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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@SterlingArcher @Zirak did you guys see the new ptr things!
Hanzo rework, new map, etc!
107/36 KD as widowmaker @Ikari :D
!!afk chipotle
@Ikari @SterlingArcher Let's play
@rlemon You in here?
Have a lithophane tutorial? Trying again.
good evening
is it
good evening (GMT -3)* :p
though maybe it's good night already when it's 22h?
I always learned that good evening was greeting and good night was like a goodbye
I meant is it good
@Allenph What do you want to know? I made a couple, they're dead simple if you use a generator.
1 hour later…
gay robooooots
uh oh, riker got into the spaceweed
what if the universe is inside me
hes gonna have to fight me for it
anybody know is there api of chrome that is equip. to this in firefox developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/…
so those that are older then me, are there any companies that were banned from running Windows OS?
Similar to ZTE & Android
banned from running Windows?
I worked in a SCIF and other classified areas for over a decade, Windows is used everywhere.
In fact the US government gets special builds of Microsoft products
not all of them, but I recall one for XP, and some more recent ones
ah just read up on ZTE heh
so Google banned them from using it.. wtf, crazy
I thought you were asking if places have banned the use of Windows due to security concerns.
yeah not that. I'm still soar about android because I unlinke Windows Phone you can't upgrade/downgrade them easily
just curious if Windows ever locked out a company
is it just Google though?
seems like no American companies can do business with them now
> The ban imposed on ZTE by the Department of Commerce makes it illegal for U.S. companies to sell any products and services to the company. ZTE has yet to release a statement.
The rick and morty VR game fucked with me
Loktar hmm I'm pretty sure this might be for other phones. ZTE is just the latest headline
@SterlingArcher oh dude how are you liking the Rift?
Games that were Vr designed are great, but games that support it are pretty "I can only play for 20 minutes at a time"
@SterlingArcher it's not just for games
2 hours later…
@SterlingArcher look at this guy who can last playing vr games for 20 whole minutes
@RoyiNamir Thanks for the tool, useful
I'm up since 4 am :/
sleep is for the weak anyways
Is there a way to monitor a directory and add / zip files from it as they are being created on the fly?
I thought of using fs.watch alongside archiver but it I don't think that'll work because it's supposed to watch a virtualenv directory as its being created
Meh Maybe it makes more sense to just zip it once done but I do know pip spends a lot of time doing network so I wanted to parallelize that process
@ShrekOverflow I'm testing github.com/SaitamaSama/Tungsten on there :D
1 hour later…
Hoping someone can join me to discuss this
Im hoping anyone familiar with Google Maps will chime in
2 hours later…
such silence much wow
what do you guys think about pinescript?
Hardly even knew'er
I am trying to jump into webdev. Learned nodejs with express for routing. Made a working backend webserver. On a simple get request, stuff happens and I get a json in browser.

Now I want some UI, tables, buttons and stuff. Where and how do I start to add angular with it now? A friend told me to keep nodejs backend and angular separate. How do I do that?
2 hours later…
@William just what I needed
Lol get the protection of edge in Chrome!
Lol protection
            method: 'GET',
            url: url,
            data: '',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                'User-Agent': 'Googlebot'
            onload: retrieveMeaning

If I have something like this
where retrieveMeaning is an function.
function retrieveMeaning(response){
       return reponse;
where would I recieve that return response??
Basically if the object property is an function, where does the return returns me too
@rlemon oh god no
Rlemon how long is your commute. Canadians(well this one) must be crazy youtu.be/8eJlcF5G9qM
It cuts off on my phone darn
I got some good article on When to React Vs Angular2?
It is supporting React over Angular, if you are new to both.
But I do not see the aspect of time taken for testing React apps, because it uses dynamic language(JS)
unlike Angular2 that uses static typed language
Can a callback access context of the function it was call from?
suppose I have
1 message moved to Trash can
@SurajJain Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@SurajJain Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
function callMe(){
var a = 20;

function callSomeAsync(){
Will a be printed
Async Function get call later
I love JavaScript \s
@SurajJain checkout Function.prototype.call
I am using xmlHTTPRequest
> Can a callback access context of the function it was call from?
        var url = "https://www.google.co.in/search?q=define+" + word;

            method: 'GET',
            url: url,
            data: '',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                'User-Agent': 'Googlebot'
            onload: retrieveMeaning

now I have defined retrieveMeaning somewhere, how can I pass some parameter to it?
retrieveMeaning is function, I want to call when data comes.
@SurajJain you can use .bind
@KendallFrey Dear god
@KendallFrey holy batman, un ob that
why lol
it covers my whole screen :(
read it, it's insane
@SurajJain see Function#bind, Function#apply.
And Function#call
and this
ok, i do not know these concept much, I will try
Don't listen to @KendallFrey. He's one of the lizard people, trying to steer you away from the truth
Yes, I admit it, I never tell the truth.
@BenFortune how have you been using the so-client library? I tried the line in the docs and TS complains, I think I have defs included right, and it wasn't working as a linked module.
@ssube hmm weird, I was just including src/client.ts and running the code in the readme with ts-node
Is it throwing any errors?
maybe it's the alias
Hi guys, a simple question (I'm banned of ask), I have an object, { property: 10, alertProperty: function () { alert(this.property) } ok, this.property // 10. But if add a another function inside that function, this is global (window)
it just complains that it "can't find module," which usually means a missing typedef, but you included them and I added vendor/so-client/src to my typeRoots
@ssube there's no index.ts so it'll be so-client/src/client.ts I think
So how I can refer to the property in that case?
I think I fucked up the type include, too
I didn't really write it to be included, once the code is decent I'll probably publish it
I just want someone to write it better than I did haha
I spent yesterday fixing my DI library so I could use it to put together a bot, or at least see
@AngelLuis myObj,myProperty
bind method doesn't work
@BenFortune So I can't use this? Thank you
there is any explanation of that?
@Ikari That is not material but nevertheless, good effort.
cool, it was user error 😃
@ssube is there a nix utility that'll create a directory I can write to to get autocompressed?
yeah, tried to make it somewhat a material-hybrid design :B
kinda like what windows does but actually functional 😃 ?
isn't that fuse? not sure if there's a gzip filesystem for it
although normally you pipe to gzip and that's all the "directory" you need
@ssube yeah but in this case the contents of directory are fetched by a long running network call (pip) and I thought I could improve performance by simply streaming the contents straight to zip
if the network call is your bottleneck, how will that improve things?
Because its Network Call -> Zip -> Transport To S3
If each step happens one after the other I am just sitting idle most of the time
@ssube heh
however since pip installs dependencies one at time, I'd think I can zip them while they are being creatd
now I'm getting a 404 from the SO API, but I think that's credential related
just not sure I have a password here
@ssube There's a 'debug' event you can listen on
well that's convenient
I might rewrite it tonight
client debug Authenticating with email null
client debug Using fkey 3b..87 to login
client debug Setting bot fkey to 15..a6
client debug Joining room 17
client debug Getting WS URL for room 17
uncaught error: { StatusCodeError: 404
so, it can log in as anon, but not join rooms?
I'm intentionally not passing a username yet
oh right, I think it needs auth to connect to the WS
It falls back to the AJAX API when you aren't logged in
Success! make run-terminal to launch
hello bot
reply: { intentName: 'test_hello',
  slots: {},
  message: 'Tested!',
  messageFormat: 'PlainText',
  dialogState: 'Fulfilled',
  slotToElicit: null }
client debug Authenticating with email email
client debug Using fkey fkey to login
client debug Setting bot fkey to fkey
client debug Joining room 17
client debug Getting WS URL for room 17
client debug Connected to room 17
now I just need to point A -> B and back again
> hello bot
@Neoares Hello
Odd question; can't find to seem the mobx.observe opposite, unobserve? does it not exist?
!!afk balls in holes 🏌️ ⛳️
!!lex this is a test
@ssube Indubitably
apparently that's close enough to a command
I'm getting a 404 trying to client.send a reply
is GET /chats/1/messages/new HTTP/1.1 the right method?
it should be posting
it should, I see where the request is made
I think there are some changes in this version that I never really started
persistent cookies and stuff
weird, I just added a method: 'POST' to send and it worked
should be that by default, weird
right? but with that, this is enough to get a SO-Lex bot: github.com/ssube/isolex/blob/master/src/index.ts#L72
I like it. Is it just user supplied commands or does it work with the whole alexa stuff too?
so, I need to digitize my notes/plan into GL issues, but the flow is: incoming -> match -> parse -> (cmd) -> handler -> reply
match is part of a parser, looks for !!foo or @bot or whatever
the parser is going to take the message, emit a command that handlers can handle, and wallah
which part
@Mosho the sofa
1 hour later…
ohai o/
itsa meee
Hello, Christ is Risen
Hello, World!
Practically naked girl reviewing open source computers youtu.be/HnIV29HwgrI
Kinda weird. Kinda surprised YouTube accepted it.
@William surprised?
you don't know youtube very well, dude
I wonder if she's just an actress or she really knows what she's saying
@Neoares yeah I was wondering the same thing. The ifixit girl is one thing but this is next level with the accent and bathing suit.
@William I need myself one of those practically-naked girl-reviewing open-source computers
verne troyer died :(
@rlemon what is dat?
a massive conveyor belt?
@rlemon needs more green and purple
@rlemon bot is dead
somehow it came back earlier I think.
Can you restart it or something?
I love the french translation of "magic wand" :D
why are my dreams so difficult?
why cant I just have the dream of playing with lego?
@rlemon hello how r u
@rlemon so long
@rlemon how is ur js work treating y
@KendallFrey is it translated to "vibrating personal massager baguette"?
hey, guys
hey, grills
@AndrasDeak hey.
Don't take this is as any kind of fact because it's just my personal hunch, but ^ this BOi reminds me a lot of TheOneWhoMade (whose account was deleted just before the appearance of BOi I think). Do with this information as you see fit. (cc @rlemon)
who is TheOneWhoMade?
nobody in particular :)
and in general?
Just a user. Since you don't know them my message was irrelevant to you. Ignore it.
I cant ignore something, im like a compiler, I need an explicit disclaimer
or a comment
What does this file do? It's an executable in /usr/local/bin
#!/usr/bin/env node

@AndrasDeak thanks a lot. You are so amazing. Taking someone and assuming things about them without even knowing or having any evidence. Very cool..
> Did you just assume my previous account?
I've never played a golf course with so many blind shots in my entire life
@BOi How do you know it was negative?
@BenFortune have a look at the python chatroom
No thanks
I don't do python thank you
oh. he's just being rude because hes the RO of python chatroom.
@SterlingArcher nice
there are few logical steps missing there; for the record my being here has nothing to do with my RO status
That's not a very good reason, shame on you @AndrasDeak
these sneks...
I'll just leave this here
YOO LOL @rlemon
What's wrong with his juice box :(
@Mosho had to focus on the 15th hole for a long hybrid shot, listened to that song as I shot. 225 yards
I can barely hit a straight drive that far. Fucking crushed it
Oh, actual golf? I thought this was some weird slang I wasn't privy to
Nah wii golf
close enough for me :D
love golfing, i try to go every weekend
You go to wii golf?
Going to SC on a golf trip next weekend actually
wii golf comes to you
man, you're confusing!
@SterlingArcher sounds impressive but I have no idea what it means and gold is for old people
but anyway
So how does wii compare to the real thing? I'd imagine the lack of feedback makes it much less fun, but I've never had a wii
code golf ofcourse
those guys are pretty obscure
not on spotify
well, one song
and the only sports I've played on a console were sports I've never played IRL
@Mosho golf is a sport that encourages drinking and playing. I'm down for that lol
@Mosho yeah man youtube barely has them on search
I tried golf a couple times actually
did not enjoy
its difficult to be good at golf
I don't have to be good to enjoy it
though it helps
Golf, not your sex life
the form is weird in golf
I can never keep my arms straight
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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