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had to lookup to be sure.
@ndugger i think you blew off the "nice" facade with the "if i can be blunt" statement xD
It went really well, actually
@ndugger I would highlight actual shortcomings of thees solutions and how much time they wasted
^ straight to the point. But if a dev reads it, he could be offended
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's well known across the org how much time and money they've wasted, but none of us lowly workers have really spoken up about it yet
@ndugger ah, it's better to speak up immediately about concerns IMO rathe rthan wait with them
But yeah, I'll make sure to bring up all our time wasted because of the new solutions at our occasionall all-hands Q&A
In a more political fashion
I'm having my coworkers proof-read
Seems like something you could speak to your management about
Instead of bringing up an embarrassment at a company-wide event
Well, it's not about being more political - it's very easy to make people defensive in these situations IMO
That's a good way to make noise, not really a good way to make change
It's about not caring about what happened and just wanting to proceed in the best way forward
@Jhawins It's not company-wide, it's specifically for IT where you're supposed to bring up these kinds of concerns
And given the circumstances how we can improve
But yeah, my manager was here with me and gave the green light to my messages so far, lol
I'd also tend to speak up (now) a lot sooner than I used to, or at least I hope
Ah I assumed "all-hands" meant like a company Q&A
I used to complain a lot. People used to agree a lot, but nobody was interested in actually fixing anything so I let it go and just try to do my part well
Right. I'm not used to complaining (about real problems in a real setting), so I'm proceeding very cautiously
@Jhawins i just complained about a problem. Apparently that thing I just complained was not needed. Guess what, I have to fix it.
I've gotten 16 thumbs up reactions so far, so I'm not alone. Nobody else wants to speak up, though
@KarelG Im Mr fixit, it feels good
I comprehend why Oliver is salty sometimes
dealing with fuckery makes you being fucked up at the end. Only a grain of salt can help you relative it. Fuck it.
I'd like to saw that without the slow mo
omfg this ones way worse i.redd.it/tm7smvfir0v01.gif
Forgot about this sub
Mornin' fellas
Is anyone here using Webpack 4 already and can tell if it's ready for production?
Neat, got me a silver badge for this question
Q: Using await outside of an async function

Sterling ArcherI was attempting to chain two async functions together, because the first had a conditional return parameter that caused the second to either run, or exit the module. However, I've found odd behavior I can't find in the specs. async function isInLobby() { //promise.all([chained methods here]...

@KarelG no, I havent touched it since the alien really came into the picture. The game is terrifying and awesome
i've earned a few silver badges over the last day or two from a meta answer
@SterlingArcher ever played the Amnesia games?
Why does google in my taskbar now have my icon
@GNi33 no but I've heard... things.
it's great, really
not scary whatsoever
@KevinB I use multiple accounts in Chrome if that's what you mean. I see my G+ photo on each one in task bar
Well one is blank idk why lol
the one is likely your pinned icon
i mean, i use multi accounts too, but why do i need the icon on my taskbar
There's just no icon on this account on my work machine
i keep seeing it thinking i have a notification because it's the default pink
You can change it
i don't want it
It lets you know which session is which...
Do you want them to appear identical?
as they always have
But they aren't..
You can remove it entirely
by not being signed in?
i don't see any option to go back the way it was,
By removing your profile picture
From your Google account lol
i don't have a profile picture..
Well then Idk wth yours is doing. Mine only shows profile pics
Ah I have some updates to get I'm on 66
it shows a pink box with a K in it, the default avatar it gives you based on your acct name
@Jhawins is there a chromebook with a replacement hard drive so like 512GB +
Ohh yeah my left one should have a green "J", I'll update and see if it does
I think you are the chromebook expert
I also get bothered by many other issues. Namely no notification badeges and no complete text on the chromebook taskbar
@KendallFrey Per our conversation yesterday, I found out my cousin who was treated like a child until he was 18 and has the mental capability of an 8 year old was given an ultimatum; get out or go on a mission.
And he chose the mission. I would pay good money for video of that cringe.
i'm on 66
@William I have a gl551j and no chromebooks
But... you are a child until you're 18
Solid point.
You're mentally a child until like 20
I mean he was treated like he was 8.
From what I've seen
@Jhawins ~25 from what I've heard
@KendallFrey not if you kill someone or want to sign up for the military
I had my first employees when I was 16, so...not always @Jhawins.
so legally sort of
@KendallFrey I'm not ther eyet so I can't tell
@Allenph Elaborate
@KendallFrey This dude like plays with children's toys with his 8-10 year old siblings.
@Jhawins When I was 16 I worked at a supermarket for about 3 months. Decided I knew enough about programming to do sidework, and soon had so much I couldn't do it all by myself.
@Allenph I play with My Littlest Petshops every time I go home with my sister.
i'm 23
To be fair the code we wrote was God awful, but...I mean...whatever.
I'm 31 and I'm a kid as often as I can be
Yea same started programming at 17, wrote some batshit stuff but whatever
I don't think you guys are getting what I'm laying down about my cousin.
I also worked at the supermarket during haha. But I pushed carts
We should start a kickstarter to buy github instead of Microsoft
Your cousins a little behind, so what? We aren't all blessed the same way
@Allenph I do, and they have homes for under developed adults
it happens (sadly) often enough
I have a brother with similar issues, he can't drive but we've got him working in the sound booth at local concerts, his boss comes and picks him up. He is 19 now
I have 10 siblings so if odds are 1/10... We're dead on. I doubt it's that high tho
He owns like ~2000 hot wheels cars (he's counted) and has them all set up throughout my moms basement lol
You move ONE and he will know it.
@Allenph Oh shit I missed the actual point of this. They're kicking him out? That's some shit...
I believe I learned programming at 20
> Best Software Engineer Job EVER // the actual title
> Proficiency in Python, Angular, Django, and SQL are preferred
How bout no
What ever happened to Metagrapher
Was that his name
Do you mean "codepenisbetter"?
CoD e-penis better
cod penis butter
Yeah that's the one
I personally prefer salmon penis butter
palmon senis butter
we need to go deeper
@ndugger that news is old and you should feel old
your mom is old
she is
@William what're you needing the 512 drive for
are you doing a lot of local work?
@forresthopkinsa yes
ehh I haven't done that myself but Google turned this up

the desktops are well interesting but at that point there are literally tons of options
they do appear to make 500GB M2 sata drives
I'm rather curious if it will work at this point
@forresthopkinsa I don't own a chromebook anymore but gathered they have improved. Does your Chrome OS still back up to the cloud even if you install ubuntu next to it?
what do you mean?
it doesn't ever back up local files automatically
@forresthopkinsa but don't tabs back up
i.e. the Downloads directory
like, Chrome data?
Chrome data won't back up if you disable sync lol
and when you say 'next to it', are we talking about a dual-boot or crouton?
if you're dual-booting then Chrome OS need never start when you're doing your dev work. But then, there isn't really any point in getting a Chromebook, unless you also plan on using the ChromeOS side the other half of the time
ofc, like I've said, I'd 10/10 recommend Crouton
So if you install Crouton do Chrome OS tabs still back up so you can start where you left off on another Chromebook?
if you enable sync yeah
crouton doesn't touch Chrome OS really
besides making you enable dev mode
all that does is create an ugly warning on startup
The other advantage of a Chromebook is I can install Android apps that supplement my frustration with linux currently
@William That's a Chrome thing, not a Chrome_book_ thing
@Jhawins show me how to run android apps in chrome
ahh I see you mean saving tabs
That is not what I replied to lol
Pretty sure you can easily run Android apps on Win10 tho
Not in Chrome.
they suck even more on W10 then chromebooks though
on chromebooks they are typically bearable not so much on W10
yeah Chromebooks run Android apps pretty smoothly
it's got Android baked into the OS
does that mean chrome has it backed into it
@Cereal lol no
@William Well for one you can just run a VM of ChromeOS and have it identical
@Jhawins identically? How about slow
Running chromeOS in a VM on a real PC is going to be leagues ahead of running it on a Chromebook...
No. Not video/music things
Not true @Jhawins
ChromeOS runs incredibly fast on a Chromebook
ChromeOS will run Chrome better with 4GB of RAM than a Windows box will with 8
I mean if one of you wants to come up with some sort of benchmark... I'll gladly run ChromeOS on my Xeon with NVMe SSD
lol try it man
@forresthopkinsa That is completely outside the scope being discussed
ChromeOS on a PC vs ChromeOS on a Chromebook. That's the topic lol
I'm saying that Chrome OS is not underpowered
Chromebooks are underpowered.
it's not as limited by its hardware as you seem to think
Run the same software on a overpowered machine/ It will be as good or better
Chromebooks are limited by the OS imo
It won't be worse lmao
like the chromebook pixel(s)... wtf
Chrome OS is deeply coupled to the hardware
you don't need that shit for chrome os
Chrome OS relies a lot more on using the right hardware than on an abundance of system resources
All Im saying is download an Android benchmarking app on your Chromebook and run it, I'll run it on my Xeon PC. I will blow your score out of the water
If not I eat my hat
why does any of this matter
Android? We're not talking about Android
comparing an android app literally to your xeon doesn't make sense
@Jhawins what if you run it on a chromebook with an i7?
@forresthopkinsa We're talking about benchmarking within ChromeOS...
Are you suggesting that he runs a Chrome OS emulator for the sake of Android apps?
an app that helps me not masturbate.... kinky
The pixel book
that's ridiculous
@Loktar Oh I just assumed it's a shitty shitty chromebook not one of the expensive ones
@forresthopkinsa You have absolutely no idea what's being discussed apparently. It's a very simple subject
Benchmark on ChromeOS, easiest way is with an Android app or similar. How are you so lost lol
@Jhawins how much time have you spent with Chromebooks
@Jhawins install neverware on your xeon and then compare
Because you're totally wrong, you can't benchmark that way
How does that make any sense at all
Explain to me how I can't benchmark in ChromeOS
You're going to benchmark with an android app?
You're benchmarking an emulator
If we use the same Android app, the same emulator, we find out who's ChromeOS runs Android apps faster. Sure sounds like a meaningful conclusion to me
You don't need a benchmark. Run ChromeOS on a Chromebook and then run ChromiumOS in an emulator on your Windows machine and just fucking USE the two of them
what is the argument though? Subpar hardware runs worse than good hardware?
In an Emulator? How about I install it fully
@Loktar That's all I tried to say honestly.....
a $200 chromebook can't beat a $1500 pc
can if I swing it hard enough
@Loktar They think it can, when both are running ChromeOS anyway
A $200 chromebook will run Chrome OS better than a $1500 pc will emulate it
@forresthopkinsa why emulate?
But it's impossible to test... Supposedly...
There are chromebooks with x86
because you can't run ChromeOS itself on a non-chromebook
most chromebooks are x86
Pretty sure you can.
you can install ChromiumOS on it but that's different
@forresthopkinsa fieldguide.gizmodo.com/…
You might wanna research a lil
literally look at the banner at the top of the article dude
ooh chromium OS you're just splitting hairs
> This technically isn’t Chrome OS (which is fully owned and operated by Google). Instead, this is the source base version Chromium OS
does that look like a chrome logo to you
@Loktar I have tried it it glitchy. Google Play Music and Spotify didn't work last I checked
no I'm not, I've used both extensively
like saying Xbox OS runs like shit emulated on a PS4
come on..
look y'all, I think I'm the only one here who's used all of this stuff for years
@Loktar the article you linked says it's chromium
I think I know what I'm talking about
@forresthopkinsa you are not sir.
I have an acer c710
have had it for years...
This is gold
@Loktar if you've used ChromeOS and ChromiumOS extensively then you tell me
is ChromiumOS running on a non-chromebook even comparable to ChromeOS running on a Chromebook
I'm still unsure what the argument is
I could have never once touched a Chromebook.. Or even heard of it. And I can still say that good hardware beats shit hardware all day every day when running the same software.
emulation will always be worse than native... duh
but no one needs a $1500 pc for chromeos...
that's one of the good things about chromeos, it can run on $200 configurations
Hey now
I do think Google simple sells the pixelbook to claim it sells a laptop
Where'd @William go anyway? You just stole our competent discussion and started spewing self-indulging nonsense lol
I need a very powerful chromebook to watch my 4k anime porn
I stole your discussion? whatever, I was the one talking to him about Chromebooks
in fairness... windows runs fine on $200 machines too
You can't even get past the ads on the page without at least a PEON i9
@Jhawins please explain my nonsense.
I still am not seeing your benchmarks. I have arguably a shit load more work to do than you to go and get mine. So you're deff first
I have a $135 tablet that runs windows pretty well.
if neverware sucks well it sucks
@William Not you. Other guy
I have a 400 dollar tablet that runs windows like a pile of shit
That's like comparing Mac OS on a Mac to hackintosh on a doubly-powerful Windows computer
@Cereal wat? really?
@forresthopkinsa exactly. :slow-clap:
I hate Mac, but it'll never run as well on the wrong hardware as it will on the right
Are people just trying to say Chromeos runs better than Windows?
Is that the argument?
It's been running okay lately
I don't even know what the argument is anymore but I win
But it won't charge while a video is playing so what's the point
My argument is that ChromeOS will have a better user-experience all around on the right hardware than ChromiumOS will on the wrong hardware
How is that so hard to grasp
That's a new topic. I agree you will have a "better" user-experience on the intended hardware
on. all. points.
ChromeOS will feel smoother on a 4GB chromebook than it will on an 8GB windows machine
that's the point here
So go ahead and prove it. I'm here offering to install it and test
@forresthopkinsa O.o yeah Xbox OS feels smoother on an actual Xbox than emulating it on a PS4...
I mean of course non emulated is going to be better
@Loktar yeah exactly
well if that's the argument I agree
even without the emulator though
if you found a way to run xbox natively on a ps4 it will won't run as well as on the xbox
@Loktar not if the host is just plain faster
I think I have a chromebook lying around
It idnd't even run chromeos well
@KendallFrey it's not always about speed though
Well my Gamecube games run a million times faster emulated on my PC than the GC
@KendallFrey that is not necessarily true, you're reaaalllyy oversimplifying
well.. it is in some cases, but the architecture too
Not efficiently...
I wonder if I threw that out
like SNES needs parallel processing iirc they said you need a 5ghz machine to actually properly emulate it
and that's old af.
not just the architecture, but the archiwomen and archichildren too
you can't just throw more RAM at a software so it'll run better. That's all I'm saying.
just a random example
I just wanted to argue something, but meh
@forresthopkinsa But it worked so well for Vista?
I mean if people are saying good hardware runs good, I can't even argue that
@forresthopkinsa No one said that
did anyone even buy the pixel
@Cereal probably some grandma
for her grandson
> Look I got you a computer to play games!
wow they still sell it
> Grandma... noooooooo
@Jhawins your argument is that a machine with more CPU and RAM will run ChromeOS better than a Chromebook will. That's what I'm contesting.
I never mentioned Ram. I was all about CPU (as I repeatedly mentioned using a Xeon in place of your Celeron
okay whatever, CPU
@forresthopkinsa Yes. A machine with a modern Xeon will outrun a machine with a Celeron
It's 749 right now
if you don't take the intricacies of the software being run into account then yes.
like the fact that you literally can't even run the same software on both, it has to be a slightly different software in the first place
Everyone dig out those Pentium 3s, everything you've ever known is a lie. Slower is faster
wow yeah let's oversimplify the entire world of computing
the pixelbook looks nice
I want one
@forresthopkinsa Your argument holds as much air as my passenger rear tire. And it doesn't hold air
And I'm done lol
wow that's a good way to counter someone contesting your point. "I'm done"
can't argue with that lmao
If you throw a xeon/i7 into a chromebook.. it will run better than a chromebook with a celeron
Good thing I wasn't trying to counter... I was exiting
I believe that is the argument..
which is hard to argue
lol that was never the argument
Considering they have Chromebooks with i7s now I'd say it's proven
if you emulate, it will run worse...
sure, you're totally right there
that would absolutely run better
chromium os isn't as fast as chromeos as well right?
lol just making meeting notes
@forresthopkinsa Thanks for finally addressing the question lol
haha I just am looking at the argument and think everyone is saying shit that is correct basically
but like... angrily doing it at eachother
@Jhawins not my fault you didn't know how to ask the right ones
Are u even trying now
This is the worst flame war in the history of flame wars. Maybe ever.
Har har, feelers is hurt, time to rethink my career as a Java dev
I'm trying more than you are. Your exit is not going very well
Tune in next week for a new episode of "WHAT THE FK WAS THE QUESTION AGAIN?!"
Look, I don't want to throw flame, I'm trying to argue a point and y'all keep derailing it
I don't want to be flagged, sorry mom
please talk about javascript only and how poorly it runs on all hardware
😋 /s
NASA announcement in 13 minutes
everyone can move on and watch that
I have a meting in 13mins pls lmk if they decided it's time for us to leave the planet
eh, I'm worried if it's about aliens I wont be very welcoming
not sure it's best to discuss here
especially if they are aliens from another planet..
thus being illegal aliens on mars
and that will just throw me into a rage
@Loktar pls stop saying "aliens"
undocumented biological life forms
Lmao yes ^
extra-terrestrials? They're so extra.
Good evening
I am trying to make a tree in javascript like this:

var general_neighbours = {};
general_neighbours.depth_0 = {};
general_neighbours.depth_0.x = x_start;
general_neighbours.depth_0.y = y_start;
general_neighbours.depth_0.neighbours = [];

node = "general_neighbours.depth_0.neighbours";
eval(node) = find_neighbours(node.neighbours[i].x,node.neighbours[i].y);

The error is:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment
The same error with this from console: eval(node) = [];
you can't make dynamic variables that way
you have to eval everything
eval( node + " = " + foo() );
or w/e
Ok i will try
but if you use eval everyone will question why
so if you can find an alternative, use it
eval = evil
It really messes up debuggging
I want to use webpack just to bundle some CSS files and output the bundled into the same folder
So I don't need to change url paths, etc..
But it keeps saying it doesn't know how to load images/fonts that are linked to via url(..) "You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type."
Is there any way to have it not try to load things in CSS that are included through url(..)? I'm using css-loader.
don't you need file-loader for that?
I don't actually want to load the files though
Since the input and output are going to be in the same folder
So the paths are the same, and the files are already there
I'm wondering if anyone has had experience saving a really large (>10mb) JSON file to local storage.. I know the limit is 5 mb. is there a way to compress it at all.
Ah that was simple
I just suck at googling today
@PerrinPrograms What the eff are you doing?

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