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I am going to try emailing john resig
@JBis You can't compare windows and chrome os on the same scale
const results = data.reduce( (arr, item) => {
	const match = data2.find({id} => item.id === id);
	arr.push( Object.assign( item, match ) );
	return arr;
its like comparing JavaScript with Java
probably will work
and see what he thinks about jQuery be a subclassed array
he probably has thought about this hard
Let me check @rlemon, thanks.
@ShrekOverflow I'll stop comparing it when Google stops trying to make it an equivalent.
@JBis Its not, windows is garbage mostly because of legacy and native application support, Chrome OS is nothing like windows it does not have legacy.
You are missing the point htere
Idk about my opinion on Windows. But I know for fact Chrome OS is garbage
The point they are trying to make is that you can do work on Chrome OS.
@LadyBird For most common users its way safer/saner than windows :P
Nothing is safe. Moot point
@ShrekOverflow so is mac OS
doesn't mean it's good.
So is Linux, doesn't mean its good either.
Linux doesn't cater to the non-computer person
I grew up on Ubuntu, from the first days I was allowed to use the computer the only way I was allowed online was through Ubuntu.
I used Mac OS solely professionally for 3+ consecutive years
Chrome OS is worse then Ubuntu
@rlemon macOS. Basically Linux for the average Joe. (Don't yell at me for this comment).
in many ways
@rlemon and yet can be more stably used by a grandma 😃
Mac OS and other simple OS's that take control away from you are great for people who don't use a PC for anything besides personal shit.
I've used Chrome OS plenty
they have a place.
All said and done. Windows 10 takes the cake. Dunno what else to say
@ShrekOverflow more stable than?
@rlemon MacOS has the same amount of control as windows.
@ShrekOverflow Mac holds your hand more than 7
@rlemon Windows 😛(Oboecat's mum has been using Mint for 3 years with almost 0 annoyances)
idk about 10
GUYS. We can all agree Windows is the safest because it comes with Windows Defender.
@ShrekOverflow so one anecdotal story means the entire world has it wrong?
@ShrekOverflow My little sisters (one is 9) use Mint.
my bad dude.
does JavaScritp have plans for dual inheritance like Java
I don't think it's planned
@rlemon Almost no system adminstrator will tell you windows has been stable 😛 for very long.
@LadyBird If you weren't around would she? (You prob got her onto it)
but people have workarounds
@JBis I am not around.
@ShrekOverflow you're trying to argue that Linux is better for old people than Windows.
@William why would you want dual inheritence ?
don't push that goal post
@ShrekOverflow ask java
lets stay here because that is insane.
WIndows is bad for old people its just what there use to.
@rlemon Windows forcing updates on old hardware is insane.
just curious don't really have a use case
@rlemon, but I need to make as many call2(id) calls as there are ids, from the call1() received.. How can I achieve that?
most people just use the browser
@JBis While the answer to this is that my Dad got her onto it. I don't see how a 9 year old would be choosing an OS anyway. What matters is more how they use it :P
until they need to print something
or connect to a new router
or connect a new wireless printer
@JohnSam why do you need that? from the question you just need to merge those two objects.
or move stuff to their phone
@ShrekOverflow Yeah, who wants security? I say disable software updates if a system is old.
Because this is the route {{url}}/data/:id and I can have up to 200 ids.
yea, and .reduce is a loop
All needs to go under one object
@LadyBird Fair enough. All my point was is that usually when someone is using Linux them or someone else is good with tech. I wouldn't expect someone to wakeup one day and be like Windows or Mac? Nah I'll go with Linux.
@LadyBird you don't need to force update windows 10 on someone fine with windows 7.
@JBis Buddy they use Mint lol.... It's as easy as Mac OS
@ShrekOverflow Windows 7 > Windows 10 (In many ways).
Hm, let me check
@ShrekOverflow Oh. That's not real. I know there were some deceptive tactics to get people to update, you had the choice tho kind of
This was when Windows 7 still received support and security updates
lemon I think the best argument is to subclass jQuery from NodeList/Array
It's not an accross the board forced updates to Windows 10 tho and never was.
get Array functions and pass the jQuery NodeList directly into native functions
@LadyBird Yeah but average person doesn't know what it is.
everyone knows what macOS is.
Average person knows what Ubuntu is
@LadyBird No.
Even back in 2006
They may not have ever seen or used it. But they know of it
Your saying if you went to the street and asked the first 10 people if they know what Ubunut is they would say yes?
Ubuntu was on the first laptop I owned because the computer was **** you can't say that for pretty much any other OS
I guess they probably knew more in 2006 since desktop PCs were still in every house.
@William so like $('.foo').add('.bar').toArray().map(element => element.id}??
You had to manually remove ` KB3035583. KB2976978`
in order to not be forced to windows 10 iirc
@JBis All 10? No, that's not how "average person" works
lemon let me work up an example
@ShrekOverflow I was never forced to windows 10
@LadyBird not all 10. I would say 1/10 would know.
I welcomed Win10 with open arms Idk why everyone complains anyway
didn't work for me
by the time it could have, I moved on
@JBis Firstly I'd say 5/10 even use a real computer. Especially if you're asking younger people. Then I would say the majority of those people do know
So if 3/10 randoms say yes I consider that a win.
@LadyBird what you consider younger?
I in high school so may be a little skewed
I live in a university town and I'd expect out of ten randoms, 0 would know what Ubuntu was
@rlemon anecdotal evidence just google it, there are lots of makeuseof.com/tag/microsoft-strikes-not-upgrade-windows-10
Idk there's a weird curve if you look at formal computer usage
also you don't count as an avg. user, you are in the same league of a power user / super user
It goes way way way up for people who today are maybe like 23-35
@ShrekOverflow that doesn't say anything about forced updates.
people bitch (and rightfully) about it auto downloading the update.
it isn't applied
And then it just absolutely flatlines dead for under 23. The majority of <23 year olds I know don't even have access if they needed it to a computer, just tablets and phones
They can barely even type.
@LadyBird 40+ doesn't know unless in that field
@LadyBird Whats your WPM?
@JBis Competent. Been programming 8 hours a day for going on 7 years lol
We don't type real words all day.
@ShrekOverflow again, just reports of them trying to sneak in the upgrade with an update.
and this is again pushing back the goal posts.
you said Linux was better for old people than Windows.
Its more stable if you are using just a browser on old hardware 😛, it wont for example stop booting because windows 10 update doesn't have drivers.
nothing about upgrading forcefully. the UX is more 'let me hold your hand' in windows
@ShrekOverflow there really was one case I know of, where clicking the "X" button to dismiss the update confirmation actually initiated the update. That is the only legit case I have ever heard of and even then, it's deceptive, not technically forced
but okay.
I'm not here to convince you. the usage stats tell the entire story
@rlemon the usage for coolaid also show great statistics
mmkay dude.
@JBis You're welcome to whip yours out and measure it whenever, I am not interested tho
@ShrekOverflow Have you ever actually had any of the unrealistic problems you describe yourself?
All i can say is... when a family member has an issue with windows, i can help them over the phone. On linux, i can't. Maybe that says more about my knowledge of linux than it does windows vs linux, but it's much easier to explain to someone how to open a program and do X than to get them to open a console and type aksdhfukasghabshdfklgasldfhal and then read to me what it says
I have 4 machines running Win10 since the day the updates were available. Never had one single issue.
@LadyBird yes!
@LadyBird K. Compared to others my age I'm fastish. In general I'm not that fast.
Oh wait, I bluescreened playing Assassins Creed Origins, but that's because it's horrible
i regret buying that game
but at least i got it at 50% off
@ShrekOverflow Then you just suck at PCing dude, pretty simple lol
Windows is designed to be easier for the numbskulls (same with MacOS) yet still usable for everyone else. Linux is designed to work, and only barely does that.
and I'm typing this from Linux, as my main PC.
I have no fanboy symptoms here. it is what it is
^ No fanboying here either. I used to bash Windows day and night... Then one day I shut up and started just using things.
Linux can't handle my dual graphics situation properly either. So it's completely unuseable on this laptop
I like mac and windows
Anyone know how to type in JavaScript? Like simulate a keyboard press?
rlemon so I am thinking but I think since the apis are similar enough to jQuery now a days something like this would make sense to me
I like Linux, Mac is meh except for the hardware support and polish, windows is good for gaming. I am typing this from my work macbook.
ALso what you talking about linux not having issues with missing drivers? Anyone try to use real GPUs back in the 8.04 days? You had to buy the card based on your OS.
@SterlingArcher thx
Oh you bought a wifi dongle to use with linux? Too bad, it doesn't work for unspecified reasons
That's because Nvidia is absolute ass
Both AMD and Intel have open source drivers
Please don't ask questions without trying first @JBis
easiest way to get people to stop helping you
@LadyBird oh you bought a wifi dongle for windows? ok install 500 drivers and then restart a couple times.
It would be ideally a NodeList/Array that allowed you to use map/forEach/filter
then you would learn the actual native code APIs
@rlemon, I get this error Unexpected token, expected ,
But then you'd have to expand native prototypes
And everyone would hate you
@LadyBird There were forced updates, it happened in front of my eyes. Twice. The poor machine could barely handle just running the DE, which is why we decided to switch to Mint.
@JBis Just plug it in. Works fine unless you bought some weird exotic dongle
rlemon no subclassed
This part
const match = data2.find({id} => item.id === id);
@JohnSam check for syntax errors. I didn't test it
Yea don't copy code blindly. Research it
@JBis Are you really jumping into this convo while still in high school? Trust me... You've never felt pain like we did
@JBis what year in HS are you
I remember those days
like it was yesterday
You know like, Win7+ and Ubuntu after it moved to Unity
@JohnSam okay, I did put in an error there. but if you break down the code and search MDN for what each part does, you can easily correct that
I can't figure out what the issue is here.. @rlemon
and understand the code at the same time :D
@JohnSam can you explain what the code does?
or do you need me to walk you through it ?
FWIW I must also say that my experience with Windows is limited to XP -> 8, 8.1, 10 pre falls update.
@rlemon, sure
Never had 7 for very long.
7 was better than 8 lol
Unless you owned a touch screen
It breaks down the array and items, and then it should find each id and map it in new Object and convert to Array
@JohnSam do you know how a .reduce loop works?
@JohnSam it loops one of the data arrays, then compares each item with the other data array to find a match. it then takes that match and merges it back with the source item, and pushes that to a new array.
removing the arrow functions and destructuring would probably help you understand it
email john resig
get his opinion
But it still doesn't make each GET request depending on the ids found in the first call.
@LadyBird I do
Want to install Linux on the new Mac? No problem you need.... https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MJ1M2AM/A/usb-c-to-usb-adapter
8 was pretty unstable, 10 was good start, I do like the spaces feature in windows
No joke
@JohnSam I think you might need to work on making your question more clear.
I wish more OSes add that
have any of you windows users tried it ?
because merging two objects based on a single common property is what this is being interpreted as
@William to personal sorry :)
I have already mapped the same, when I have one id. But I have 200s of them...
still doesn't make sense.
Oh and you can't make linux go to sleep
Hm.. sorry for that. :(
or your computer wont turn on again (until force restart)
@JBis have you done this because the newer macs are a pain to get linux running last I tried
oh and you have install all the drivers for the the trackpad and keyboard
@ShrekOverflow Which "spaces' feature
oh and you have install the drivers for blueooth
You mean virtual desktops @ShrekOverflow? That's been on Ubuntu since like 2007 and MacOS just as long.
oh and you need to get the drivers so linux can read and write on an AFPS drive
@LadyBird you can add things to edge tabs
like other apps to edge tabs
@rlemon, so I have one request - call1() gets all the ids and data. Now I need to make as many GET requests in call2(req.body.id)as there are actually ids found in the first - call1() response.
I used to use it heavily, before I discovered the bliss of multiple monitors
To merge it into one big object
@ShrekOverflow Well Im not about to start Edge. So no interest here :P
Yep I did all that for Kali.
Kali..... Man you young
@JohnSam okay I follow you up until you need to make the second call. why? do you have to fetch more data per id? or do you have two lists and need them to be merged?
or can you have two lists to be merged
You want to look cool with hax0r distros, put up Backtrack's logo or something lol
Before it got hip to dual boot Kali
call1(whatever) returns [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3}] and then call2(1) returns the additional information for that object?
@LadyBird wdym. I'm not installing it to oooo look at me I can deauth people. I want to go into cyber security and it comes will many preinstalled good tools.
yea I can read your question
@JohnSam plz format
That;s just an example, sry :)
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@JohnSam Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
also that 'data' is terrible
                "volume:" "2000"
is a syntax error :D
@JBis I was just joking that it dates you. Backtrack became Kali in 2013 but was around since like 06. So it's funny you're having driver issues and such even on the modern stuff
That;s just an example, sry :D
I can't post actual data
but you get the idea
okay, so just answer my question
55 secs ago, by rlemon
call1(whatever) returns [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3}] and then call2(1) returns the additional information for that object?
@LadyBird mocking me I see...
Not mocking anyone but @ShrekOverflow
is there a way to set the style on an object with out jQuery that doesn't involve well camelcasing everything with .style?
now I have the second route, something like: {{url}}/data/:id
and I need to pass each
getting annoying at askdiffernt no one upvotes over there
to get the data on this route
and merge it on one big object
@William you can write directly to a stylesheet
they should add
you can spend an 1 hour writing an awesome answer that works perfectly for a great question and you'll get a solved and upvote by op and thats it
So to answer your question @rlemon, do you have to fetch more data per id? Yes
el.style['border-color'] = 'green';
and lets say I have 200 of them :)
@LadyBird I think Windows 9 was the best
@William and what doesn't work about that?
That's why I wrote
or are you talking about jQuery specifically
objTwo = await call2({id: objFirst.data[i].id}) //gets data
But it only gets the last id
that's how you're doing the loop
naturally since i am in for loop
inb4 var
show the loop
my good well now it does IE used to couldn't
times have changed
async get_data(req) {
        try {
            const objFirst = await call1(); //gets data
            let objTwo = '';

            for (let i = 0; i < objFirst.data.length; i++) {
                objTwo = await call2({id: objFirst.data[i].id}) //gets data
            return objFirst;
        } catch(err) {
            console.log("Error: ", err)
not so smart
to be honest..
@LadyBird I think its the other direction from a PWA
for( const { data: { id } } of objFirst ) {
  const obj = await call2({id});
I am hopeful that someone else will atleast give it a shot 😃
hey I'm new to node.js and electron. I have an app working already but I'm trying to create an install package. I'm using electron-winstaller. I'm not sure where should I put the initial code to create those files. I'm getting an error when I put it in main.js
Let me check if that works..
No dice: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\tmp\build\my-app-64\resources\app\package.json'
this is the error I'm getting
well do you have a package.json?
and does electron have permission to access it?
Why is it looking in /tmp
the builders do funny things
those are just the default values from the readme
I don't have a C:\tmp
should that be the path to my project instead
check permissions.
my bet is they are wrong
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@PerrinPrograms Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@PerrinPrograms where is mp-app-64 folder actually located
resultPromise = electronInstaller.createWindowsInstaller({
  appDirectory: '/tmp/build/my-app-64',
  outputDirectory: '/tmp/build/installer64',
  authors: 'My App Inc.',
  exe: 'myapp.exe'
Oh nvm dude, it's electron. Don't listen to me listen to the lemon
I think I'm not pointing it to the right directory
the appdirectory should be to my root folder where the electron app is
is /tmp even a valid windows directory?
it can be
ENOENT is pretty easy to figure out (in most of the cases)
are there any plans to extend nodelist?
the file isn't there, or you don't have permissions to access it
my app directory is in documents. Like I said, I'm brand new to this world
checking both should be your first step
it's just pointing to a directory that is empty
@William whatever is going to happen is highly likely going to be backward compatible
/doesn't exist. That's my problem. I just copied the default example on the github
@towc nodelist has no functions though
which obviously needs to be modified to point to where my app is
@rlemon should this be inside for loop?
for( const { data: { id } } of objFirst ) {
  const obj = await call2({id});
no, that replaces the for loop
or go back to the for loop
[Symbol.iterator] is not a function
@William oh yeah?
not iterable
okay, I'm stepping back. this is getting tedious
read my code and at least try to understand it before blindly running it
I'm writing code here int he input fast, and trying to give you hints
Will do, thanks for your time.
you should have known to test against objFirst.data
Tested, same thing
if you're looping obj.data in the for loop, I don't see how it could possibly not run in a for..of
not really many
image says not found
great. That's different from "no functions though" though
@William loads for me. Maybe your network
it shows the output of NodeList.prototype
that isn't own properties tho
that doesn't matter. It still has them
backwards compatible with 5 functions is not hard was my point
no functions that its its own is essentially true
@William it's factually not
@LadyBird Lol coded bot to type. got 470 wpm.
are you asking because you're trying to do a thing, or because you're curious about the future of the web?
if you're trying to do a thing, backward compatibility will mean whatever you do will probably be ok
nothing to do with backwards compatibility
if you're curious, then I don't really know
I just think it is funny in 2018
we still have to loop through a nodelist to modify the values
well or forEach
or you let react/vue/angular deal with that
This is the error if I go through data
TypeError: Cannot match against 'undefined' or 'null'.
because you probably didn't stop destructuring
@rlemon changed to the correct directory, now I have this, EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read
towc I have not and probably will not ever answer angular/vue/react questions because I believe they try to be to much
@PerrinPrograms google might be more helpful with a new error message
they are useful
good talk gtg
sorry, I've never built Electron on windows. only Linux
but not for me
cya ltr ppl
gotcha. Thanks
@William then you'll end up keeping complaining
sure, it's not ideal, but most people don't bother because they don't need to deal with it
@towc requiring a library in well the majority of cases seems stupid
but hey
that is where we are
also, ever heard of [...nodeList].map or list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(...))?
you have options that don't need calling someone else's prototype or for loops
and how does that let me modify the dom
you're aware that a nodeList can be live right? any mutating loops on that collection are probably a mistake
@William oh, you mean jQ-like manipulation?
hence why .forEach was the only port
well, I don't know if that was a reason to only port .forEach
but it makes sense

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