the meta post concerning Tobiq. To me, you guys have given him too much chances to rehabilitate...
@KarelG: Did you notice he was in here for a moment?
@KarelG there is a debate about that right now.
42 mins ago, by KarelG
he just wants to annoy you all it seems
Ah right
that he = tobiq
Hi all
Hi there.
@KarelG: He's not welcome in the room though.
we are all dead by then when he might have another chance
Well, unless he proves he can be a positive contribution to chat... In a different room.
and I hope he does
the few users who didn't get deleted who trolled here hard core and moved seem to do well in their new room s
zigi went to PHP, and for all I can tell isn't a problem there
and has not returned, he's happier, we're happier. wins all around
Zigi did not reach that problematic level tho
Anybody got experience in Routing per Vue here?
anyways, we will see in the future
Hi @BenjaminGruenbaum, I want to have a constructive conversation
Is it fair that I'm being kicked for things I did months ago? I'm no longer being "abusive"
continuing a conversation we told you to have on Meta is not going to work well for you here
@Tobiq you were not kicked for something in the past, but for what you were posting today
Anybody experience in Routing per Vue?
!!tell MwBakker dontask
just do not ask about your ban anymore. There is a meta thread. Keep it there
If you want a discussion with @BenjaminGruenbaum, open a room with him. This is not the place, @Tobiq.
Well at least it got me an answer
the answer that you should just ask your question, yes.
that's also outlined in the room rules linked in the description
Alright got it
posted on August 20, 2018 by Mathias Bynens

img{max-width:100%;}V8 v6.9 includes Liftoff, a new baseline compiler for WebAssembly. Liftoff is now enabled by default on desktop systems. This article details the motivation to add another compilation tier and describes the implementation and performance of Liftoff. Since WebAssembly launched more than a year ago, adoption on the web has been steadily increasing. Big applications targeting W

is wasm something I have to concern myself about yet?
Not unless you're anal about performance
Or want native apps to run in the browser
both sounds nice. but is it even a viable solution yet is what I'm asking?
looks like everyone but IE supports basic use
@rlemon For what it intends to do, yeah, it's pretty good
Yeah, it's pretty well supported right now
so I can take a node package, compile it down to asm, and run it on the web?
finally, JavaScript on the web.
@rlemon Uh, no, not quite :p
Partly true
still difference between node.js and browser version :P
@rlemon We did have a good time running v86 in the browser, installing Linux on it, and then running Node.js in that
(It doesn't fully work - old versions did work, though, IIRC)

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