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it seems like emacs users end up spending a lot of time writing plugins to make it function more like vim...
if everyone could agree on naming conventions, import would become obsolete
Is water wet?
define "wet". ;)
> covered or saturated with water or another liquid.
> is water covered or saturated with water or another liquid?
Yes, that's what I asked. 😉
Joe Friend on June 21, 2018

Back in late Spring, we posted “Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change.” We know it’s all too common for companies to announce they really want to do a thing, and then… not much happens. So, it is time to share the work we’ve been doing behind the scenes and how our team of data scientists, developers, long term community managers, and UX specialists will continue iterating on our plans for the future.

This new workflow should help new askers craft questions more successfully with less stress. Each step gathers specific input that’s generally needed to help answerers. …

> shut down the problematic room 17
@KevinB does he know what "thing" means?
With React, is all this really necessary? tutorialspoint.com/reactjs/reactjs_environment_setup.htm Because I can't get it to work. Another tutoral just had me import stuff from unpkg.com medium.freecodecamp.org/…
well, no, of course not
> Our users have always been really great at flagging and removing outright abusive comments, but we’ve long struggled to deal with (or even define clearly) lower-key unpleasantness: condescension, snark, dismissiveness. We just finished our first step to change that: 57 employees provided 13,742 ratings of “fine,” “unwelcoming or snarky,” or “abusive,” on random comments on SO, and we’ll be sharing the initial results and our next steps in a separate post.
you can use it like jquery if you want
if you want to just get started, npm i -g create-react-app && create-react-app
or even, learn it through codepen/jsfiddle
i mean... I don't see how any of those things do anything to help with making the site more welcoming... the site is already welcoming, it's the people they have a problem with, and no amount of comment flagging or question wizards is going to help with that.
@Shmiddty I don't think they're referring to chat
eh, if people who have no idea how SO works get guided through asking a good question, then they're more likely to ask a real question and then get real answers
@KevinB those changes look pretty good actually
i agree
@forresthopkinsa that
yeah I think the question wizard is long overdue and a welcome change
People have been asking for this for a long time, cc @MadaraUchiha
You mean less of this?
@Hypersapien Try codesandbox.io
The wizard is nice, but it's not going to help people who don't know what their problem is and don't know how to figure out what their problem is, it's not going to teach, it's not going to give the user what they need, and allowing the question to be posted won't give them what they need either
but that's not 100% of situations
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yup, very long.
There will always be those people, and slamming dev effort at people who will never make the change is pointless
no one thing will be 100% of situations
@littlepootis so shiny
This is a great step to those who are trying
right, so you do what you can to accommodate a fraction of situations
Sure, but claiming it is going to make the site more welcoming? i mean.. cmon... it's not.
Yeah, it looks like something towc would make.
Absolutely not
@KevinB it might deter them from posting though
I've been here 7 years and the welcoming to unwelcoming ratio is huge
I'd be less likely to downvote a garbage question if they gave the level of detail that the wizard encourages
@Shmiddty that sounds like a big number.. but I'd love a percentage
I don't expect them to ever fix chat, considering such a small portion of the community uses it
if they can answer all of the questions that the wizard asks, then that means they've at least tried
@Loktar percentage of what?
Are they saying 13k instances
> 57 employees provided 13,742 ratings
not sure what they mean by 13k "ratings"
Did they factor in bias?
yeah wtf does that mean?
I don't know how they'd do that @SterlingArcher
when an employee rates a comment/post, that would be a rating
ok, so then how many comments are there total
idk but SO employees are pretty obviously left swaying people (for the most part)
in ol' Zuck's words: we don't generally ask our employees their political preferences as part of the interview process
and what percentage would be "bad" is what I'd want to know when said and done
so they rated between 241 and 13742 comments/posts
And the differences there make it so things that seem unwelcoming to them personally are biased in my eyes
Most of the world is left swaying.
if they just picked some random comments, then not really sure what that even accomplishes
@littlepootis you'd be surprised actually
but afk
> We chose a small percentage of millions of comments and rated them, you'd be surprised at our results
lunch time
@Loktar sounds like a clickbait title
lol yeah
!!s/know/care/ 43002495
@Shmiddty The wizard is nice, but it's not going to help people who don't care what their problem is and don't know how to figure out what their problem is, it's not going to teach, it's not going to give the user what they need, and allowing the question to be posted won't give them what they need either (source)
oops, forgot the g
those people just need legos
perhaps we should build legos for them
Hi, guyz i am having bit of a trouble with a a react native function is it ok to ask here?
@user7747472 of course
okay.I will share the code first then i ll share the problem
If the code is too long, paste it in a gist and link it.
@littlepootis no
anyone remembers someone posting code like?
`if (aboutToCrashIntoEachOther())`
` dont();`
looks very familiar
@Wietlol that's good code
perfect 5/7
that was from the drone thing
but it was funny
doSomething() or die()
Here is the code, the problem is i am trying to add data to an object but its not adding
some stupid media article about "brilliant programmers" using "algorithms" to stop racing drones or something from running into each other
You can see in the line 10
 AsyncStorage.getItem('CART').then((data) => {
            if (data !== null){

                let productData= JSON.parse(data);
                let isCheck = this.checkIfExist(product.rowId);
                if (this.checkIfExist(product.rowId)){
                    productData[product.rowId].qty += product.qty;
                    //PROBLEM IS HERE
There. it is
where is product defined?
product is an object of product data.
that isn't the question I asked
let product  = {
  name:"3 Roses Tea",
that is how the response of the product is.
what does this mean in an arrow function?
@Shmiddty, sorry i didnt get you
When using Ionic, I have a TabsPage with 4 tabs, for example PlayerPage. Now the url when using lazy loading is /tabs/players. How can I remove the tabs in the url? Should I make it an component or a page, to start with?
@user7747472 what didn't you understand?
@Shmiddty This one, what you mean arrow function ? you asking about fat arrow ??
it's sometimes called fat arrow, yes. What does this mean in that context/scope?
@Loktar mmm she thickk
and it points to your explanation :p
No, that is an arrow function, that is just variable that i am getting , which i want to store to the existing data of the asynchstorage
@user7747472 sure, this is a variable. What does it reference?
not really, i have no clue wht u mean by "reference" though
is there a place where you might find out what that word means?
donde esta la biblioteca?
static addToCart(id,name,qty,price,discount=0,tax=0,options={}){
        let product={
 AsyncStorage.getItem('CART').then((data) => {
            if (data !== null){

                let productData= JSON.parse(data);
                let isCheck = this.checkIfExist(product.rowId);
                if (this.checkIfExist(product.rowId)){
This is full script
now i have no idea wht is the reference you mentioned :3
@user7747472 no it isn't. :)
@Shmiddty , what is not ? You talking about checkIfExist and rowid ?
This one says you can use dot notation or square bracket notation to add new value to an object in JS, but i do not understand why it is not working in this snippet.
@user7747472 I'm being semantically pedantic. This clearly isn't the "full script". That's fine, you don't have to post the full script, but you'll need to be able to explain the problem to us.
I am trying to check if a product with rowid exist or not. If it doesnot exist then add the product along with previous data, that is there in the localstorage. That is my objective
Now about the problem ,When i am checking if the product is exist it returns me false, which is correct, So what i am doing is getting all the data from the asynchstore and parsing to object and trying to add new product to that object so that i can store new data back to the localstore
But what is happening is, the new data object is not being added to the old data object
Can you explain to me, step-by-step what the code you've posted does?
repost it with a comment on each line stating what that line does :)
okay i will upload in JSfiddle is that ok ??
whatever works for you
be more specific
Hi please have a look. I added comments on each line
//Check if the data exist or not
            if (data !== null){
is that what that does?
if not data then it comes null. if there is data then data comes
so it will never be undefined?
that can happen too
No that will not happen
you seem to be unsure
becase either it will give null or if that does not exist then it will give error
what can cause an error?
I am looking for something in the storage which does not exist that will return error
   //Calling asyncStorage function
 AsyncStorage.getItem('CART').then((data) => {
could you elaborate on that?
you're calling a function, right... but that doesn't mean much
AsyncStorage is react native function
shall we look at the documentation for AsyncStorage?
where do we find that?
Does the documentation specify what (getItem) will (resolve to) if the key is not found in the store?
Check the fetch data example
That's not the question I asked
That is what happening right. You asked if the data is not found by getItem what will happen right?
try {
  const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('@MySuperStore:key');
  if (value !== null){
    // We have data!!
} catch (error) {
  // Error retrieving data
This is the example by them,
That is the example. What does the specification say?
It does not seems like i am having issue in getting records . The problem i m facing is the update records
Hey everyone I wasnt sure where to post this on the site but recently my friend used Hostinger and upon creating an empty site I noticed some JS injected in the head. does anyone have any idea what it does? gist.github.com/crimson-med/8d0ebda65cd98b4611d42bf7e973a882
Um, looks like an Ethereum miner.
Not surprised hahaa
> some JS

11,000 lines
masterful obfuscation
@littlepootis What makes it look like an Ethereum miner to you?
> web3 will be deprecated in the near future in favor of the ethereumProvider
And you don't think that's a red herring?
i mean, besides the fact that it's a hosting service i've never heard of, and that there's thousands of such services popping up serving "free" hosting that inject miners, it's not a far fetched guess
Can a RO update the title to something like "We'll answer your questions if you answer ours."
Sorry, that's not welcoming enough
Ah, I see
room topic changed to JavaScript: Dont Answer Shmiddty's Questions: Topic: JavaScript, ECMAScript. Read this: javascriptroom.github.io/rules. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | devdocs.io Documentation™ Helps. Room meta discussions: github.com/JavaScriptRoom/culture. How to format code in chat: sopython.com/wiki/… [ecmascript] [ecmascript-6] [javascript] [nodejs]
@Shmiddty the phrase "eth" and "ether" appear like 200 times in the code (a lot of false positives but still)
The funny guy is here!
@TylerH I'm not saying it's not an eth miner. I'm not interested enough to try and parse the whole thing
@TylerH maybe it was writteneth by shakespeare
maybe it's an eth miner detector
hard to say for sure without running it
@KendallFrey I forgot he was so big into Ethereum. In school they only ever teach us about his Monero mining efforts these days.
Q: What is the purpose of the <html> element?

Nikhil SDoesn't the file type already let the browser know that the document is an html document. MDN mentions that it is the root element, so is using it just a formality?

how did that get 4 votes
@Shmiddty do not have access to that — Aaron Henry 15 mins ago
I don't get it
context is important
I'm getting my SO into programming
so she can share our burden of daily frustration
it's funny to see the way non-programmers think
she was trying to understand why her function wasn't working
def shut_down(s):
  if "yes":
    return "Shutting down"
  elif "no":
    return "Shutdown aborted"
    return "Sorry"
1 hour later…
I'm truly feeling the Peter Griffin CSS meme right now
@forresthopkinsa This always end up in frustration for me. Haha.
Because I don't think she actually wants to.
last time I tried, it wasn't worth the frustration for her
this time around, I think she's making it over the hump
Anyone here to suggest an idea on TinyMCE editor. Trying to add a custom toolbar - stackoverflow.com/questions/50975854/…
my suggested idea is don't use it
Not to use TinyMCE?
yeah it's difficult to work with
once you try to do any sort of customizations
but I have no alternatives to suggest unfortunately, so am of no help :/
OK. Any other editor that I can customize.
Specially JavaScript or anything else if possible?
I don't recommend WYSIWIGs that hang out in the weird middle ground between pre-themed sites and fully-written ones
OK. I do think so @forresthopkinsa. But was a requirement and trying in any way.
yeah... WYSIWYG editors are Great for very simple applications where you don't really mind font sizes/colors/styles/families being randomly mangled in the resulting page
but for anything more professional... you'd have to do a lot of work to get it to be uniformly formatted at the end, or do all of the editing yourself
(which is what we do unfortunately)
we don't use a WYSIWYG editor, but all we have is a textarea, so if we want links, or images, special formatting, it's just plain html
Vue is changing my life right now
That sounds positive.
I have to agree with Loktar I used TinyMCE before and customizing it was hell
take that back
React was the biggest mistake in the history of mistakes. Maybe ever.
Trust me.
wha, react is way better
I have no idea. I just want to be abrasive.
steel your woolies
holy carpe, it's THE @david
what, you've never heard of david?
he was here 3 days ago
he's here all the time, what's your point?
What is special about this dude?
If you have to ask you don't deserve to know. ;)
why do you do this
I want to require an image in webpack.config.js but it's trying to load it as a JS file, even though I have it set to load images with file-loader
Does it not use the loaders specified in webpack.config.js, but only index.js (and files thereafter)?
uhm, what are you expecting to get when you require the image?
when you require things into a js file you kinda need to get js
are you expecting like an array of bytes or something?
what if you instead got a data-url compatible string
I was expecting the name of the image xP
And for it to be brought into the dist folder
But now that I am reading your question I guess I can kind of see the issue with that
I think I can get the affect I'm looking for by using a JS file as my root template file
I'm struggling lol
Why would module.exports = require('./index.tpl'); work as expected, but module.exports = function() { return require('./index.tpl') } say "Expected html to be a string but got undefined"
i just put my images in a folder and tell it to copy the folder
the browser is smart enough to load the image when it appears on the page
@Alesana the stuff inside the function isn't executed until the function is called
@KevinB That is one way to do it, but I want to use the imagemin plugin xP
@Shmiddty I thought that module.exports was always called?
@KevinB I also want to use images dynamically, referring to them using the variable logo, based off of a different configuration file.
@Shmiddty :B Thanks I suppose I need it
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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