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waitForSelector doesn't resolve to the element. it tells you when it is on the DOM. — rlemon 7 secs ago
Have any of you guys launched an express app with a socket.io server using nginx?
you need to await the selector, then if it doesn't throw (I guess) select the element. it isn't "waitForThenSelectSelector"
@DavidKamer yes
@rlemon does just listening on, say, port 5000 on the same server config file work?
in the nginx config file
sites-enabled of course
I mean, it really all depends on how you've got things working right now
I manage it all through node, and just point nginx at my node location
    const app = express();
    const server = http.createServer(app);
    const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({ server });
now, that's using just the ws package. but it should be very similar for socket.io
I'm so impressed by everyone in here.
@forresthopkinsa How do you personally persist things across sessions on your vue apps?
omg I never thought of using nested ternaries as guards
@rlemon so how does your client handle the endpoint your ws is listening on?
new WebSocket('wss://domain.com');
like I can define location /ws but does that mean my websocket should request to that url? example.com/ws
why do websockets need their own path?
they run on their own protocol
const fizzbuzz =
  x => isFactor(x, 15) ? 'fizzbuzz'
     : isFactor(x, 5) ? 'buzz'
     : isFactor(x, 3) ? 'fizz'
     : x
nesting ternaries should get you kicked out of the interview
I usually hate them, but this is an interesting thing
it is pretty much a haskell guard
super readable, right?
@rlemon you're saying they don't need their own port??
@towc What do you call a guard?
In your example, there is nothing I would call a guard
wow, that actually makes sense. I'll give it a try
@LadyBird read up on haskell guards
bmiTell :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
bmiTell bmi
    | bmi <= 18.5 = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"
    | bmi <= 25.0 = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"
    | bmi <= 30.0 = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"
    | otherwise   = "You're a whale, congratulations!"
I can read up on guards all day
I was asking you
the | construct is a guard
@rlemon I get Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::8081
In computer programming, a guard is a boolean expression that must evaluate to true if the program execution is to continue in the branch in question. Regardless of which programming language is used, guard code or a guard clause is a check of integrity preconditions used to avoid errors during execution. A typical example is checking that a reference about to be processed be not null, which avoids null-pointer failures. Other uses include using a boolean field for idempotence (so subsequent calls are nops), as in the dispose pattern. Guard code provides an early exit from a subroutine, and is...
It has nothing to do with haskell
but it looks like a haskell guard
I get it now tho, what you and I call guards are both guards
Either way if a candidate used a triple nested ternary in an interview we would probably guard our codebase from his disgusting habits and interview the next candidate.
If else if else if else if is just fine compared to that lol
well, can you write a fizzbuzz that readable?
that might just be the most readable js fizzbuzz I've ever seen
You're insane
no, really
That's not readable. That's garbage
It's only readable because we all know exactly what it's trying to do before reading it
@DavidKamer idk man, the code I showed you is almost 1:1 with what I'm using
well, if you're not used to haskell maybe
Go ask a newbie how that works.
Nothing to do with haskell. That's trash code in JS.
I disagree
@towc That's fine, you are alone in your opinion
Hey, I was asking a question
or about to
@towc Wtf dude?
Uncalled for.
@ex080 please go ahead with your question
@ex080 nahh man, just ignore towc
I've kicked him for being needlessly rude
@rlemon Are you listening with the socket server seperately?
exactly what I showed you
@ex080 Ignore him. Ask what you wanted to ask.
I did call his nested ternary code trash etc, but I hope it's obvious why I said that. I didn't mean to just lash out needlessly. My bad for stirring this
@DavidKamer why, if I may ask, are you using socket.io?
I found that all I was using was rooms, so I ditched it and went for straight websockets and just implemented my own rooms
haskell is not the most readable language IMO. No idea what is going on though
socket.io was getting in my way by trying to hold my hand
@rlemon Of course they do
You can't listen to HTTP and WS on the same port
you can pass your server to ws, and it does magic
Really? That sounds a bit too magical for my tastes
@rlemon to late. I'm launching today and this is how it has to be. I'm pretty much doing what you're saying, but I'm not screwing around with this anymore. I'm using it for message sessions between users
27 mins ago, by rlemon
    const app = express();
    const server = http.createServer(app);
    const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({ server });
@MadaraUchiha pretty much 1:1 how my app works
@MadaraUchiha http upgrade
Does exist a left mouse click event for buttons?
you can detect which button was clicked
mouseEvent.button iirc
You can send a request with an HTTP_UPGRADE=WEBSOCKET header and it'll do a websocket connection.

No idea how it actually works, that's just hwo I do it
@EnderLook don't count on anything but left and right being there
and even then right doesn't work on mobile
@rlemon Thanks
I recall there being inconsistencies with that api and IE tho
like IE didn't list the same buttons for the number they reported
Sorry, had to take a 5 min break there.
but I can't remember, and it probably isn't relevant anymore
IE11 is ufortunately still sadly relevant
My entire University default browser is IE11
Do I have to have separate err checks on each arrow function or can I do it all at once?
this was like ie9 days
fs.readdir('./datastore', (err, files) => {
    files.forEach(file => {
        fs.readFile(`./datastore/${file}`, {
            encoding: 'utf8'
        }, (err, data) => {
you need to handle the errors on their own
I miss the numbering of browsers
you can promisify the readFile tho and Promise.all them
what do you we say now? I miss the Chrome 37 days?
but that will fail if there is a single error
ok got it thanks
what you have now looks fine, you could have a single function for the handler and not make a few one each loop
but that isn't like a sin or anything. just less work overall
function errorHandler(err, data) { console.error(data) }
// then in the loop
fs.readFile(file, errorHandler);
I see. ok that makes sense
@William I miss Chrome 68. This new theme is atrocious
@LadyBird lol. Did they change the theme. What was it a different color slightly? Like greyish/blue or something
all my stuff is dark themed
You'll see. Completely changed layout etc for multiple accounts, everything is round and the greys that separate tabs etc are barely visible
I don't notice UI changes unless they break that
I liked the blue honestly
This used to be on the top bar
If this has moved you have the new update
it still is on Windows 7
Also notice omni-bar is round af
@William Shouldn't have anything to do with your OS
ohh I'm probably way behind on updates then
@LadyBird it shouldn't but it says up to date and Chrome 68
@William That looks super out of date. What Chrome version is that??
YEah. Chrome 68.
I haven't shut down chrome in like 2 months
2 mins ago, by Lady Bird
@William I miss Chrome 68. This new theme is atrocious
@LadyBird yeah that picture is the old blue like. years ago
Chrome 69 is new UI
@rlemon Yeah that's <= 68
From what I can tell anyway. I could be wrong
:( why don't I get 69 yet
> Google Chrome 64.0.3282.167 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Tabs don't have the same angled view either now
maybe it's time to run some of these queued updates :D
Notice the tabs in your screenie
> Available on both desktop and mobile, this “Material Design refresh” is now scheduled to begin rolling out in September with Chrome 69.
They're like this now. Flatter like other browsers. I'm being nitpicky, but they changed a lot of stuff
wonder how it'll look on linux
@towc I want you to know I am bringing up a vote against you. That's twice now I've seen you be shitty to somebody.
be ready to rewrite your themes lemon :D
this isn't my theme. this is OS theme
@rlemon is that your Chrome theme or just your chat theme?
I don't care if you put you've lost your right with your attitude
That's what I thought.
OS theme
but with that said, there are minor difference I noticed between my laptop and windows PC
I just use Win10
stupid digital photography overlaps with another class section that is the only one open
We don't get the amount of customization out of the box
I even went to the first hour it was going to be so much fun
win10 install uxtheme patechr
I did that back in the Windows xp days
I just use what I'm given. The 2006 days of customizing every aspect of the OS have left me
I just made sure I had a global dark theme
saves my eyes
^ lol yeah you forget unlocked no activation required
I use the eye comfort view on my monitor and it works really well.
@William LOL > Keygen included
insert crazy keygen music
opens keygen, music blares at 900% volume somehow
@LadyBird lol, hated that
lmao it all sounds like old Mega Man X to me
Not that I have ever heard this before in my life.
I wouldn't know what keygens sound like
Any moderator here?
I would. I used to pirate a lot - then I got a job in software and it clicked that if I'm not paying them, they're not making money for their work
it also coincided with me making money
so I could afford software
that made it a lot easier
Lolright that's the thing for me
Once I could buy it I tried to. But when I was 12? What was I gonna do
Statue of limitations anyway
but also that was back in the late 90's early 2000's -- not that it is a valid excuse, but man it was so easy to steal shit back then
software security was a joke
@Royi ask in the metase tavern
I mean I was born in 94 so I am talking about probably 06+
there's no marble statue of limitations in a park somewhere
@TylerH Im gonna google it
@ex080 what do you mean, across sessions
like, sharing data between two different computers connected to the same web app?
I understood it as a session store
@forresthopkinsa like in between uses or launches.
I'm a back-end dev so I do things differently from how you guys probably would
@KevinB, Could you share link?
Thank you.
I just save all important info to a back-end database
and use cookies to manage sessions
aha, I was right
you were lol
@ex080 google "session store + whatever server software"
there is 100% a prebuilt solution
@rlemon Famous last words
@rlemon thanks!
@LadyBird it might not work well 😃 but it'll be there.
inb4 lighttpd
if his setup follows 99% of the express/node tuts, he probably has all session information just in memory
which is probably fine for his project
just needs a solution to save and restore that when spinning up the server
honestly, it's annoying when in dev
I'm using electron rn. I was thinking of using FS to write some JSON to a file and then read it on start and save on quit.
sign in, change something - site hot reloads -- ohh I have to sign in again?
SQLite or H2 is almost certainly enough
SQLite is probably more than enough. tossing it to a file would be bare minimum solution I'd think
what about indexeddb?
depends on the server software, SQLite may be easier than flat file
I'm assume node
yeap node
the sqlite driver for node isn't bad
opinionated backends will actively try to prohibit you from running flat file databases
ohh yea, this isn't a "db" in a traditional sense tho
so flatfile it is?
it's a place to store the session tokens between server reloads
yeah no you're right
@ex080 there are merits for them all. google what I said
you'll be given a lot of info on it
On it now. ill come back with a plan and then tell you guys
heading out to lunch. Let me know what you come up with
@forresthopkinsa I'm not trying to argue per say, just playing devils advocate - I'd probably use a db
then you can tell me if it is a good idea
already have postgres running. may as well use it
hahaha yeah no I getcha, we're on the same page
@Royi seems you've already asked there
for the record, I wrote the thing that got me banned right after hawins used the same words. It was meant as a half-joke that I thought would have been really clear if you read his comment. I would not have done it if ex080 didn't already show confidence in the room
the only argument I think I could accept right now is that other people might take it out of all these contexts, flag it, and use it as an example of how "unwelcoming" room 17 is
and I was about to write an apology to ex080 to make sure he didn't feel threatened or similar, when I received the ban
cc @SterlingArcher
you don't need to accept any arguments, your conduct was out of line. stop being edgy for the sake of it. you know how the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right.
so in react i can let call a direct property but not the object itself?
 <div className="log-entry">
        {this.props.log.color && <span className={"status " + this.props.log.color} />}
        {/* <li>{this.props.log}</li> */}
i gt an error with the this.props.lob
I mean, I know I don't have much of a say in it if the room decides to ban me permanently. It's not my decision
because you're trying to render an object
@towc You and @LadyBird know each other long enough to know what is half-joking and what isn't.
"Hey, I was asking a question
or about to
that will render
you caused somebody to feel as if they couldn't ask a question
they left the freaking room
Thinking that the same applies with a run-of-the-mill user coming in here for the first time to ask a question is naive, and unacceptable.
it is your decision, you are the only influence here
@SterlingArcher that could totally have been a half-joke too. And as mentioned, I was about to make sure he was actually ok, exactly because I realized I might have stepped over the line
well, not my decision to judge me
Yeah he left the room as a half joke.
Sure man
@LadyBird are you running a developer build
@towc You seriously need to learn some tact dude.
it said it should be sent out in september which it is not
It bites you every time.
Your actions caused the room to be unwelcoming, and it will be judged accordingly.
If a CM saw you do that you would have been suspended on the spot, and the room potentially frozen (cc @LadyBird)
^ I agree with Sterling
We're pissed because you're putting the room in jeopardy because you refuse to think about what you say, and who it effects
Why do you think I stopped posting memes, and joking around?
@ChristianMatthew codesandbox.io/s/r0v8rplr1q
on top of that, it's weird that youre trying to render an object as the children of your <ul>
<ul>'s only permissible children are <li>'s
well, I'll tune my perception of confidence of other users down
@ex080 just for my own perception: did you feel threatened by what I said?
No, tune your application of tact
No, you will be welcoming to questions, or you will say absolutely nothing
@SterlingArcher why do you think I'm only on topic now
!!> 7 * 24
@MadaraUchiha 168
chat as a place to 'hang out' died
I think that's enough.
You just don't get it. You screwed up, and you know you screwed up, and you still manage to somehow offload the blame onto the user who you blatantly insulted, and who left the room because he felt that only assholes speak here.
Take a week off, I don't even want to see your text here anymore. Think carefully on what you did and why you're in the wrong here. When you return I expect better.
We all do.
@MadaraUchiha unrelated: it's a joke they only have minute inputs. it wouldn't be hard to take naturalized values
@rlemon Hour, but yeah... The original thought was that chat moves orders of magnitude faster than main, so where main suspensions are measured in days, chat suspensions are measured in hours. It sort of makes sense.
ohh sure, that's the common use case
but to allow "2 days" "1 week" "19 hours" wouldn't be hard
It's also easy to write a script to add inputs for days, it's just that not that many people require me to pull out a calculator.
the db probably already supports it
@rlemon what i am trying to do is take a value from where the parent is and iterate an array.
that's not what you're doing tho
you're rendering the object
and it's still like.. not even clear what you're doing. I think you're still stuck on your old problem. you have a single log but you're conflating it with your array of logs
all i want to do is take an object property which is a growing array of items and iterate that to the <li on the view
that's it
i want to take a value of the object and have it iterate to the dom. so each value has it's own <li structure
lol all i want to do is make the li repeat
codeoasis.com - How are these dotted lines made
A bit stupid my question but, is possible to open a page with an argument? I mean ´window.open(link, "__blank", argument)´, and then in the page read that argument?
across the bottom
Is that a background or something
@EnderLook i mean.. you can set a cookie if it's same domain, or localstorage, or a url param
@KevinB url param? Sounds interesting... I'll look for that, thanks!
Also, I hadn't thought on localstorage, thanks again!
@rlemon why can't i access the object... it's so weird to me.. i can call it directly but not as an object
@ChristianMatthew yea but that's not being reflected in what you've shown all day long
this should be fair no?
{this.props.log.retryUrls.map((log, index) => (
if retryUrls is an array
and you're returning jsx?
let me make 1000% sure
fuckin ninja
So it just an absolute positioned image
@ChristianMatthew again, and probably for the last time today, please show me the parent component and the child component. you're making it very hard to help you when this could have been solved like 4 hours ago.
@Jony Yup
ok here is the parent
gist.github.com/rlemon/899794e08076fcec980724f8af1e20ef just helping (this is the parent component but readable)
import React from 'react';

class LogListItem extends React.Component {

 formatBytes(a,b){if(0==a)return"0 Bytes";var c=1024,d=b||2,e=["Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"],f=Math.floor(Math.log(a)/Math.log(c));return parseFloat((a/Math.pow(c,f)).toFixed(d))+" "+e[f]}

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="log-entry">
        {this.props.log.color && <span className={"status " + this.props.log.color} />}
here is loglistitem
here is log list
loglistitem is where i am having the issu
@KevinB ohhh, I didn't know that the text after "?" on an url was a param. It's impressive!
@ChristianMatthew show me LogList
import React from 'react';
import LogListItem from './LogListItem.js';

class LogList extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="log-list">
      {this.props.logs != null && (
          {this.props.logs.map((log, index) => (
            <li key={log.id}>
              <LogListItem log={log} />

export default LogList;
that is loglist
@ChristianMatthew Uhhh... why do you have minified code in your source code?
What do you mean?
 formatBytes(a,b){if(0==a)return"0 Bytes";var c=1024,d=b||2,e=["Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"],f=Math.floor(Math.log(a)/Math.log(c));return parseFloat((a/Math.pow(c,f)).toFixed(d))+" "+e[f]}
no worries
about that right now
does that even work?
not doing anything with it now
@rlemon Probably, it's clearly Strategically Copy-Pasted from Stack Overflow™️
class LogListItem ... {
  render() { return <LogListItem /> }
that's not mine
this doesn't seem like it would ever work
lol by the way... i dont' do stuff like that
you're creating a circular ref
yea it's not mine
but you're using it
so it is your problem
no i am not... are you referring to the formatbytes?
Oh yeah, it's a recursive component
That wouldn't work
you are using it
inside of the li
@ChristianMatthew The component is attempting to render itself, repeatedly.
yes when called and that part works fine
LogListItem renders a list of LogListItems
that part can't possible work well
There's no way that works.
it will try to render itself in itself.
@rlemon That on itself isn't a problem
But he has no termination condition
i'll show you a screen shot
it works
and again i didn't write this
i am an angular perosn
i dont' approve of react lol but not my choice
im kidding i want to learn react
hmmm. I feel like the react hype have passed a bit, and it's now simply a nice framework, from being absolutely rad. is it just me?
so either that code is doing nothing (which after looking again I assume so) or it's crashing because no end condition

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