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@towc I think programming languages -> human interaction/interfaces will collide somewhere
it'll just be a new language that is neutral to both
@YvetteColomb would you mind providing some clarity on your message? Reading the transcript I don't see any relevance to the conversation, so if something happened we would (ROs) like to log it in our incident handbook.
@SterlingArcher maybe a very late response to complaining about random flags yesterday
@KendallFrey btw her laptop lasts ~10 hours on linux
and ~2h on windows
with the same number of Google Chrome tabs :P
as in battery?
Solution: run plugged in
Hahaha :D
that's how I do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@KendallFrey I think it might have something to do with the 960 M inside it
linux doesn't use it, or...?
better / more manual power management :P
with windows as soon as you open chrome it goes to the 960
same on my mac 😒 (it forces the DGPU)
the best OS for battery life is no OS :)
Nice eyes @Loktar
@SterlingArcher it was a response to detailed flagging and went through an extended thread of discussion deleting all swearing and insults.There were a lot of deleted comments, too many to sift through to find links.
@ShrekOverflow you could set chrome to use the integrated graphics in the nvidia control panel in windows
@Cereal or I can not use windows.
I do find the state of nvidia gfx on linux sad though
I wanted to troll her though, thought of installing Android X86 :3, but then realized she now has a system that I can't break into :(
Does iPhone / Android ship with a browser choice in EU ?
@YvetteColomb do you have a timeframe I can sift through? I'd like to see who's responsible for causing a moderator's message to be pinned over 24 hours later
this user has been chat suspended.
@SterlingArcher can you see the history of deleted messages?
If I scroll back in chat time yes. We will handle this
@SterlingArcher I hope you understand it's the mods' job to respond to flags and the room gets flagged in many ways it's brought to our attention. We don't come here looking for trouble, it's the flags that bring us here and we have to respond. The site is tightening up on chat rooms.
@towc the fact that after all the crap this room has been put through, you’d think talking about porn in here was suddenly ok. What the hell.
meh. I think bringing up stuff that happened over 24 hours ago that had no large barring on the room, and even suspending a user over it is a larger issue
towc was talking about a message that's starred by 6 users.
refers to porn right in the side bar
@Loktar that's the lag in the mod queue, some flags will sit in the queue for days or even weeks. So it may not seem relevant to the room, but we still have to investigate.
Did all mods take a break for a day or so?
erm, we have hundreds of flags per day.
I handled 5.7k flags for this month so far.
So a broken flag system backed up with a backlog of more flags? That doesn’t sound good.
eh whats worse is the chat is already dead
and this just makes it... deader
even whilst watching our p's and q's for the most part people are getting smacked down, contributing users due to anonymous flags.
I'm sure anyone with access to the chat stats sees a pretty significant decline in the last month
after 7 years of being in the chats I've never seen it this way myself.
2 hours later…
what starred message?
err, pinned.
guess i just can’t see pinned in mobile
no there's no pinned message atm
The message was unpinned
wait, someone started all this recourse over talking about porn, like we are blaming this person for porn existing in the world?
yeah im done with SO, im not going to sit here every day for this kind of stuff. If anyone who cared about my existence wants to get into contact with me, i believe you can still email me if you @ me
@Ikari <3
One of my favourite albums
Is the discord channel still active?
@YvetteColomb so, it's not that I don't appreciate your help - but given there are mods that are in the room already and have more context I would have expected you to consult with them before taking action. I am not questioning your actions - I'm just pointing out that when punishment comes from a fellow community member rather than a drive-by it's generally received a lot better.
As a side note, I warmly recommend Stack Overflow consider doing a conflict management training course and some community management courses. There is actual training for dealing with these things in a way that de-escalates the situation.
If you would like - I can connect you to the company that does these courses for communities I moderate - cc @@Shog9
It sort of feels like you folks are "winging it" and it's coming off as very well intending but very aggressive and adversarial at times needlessly. You are giving users very few opportunities to be better and self moderate before taking direct action and punishing them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what makes you think the mods don't consult each other? Also flags are flags. If the room keeps getting flagged, then you can expect mod attention. That's not the mod's fault. It doesn't matter which mod handles the flags, we all agree. And you may find I issue softer penalties than other mods.
@YvetteColomb I'm not asking for softer penalties, I'm asking for clearer communication and single transparent standards - community managers get to come here and say "fuck" and have always expressed expletives are fine. If there is a policy change or something is considered offensive I'd expect that fact to be clearly communicated.
Moreover, I'd expect the user to be approached in private and offered a chance to correct themselves. The goal in dealing with these sort of conflicts is to de-escalate them and clean them up and not "do justice".
I'm not telling you how to do your job and again, I do appreciate your help - I'm just pointing out that from a member of the community's point of view.
I'm also not criticising you - this isn't your fault it's the management's for not offering clearer guidelines and actual training and you're doing your best given your tools. I appreciate that, I just think Stack Overflow are handling themselves in a way that is very emotionally draining and burning to both them and the moderation staff which is a shame. This doesn't have to be adversarial - Nick isn't a troll and I believe in this case a conversation would have worked a lot better.
Especially since (surprise surprise) - we all have exactly the same goals of having a friendlier and more constructive community.
Also, sorry if I'm coming off as aggressive myself - I am just trying to figure out how to avoid these sort of conversations in the future and for you to come here on a more positive note rather than a more negative one. This must be frustrating to you since you're dealing with a complaint from the community and the community is in turn complaining about it :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm defensive, as the last time I was in here it was met with sarcasm.
Yeh I agree, if the CM are swearing then I have no idea what the standards are
ONe thing is people shouldn't be hassling people for flagging. It's going to happen
@YvetteColomb well - the hard part about moderation is the humans. What I'm saying is that by banning Nick rather than using it as a teaching moment you are not reinforcing the behaviour you want to see. I'd like this room to be a safe and friendly environment. Of Nick's messages the only one that sticks out as offensive to me is:
> Please stop flagging things that aren't offensive. Seek therapy if you're so fragile that you can't handle casual conversation.
It's worth mentioning there is a lot of context around that - Nick has been getting help himself and has been open about that and that has been discussed in the room as people have been discussing their struggling with issues.
@BenjaminGruenbaum same. I am happy to talk to people. The issue is, the reception and experience of the room.
Out of context it appears like he was calling people who want the room to be friendlier fragile and questioned their mental sanity which is pretty awful - but in his particular case I'm not sure that was the case.
Especially sine he followed it with:
> what's offensive is entirely subjective. If you are not comfortable with a topic, you are more than welcome to bring it up. In this god awful climate, we've been more than willing to squash conversations for the sake of others. Instead of speaking up, they abuse the flag system.
Mostly - You shouldn't have to feel attacked whenever you come to help address a complaint in the community.
I can't see deleted messages - sorry
> (deleted by Feeds) @Mosho please don’t bait her; she’s one of the self proclaimed flag police. We don’t need the drama
Thanks, that is both offensive and very unfortunate.
this was the last time I came into the room for flags
which followed with this meta.stackexchange.com/a/309830/310756 and much discussion
I honestly feel like members of a chat room see a mod (who's not a regular) as intrusive and unfair
it makes it difficult to discuss things
I think a good take away would be to address the trust issues a lot more directly.
Here is my own answer on that by the way - meta.stackexchange.com/a/309646/210016
Some members of this room feel like they are being demonised and portrayed negatively - we've had several "non regular" mods here we've interacted positively here in the past. Namely Minitech (or whatever Ry is calling himself now), BoltClock, TheifMaster, JonClements and a bunch of others.
To be fair - that's not really a fair comparison since those mods lurked around rather than took action most of the time and didn't actually attempt to enforce anything.
Hey y'all. Anyone available for some debugging lol?
I'm really new to react and typescript and I really don't understand what to do lol.
I'm just trying to create a bootstrap navbar from their example but I keep getting: Value must be set for boolean attributes
in my menuItem.
I guess - people in this room feel like this should be a conversation - that the community should be given a chance to self-moderate or correct when something is deemed offensive. I don't think @ndugger's message here is acceptable at all and it's communing from Nick being a poor communicator and being frustrated.
@sockevalley where are you stuck?
@sockevalley That sounds like a lint error
@BenjaminGruenbaum honestly, I am the type to try to converse, but didn't think I could, based on previous experience.
somewhere you have something like <Foo bar /> where bar is a boolean prop, and you have a linting rule that says you must specify bar={true} or bar={false} explicitly.
BUT I will not come back into this room or handle flags associated with this room. I will leave it to other mods and the community.
@MadaraUchiha Very possible! Check the code out if you could find some errors perhaps?
@YvetteColomb I understand why that sort of interaction is very frustrating and I'm trying to figure out how to avoid this in the future.
@BenjaminGruenbaum honestly, there's so many flags I can skip these ones.
If I'm not helping, then it's better I don't involve myself
@YvetteColomb I think that's a good idea - you shouldn't have to put up with the stress when there are others that can do this less stressfully. I do recommend you come and hang here from time to time - there are nice people here that interact very well 99% of the time and we could use the guidance for the last 1%.
I'm not sure I even know what's expected from mods anymore. What's acceptable and what I should be doing. So I'll wait until someone tells us.
@YvetteColomb <3 thank you for helping out moderating the site. It's a thankless but important job. I think it's a real shame Stack Overflow doesn't provide its mods with any actual conflict resolution training and clear guidelines. I get why it's very hard for them to do it but still.
Make sure you don't burn out - I get that these interactions (including this one) must be pretty bad for you. Focus on things that make you happier and don't throw yourself under the bus for their indecisiveness.
@MadaraUchiha I got an App.tsx file that imports my NavBar component and puts it between two divs basically. Could there perhaps be some issue with the eventKey={3.1}?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks and you too :)
@sockevalley No, the problem is at line 30 of the example you've given
Also, doesn't your editor tell you exactly where the error is?
Using VSC for the time being. It usually displays errors lol
@BartekBanachewicz congrats! Very happy for you and to hear that
@MadaraUchiha It says something like:

[ts] Property 'class' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>'.

[ts] Property 'class' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement>'.

[ts] Property 'class' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>'.

[ts] Type '{ class: string; }' has no properties in common with type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>, HTMLSpanElement>'.
@sockevalley You're in React, the class attribute is represented by the className prop
To avoid clashes with the class keyword in JavaScript.
@MadaraUchiha Are you saying that I can't write export 'class' NavBar extends?
@sockevalley No, I'm saying that you can't write <div class="foo"> but must instead write <div className="foo">
@MadaraUchiha Well I know that ;P
@sockevalley Those are what the errors mean.
You have class props somewhere.
But again, you should also get line numbers
@MadaraUchiha lol I thought I already got those
@MadaraUchiha Alrigth I seem to have fixed the issue. No clue why it can compile now though.
I removed:
inverse collapseOnSelect attribute from Navbar
divider attribute from MenuItem
and pullRight from Nav.
@MadaraUchiha ty for helping mate, it wasn't given that I should assign each of the attributes to ={true} :/ Lesson learned. Cheers.
@SterlingArcher I don't think I can be blamed for that exchange. If I were, I'd expect Neoares to be called out or suspended. His porn message is still on the starboard for everyone to feel ignited about, maybe someone should clear that
you're a super nice guy, but sometimes I just don't get you
@towc To be honest no one really cares whose fault it was. People just want to avoid this sort of situation in the future.
when I'm more often than not blamed, I care
Neoares has done really little for the room, and been causing more chaos than other things. Maybe it's time room owners gave him a warning?
and again, I was saying that a solution would be to clear the stars on that message. If I saw that action, I would think something is actually being done to solve the issue, rather than calling me out
@towc you are making it very hard to sympathize with you when you write messages like those three.
then don't
but fix the actual problem
The actual problem with what?
which I'm only a minor part of
I did, I actually spoke with Yvette above (read it) and she has expressed frustration and gave us stuff to work on. She also suggested to not moderate this room any more and let mods that are more involved with our culture do it.
Want to know what it took? Just speaking with Yvette as a person and being appreciative of the fact she doesn't have to be here and she doesn't want to get shit for helping out with a site she likes.
yeah, that's fine
but then I'm frustrated with sterling
You shouldn't be part of the problem at all - you should be more receptive and less argumentative of criticism.
@towc Then leave. I'd take @SterlingArcher over you any day in a blink because Sterling has been receptive to criticism and has been working on improving himself. Sterling doesn't care about being right - he just wants this to be fun and constructive rather than argumentative and tiring.
2 hours later…
I think I'l make a canonical off the .catch(err => console.error(err)) bit
stackoverflow.com/questions/50896442/… help and ideas appreciated
Anyone got time to spot what's wrong here? https://pastebin.com/mHLBJsrC
I'm trying to create an interface for a component and making sure the component recevies the correct types. I however get: Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<IUsersProps>'.
Property 'users' is missing in type '{}'.
in App.tsx atm lol.
Oh look holy shit it's Tal Koren - @Ardethian
@Ardethian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
After reading the last few comments, I understand your position much better now about online communities, @ben
@BenjaminGruenbaum :)
@Ardethian Stack Overflow chat has always been a bit dysfunctional but it's also been home. I've been here for quite a while :) Most of the community is pretty healthy most of the time but Stack Overflow has some communication issues we're working through.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can see that and I appreciate it a lot more now. Not just in SO terms but in general; we share more than one community and I get your perspective much better now. I'll try adopting it myself. Thanks :)
cool, feedback on the canonical I just posted also appreciated.
I would change "frowned upon" to "discouraged" or "bad practice"
also, what about the use-case of an async function with just side effects which are optional? (where throwing shouldn't affect the caller)
@Mosho rethrow the error in a setTimeout, probably.
Or explicitly suppress it
Either it's an error or it's not
@Mosho hmm, why do these work better?
Does anyone know how to work with interfaces? :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum subjectively I think they are more appropriate
frowned upon has a negative vibe
probably nitpicking
@BenjaminGruenbaum isn't that explicitly suppressing it though?
@Mosho no, since you're console.erroring it
I'll try discouraged, thanks for the suggestion. Edited.
so it's about specifically console.error?
rather than logging in general
to a log aggregation service, for example
@Mosho correct
How can I make it clearer?
I don't think it's a distinction that helps make the point
the point being not being afraid of swallowed async errors
Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<IUsersProps>'.
Property 'users' is missing in type '{}'.
Whatta hell does that mean? LeGrill? lol
@sockevalley it means what it says
interface IUsersProps {users: any}
can't assign {} to that
Partial<IUsersProps> should work
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, not being afraid and also recognizing the potential damage that pattern can do
@Mosho not sure I understand what you mean there
but if the function returns nothing, it doesn't do any damage
@BenjaminGruenbaum the pattern is a problem for 2 possible reasons
Oh, I'm sure there are very specific cases where there is no harm in it - in fact there are cases where this pattern is useful (think about a function reporting an analytic you might want to wait for) and not wanting to cause an unhandled rejection if it errors.
1) being unnecessary (because errors aren't swallowed)
2) returning undefined when the caller of the function expects something else
The problem is that's not 99.9% of cases I'm seeing this - that's why I waited this long and gathered data before opening it - because there technically is a good reason to sometimes sort of do this.
@Mosho yeah, exactly.
so you want to target that usage
if I make a call to a logging service and that fails, I don't want that error to propagate
but maybe I do want to log it to the console
(I'm saying it's a logging service that failed on purpose, leaving my only option to know what happened console.error)
@Mosho a logging service should never error - it should hold onto that exception and retry with backoff
That is, if your logging service swallows exceptions you're going to have a bad day as that is one of the most terrible things that can happen.
I mean if the call itself failed
for example, I forgot to pay and key got revoked
it's not a good example
what I'm saying is, is console.error absolutely never the right way to handle an error?
@BenjaminGruenbaum "The server returned 500 for the requested resource. Additionally, a 404 error was encountered when trying to find a suitable page to display the error"
even if it never is, I don't think the problem you are addressing has anything to do with it
There's a fundamental flaw with the try/catch and Exception model. You can't choose to continue.
@Mosho When Partial was used it said: Partial is declared but not used.
However by adding optional properties to the interface it was succesful.
If that were the problem, I'd have no problem with not trying inside of functions, then somewhere at the top level doing something like
@sockevalley that's what Partial does, I'm assuming you're talking about relatively recent typescript?
try {
  await magicAsync();
} catch (e) {
  if (isProduction) {
    continue e;
  } else {
    // explode
    throw e;
what does continue e do
1 message moved to Trash can
@sockevalley Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Where continue e is a language level construct that says "rewind the stack back to where e was thrown, and continue from there"
@sockevalley ah, no, it's like ReadOnly
Or something similar to that
not something you declare an interface with
@MadaraUchiha that would still not swallow the error (from your perspective).
you declare your interface, then you can use Partial<Iface>
@BenjaminGruenbaum In production it would
I think I'm not being clear - I think writing a logger is very challenging, I would not attempt to write one without help.
I get a log and the error is swalloed
I think a logging service or instrumentation in general is very hard :D
or type PartialIface = Partial<Iface>;
In dev it explodes in a more obvious manner
@Mosho never directly. Though I acknowledge there are cases the pattern is acceptable
@MadaraUchiha with what value?
I see, so Partial or Readonly is only used when upon declarations?
"continue" normally is just "don't throw" since a function only has two fates - return and throw (fulfilled and rejected) I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a good question, you could either supply a replacement value
Or perhaps literally continue if you were in a loop to the next iteration (in the case your throw was in a loop)
@sockevalley they are "mapped types"
you use them to map a type to another type
@MadaraUchiha how is that different from return?
in this case, all properties from being required to being optional
I'm drawing heavily on Common Lisp's conditions and restarts
that's the implementation:
continue is the default, that is.
type Partial<T> = {
    [P in keyof T]?: T[P];
@BenjaminGruenbaum That you choose at the top level what you want to do
And continue at the bottom layer
@MadaraUchiha I'm going to refrain from commenting since I only learned CL for a month when Florian encouraged me in like 2013 and don't remember anything.
@MadaraUchiha I still don't understand the difference
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's easier there
Since all you have is value returning expressions, an expression must have a value or throw
sec, meeting
@Mosho cheers, that stuff sounds pretty advanced for a beginner in react/typescript.
it's somewhat beyond basic, but not hard and definitely useful
So when you throw (it's not called "throw" there, but whatever), you get the chance to handle it or bubble it up, like a normal exception, the upper layer can choose to handle or bubble the same, all the way up to the topmost layer
The main difference is, that "handle it" can choose to "continue back where the error was signaled, with this value instead"
Also, the place that signals can offer up a few "restarts" of its own, for example, in a loop, a restart could be "skip this iteration and go to the next", then the top level handler can look at the available restarts, and decide which of them (if any) it wants to take.
The idea is that when the exception bubbles up, you don't lose the stack you're traversing upwards through
@MadaraUchiha that literally sounds like a return?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But the decision to handle can be made at the top level
Definately, gotta look that up. But for the time being I'm just grasping the basics. However, I'm really annoyed at the alphabetized imports lol..
And not at the bottom-most layer which has no knowledge of the environment
@MadaraUchiha Right, just like exceptions - or do you mean top level somehow makes the decision downstream?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Correct
Consider the example of a log parser which encounters faulty lines
Interesting, manual to RTFM?
You want to skip faulty lines in production, but explode during dev
But you don't want the function that actually parses the file to know whether it's in prod or dev
So you're either stuck with passing down an exception handling function, or rely on globals
Neither very nice
That looks confusing - I'll finish reading it first though
I got a slight issue if using setState in TypeScript.
Parameter 'user' implicitly has an 'any' type.


Where am I thinking wrong here?
@sockevalley you probably want
export interface IUsersProps {
    users?: IUser[];
@Mosho got same error message though
Anyone know how this Google's scrolling carousel works?
This logic can be implemented in many other ways but I'm interested to know how Google's logic works :D
you'll have to look at google's source for that
I can't see any style attributes there :| But it can be move holding mouse by clicking next prev buttons
Is this is a CSS trick? :|
That's why I'm interested to find this.
How do you setState with interfaces? :O
@dinindu maybe a flexbox order thing? that'd be one possible way to reorder carousel contents with css only. is the page you're looking at publicly visible? maybe you could post a link?
Yeah, Just Google for "JS Basics" and you will get. :D
Not just for this query, anything you can search :)
@dinindu hey, random note - people outside of southeast Asia rarely use 'query' for 'question' and are likely going to have a harder time understanding you. I had no idea what it meant before one of my Indian friends pointed it out at some point.
Hey chat, I'm looking for JavaScript course similar to learncpp website (like bunch of text), do you guys know something like that?
@prince Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh okay, I just meant "Search Query" :)
@Ikari thanks
@prince eloquent and exploring are the best canonical resources. Both are good and free.
@dinindu, looks like it's using an overflowed div, and appears to be setting div.scrollLeft.
`document.querySelector('g-scrolling-carousel > div').scrollLeft`
(that's where I'm seeing the scrollLeft)
@David784 Oh yeah I just realized :) Pretty cool way that, isn't it. Thanks
> design is about empowering dumb people
@dinindu you're welcome...yeah, nice elegant solution, with the overflow and scrollLeft
anyone of you know about redux?
not i
I want to learn one of javascript framework, which one be ok for the start and why?
@G.Refael Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@G.Refael figure out what you want to build, look at examples do some research
@TarasGordienko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Moving b/w javascript frameworks
o/ Loktar
how are you doing ?
wanna have a js room call 😃 ?
this subreddit is just hillarious
that's one dumb person
or way too clever
2 hours later…
Dead room.
that's because I killed them all
2 hours later…

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