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cause npm is a program installed on your computer, so it has nothing to do with our npm
at least his KT works
i cant install packages
i want to know if this is a serverside problem
specially package d3
what error do you get?
it is very slow and for same dependencies packages i get error 404. Edit button is very useless because the font color is white and i dont see what i am typing
it works for me
$ npm install --save d3
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN [email protected] No description
npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.

+ [email protected]
added 36 packages in 2.404s
ok thanks
now it works for me too
i have done nothing so i think it was a serverside problem
I solved it with my query
@KTWorks nah, probably routing issues
hi guys
is there any site similar like this to get audio
@mutantkeyboard, you wrote about Boolean(value) and oddly, I just came across stackoverflow.com/questions/263965/…
@MohanSrinivas I wouldn't be surprised if there are.
what @Cerbrus
Dunno, better google it.
dont know how to search it,thats y posting here
Okay, goolge tutorial
Describe the site you're looking for, @MohanSrinivas.
At what point would you consider your css to be too big? Is 380KB big?
@Paran0a no, it's outrageously huge
That's.. a lot.
What if i start playing sort of a CSS Jenga where you randomly start deleting rules . You keep doing it until QA notices ,then you lose.
Do you even know what's inside ? Such a size smells like rotten corporate mess. You should be able to pinpoint why any rule is in the file
Yes its exactly that :D
Oh thanks for reminding me I need to reduce image sizes
Im already switching to another project so I wont spend time optimizing it , but Im joining a new project and I want to avoid doing THAT
@Paran0a modularize. Make sure at any time you know the reason of any rule.
Note that there's no rule that holds against a ill managed dev team
Yeah thats the idea, read a ton of stuff from Ben Frain , which raise a lot of points that ring a bell
treat the CSS like the rest of your beloved code, with the same attention
I really started liking the idea of decoupling vs making everything DRY , i think on huge projects with ton of people and code , decoupling is the way to go
is that a css file to serve all webpages on a given site ?
Its one file thats served on all of the pages
can anyone tell me how to get details using above link to my web site using java scrit
GET that url?
no the data in that url to my site.
@Paran0a the CSS file you serve doesn't need to be the source one. In a big projects you need a build tool for your css too. I write my css in scss usually too.
@WathsaraWishwanthaDaluwatta google "js fetch api"
We use scss, we build it ALL into one file and serve that
helps you to get the above string, then you can use the same library to convert it to json. Then just interacti with the json object
@KarelG didn't look into this one but CORS might force using a server part
@KarelG "json object"... :\
@DenysSéguret they are using quota's
could fetch data with that link from a non SO domain
and yeah ... you know what I mean with that. I know that it is not correct
Q: how to check ng-pattern when user start typing(input field length >0) in angularjs?

its meI want to check pattern check if input field length > 0 how can i do this . expectation when input field empty showing required message(touched) After start typing need to check pattern if pattern is not match need to show Please Enter Valid Input and if input field length 0 need to show only ...

I have bad memories of SO API quotas
Most of the code of downloading the whole SO base and import it in my DB was about dealing with quotas
did you even run it out ?
it is 300 request per day o.O
you can't make big requests. You have to run many many small queries
@Cerbrus Kindly do'nt devote if you do'nt have the ability to understand — shamsher Khan 55 secs ago
I should stop explaining downvotes...
I got the whole Q & A of SO in my DB on my server... then I scrapped it because my HD isn't big enough
@Cerbrus I flagged it
the whole Q&A?
I hope only for one tag or two
@DenysSéguret Fair enough :-)
yes, the whole. I had a site with my alternate reputation computation
it amuses me that people still uses %2===0 to check if a value is even
@KarelG this:
Q: SkillRep - experiment in computing a skill focused reputation

Denys SéguretReputation, on the Stack Overflow Site, is mostly a measure of a user's contribution. That's fine but sometimes, when looking at a user you encounter on SO, you're more interested in his skills. You don't want a score coming from questions or polluted by a high-scoring answer to a trivial but ve...

@KarelG Better than %2!==1
there is a more simple approach dude
I closed it because I was about the sole user and I needed the HDD space but this was working and interesting
you need to mention that the project got discontinued
@KarelG you're right. Done.
@amritpandey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
oo welcome message got updated
Yea, because reasons...
is it only me, or are 7 of these 9 answers not answering the question? Or at least, the question needs a lot of editing, or simply to be close-voted
the "don't ask if you can ask"
I don't get how it's protected
and they added a text to prevent fast-flagging, as I suggested xD
the "our meta" text is quite deceiving
makes it look like SO meta
@Neoares the flagging here?
@Neoares you're definitely not the one who came up with the idea and pushed it forward
@towc ? when the flag issue came up here I said that we could add sometihng in the welcome message
and someone said that that was not a good idea
I didn't push anything nowhere, but I said it
@MyDaftQuestions interesting find. thanks
The question of this morning in this chat made me realize I don't use apply anymore now that there's ...
yeah, the spread syntax is a nice thing
oh I found one that was useful
(looking at my code for all apply)
btw. it is possible to use the spread syntax more than one time in a function call
!!> let a = [5,12,2]; let b = [66,5,98,1,2,3]; Math.max(...a, 10000, ...b, 20);
@KarelG 10000
I have seen it in my own code, where I had a function with 6 args. I used foo(...a, 10, ...b, DEFAULT)
(ok, I didn't find any useful apply for now...)
I eventually changed that because it confused some of my colleagues
and is risky
the function would be wonky if a has 4 elements instead of 3
So, sometimes I don't use the spread syntax at all
In that case I'd use a[0], a[1], a[2] for readability, yes
(but I can't remember such a case in my code base, maybe because I hate having functions with more than 4 arguments)
> oh hey, look at this cool trick! I learnt it from me
> I often learn a lot when reading people's code. For example, I read my code once
Ok This question is not apt for this chatroom but i found no other room apt for it. I have to ask that can we highlight in a pdf, some text here and there, and have an option to make all highlight invisible or visible? I highlight a pdf, save it, open it again, highlight some more. Now I need to have a toggle to make all highlight visible/invisible. is that possible
@samjoe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@samjoe why this is the only room apt for it?
@Caprica ok thanks bot. I'll keep that in mind
@Neoares I did say no room is apt for it in a way...
you said "no other room apt for it"
anyway... are you talking about online pdf?
you might have more luck in the legal stack overflow, where people use pdfs daily
I also said "This question is not apt for this chatroom"
There's really a problem with packages scoping in node... github.com/blake-regalia/worker.js/issues/…
@Neoares No downloaded on pc.
oh ok, so the choice was random :D
I have no idea...
How you guys read JS pdf books then
I don't know what a JS pdf is
I mean Javascript book in pdf format, or do you not read it
online PDFs are interpreted by the browser
nothing to do with javascript
I mean the book on Javascript, you must have read a book on javascript
Or any other topic
what javascript book?
@towc had to review because of the confusion
I didn't read any book on javascript. Or on programming in the last 15 years.
I didn't read any book on javascript in my entire life
I mean to learn a language, say javascript, you need books right, and to underline imp stuff
no, I learned from the internet
and a little bit at the university
but not too much
I understand it.
but of course books are A good source of knowledge
emphasis on the "a"
well, saying "one" would be clearer
so you can make it betterer
Yeah, so I was reading it and had underlined some lines, now suppose I need to give this copy to someone else, then he has all that highlighted pdf copy. So I needed to remove all highlight in one go, or make it invisible atleast
don't insult my english, maldito eslovaco
@samjoe save a non-highlighted copy
> Yahoo! Press
why this is not working
$("th td tr").css("outline-style", "solid");
but this works
$("th").css("outline-style", "solid");
@towc Genius advice but I actually now dont have another copy, I should have done it earlier
@Breathing learn to comprehend your CSS selectors. th td tr means "look for tr in td in th"
you need a comma (,) if you want to combine multiple targets
maybe he doesn't want
just like in classes
ah but it doesn't make sense to look tr inside td
@Neoares I would kick a person in the nuts if he has a tr in a td in a th
yeah yeah, I just realized xD
can't remember the last time I did a html table
now I have flex :P
and no need to plot tables anywhere, so...
@KarelG Is samsung tablet good to buy? what model is that
I'd say "Samsung PhysicalX 7"
oh wait you were not trolling
I thought it was a joke, didn't see the tablet
Obviously I am not trolling, I need a tablet. now they are giving apple pens with ipads base version also but apple pen is half the price of tablet itself.
there are lots of samsung tablets
it depends of your taste / goals. So with other words, you have to do some researches yourself
eventually you can have eg two or three candidates
then you can ask which one to pick
look to how I asked for a headphone
Apr 16 at 13:58, by KarelG
@Zirak do you remember our headphones talk? I currently have a small shortlist: HD598Cs, Custom One Pro, m50x and M30X. But cannot choose from here D:
for table is there any equivalent for css("outline", "thin solid");
table border
@KarelG thats proper. thanks
@Breathing you need to comprehend CSS as whole ...
got it
i suggest to start learning about it. It would spare you some time because we are not always have time to aid you
what you need is border.
but there is so much to learn I keep getting lost and overwhelmed
everyone here that works with css has to do the same. They start at the bottom of the latter.
if you do not comprehend something, you can ask. But your problems can be avoided if you have some basic knowledge about css
you are right
I have one more query to ask though
In my JQuery function
I did
$("#previewTable,th,td,tr").css("border", "1px solid black");
problem is in all my tables now I see this happening
But I wanted to do this for this particular table only
yeah that is because you have used the ,
#previewTable,th,td,tr means "apply rule to element with #previewTable, all th tag elements, all td tag elements, all tr tag elements
if you want to select an element within an element, you need to use a space
so you need #previewTable th, #previewTable td, #previewTable tr
that means "apply rule to all th in #previewTable, all td in #previewTable, all tr in #previewTable"
wow thanks that clears a lot! :')
var console = 5; console.log(console); why does this no work, console is not a keyword!
you have overwritten the console object...
Thank you Karel G but that means what? Does that mean var console is already there?
it does not show any error in first line, only in second line it shows @Karelg
yes, just enter "console"
it is a global variable dedicated to print to console
you can override it
keh, they should have made it read only ...
I dont understand half the thing, because its too advance, do we need something like scope resolution
> console
console {debug: ƒ, error: ƒ, info: ƒ, log: ƒ, warn: ƒ, …} // native object
> console.log
ƒ log() { [native code] } // native function to log to console
> typeof console

> var console = 5; // override console global object
> console
5 // because you made console = 5
> console.log
undefined // why? well look at the next line
> typeof console
"number" // console is 5 now, which is a Number. And Number does not have .log function
a simple approach is to not assign to console, or do that in a scope that is not global. eg using let console=... or const console=... in functions (Although the console.log won't work inside that scope anymore). DO NOT use var console = ... because it would change the global one.
@husamalmasri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
any body here ?
@Prabhu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
what's the size of Caprica's known users list?
@Neoares rlemon is afk: 💐
I know it! you just told me a couple of hours ago!
also, why the flowers
because he's probably messing with his plants
Hey guys. So... I have a web app that has a service worker to listen to a message from fireBase. I’m trying to isolate that web app solution with a mock server, with an example for all requests.
How would I go about mocking a fireBase call?
How would i go about storing the result for an ajax call that I don't have need for right away, but may later? For example. I have a dynamically created nested table with most of the data that has been returned to me. However, I want to also have a modal that gives more details about a single specific item if i click it.
problem is ...there might be a lot of these remembered details taht would still need to be accessible later.
storing an array seems like a bad idea...i don't really want to store it as local JSON file...i'd like to have this done by my JS. I'd prefer not to throw a bunch of hidden divs in my table either. it'd be fairly messy
@KarelG Thanks a lot, makes it clear now!
Can anyone tell me how to begin web development.. I have learnt very basic css styles, html tags, and now learning Js. Do i need further to learn about dom, canvas, jquery?
skip jquery
learn javascript first
if you comprehend it very well, then you can take on the canvas part
I am interested in designing simulations, or build a website. and I read canvas is good for graphic
@Karel @ndugger thanks! reading it now
you should check svg too either
That is an option, is canvas very hard to learn
@Neoares look at her backup data. It's probably in there somewhere
speaking of, someone should !!backup
last one was almost a month ago
@caprica I came back after quite some time, she still remembers me. :D
@ndugger what is an API, do I need to learn them separately
Application Programming Interface
@Neoares 11886 users as of april 30
@ndugger So will i be able to target most users with only using javascript
Your question makes no sense
I was so excited when my monitor got delivered at 9am
Well that sucks.

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