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Nobody here uses wordpress
Just don't update your wordpress if it's that big of a deal
wordpress powers 26% of the web. I'm sure somebody in here uses it occasionally
I have a site that uses it.. but I just ignore it lol
it auto updates
30% of web
i have half clients on WP and half on native PHP/JS stuff
it's going to be a nightmare for most of our clients
That's from 2014 @HollerTrain
what is going to be a nightmare?
I assume you got that from the first google result
i've been building a WP plugin for the past six months and now Gutenberg will change a lot of it
eh nm.. 2018 says it too..
no i was at the last WP conference and Matt said it was 30%
it's just never changed from 30%
Some guy at a wordpress conference made a claim about how wordpress has X% marketshare
gutenberg is totally changing shortcodes and metaboxes; which power most high level plugins and my themes
Totally trustworthy
it's making craftCMS look good at this point honestly
I have done much wp backend. I thought you meant the guttenberg library
@ndugger yeah and what's weird is that "30%" hasn't changed for 4 years? lol
I would assume if anything it's gone down tbh
but maybe not I guess
wordpress sites are a clusterfuck. I feel bad for anyone still using it as a cms and not just a blog platform
gutenberg the editor, which also powers CPTs and Page/Post metaboxes @William
I think WP for what it was intended for is great, blogs
but all this other shit.. yeah
or even simple marketing pages I guess?
But people do the craziest shit with it
agreed on all points but you would be surprised the large sites using it. especially with ecommerce
the problem is WP has plugins for almost everything so well it is really nice to jump on the bandwagon
i've been working on a never ending site since Aug of 2017
oh not surprised at all, I know tons of places use it in weird bastardized ways
now we are 2 weeks from launching
There are full fledged ecommerce and social network plugins that will just ruin your life if you ever have to work with them
and Gutenberg totally is throwing it off track FML
that sucks man
it's jumping on the React train
hello guys
which you all may like
Time to go home
!!afk poop
same thanks for letting me venting
yeah they did a while back which was awesome
on the admin side I remember
but who knows how this will turn out heh.
I still wont rush to WP that's for sure
const columnDefs = [{
                displayName: 'municipal.council.table.name',
                field: 'name',
                headerCellFilter: 'translate',
                headerCellClass: 'small',
                enableHiding: false,
                enableColumnMenus: false,
                suppressRemoveSort: false,
                enableCellEdit: false,
                width: '20%'
            }, this is column from a table and my field return boolean
instead of true or false i want to display yes or no
Chromebooks are so stupid. Like the only use I see for them is education and nothing else.
how can i do it? angularjs
@DavidKamer if (blah) {return 'yes'} return 'no';
or return blah && 'yes' || 'no'
?: also
hmmm but
where can i controll it ?
in controller?
in retrospect, rick and morty is really not that funny
dont you dare badmouth rick sanchez
seal team rick may be my favorite tv show episode ever.
So yeah no bad mouthing
I have this object, { .tag: "folder", name: "Images" }
I can target the name with "file.name" but how would I target the .tag? "file.tag" and "file..tag" dosn't work.
@Shamaran Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Shamaran file[".tag"] typically
@William Chromebooks are incredible
@forresthopkinsa for door stops or paper weights
I've been using them almost exclusively for heavy development since 2013
@William - Very nice thanks :)
all 16GBs?
my second one is a 32, first one was a 16
Why would someone what storage that small baffles me
its literally less then my phone
99% of Chromebook users don't need any more than that. Why would they? Money wasted
my phone only has 8
For big repos I just use SD cards, so what
they still have super fast R/W speeds
sounds messy
not really
thinkpad's are the same price and you can put in a serious hard drive
yeah but a Thinkpad runs fucking Windows
you can even isntall chrome os
or ubuntu a real os
1. installing Chrome OS on a non-Chromebook is not that simple. It's a Bad Idea. Works very poorly for several reasons
the file manager on chromebooks the last time I tried them was absolutely terrible
2. I run Ubuntu in a chroot on Chrome OS. 10,000 times safer and more recoverable than running it bare-metal
Everything worked on my make shift chrome os device except for music.google.com
It's not even Chrome OS, it's Chromium OS
plus, the OS is tuned to the hardware it runs on. I've never seen a homebrew ChromiumOS computer run anywhere NEAR as smoothly as a native one.
I do half my work in Chrome and the other half in the Ubuntu chroot. It's perfect. If Ubuntu gets screwed up or something, I just throw out the container and start a new one. Five minutes later, done.
chroot was buggy last time I used it
maybe it changed
it's been working pretty solidly for me for five years man
don't remember to long ago
it had Pulseaudio issues in 2013 but those were patched pretty quickly and now it runs like a rockstar
Since ChromeOS is the host OS, it remains totally invulnerable to malware AND it doesn't ever slow down
my 2013 HP Chromebook 14" runs as smoothly as the day I got it
all my favorite apps don't run on Chrome OS :(
yeah my solid state thinkpad runs great to
and they don't run in Ubuntu either?
@MadaraUchiha, hope all is well. What do you think? Cheers! stackoverflow.com/q/45536537/3597276
not in an emulator. and rebooting is no fun
what? I don't understand
what emulator are you talking about
running software in emulators is way to slow
whatever works for you dude not for me
Ubuntu is running in a container, not an emulator. So no slowdown there.
And Wine isn't an emulator either
so I'm not following
watch a video how does ubuntu run
last I checked it was laggy
are you saying that ubuntu in general doesn't play videos smoothly? what
and how is this related to emulators? I'm getting progressively more confused
doesn't a container require a reboot?
for what?
to turn it on? no lol
I'm confused by your questions
are you familiar with containers?
There are only 2 possibilities
it's not a VM and it's not a dual-boot and it's not an emulator
1) containers requier a reboot
2) otherwise ubuntu inside a container is slower because if you play a video it is well laggy.
that was my last experience
okay. let's go back to the beginning here.
I tried various options and determined they all sucked
A container does not require a reboot to enter it because it is not a dual-boot system
it is not a second OS alongside Chrome
nor is it a VM, a virtualized kernel, which introduces slowdown
it is simply a different filesystem that shares the host OS's kernel
That isn't possible last I attempted to use a chromebook
the chrome os kernel doesn't implement all ubuntu apis
well then the last time you attempted to use a chromebook must have been 2011 lol
crouton has timer issues
what do you mean? they both just use the Linux kernel
there is no "chrome os kernel" or "ubuntu kernel"
no they do not both use the linux kernel they are different
!!giphy what
I am glad you have gotten them to work well enough for you they don't for me
Does android use the linux kernel? Yes or no?
not really. There are apis differences
you can't run ubuntu with out timing differences amoungst other issues on nexus/pixel phone
the apis don't line up
I think you're getting terminology mixed up
go do your research have fun bye
I've already done it lol
is there any amazing tool because i need to compile my project and it's a java project
you're confusing containers for VMs and emulators and then you tell me that I'm the one who hasn't done my research? LOL guy
so i mean if i made a change can reconigze that change inmediatly?
@EduardoHerrera are you using Gradle
also this is the wrong room for Java stuff but whatever
it's too hard compilate everytime if i made a change
actually we're using docker
it doesn't work at all
I think you should A. move to gradle, and B. write some better build scripts
compiling a Spring project should take like 30s
more or less
honestly it's not my project
what's the problem exactly
my company is using those stuff
why do you need code changes to be reflected immediately?
because i need to compile with maven my project if i want to see changes
that's how these things work
what does mean GDPR?
general data protection regulation
EU thing
less than 9 hours until it goes into effect
That means I'll stop getting emails right
well, those emails
they'll only increase in frequency
afaik the gdpr emails aren't even really necessary
@forresthopkinsa I'll let our legal team know
lol I mean, they're a precautionary measure, because these are uncharted waters here
but the idea is just that everyone needs to consent to receiving emails, and I know that I already consented to receiving emails from e.g. SO
a few articles from reputable sites are suggesting that a good portion of these "please confirm your agreement to our ToS so we can keep sending you emails" are actually hidden changes to personal information collection policies, which ARE more strict with the GDPR
Hey everyone, just a quick question. Should I empty my variables after an Ajax post?
@TonyBatista Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
that's a pretty... vague question
and vague questions have no wrong answer
so, yes you should :D
> no wrong answer
challenge accepted
@TonyBatista you should never, ever do that, under any circumstances
> under any circumstances
is breaking the scope here
but then again, the answer is still not wrong
variables, when they fall out of scope, dont need to be nullified or undefinifieded... whatever
watch this robot burn sea lice right off of live salmon swimming past it... with LASERS
A: How to handle request in node.js?

Alex Front-endchange the server, it does not have support node.js

if I take this carousel
how do I make it so that if you are at item 2 and click on the number 5 button, the elements will be placed next to each other so that you dont slide over the others?
or is a carousel just a poor approach to this?
it's likely the carousel doesn't support that functionality
does that functionality have a specific name or something?
it's possible
well, there's an api method that goes to a specific slide without animation
but that's all you've got
so if i call that method with the target slide number or something it will work the way I want?
that would be good enough for me
i think so
you want it to act like tabs?
im not sure
what are tabs?
i guess tabs would work
if they use a sliding animation
@KevinB i also know what a carousel is... but in html/css/js world, a carousel is something different

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