ok actually i think i have a better way of doing this but i still need help.
can I set a function to run once and only once when the page loads, and then only run again once the button is pushed? Because doing jquery .ready forces it to run every time
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okay listen, check this out. I wanted to make sure it really is static so I went to their 'demos' page, and above an "upload" link, I saw this:
> Note: File bytes are not actually being sent to the server for this demo due to limitations of the GitHub Pages server.
so 1. they are not using any more bandwidth than it takes to send the static page to the client
and 2. they're literally using github pages
so now, again, wtf are they using $40 of cloud computing for each month
okay it looks like they're using s3 for something in their demos:
> Below is a fully-functional live demo that also includes the native preview/thumbnail generation feature. Here, you can try out Fine Uploader S3 by sending files to one of our S3 buckets! Yes, this actually does upload files to an S3 bucket! You can also download the file after a successful upload (by clicking on the thumbnail).
fineuploader.com is registered at amazon, and is using cloudflare nameservers
it being a static site, with cloudflare infront, would to me mean the majority of the requests should be cached and served essentially "free" by cloudflare
well I can't speak for your org but I seriously doubt that this site needs anywhere near that much bandwidth, especially after caching what should be 99% of their 99%-static site
totally inexcusable for a front-end library
and plus, the thing is that they shouldn't be paying for any bandwidth at all since they claim to be hosted on GH Pages
Hi folks. Does JS have some kind of "the mouse hasn't been moved for a while" event? I've built my own replica of that with mousemove and setTimeout, but I'm hoping that there's a better way
var timeout;
function on_mouse_move(event){
timeout = setTimeout(on_hover, 500, event);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', on_mouse_move);
^ like that. I'd prefer not to run some code 10-20 times per second
Alternatively, let me ask about the X of my XY problem: I want to run some code whenever the user hovers over any unicode character. I used that code above and caretPositionFromPoint to find the character under the mouse cursor. Is there a smarter way of doing that? My current implementation is pretty janky
The only other solution I could think of was to attach a MutationObserver to the entire document and wrap all unicode characters in a <span> or whatever. But that's way more gross than using caretPositionFromPoint
anyway...uh...what is the reason for hovering over unicode characters? What is the end goal? Perhaps there exists an alternate solution from the 32nd dimension of cheese?
what's the overall idea behind this XY? There's gotta be a W here.
You could use a combination of your current timeout method with an additional check that doesn't actually start a timeout unless the abs(movementX + movementY) is less than than, say, 2. would at least reduce the number of timeouts you start
@KevinB That's probably a good idea. I was under the impression that the mousemove event is only fired a few times per second, but I just tested it and it's more like a few hundred times per second...
> This is because the mousemove events occur at intervals depending on the speed at which the mouse moves and the mouse is usually moved some distance past the border by the time the next event fires. Obviously, it would be much too inefficient to send a mousemove event for every pixel the mouse is moved.
I'm trying to use JSX expression as a part of generated body of another JSX expression:
render() {
return (
{[...Array(5).keys()].map(i => <tr>{
[...Array(7).keys()].map(j => <td>{
i * j + (<span>{i + j}</span>)
idk. part of the reason my code is hard to fiddle is that i'm basically doing modules without modular structure...in other words, it appends to and clears divs to show different views
meaning the html is not easily extracted due to the quotation marks
and, it appends some things as results of other things; i cannot really see a way to separate the mess >.<
Just to confirm, but there's no way to get the current cursor position outside of an event handler, right? I can only access that through event.clientX and event.clientY?
well... i mean, most code runs as the result of an event handler, with the exception of what runs immediately when parsed as part of the dom or a script tag, right?
that and things like setInterval/timeout that were started there
Is there any way to use javascript to size a block-displayed table (displayed as block because i don't want the page itself to scroll) such taht it fills its parent container while still maintaining its sticky header?
I'm asking because I'm trying to rewrite the mousemove code to a polling loop 10 times/second. But I still need the mousemove event to get the cursor position. It's like that:
var move_event;
function on_mouse_move(event){
move_event = event;
document.addEventListener('mousemove', on_mouse_move);
the sidebar is a div called "left" the rest is "right"
then the divs are stacked within right
the table itself takes up the whole width just fine
it's just i'd rather have it dynamically change height
since i don't know the resolution of the client window. most people seem to get around this by setting arbitrary breakpoints, but i hate to do that-- i'm already using bootstrap
but once that text wraps in that metallic div, it needs to bump the height of the table down by however much that top div expands
I want the function to work at the moment I press the button,
Basically there is no action in the script, I just want to know how to do it
<button id="test" type="button">Start</button>
var btn = document.querySelector("[id='jsonp2']");