so do you guys think there's any notable difference between a 8400 and amd's equivalent cpu? (mobo included in the equation) like any potential "cpu vulnerability hax" to worry about and subtle but critical differences like messed up virtualization
what are some reasons to use esmodules instead of commonjs modules in non-performance-focused node applications?
I like es modules because the syntax is neat, and I understand there are a couple more advantages, but the prettiness of the syntax won't be enough convince the team
I guess it can fall into the "new and shiny" category, which isn't really a plus
every non node-modules require he uses is dynamic, and it bothers me because of actual issues in me navigating code more easily
I explained that, and he's not really convinced
then I said "well, es modules will normally need static paths anyway"
but that was assuming we'd eventually move to those
and then I realized there might not be a particularly good reason to
IMO es modules are one of those things you won't even start to use browser side until all browsers reliably support them. Right now we all have tools to solve the problem.
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@blusoup Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
also, I wish there was a standard for avoiding a lot of .. that wasn't using absolute paths
say you're in /a/b/c/d/e/f and you want to end up in /a/b/c/1/2/3. You'd normally have to do ./../../1/2/3, but what if you could do something like ~c/1/2/3, where it looks for the first directory named c going backwards, and runs the rest of the path from there
never mind aliases and all. I want this
maybe different syntax, because ~something is used already by other things
maybe <c/1/2/3
and you could also look for files. Would be trivial to find the nearest git repository, package json, eslintrc
@BenjaminGruenbaum who do I ask for this to be a thing?
as a standard
might make node heavily preferrable to other systems, until they catch along
A file query language and library ? Why not just make it instead of waiting for a standard? There's not enough usage in clean programs for this to be a standard
Those accesses are usually encapsulated, for example you ask the owner of the thing upwards access to a resource, you don't yourself try to guess where it is
Example in Miaou: you could from a plugin try to require a library by doing a require("../../../libs/rex.js") but there's a clean way which is miaou.lib("rex"). If you need those ../../../../ there's probably something idly designed or badly encapsulated
I like how people use "intellisense" as a synonym for "code completion", just like other brand names like "hoover", while MS's code navigation is pretty much horrendous
@GNi33 the lib-fetching module will either use a dynamic require, or dynamically get a property of an object which stores the lib. That means that whatever is parsing the code for context-aware completions and info would need to run the code to figure out where things come from
and well, I'd really rather avoid my IDE to run the code
and it doesn't
it shouldn't have to run it, if there are alternatives
hey can you help me why my bootstrap is not applied in html
<link href='../CDN/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css' ref='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='../CDN/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css' ref='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<script src='../CDN/jquery/jquery.js'></script>
<!-- <script src='../CDN/popper/popper.js'></script> -->
<script src='../CDN/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js'></script>
<script src='../CDN/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js'></script>
also checked if bootstrap is enabled
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so git reset 8a79aa3 (the second from bottom), and then git rebase -i <hash of commit before the one I want to change the name of>, then git push -f origin <branch>, right?
Can you run that, and screenshot the relevant part of the history?
@DenysSéguret I kind of see myself as a git ninja, but I still refrain from altering pushed history in this fashion. I still use rebases for catching up, but even that is done carefully and with git status and git lg every other command.
# btw
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
# Will allow you to invoke that fancy history tree with 'git lg'
Be advised, anyone who already pulled from your altered branch will have to pull with rebase
Anyone who has a different version of the history you now force pushed, must git pull --rebase
In general, I like git pull --rebase better than git pull with merge, because you don't get nasty merge commits every time someone worked on a branch together with you.
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Hi everyone! it's my first time in the chat so I don't if this question is allowed or off topics but... if there's any javascript experienced developer among you, could you tell me in your opinion the best approach to javascript? I already studied the basics but I'm looking for a course that helps you implement javascript in a website, using it for interface, client and server side...
@Blank Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@user130632 everything, from server to client side.. I wanna understand whatever takes to make a full website. How javascript links content to the server. I was wondering for example how to create a blog with javascript, without having to write alwaya the content in the .html page
ok then you should search for tutorials with that goal in mind because they are all different and not all of them suited at teaching you what you'll actually have to deal with in the line of duty
@Blank If you're unsure of how the web stack works I would recommend spending a decent amount of time learning that. Find out what happens when you send off an http request at some address.
@user1306322 I see and here's the problem. I found really few tutorials about full stack development and I didn't like them.. there's no explanation of concepts. Lack of interest for beginner
@Blank you should also browse a bunch of job descriptions for full stack devs, some of them list a whoooooole lot of things you gotta know, and it's useful as a checklist of things to learn
that's how I'm currently studying things to get to a higher position