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anyways, works kicking me out.
good luck
@rlemon I will make a GIF animation out of it to show the problem
sounds better?
@William why did you think I was trolling :) you didn't answer
oh I pointed to rlemon response
basically what he said coupled with the rep you had
@William What does it have to do with rep? I still think it is fair question just I was assuming I was missing something basic because of the fact that it was working well with CHrome/Firefox combination and not only on CHrome. Hence not the extensive details. And that is not such a bad question anyway you can see I have other 22 questions which are more or less fine. Anyway I decided to make a GIF which shows the problem and show that later.
nothing to do with rep really except I made the same conclusion as rlemon
@William SO yeah I don't think it is such a bad question just I was hoping that I had some basic mistake and the information that was there was enough to spot it.
Because it was my first time with socket.io so I thought I was making some naive mistake like "making many connections from same instance of chrome but from different tabs" etc.
@William I really don't know what conclusion rlemon had. My only takeaway is that yeah it seems the problem isn't so trivial as someone would have spotted the solution, hence I will need to provide more details if I want solution. (e.g. show a GIF which shows the problem etc.).
Don't show a gif
giorgi.m I am not critical
you are fine we are here to help
well those that can anyways
Because instead of getting some help I felt getting some cynical remarks which weren't quite fair IMHO
actually research has shown brains operate at criticality, so you are critical
subcritical is death, supercritical is seizure
cynicality isn't offensive or unfair
Also tbh... Cynical doesn't apply at all here
did you guys see this: stackoverflow.com/conduct
Since when did SO go SJW??
!!giphy face palm
That is the orignal face plam
@LadyBird Haha I made a good gif :)
@ShrekOverflow This is.
@LadyBird can't argue with that.
@LadyBird Is it clearer now? ibb.co/ico05e
what is your code on server side?
It;s cleaer what is hapening now
Still not any closer to being enabled to find out why
Looks like front end code issues. Only backend is posted
where is that posted ?
I see no obvious issues in the BE, it's quite simple
@LadyBird Yes but it is totally clear what is happenning now though
@ShrekOverflow his most recent question
Yep that's much clearer
link? (* on phone)
Q: Strange behavior with socket.io and multiple tabs in chrome

giorgi.mI was just playing with socket.io, I might be missing something basic. a. Below code works, in the sense that if I open two tabs in chrome (to simulate two users), I can: create game in one tab, join game from other, and even send message between two users. b. However, if I say open two more t...

are you kidding me
` games[data.roomName].socket2 = socket;`
@ShrekOverflow much disucssion was already had (altho it didnt go anywhere), you might scroll up a bit before diving in
@ShrekOverflow Why? and chill out it is first time with sockets
@ShrekOverflow That is for each room
I know, I'd just use an array, much easier to do things that way but I'll follow Lady Birds advie.
@giorgi.m how do you handle the room created event on the client ?
If I were to do this
var v = {
  set: function(obj, prop, value) {
    return true;
    return obj;

NodeList.prototype = new Proxy({}, v);
is there a way to get the this essentially NodeList in this case
@LadyBird have you already suggested looking for frames in the network debugger or already estabilished data reaches client?
@ShrekOverflow Not much when I get INIT_GAME just set some stafus flag
@ShrekOverflow We got no where whatsoever
e.g. client this.socket.on("INIT_GAME", (data)=>{
this.socket.on("MSG", (data)=>{
history: this.state.history.concat(data.msg)
@giorgi.m Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@giorgi.m I don't know how your code is written, without looking hte full thing its going to be hard for us to help (which has been re-iterated) time and over. However, you can check what data your client receives exactly either by logging all events and checking what happens. That is the best advice I can give you. Sorry.
@LadyBird You got nowhere because you thought hardcoding the two sockets connections was the problem when it wasn't. I really don't want to argue with anyone here, but this LadyBirds comments seem a bit weird form time to time.
FWIW giorgi, socket.io already has room support. I think thats what he meant.
@ShrekOverflow Basically that is all my client code check it above
Yeah next time I can post full client code + GIF animation
and i am guessing that you don't get the console.log for Data ?
@ShrekOverflow didn't check that
@giorgi.m Buddy, nobody is arguing. Btw, did you notice how SHrek also thought the issue could've been where I did?
well then check that
Note, that is valuable information. This shows you how the question is being perceived
@LadyBird its a call for disaster. There is no argument about that,
If I were you I'd just open the devtools and, like, debug it
And then say when things don't do what you expected
You can do that by right clicking and "Inspect Element"
then switching to "Console" Tab
@ShrekOverflow I will but didn't think it made sense because of the behavior-basically server logs that client 1 and 2 were disconnected....
as soon as 3rd and 4th tabs were opened
@giorgi.m Now that is key information.
Exactly what I said
@ShrekOverflow as soon as I open 3rd and 4th tabs and create a room from 3rd tab, the console from tab 1 says "WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=0Xy4tGnTUMs6tfQXAA‌​CA' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established."
hey giorgi
do you have live reloading by chance? or browsersync or something like that running?
@ShrekOverflow Hot reloading?
it is create-react-app
i think i have live reloading aka hot reloading
i wonder if your server is re-starting because of a crash
say, try this, add a try { } catch (e) { } block to your code and log for errors on server too. Lets see where this breaks exactly.
@ShrekOverflow Aaahh hot reloading? You know I even observed when I opened 3rd and 4th tab... then suddenly server was logging like more (more than existing 4) connections were incoming, despite I wasn't making them
@ShrekOverflow You know I will not take much of your time anymore, I will check if there are exceptions on server, and then maybe later ask a new question with full client code + the GIF
Just check the exceptions on server, it will give you a lot more information.
@LadyBird you happy with this outcome?
Bruh I gave up on that
I'm finishing a task for work
@ShrekOverflow Strange no exceptions on server , checked it with below code
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
    console.error((new Date).toUTCString() + ' uncaughtException:', err.message)
@giorgi.m add an alert("foo"); at start logic of your app on client
@ShrekOverflow added but why would that help
@giorgi.m I want to see if your app reloads.
One more thing you can try is opening 4 tabs out of the box
join rooms
check if that breaks it
@ShrekOverflow ohh nice, came home and I'm having your issue
I miss my cache :(
@rlemon empty cache and hard-reload
I did
but you'll need to open an image
first, for that to work
thats how i fixed it, goto the image directly then do that
its still not fully fixed , oh and yeah i also nuked cookies
ohh weird. it's http thing I guess.
their 301 is borked?
Proxy doesn't do what I want :(
now Williams is moving
when did gifs get supported. that's super obnoxious
my avatar is moving?
it shouldn't
it wasn't a gif I don't think
Does babel polyfill do startsWith
Anyone know?
No support in IE
screw IE
I found this in the code
return (new RegExp(`^${filterInput}`, 'i')).test(option.label);
i'm not getting any visible avatars, they're all broken image icons
Guess what happens when user enters "\" or similar
okay not all
took a video with my phone
i.stack.imgur.com redirected you too many times.
@ShrekOverflow It breaks as soon as I open 3rd tab and click create.
that is insane
you must have taken the red pill
@ShrekOverflow I fix it you won't believe
rlemon maybe its because imgur has been having problems so its the fallback
yea I just hard reloaded and they're all gone :(
that's funny I wonder where I uploaded the gif
such that it did that
glad I got proof before I reloaded
gravatar maybe
Guys I fixed it will post for your information. I was using react app with node backed. Per recommendation from here: medium.com/@dceddia/…, I was using proxy to forward request for non static assets to server. Now in client code I just had this.socket = io() --> It used probably default 3000 port and proxy would forward data to nodejs.
But once I changed on client side and did: this.socket = io("http://localhost:3001")-> Use nodejs port directly
it works now
strange hu?
yes strange
@William Like as soon as I opened that 3rd tab and clicked "create" the first tab was still attempting connection to 3000 port.. and I thought proxy wasn't working anymore
@ShrekOverflow did you see I fixed it
@ShrekOverflow Yeah but it was more like a random try I still don't know why that proxy was screwing up things
@rlemon you can check the gif I made ;) (ibb.co/ico05e) -- but it is not relevant anymore, it seems I fixed the problem.
ok thanks for those who attempted help.
all the people with broken avatars
ahh yeah ricks is blank
you should have saved the url of my avatar lemon
it never changed
maybe we could have figured out what was going on
that is even weirder
I kept trying to refresh the images locally. they were all mostly i.stack.imgur
yeah I get "Image not found"
yeah, imgur has some kind of redirect problem atm
wrong paste :D
gravatar still works
@ShrekOverflow codepen.io/rlemon/pen/pjnzD I bet you with some work I could make this pure css
it would be a lot of css tho
Haha thats neat!
Oboecat is making a sea game, she is currently doing the FOV / Fog of War, she is using RayCast on the heightmap, any suggestions ?
Anyone have a one plus
Considering it apparently better then the pixel
@William nope.
@ShrekOverflow I'm so confused... I did this: auth0.github.io/node-auth0/… but it seems I don't need to include my client_secret? I thought that was a fairly major part (and failing) of the resource owner password grant?
You have validate token endpoint set to none
probably called Token Endpoint Authentication Method
lemme check
yeah, i can't change that for the SPA type of application right?
otherwise i could just do client credentials
i will paste code
const auth0 = require('auth0');

const { AuthenticationClient } = auth0;
const client = new AuthenticationClient({
  domain: 'crimsondev.au.auth0.com',
  client_id: 'aHqH08bnr138BBOdsQv8nMyZUGiDXvWM',
  // client_secret: 'not needed',

const data = {
  client_id: 'aHqH08bnr138BBOdsQv8nMyZUGiDXvWM', // Optional field.
  username: '[email protected]',
  password: 'hunter2',
  scope: 'openid', // Optional field.

client.oauth.passwordGrant(data, (err, userData) => {
If i run that on the server I get an access token for that +sf1 user
which is what I want...
who around here helped make youmightnotneedjquery.com
but I don't understand how it works
I swear somebody did
someone had their own github version
and maybe contributed on github
found it thanks
yeah ndugger
may he rip in peace
that is what I remember

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