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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@FlorianMargaine Woa congrats!
I didn't realize you guys were even expecting again!
@Loktar They weren't, it was a complete surprise.
Q: Cannot find name Symbol

overexchangeFor the below code: const MY_KEY: symbol = Symbol(); let obj: object = {}; obj[MY_KEY] = 123; console.log(obj[MY_KEY]); // 123 For the below configuration tscconfig.json: { "compilerOptions": { "lib": ["es2015.symbol", "es2015.symbol.wellknown"] }, } Files $ ls tscon...

Rowhammer memory attack, JavaScript style
2 hours later…
@Sheepy huh, from 3 years ago, apparently
2 hours later…
@KendallFrey I just realized that I don't get why people get so wtfed about light being both a particle and a wave. But I think I should be wtfed. Can you help me get wtfed again?
can't all of that be explained as it being a travelling wave? A wave that needs to move through space, if it wants to move through time?
because of the interaction electric and magnetic fields
or I guess the wtf is about interference
in that, the slits are of fairly specific magnitudes. Nobody ever explained it to me as "the fields of various light rays are interfering with each other". But maybe that's what they meant with "the various light rays are interfering with each other"
if they said the fields were doing it, I swear I'd have been a lot less wtfed
I probably just had a bad teacher, and I wasn't curious enough
@KendallFrey Can you help me , I am having some problem in backend.
@SurajJain I don't have prior context. Is there a reason you're pinging Kendall for help? Don't ping people willy-nilly. Just ask your question, and someone help if they're interested
@Zirak I just watched the (final?) episode of Daria with the refrigerator box. Such a rich episode! All the feels :(
This is what I asked.
Sorry I wont ping now, actually I posted yesterday and no one replied so I pinged.
Just repost after it's been long enough (with a link to the original question) as you just did. Thanks
@SomeGuy Can you help me in that?
hI all
I am developing a dictiomaryApi
using google search for define + word.
Problem I am facing is suppose I search 'https://www.google.co.in/search?q=define+depressed
from browser.
Page return contains this
but If I search from my nodejs server using request module
the body return contain this
the header I am using is only this one
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0"
I know when making requst from browser lots of other information is also sent in header
But I tried searching 'https://www.google.co.in/search?q=define+depressed' using postman with same header as my server is using
Still response is different

I tried with postman sending the same header as I send with my server,
Postman shows what my browser showed

Why is response different for my server?
The most frustrating part of using an ultrawide is finding where the cursor is
@littlepootis Also I think neck would be stressed by rotating too much.
eh I feel like it couldn't be worse than a three-monitor setup
@forresthopkinsa haha
@SurajJain Nah, it's not that bad
who uses 3 monitor setup
literally everyone at my work
even Support
also, if you run that google search from an incognito window, does it return the same result
it looks to me like the problem is with form factor responsiveness
Google is adjusting its results according to its understanding of your viewport
your browser is sending info about its viewport, so Google knows for sure that it has enough space to send the XL-version of the results
NodeJS and Postman are not sending that info, so Google is just making kind of a best-guess and assuming you have a middle-of-the-road size viewport
and that's why it's not sending the extended results
that's my hypothesis, anyways
But nodejs and postamn are showing different results
Postman is showing result same as my browser
And my nodejs server is showing different
is your nodejs server on a different ip address?
is it remote?
it is on a different ip address
but I am quering google.co.in there also
and here also
all other results are same
this depressed word is giving different
That really doesn't seem like something you could control. Google may well be A/B testing or personalizing results in subtle ways
^ agreed
connect your home pc to your server as a vpn
so they're connecting to Google from the same address
that might solve the problem. otherwise it's localstorage, etc.
the problem is the server is to run 24 *
Why is that a problem?
Why is the slightly differing result a problem?
because my home pc won't run 24 * 7
We're not telling you to host it on your home PC :p
What seems wrong about the result Node.js gives you?
It may not be the same as what you get locally, but it isn't wrong, is it?
Not a spoiler:
user image
I don't understand why you can't route your home pc traffic through an SSH tunnel to your VPS
if you really need the exact same Google results
(although really, if your app depends on getting reliably identical Google results then your design is fundamentally flawed)
@forresthopkinsa no actually app does not depend on that
I just wanted to understand why result is different and nothing else
@SurajJain a simple reverse-search on the output suggest google is using this service: en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/depressed
look for their api
and you're golden
I know
they are using that
I wanted to make api
not use one
Nothing is wrong about the result node.js is showing, I was curious as to why it was not showing other one.
you're saying you want to make something based on the view of a model taken directly from another api?
Apart from IP can they know anything else about request?
it might make a lot more sense to wrap their api directly
@SurajJain look for "browser fingerprinting"
Their api only have 3k request per month, I wanted to build something that does not have such limitiations
so I made mine
many people wanted such an api
and one person who used mine contacted me and told me about this problem of different result
so that is why I was understanding how it all works
you are kind of stealing, you realize that, right?
are you monetizing this?
if so, there's very likely grounds for a lawsuit
I am not monetizing it
I am only and only using google results
and nothing else
1 min ago, by Suraj Jain
and one person who used mine contacted me and told me about this problem of different result
Q: How to use to Google Dictionary as an API?

zack0438Because the Google Dictionary API is deprecated (e.g., following) http://www.google.com/dictionary/json?callback=a&sl=en&tl=en&q=love and has been replaced with define (e.g., following) https://www.google.com/#q=define+love Does anybody know how to use/invoke the "Google define" API in java...

@towc He got to know this api from this question.
Congratulations @FlorianMargaine
@SurajJain if you're the only one using it, why not keep to the 3000 requests par month?
also, unless you plan to maintain that heroku app, it's not a good idea to put it in a SO answer
@FlorianMargaine congratulations! hope everyone's doing fine!
@towc No I am not the only one using
Can't someone just make api to learn how to make one
I scrapped google result, and then used css to get relevant part and made one.
It was my self project.
yes, but then you don't just put a link out. Maybe give a link to a github repo with the code, so people can reproduce it later
I do not know what is the issue here.
I am planning to maintain that app.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
→ *1 message moved to Room for towc and Suraj*The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
now, move the "moved to" messages too
Why can I edit this...?
@BenjaminGruenbaum earned a badge:
@towc Apparently, that's impossible
@Cerbrus Just not move it - but Madara can
So what's up everyone?
I made some chicken yesterday
florian's wife made a baby
I'm gonna do a little tour on my motorcycle, this afternoon :D
the chicken looked damn good
@towc again? He just had one
I never got an invite
there are free bungee jumping sessions on a bridge in bratislava today
I've never gone bungee jumping. I look forward to it
Hello buddies
@RoofusMcDuffle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
wow that sounds freakin awesome
Apparently, my "We're not asking again" got flagged...
lol wasn't me
My stomach hurts
although I can imagine who it was
@towc Rest in Peace in advance.
I was not rude. You all were.
I do not want to go bungee jumping because I heard it can separate your retinas from your eyeballs.
@SurajJain I'm sorry you feel that way - please let's move on.
JarJar binks is the biggest piece of (beep) in the world
Just seeing that picture makes me super angry
Wait. Maybe that is not him.
who is your anger directed towards
George Lucas?
Jar Jar Binks
@RoofusMcDuffle Nah, that's darth Jar Jar
I don't get the hate for jar jar
he was useless?
He was annoying
He simply was very annoying
No, just seeing him and hearing him made me frickin angry
I mean, they're upset because he was needlessly very annoying and got in the way of everbody
Yes, extremely, unbearably annoying
there was no point
He was an affirmative action actor
And there's this theory that he was in fact, the supreme sith lord, standing in the way of the resistance all the time.
He's still the dark overlord
Kill Jar Jar
man, the way that theory builds up, it makes so much sense, and I love it
it's a classic
the new director better make that into a movie
My stomach hurts so bad
can someone EL5 the TOS update and the outrage around it to me?
Hi can i run react js without node js and why we node server for this?
@GNi33 What TOS update?
wait what happened
why those messages got binned
A user wouldn't stop complaining about a downvote on his answer and kept accusing members of downvoting him unfairly
@KamilSolecki try to guess what he linked
@SomeGuy yeah
I pushed this ant that was trying to climb my leg.. now he/she can't walk anymore and seems to be really struggling.. should I mercy kill him/her
I have seen them able to walk after a while
let it be
if it is unable to do so even after some time
actually I do not know how to answer this
I didn't mean to .. I just pushed it a bit forcefully. I've done this before and ants don't get hurt by this usually. Ffs.
I wonder if God's telling me he did a mistake with me too and wants me to kill myself..
He wanted me to push me off in a different direction but I got messed up too much in the head.. now he wants me to end it..
Bugs don’t have feelings
Why are people up in arms over the ToS and arbitration? Arbitration is usually a good thing, as long as the arbitrator truly is neutral
Success is just as much luck as it is hard work
@BenjaminGruenbaum the module loaders are great, but our project is using requires all the way around, and I can't seem to get the --loader to work with those. It can load commonjs modules at the wanted paths just fine, if you're using import syntax, which is what the "cjs" format property is for, but within those, I can't seem to be able to get their paths to also be changed. Do you know of a way around this?
one of them is having a build step
but at this point, I might just ask the lead to switch the whole project to import syntax, even if dynamic. Should be a simple search-and-replace on the whole codebase
again, point is to have an alias for the base path of the current project, while keeping static paths
@ndugger very right
@ndugger what's ToS?
Forget it..
I guess you mean terms of service
@towc the wtf is that light comes in discrete packets. If you shine a very very weak light on a detector, you only detect a few points of light striking it at random, even though the wave should cover the whole detector.
switch from digital flashlight to analog.
problem solved.
@KendallFrey speaking of, have you seen the cool light polarization thingy where polarization filters dont add up as one would expect?
I'm well aware of the bell paradox :P
Thats as much as I'd expect from you ;D
it's all just floating point errors
i heard of a new test that tried to eliminate any correlation between the particles and the detector settings by setting the detectors from entropy collected from people playing video games around the world
and did teabagging the laser have an effect?
you're in a good mood today :P
(congrats btw)
1 hour later…
Hi all
@KendallFrey how do you shine a light?
you take a bulb and point it somewhere? I imagine the source is very important
just imagine an ideal low-amplitude source of EM radiation
perhaps from a spherical cow
so the source is continuous, but the receiver doesn't receive continuously?
or is the source not continuous, and it can't be continuous?
does the randomness matter?
I bet if I just read an article about this, a lot of my questions would be cleared up
that seems weird
electrons and light can bounce
which isn't the same as "being in many places at once", like waves, fair enough
waves can reflect.
in the case of sound, the wave is just an "abstraction" of the movement of many particles, right?
ofc if you use a lightbulb it will create many rays
yes. And in the case of light people used to think those waves were also the movement of some underlying substrate
and it is, the electromagnetic field
how is this confusing?
I guess that when you're taught this, you don't really understand the concept of fields maybe
I don't either really understand it now either, but I have some clue about what they are
there are better videos out there.. can't think of them off the top of my head
I'm really trying to think back on what I was confused about
and it mostly comes down to unnecessary oversimplifications and misinformation, I guess
school in a nutshell?
anyway, I just got back from bungee jumping :D
my experiment was to try to remain calm throughout the whole thing. Jump without hesitation, don't feel shaky afterwards, stuff like that
Ultrawide really is wide.
guy was like "put this on", I put it on, "get on the railing of the bridge", got on the railing on the bridge and asked "so do I just jump now?", "y-", jumps "thanks, cya"
How's afterlife?
I felt pretty ok
I thought it would be like on a swing, where I'd feel the acceleration and so on. Actually no, falling down just felt natural. No adrenaline, no anything
I watched around 15 people do it before me, so I trusted the system
it wasn't boring, I'd do it again. Maybe it wasn't high enough or something
2 more meters and you could touch the water
@towc Even though the theoretical wave is continuous, the measured result isn't.
Another thing is that electrons, which are very obviously particles, are also waves.
You are a wave
it's true
your mom's a wave
also true
wow, did we not have any friday links yesterday?
There's an infinitesimally small chance I could end up in your closet the next millisecond.
@KamilSolecki I put you in charge of keeping the meme-morale up in this room
However, it's more likely that your left foot appears in the toilet every time I have a poo.
something something your mom's so fat something about more particles and having more chances of parts of her ending up in kendall's toilet
You've read HHGTTG right?
oh, fair
quantum improbability drive
yeah that
infinite improbability drive
I post a picture of my ultrawide setup as a status and people I haven't heard from in years start messaging me.
have any of you guys ever got the google code interview prompt while searching something? Trying to get a handle on how common it is
probably should've asked in the python chat, but I've gotten to know you guys a little bit so I have a false sense of safety here lol
I think I got it once a long time ago. It was while searching for something Python related, IIRC
@SomeGuy yeah. I didn't think it was that rare, but it did make me feel special for a second lol. I'll still probably do it even if it is just for fun. They did a nice job on the UI and the bash shell that you use.
Yeah, it felt quite cool to try!
And the challenge was interesting too
@SomeGuy I'm past the first one. I came up with a real world way to do it and then realized that they weren't using ASCII or Unicode encoding and that was half the point of it lol.
I have no idea what you're talking about, or if we even had the same challenge :P
I came across it years ago
@SomeGuy Oh, probably not. I'm not going to go into to much detail about it. I don't want to ruin it for anyone or Google. I'm just saying that it was way less complicated than I first made it out to be lol.
Haha yeah, overcomplicating things is often a problem programmers have :P
so true. I once rewrote populate for mongoose with nested promises like 4 layers deep mapping results each time.... just calling populate() would have saved 2 hours and a lot of frustration lol.
Hi guys
Can anyone please help me regarding the Firebase schema?
I need to create a chat schema
Here is my current schema:
@littlepootis size does matter
@DavidKamer oh trust me you're not safe
@towc hence "false sense of safety" I know I'm not lol, but that's what ropes you in. A warm fuzzy feeling with a salty sense of self deprecation
> come for the javascripts, stay for the self deprecation
again, room 17 in a nutshell
@towc Do you watch Family Guy?
What does Florian mean when he says one step closer to loktar?
@DavidKamer no
@William loktar has 13 kids
#notafact #ajoke
Your joking 13?
@towc even better. This is what would happen if SO was a vape flavor : youtu.be/sG-ILHABK_o?t=18s
hhgttg hell yeah
@DavidKamer usually it's a phone call
How does express / node protect against X-Auth_User type attacks?
Or these should be very religiously implemented in the gateway
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a library that can be used to showcase page elements (like a wizard). For example, this button saves your content, while this one can be used to contact us.
@MarcosRorizJunior Sounds like something you need to do yourself
hey @MarcosRorizJunior
is this what you're looking for
@forresthopkinsa Thank you. That's exactly what I needed.
@ShrekOverflow haven't heard of those attacks
@towc WSGI people suggest converting headers from ABCD-Foo to ABCD_FOO however, X-Auth-User sent by Apache / Nginx used to get converted to X_Auth_User, clever hackers figured out that they can just send X-Auth_User :-x, so Nginx & Apache just simply reject any headers that have _ now. I know purely wsgi so probably no sane http implementation will do this other than the ones that have to work with WSGI but X-Auth-User is pretty standard
I guess I should just keep a blacklist of headers to drop if coming from client request
I'm not familiar with that header
what does it actually do?
does express even care about users in headers?
I doubt express will allow directory traversal regardless of the headers
but it shouldn't be hard to test it out, if you're concerned about that
some custom middleware might screw you over, sure
@towc Its more of when you put a "Server" in front of another dynamic server scenario
in this case the X-Auth-User probably passes the authenticated user id or something
from NGINX / APache
whoever came up with the fn key that disables your wifi should be brought to criminal court for gross misconduct lol
I disagree
it can be real useful for reconnecting to your router :P
it can make it a PITA to help the technologically illiterate figure out why they can't get the Google
well they only need to google the problem to find out
lol, I'm down for the little switch version, but when you running linux you just assume you broke something serious
Plus, as a former help desk guy, it was so annoying to go through that step everytime...
it should be like the power button if it does something that critical imo. I'm looking at it from the perspective of those who never use it, although that is 90%, if not more, of users
just don't ever accidently hit fn+f2 when you're trying to hit alt-f2 and the world won't crash a burn.
if you're running Linux then you can remap it though
@forresthopkinsa yeah... I don't know if I can. It creates a hard block meaning it is at the hardware level. doing f2+fn on another keyboard doesn't do it either.
oh it's a laptop
yeah. alienware.
oh yeah that might be tricky lol
get out the soldering iron hahahahaha
I'm already stuck with one color scheme unless I boot to windows.
lol, it's constantly set on "sunset" lol. There are no ways to change the FX lighting unless I reinvent the driver to change it.
oh gosh
just googled it and looks like there might be a tool on github...
> there's a FOSS for that
@forresthopkinsa I just git worried that someone slips in some malicious code on those more specific and esoteric FOSSs
probably a valid concern. Not something I've run into though
@forresthopkinsa It would kind of be like murder next to a bunch of cops. When you can see the source code, you're one geek with no life away from being put in jail...
eh I mean
if I was going to start sneaking malicious code into Github projects, I think I'd protect myself pretty easily
like, I don't think Github would even track down your IP address
Is the only point of using Yarn
the symlinked reduction of space?
it's not as useful with the new npm
the advantage used to be that package lock
but now upstream has it so w/e
@forresthopkinsa what about the symlinks ?
I hate node for wasting 5-10 GB of space
I mean if that's a priority for you then go for it, I don't know a lot about Yarn symlinking
I know that Yarn was created out of the need for dependency locking
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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