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@Meredith Hey
Thanks for the suggestion! It worked!
I'm trying to integrate Google Log in with my site, but it says Error: invalid_client

The OAuth client was not found. Any ideas?
Any input would be appreciated
@SterlingArcher Any thoughts?
no not really, too tired
1 hour later…
const proxy = new Proxy({ call: () => {} }, {
       // something elaborate
Shouldn't this work?
Hi all; How do I resolve the following problem:
Q: Google Sign In Integration with OAuth 2.0 Error

DiViHartI want to integrate Google Sign In for my Web App. I used OAuth 2.0, but now, I'm receiving an error. Site: https://refath.github.io/Niva/techniva (click the Sign In button to see error) I checked the console, and it says: However, I have indeed gone to Google Developers Console, and added "...

Any help is appreciated
@ShrekOverflow Any ideas?
Ofcourse I have a lot of ideas about it
Make sure you are using the correct client_id
Hm ok
Let me double check
Yup, it's all good
Wait, actually
One question: Should I use the Web client (Auto-created for Google Sign-in) or the OAuth Client?
2 hours later…
Hi everyone
If anyone could help me with OAuth that would be great
2 hours later…
Room looks kinda empty - did everyone get booted?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's Sunday morning
Also, lots of regulars moved away to Discord following the drama.
At least for now...
I mean, I still don't know how to get there
my guess is there's a lot of jokes and memes about me there, and they don't want me to see them. What they're missing is that I seem to have a thing for being insulted, so they'd be doing me a favour
@MadaraUchiha does this mean we get to invite the people who left because of them?
I mean, I'd really like to avoid a situation where we can't fix culture issues because of members who are half here half on discord
I think that's a discussion better held elsewhere.
If I can finally invite my friends from open source projects I'm on board with it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I knew you would say exactly that :D
but why were your friends from open source excluded before?
You know I <3 you - but you know that the way we have discussion here isn't something I can send people seriously towards and still be invited to conferences :D
right :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum If it opens the way to more interesting on-topic discussion, I'm willing to be more strict about the way we conduct ourselves in here.
But if it involves getting Node/npm internal drama in here, please don't ;)
the reason why discord caught up is because we really needed a place to shit post, and while here we could have done it to a certain level, everybody can go all out in a private chat
@MadaraUchiha fwiw, in the last half a year with all the shit that's going on in Node - Node still has less drama than this room.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I suspect the amount of drama would drastically decline now.
How do you write 'compatibility' in short?
Let's say I'm writing a comment, and line width is crucial.
Continue your comment onto another line
umm.. okay. I thought there would be something like i18n and l10n
c11y :P
@KamilSolecki plz get me there
it's not up to me to decide, sorry.
I'm going to see if this place dies down, and if everyone is still on discord in 2 weeks we'll have a discussion about this place.
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@Gilad Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Hello, lets say i have a default object:
      translations: {
        title: 'Notifications',
        emptyState: 'No Notifications Available',
        readAll: 'Mark All Read',
        clearAll: 'Clear All'
can I also have an object like that please? ;)
if a consumer gives this object:
translations: {
        title: 'Notifications',
        emptyState: 'No Notifications Available'
how can i put the default readAll, clearAll to his object? i want him to be able to override only some of the properties of the default object
@room I'm going to see if this place dies down, and if everyone is still on discord in 2 weeks we'll have a discussion about this place.

I imagine a much less welcoming to newbies (and much more welcoming to new experienced developers) experience. Not doing the stuff we never enjoyed doing (like answering uninteresting or easily researchable questions, arguing with people who just barge in and claim "X is bad", etc).

I'd like to genuinely create a safer space for more experienced devs that will help deal with burnout and other effects of uncontrolled interaction with newbie programmers in
@Gilad google "JavaScript object spread".
@BenjaminGruenbaum great call mate.
Also, use a reasonable translation library. Going off your name and profile - you're trying to roll your own translation for a language - maybe Hebrew - if you roll your own on a real world project you're going to have a bad time @Gilad
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, its not my application, so not taking care of the translations :)
@Gilad so the question is just how to merge stuff with defaults?
Yep, object rest/spread
const translations = {...defaults, ...values};
const wrapper = {translations};
maybe PropTypes has a func for this? or i need to write my own
ohh, its that short, very nice
@BenjaminGruenbaum is this ugly or not?:
const body = this.removeTags(msg.body);
const [query, ...flagGroups] = body.split('--').map((part) => part.trim());

const flags = flagGroups.map((flagGroup) => {
const [name, ...value] = flagGroup.split(' ');
return { name, value };
oh crap phone formatting
@KamilSolecki any incentive to not use an actual flags parser?
because find one that takes a string and not an array of argv :P
And it has typings*
And it doesn't so just flags but also takes everything before the flags as one group
(it's not for parsing cli arts actually)
rather for bot commands
with flags
@KamilSolecki literally a split by or join by ' '
@KamilSolecki actually, if TypeScript could do stronger literal types it would be really cool
I wonder if infer can do that - probably not. Like, infer the type of the types based on a usage example or the tests and then type error if they don't match
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not really because some have values after flags (keys) some have not
@BenjaminGruenbaum i dont think it can, yeah
It's not too ugly, I'm just surprised it's not solved by something else better already?
spent about an hour yesterday trying to find something for it
Or it was obscure enough that I couldn't.
someone here who can help me to use NPM the first time?
do tell what the problem is
I was stuck in mvc 3.5 with jquery for 4 years and want to try out reat iny a new project now... I set up the webapi .net core project and it works with the example code
now, when I try to install my first package with NPM
it isnt shown in the project
the node_modules is in the main folder of the solution not in the project folder
what does it mean that it isn't shown?
npm tells me 50 packages added
but all packages are in the root of the sol
not in the pro path
and there is a package-lock.json instead of the dependencys in my package.json
packages should be in your node modules folder
afaik install should add my dependency in my package.json, isnt it?
yeah, but the folder isnt in the project path
/Solution/Project/Node_module << should be
/solution/Node_module <<< this is happaning
Where did you run your npm init / install then?
in the package manager console
Init would not work, my vs2017 hung up everytime
what directory I mean
@KamilSolecki yargs can do that
so I just added a package.json manualy
no idea
@Mosho i checked them as well, can they? I couldn't find the thing
@Kovu npm is like NuGet, node_modules is like where nuget saves your packages install-package is like install --save and everything is written neatly in the package.json file.
Node uses the node_modules folder when doing lookups for modules
@KamilSolecki yargs.parse
gives you an array of the command + arguments, and all the options in an object
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah but it seems everything goes in the root instead of the correct folder
Do I have to add some dir.-command in the PM before doing an install?
Someone here to help? =(
Hello? guys?
people are helping you
I dont see any help... Kamil asked a question I try to answer, but have no idea and isnt answering any more, benjamin too
@Mosho it seems it still expects just flags though
@Kovu give them more than 15 seconds to answer
Sitting on a NPM install since 4 hours, my patiants is over... =/
@Kovu slow down, we are helping you. world will not go down if it takes 1-2 minutes for us to say it, right? ;)
Why it is a good way to have concole commands like NPM when devs are working with a GUI like NuGet for ayears
So this: npm install babel-cli babel-core was my command, but the package.json has no dependencys still
@Kovu make an mcve and upload it to GitHub
wtf... its an fcking empty webapi app
Create webapi, enter this command in PM
it's hard to see what you are doing wrong through text
Yeah, its hard to understand this npm tool at all
And probably nobody here uses VS to do web projects
npm is quite a simple tool
its buggy as hell
I recommend you use it in isolation first
@Kovu no, you're just frustrated because it's new to you
Its fcking 4 hours for a package manger
wtf is up here...
Be humble, you're fighting a tool millions of people happily understand and use.
Something is wrong with your setup - there is no reason to get annoyed.
@Kovu Right, I'm going to move that message away and if you repeat such statements you're going to take a vacation from chat.
Well, lets try again: Empty WebAPI Project, how to get a package.json in this fcker
Now calmly, isolate the problem - try reproducing it without Web API
how to do things with a project
What actual error are you getting?
Hi, all
@Kovu Take 10 deep breaths and stop with the anger - it'll get you high blood pressure which unlike an npm error is actually dangerous for you.
What is the first command to init npm in a fresh project?
npm init?
just in thwe package manager console?
npm init.
How to tell him in which project it should init?
Right, npm init initialized a package.json file, npm install --save packageName saves a dependency and installs it, npm install installs all dependencies from a package.json file
NPM is genderless - and in the folder you want to initialize NPM in @Kovu
I dont get the generderless thing
I have a project I want to have it into
You're using asp.net and not Node for the backend correct? In that case there is actually nothing connecting your Web API project and your NPM usage.
how to tell him?
Oh, you said "him" about NPM
NPM isn't a "him"
well, idc, how to tell NPM the name of the project in visual studio where it should init
In any case - your npm modules and frontend build should likely not be connected to your backend stack at all - as far as asp.net is concerned it's just static files
well, NPM is just a package manager, it has nothing to do with the content I want to deliver
so how to init in my project
Typically the web stack is Loader (Babel/TypeScript) -> Bundler (Webpack) -> bundle and the bundle is a static file.
Unless there is.net packages on npm too
wtf are you telling me
NPM installs dependencies that get bundled into your bundle and sent to the frontend - I recommend TypeScript over babel by the way
What has babel todo with typescript
babel is a package, typescript a language
okay, can you please tell me how to init npm in my project?
not in my solution
@Kovu babel is a transpiler that converts modern JavaScript to older JavaScript. TypeScript adds types to JavaScript - it's pretty similar actually.
Hi, I am looking for some codes which can generate 'n' number of words from an array of characters , example : If the array is ["a","b","c"] then the function must return output like this : ["a","b","c","aa","ab","ac","ba","bb","bc","ca","cb","cc"....], How can I implement this ?
@Kovu I think it would be easier for you to clone a seed project if you haven't used webpack, typescript/babel or npm before. It's a lot to take in at once.
Just open your terminal
slap npm init inside
You can't just jump into modern web development and be pissed off you haven't picked up 5 years of progress we've made from jQuery in 4 hours without help.
Yeah, it hungs up
Also, asp.net projects are notoriously badly bootstrapped with frontend tooling.
@Kovu open your real terminal
my PM is a termanl isnt it
Are you planning to use a frontend framework in your code? What are you actually trying to do with NPM?
@MasterDarkNight search for "string permutations"
@KamilSolecki that's unwelcoming to npm init
@Mosho I don't know what is it called, maybe ...
Yeah, I want to get into React and try to stop using jquery
and your terminal
@Kovu that's just NuGet in VS being really weird, typically package managers are run from the system command line. (This is also true for the NuGet that's built into Windows 10)
@Kovu the proper way to go then is to separate your backend from frontend
@Kovu great, I think it would be significantly simpler to not do everything manually for you. React have made this easier by developing a tool that automates everything called create-react-app.
well, okay
I recommend starting with just react which is a lot to take in at once and not add redux under any circumstance.
Why? I read Redux is the heavon when you use react?
These concepts can be confusing (bundler, loader, jsx, hot reload, etc).
don't believe what internet says
@Kovu you can try vue. It's easy to set it up without npm
internet also says that Mongodb is the best NoSQL db
@Kovu Redux is "keep everything in a giant global god object and mutate it through actions in a giant file (reducer) from everywhere". I recommend you stay away from it at least initially.
Nah, the stack is pretty okay with react for me, thx
I recommend reading "You might not need Redux" by Redux author Dan Abramov.
okay thx, I will
I recommend checking out MobX instead which will feel right at home if you've ever done WPF programming with data binding and MVVM.
vue also has a neat cli in case you do want to use npm: npm i -g vue-cli, and read the vue docs from there
So basicly... WebAPI will be my backend and react my frontend and I want to connect it with react-fetch is it something you would be okay with?
@towc no one asked about Vue though
@Kovu i think you are missing one important thing - the way that you normally probably went (from what I read) is bundling both your front end and backend in one project like the asp net with razor way
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, he said he didn't want to use jquery. Maybe it's an XY thing
Never done MVVM (just a bit with kendoMVVM) only MVC, but I want to have raw react here
And it's not the way to go with react
react is a solution, but harder to use without npm
@Kovu Right, WebAPI is your backend and React is your frontend like an app - they communicate via HTTP calls - typically a REST API or a GraphQL one. I recommend starting with REST since it's simpler and you're more likely to be already familiar with it.
and maybe he'd rather not use npm for now, as he's trying to learn react as well
So having 2 projects for my frontend, one for react, one for WebAPI is fine?
@Kovu random note: what C# does on the backend isn't MVC - it's Model2 - David Fowler confirmed they knew it wasn't MVC when they made it and that they used MVC for marketting purposes.
@Kovu react is your frontend
try, webAPI more backend
in Razor its more like a hybrid
I must think in different ways now
you want to be at a point where you can launch your front end without having any backend at all
And make it work, just have no data
My project would not have much sense then, but yeah
Or have a backend like restful and dont know what your frontend ist
then you have your backend api that you send requests to from your frontend
To obtain needed data
yes, your backend should not be tied directly to any single frontend
With Razor it is ^^
yah, but now it's time to change :D
@Mosho why not?
I mean, I usually try to make my backend and frontend separate
the way I think you should start is to open a fresh folder, and start making a react project from a tutorial
but sometimes it might not be the best option
no backend, so you don't mistake things
@towc so you can have multiple frontends
make it super simple
So okay... what vs project type is my react now?
it's not a must have
@Kovu no type, empty folder
@Mosho are there multiple frontends for facebook? twitter? SO? almost any of your projects?
VS 2017 dont like that
@towc of course
It is like all in one
think web vs mobile apps
that's still a single frontend
just different user interfaces
no it's not
how is your javascript web app the same as an iOS app and an android app?
oh wait, right
was thinking about mobile web apps and desktop web apps
I've grown to assume frontend = web technologies for some reason
Here it is in one project too...
which is obviously wrong
oh fuck you opened a tutorial with server side rendering
how to access the MyObj.someValue in below code ?

var MyObj = {
    someValue = "someRandomValue",
    newObj = {
        console.log ( this.Parent.someValue );
         // this refers to newObj, this.Parent must refer to MyObj but it isn't
        // It shows undefined
        // I'm unable to access the this.Parent

Note : I don't want to use MyObj.someValue, I want a solution to access someValue by this `this.Parent.someValue`, is it possible ?
Just use myobj.somevalue
no other way in the likes of what you want
@KamilSolecki Why ? Isn't there any other way, like the this.Parent.someValue ?
you would have to put that reference there yourself
@MasterDarkNight That's not valid JavaScript code.
also that ^
@MadaraUchiha Why ?
Because it has syntax errors
That's like asking why "שלום עולם" is not valid English
const myObj = {
	someValue: 'someRandomValue',
  newObj: {
    foo() {

myObj.newObj.parent = myObj;
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@MasterDarkNight Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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bang bang bang
    var MyObj = {
        someValue : "someRandomValue",
        newObj : {
            myFunction : function (  ) {
                console.log ( this.Parent.someValue );
             // this refers to newObj, this.Parent must refer to MyObj but it isn't
            // It shows undefined
            // I'm unable to access the this.Parent

Here is correct code
see the code posted
it's the only way to get the behavior you want
@Mosho Okay, maybe I'll have to go with this, thanks for code :)
I have a feeling he's been reading docs from other languages and thinking that it applies to javascript too
@towc Telling Me ?
@towc what language?
I have no clue what other languages allow for js-style objects that also give access to something like parent
I mean, it happens in the dom. Maybe that's where he read it?
well, any tree structure might have something like that
it's not a language
but that means he mashed up way too many things together
@towc Actually, I was taking a look at old JS questions and came along this, then I thought of trying to find out a solution for it and asked the question here :)
Hi guys
trying to get babel to run
in webpack
just getting Module build failed: SyntaxError: C:\Users\Rene Koch\Desktop\Dateien_GIT\MetaPower\FrontEnd\.babelrc: Error while parsing JSON - Unexpected '�' at line 1 column 2 of the JSON5 data. Still to read: "��{\u0000 \u0000\"\u0000p\u0000r\u0000e\u0000s\u0000e\u0000t\u0000"
No idea what that is... any ideas?
@Kovu I'm guessing you have invisible characters in your babelrc.
how to make them visible?
just remove those null bytes and you'll get "preset" :P
That's a tough question to answer.
is this not an encoding thing?
You've copied it from somewhere
Type it yourself and save the file again.
Done, deleted the file, made a new one, copy the old content... works
@MadaraUchiha you a smart dude
let a = {
	fn: function(){
  	return function(){
this again
is there a way to set this to a without using call or apply or arrow functions
@boo No.
Well, you can .bind() but it's the same as using an arrow function.
Damn, even my 2 file react demo isnt working x.x
any idea what to do with "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './Demo' in 'C:\Users\Rene Koch\Desktop\Dateien_GIT\MetaPower\FrontEnd\src\tsx'"
Any idea guys`?
rubber duck question: does C:\Users\Rene Koch\Desktop\Dateien_GIT\MetaPower\FrontEnd\src\tsx\Demo exist with appropriate permissions?
Its demo.tsx and index.tsx
the index imports the demo
with import Demo from './demo';
Even the visual studio code intellisense is given me this path
but webpack doesnt get it
no ideas?
Here is everything in total
what is wrong?
Would be nice to get help, try to get react hello world done sine 12 hours
Someone here?
Just to be clear, are you complaining because features in chat are suboptimal, or because nobody has responded to your needy stream of asking the same thing?
I just asked a simple question
nobody answers
So wait for an answer.
Even on weekdays everyone is here on their own accord and free time, and it's the weekend in most places in the world. People have things to do, and even if they were here they wouldn't be obliged to answer your question, no matter how simple.
if you need to wait for a an answer and will not work on it fast enough, you STUCK and you can simply kill yourself in web development
you poor thing
hi @BadgerCat
> you STUCK
just drop/ignore it
I came here to star a message
@BenjaminGruenbaum discord?
Are raw onions bitter?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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