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Hello. I have a question about testing Redux Thunk actions with Jest.
I have a couple different action functions in one file. One of the actions dispatches the other as part of its logic, very similarly to this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/41990330/…
Both functions have a lot of logic and side effects inside of them in order to dispatch the correct Redux action objects. So when the one function calls the other, I want to use Jest to mock the other function. Something like this:
Holy shit VR is crazy
@SterlingArcher :)
whatchu try
Just the tutorial and the roller coaster
    const actions = require('actions');

    describe('the function that calls the other', () => {
      test('it calls the other function', () => {
        actions.functionToMock.mockReturnValue = Promise.resolve();
the touch tutorial or just the regular one?
@Kevin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
The touch tutorial
I say try Superhot as one of your first games
However, when I run these tests, they fail with this error message: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.
I'm guessing that Redux-Thunk doesn't like that the actions are mock objects, not Promises.
I would like to just apply jest.mock to actions.functionToMock, but since it's in the same file as the function under test, I don't think that's possible, unfortunately...
How can I get my tests to run while mocking actions.functionToMock?
funny what people will upvote
Q: Does ripping up the only signed contract form invalidate it?

WilliamSuppose I sign a contract in front of witnesses, but then immediately tear it up. Is the contract still binding?

Smart use of data shows that even baseball umps are ready to leave when the game goes into extra innings; they become ever so slightly biased in favor of the team that's closer to winning: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/everyone-wants-to-go-home-during-extra-innings-maybe-even-the-umps/ @FiveThirtyEight
I wrote the question I asked in this chat into a StackOverflow question: stackoverflow.com/questions/49932331/…
@Zirak @MadaraUchiha @Ikari @whoever add me on overwatch IceNXne and we'll play some!
But right now I need food afk
@SterlingArcher What's your battle tag?
Your username gave me an allergic reaction
* This makeup is guaranteed to be tested on animals.
@copy IceNXne
Any numbers after that?
Same for steam with a space
xx_ IceNXne _xx_69
That's a MySpace worthy display name right there
It needs a sparkle gif
nah, it needs more, it needs you to go to one of those sites that generates a theme in PHP
swap the first xx_ for [tag] in game
@SterlingArcher That's missing the #1234 part
Like copy#21273
Uhhhh I’m new to this people added me earlier with that 🧐
when I get back I’ll find it
fml :D
@SterlingArcher the fuck emoji is that lol
I see a smiling face with a monocle.
sylvester stallone
oh, is that a monocle? I just have an outline and it looked more like a stroke
@hilli_micha Me too, but I have no idea why
@ssube congrats!
we'll see
the AWS exam turned out to be easier than I expected, this one is one a real cluster
I guess the proctor breaks it and I get to fix it, so that's cool
ah fun
@copy @Zirak @MadaraUchiha @Ikari IceNXne#1521
it cool if I add you too?
@hilli_micha of course!
@SterlingArcher so you didn't live stream 😛 lol
Pics ?
@ShrekOverflow lmao no i was way too tired and excited
Makes sense 😃
How are you enjoying your new computer ?
I love it man it's so fast and smooth
still on the same step? ;P
I love the little pile of "I'll deal with this shit later" in the tray on the underside of the deskkk
@SterlingArcher you might wanna get a beanbag for the edge of your desk/keyboard wrist wrest
Probably manuals, screws, and bits of shit that are strown about from putting it all together
@SterlingArcher dAMNNN!
I just realized your entire setup probably costed < a decent 34" monitor costs here :/, MURICA!
The iPad stand is a kinda misplaced no?
Is it supposed to be on that side ?
I'd wager VR headset holder
That's a tablet stand
not a vr headset holder
I stand by my bet until proven otherwise.
That is a bad VR headset stand
I wouldn't put my shitty M50x on it the edge...
I think all sterling needs is
@hilli_micha that is a better Headphone stand
his desk comes with a million hangers
@SterlingArcher omg omg it's here?!
Archer stop watching VR PORN!
He bought this
He's in an OW game right now, probably enjoying the wonderful world of mouse and keyboard controls
Fuck, it is a tablet holder.
Do I owe you some onions or something?
@hilli_micha "wtf is this where is my joystick wtf sensitivity wtf wtf"
He is an engineer
alt f4 won't work on him
Again, you are not talking about a 3 year old
although can you dance in O/W ?
idk, its what people say in league
@KamilSolecki I go with "press F E D in order and then press spacebar for a cool emote"
@KamilSolecki That's Ctrl + 3
D will waste your summoner spell, in OW walk you doubtful he'll fall for that
That's the point.
You're overthinking the piss out of this. lol
Kamil I can post the history (RO^ cehck history)
@BenFortune How exactly did he made it into a replica? Just take a regular Focus and put a front bumper, wheels, and badges on it?
@ShrekOverflow ha I can as well!
shouldnt a http request through a library such as got npmjs.com/package/got be able to get a response from a get request to something like "http://www.google.com". racking my brain, just looking for a rubber duck. CORS maybe?
depends what HTTP method
But get should yield you the site
attempting a straight up GET.. and instead I am returning generic "RequestErrors" without a body or status code
working on cross origin apis... which is the head scratching part
what happens when you make a simple xhr without the library
also according to their docs you should get an error code in requesterror
my xhr response is empty (feeling like cors)
and yea i read those docs, says should get statuscodes if they are available
1 message moved to Trash can
@Joe Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
    "name": "RequestError",
    "host": "www.google.com",
    "hostname": "www.google.com",
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/",
    "protocol": "https:",
    "url": "https://www.google.com/"
sorry six... that is all i get @KamilSolecki
z = xtany(e^xy) + ylogx + xy + x^2 - y ^2 + xy/e^xy
Doesn't that look like the old windows wall paper ?
in most generic apps, would chat history between users be stored server side? or just sent via server and stored on both clients
@RachelDockter depends on if you are trying to facebook or signal
Option A will allow you to see everything the user talks
and this may be considered a violation of privacy unless you tell them
Option B just encrypt data end to end nobody sees anything
trying to facebook haha
so it would encrypt it and store it client side?
i googled it and i could only find that skype stores the chat logs on the cloud which i think is client but not sure
truly horrifying
hm, I thnk I need to switch wifi drivers. The one I forked is working except for an occasional band-switch, which github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au has supposedly fixed.
I love this freaking computer
@SterlingArcher :')
@SterlingArcher added!
my question is regarding tinymce plugin
@DotNetLover Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how to bind model to tinymce using angularjs 5
You bind it
i went to the official documentation and gone through the steps i am but able to bind model
i am not able to bind the model
<app-tinymce [(ngModel)]='content'></app-tinymce>
if i use the above i am getting error at ngModel
if i use
tinymce is displaying
i am new to angular 5
should i do anything else to bind model to <app-tinymce></app-tinymce>
@jhawins the duc started slow cranking and then freewheeling and then no cranking the other day :/
@DILEEPTHOMAS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
using active x in IE can i list out all the browsers installed in System
using ActiveX clicking on one link i can open the link in chrome
is there any way
The other day I held the door open for a clown. I thought it was a nice jester..
Q: Find all browsers installed in a machine using active X in IE -Javascript

DILEEP THOMASI need to search what all browsers are installed in a system using ActiveX . I am able to open a link from IE to chrome using ActiveX. Sample Code var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); shell.run("chrome http://www.google.com");

is there any solution for the question using active X in IE
Q: Angular 5 - How to set a variable at [formControl]?

Aakash VermaI have my interface like this export interface IFilterParams { columnTitle: string; key: string; mode: FILTER_MODE; compareMethod: COMPARE_METHOD; keyToCheck?: string; sliderKeys?: string[]; startingValue?: number; placeHolder?: string; cssClass?: string; ...

Urgent help needed please!
@DILEEPTHOMAS ActiveXObject is something from the medieval ages in the IT history. See that as having telegram lines. Why use it if there are mobile networks for your smartphone?
@karelG since its the only way , is there any way using activex from IE to list all the browsers name installed in the machine
@rlemon Most of those books are xth print of the work. Usually it is not older than 10 years. But we do not have to pay a lot for those books. The most expensive course I had was Software Design, which required 3 books for one semester. Buying those 3 books cost me about 600~700 EUR ( = ~1000 CAD). But there were also courses with free books from the professor (pdf downloads) or books at 60 ish EUR (~100 CAD)
in total, you can say that I do not have to spend more than 1000 EUR (1,500 CAD) per academy year, although there was one exception ( that year with Software Design)
@DILEEPTHOMAS only if you answer on my question: why?
thats an old web application, and its working only in IE but certain links should open in chrome before to that we need to check what all browsers are installed
@karelg i am able to open some link in chrome from IE when clicking on using active X
> only if you answer on my question: why?
@karelg without using activeX is there any way to list all browsers using javascript
@karelG i didnt understand Why?
@DILEEPTHOMAS I think KarelG is asking why you need this information
@Neil which information?
@DILEEPTHOMAS the information you're asking for.
13 mins ago, by DILEEP THOMAS
@karelG since its the only way , is there any way using activex from IE to list all the browsers name installed in the machine
@neil @karelG this is the reason , why i need the list of browsers installed => => thats an old web application, and its working only in IE but certain links should open in chrome before to that we need to check what all browsers are installed
That's considered to be an operating system responsibility
You don't get to pick what browser is opened or used
You can only know what browser is being used currently
You'll find that there are ways, but they're very invasive and highly discouraged
when i searched i didn't find a solution
Most people don't recommend this route, because it would involve asking complete trust of the user
but this is our requirement
@DILEEPTHOMAS either update the code so that you can use the newest browser or keep the links directing in the IE environment. There is no reason to tell to open a link in another browser.
yeah i know but i just need a solution
or open a new webpage saying that "this webpage can only be visited in chrome" so that the user can decide at his own to copy/paste over the link
@DILEEPTHOMAS I think you're going to have a hard time then
as developers you knew it the reason, but there are some situations were we need to do it
yes neil , i have searched every where
Sorry bud, I am at the other side of the security war
i posted question even in stackoverflow
then i came to knew about chat rooms
laymen ask developers to do certain things that would break security or be generally very bad ideas
you did not gave me a good ( = valid!) reason. So I won't help you. There is a way, but I won't tell because I think you are doing something nasty.
I know they're insistent, but you are the expert. You have to be able to tell them what can and can't be done, or at least what shouldn't be done
@karelg i dont know you personally but some times i cant even make a trust on you within five minutes of chat
but this is my scenario
lets put it this way, if you were a locksmith, and someone asked you to show up at 5th and main at midnight and open the locked door to a bank, as a professional you say no..
@Neil Backdoor to encryption for law enforcement... :D
@New_2_Code Heh, that was especially bad because it wasn't just "your boss" it was the US government
@Neil lol yeah, like that would not be exploited on the first day. Some people just don't understand how tech works... Tech Muggles...
I suppose if it came down to it, you'd have to ask yourself if you'd do something you thought was unethical because it was asked of you
I can't really say, as it has never gotten to the point where I couldn't explain my reasons to my boss, but I'd like to think I'd quit my job first
The situation doesn't arise often
@Neil ha, saw that coming
so is there any way
I remember some kind of experiment they did. Where they asked random people to shock other random people. At first they would be like "What? No why?". They would explain that they were being ordered to do so by the hierarchy. As the experiment went on. People who were reluctant would shock others on command without flinching. (Will see if I can find the experiment.)
but I am (like @ShrekOverflow) sometimes upset that developers are not aware of the security implications what they were doing. OR coming up with vague reasons. If a person does not trust me, why should I trust him? It has to come in two ways.
So I ask why. If there is a good (valid) reason, then I would help
i am beginner to javascript
i searched a lot to find a solution to get to work a link open in Chrome from IE
i was forced to do this
> open a new webpage saying that "this webpage can only be visited in chrome" so that the user can decide at his own to copy/paste over the link
Hmm, not sure about IE to Chrome. But if you need Chrome to IE. Check out IE Tabs addon for chrome.
no i got the solution using active x
wait i will post the sample code
@New_2_Code It's a well known experiment in the sociology world
var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
shell.run("chrome http://www.google.com");
@Neil Damn well shocking though. Mind the pun.
on click of a link i called a method
It was a scary experiment, because it seemed to debunk the idea that the nazis were particularly susceptible to being manipulated
turns out everyone is like this
using activex i need to get the browsers name installed in system
is there any way
You see it in America. (Apologies in advance to Americans.) Where they blast out all media outlets how Russia is bad. Next thing you know Cold War 2.0. (Heavy paraphrasing here.)
@Neil not everyone. Many participants refused to shock other ones. And later studies of the data also show that many participants were aware it was a hoax, this study is generally seen as a badly made one, not very scientific
@karelg just need to get the browsers name
@DenysSéguret Many, but a low percentage of the whole
since you only need chrome for your url, your current snippet is sufficient.
no need to list all those browsers
@DenysSéguret While true, even those who were reluctant towards the begin, were able to shock without much reluctance towards the end.
I don't oppose the finding that there are many people around here who are much too willing to torture other ones (after all there's also history to teach us that), but the conclusions of this particular study sound exagerated, it's not good science
the gif image at the bottom here shows a PoC of gradient descent. But a reasonable guy would follow that river ( that one he would encounter the first time )
if chrome is not installed i need to make a check else i need to show a message to the user that chrome is not installed
thats y i need to check the browsers name
if anyone have any solution please help
activex is still alive in browsers ?
How comes some people are still developing for IE ? This looks like blind madness
If you can develop in IE you can shock someone. :D (jk)
Probably. Even letting your users having IE when you're a sysadmin is a crime
Sadly there are plenty of legacy code that needs to be executed on IE.
@DenysSéguret Seamless integration with other Microsoft shit that no other vendor supports
There is a company (I fail to recall the name) which has released a product 2 years ago. It was a scanner to get measurement data
sup all
To get analysis charts from that, those data has to be sent to their server for some intensive calculations. So the user has to open IE, log in, connect the device with the USB and the IE gets the data to transmit it to the server
I found 3 major issues: (1) data was not encrypted back and forth, (2) using IE to read the device and (3) since it is not so responsive, some users had to retry the process.
aaand that measurement device is a scanner for diabetic people. The data is their glucose level, insulin takes, food consumption, ...
Oh, I like to have this in my mailbox:
I literally yelled "wtf"
The following items were shipped:

To Ship  Offer Id   Description
-------  ---------  -------------------------------------
1        STEX0200   New Mens Stack Overflow T-shirts
1        STEX0201A  5” wide Stack Overflow Sticker
1        STEX173    Translucent Starlight Pen
2        STEX180    Mens SO Charcoal T-shirt
1        STEX196    SO Icon Logo – Transparent Background
(but still no date from the shipping company)
ooh i want a new sticker
@KarelG I already have one from the 100K
I have a mug :D
this is for the 250K
100k is soooo far o.o
nice! Congrats @DenysSéguret
* looks to my rep *
aint I lazy
I'm like 0.5% of the way there! Not bad!
@KarelG learn a new language. It's easier to answer when all questions don't make you feel déjà-vu
@DenysSéguret what do ya do for a living
I know I stopped answering java and javascript long ago
multi-language programmer? @DenysSéguret
@taco I sell stickers I win on SO
I seriously do want another one. It's on my old laptop. I should buy one
Nobody believes me that SO was my customer
As I get about 3 stickers per year, I can't let it go for less than $80.000, sorry
OK. I can send you some Bitcoin
Do you get those mugs often or just once ?
Unfortunately it's called WebcamCoin, so you gotta show me some skin
because if you use them, the painting will fade over time
@KarelG It's the second one I get
@KarelG The first one didn't fade at all
neat, that must be of a good quality
or you did not use it? :P
TBH I don't use it everyday. As an European I don't drink coffee in a mug, my coffees are ristretto sized
sup @KarelG
Tacos are not keto friendly
yeah we abuse coffee over here @DenysSéguret
I drink my cup of coffee from a mug. Or sometimes from starbucks.
I hope Starbucks never gets into Wine
@taco I'm sure I drink more caffeine than you. French and Italian people think US coffee is some kind of colored water
Does that make me a non-european?
@KarelG yes, clearly. Please wait in line for the deportation
@DenysSéguret yeah, that's my wife, basically. I don't know coffee that well, but I do like a good machiatto or espresso
@DenysSéguret that is a very long line, full of immigrants <.<
@KumarRamalingam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Okay @CapricaSix
Single horizontal bar line chart using highcharts.. is it possible..?
uhm yes? Just have a constant function
for each datapoint, add a fixed value.
Is the flyweight pattern used in JS much?
I'd say this pattern is globally obsolete with all modern GC
it is still useful for rendering
eg re-using assets when drawing a 3d world
of course but that's just usual programming. In my view the flyweight pattern is when you specifically reorganize your objects to reuse them
edit: it looks from the wikipedia page that the definition is (now?) more general than the one I had in mind. So we can say we use the flyweight pattern any time we type some code, by the wikipedia definition
ok. never heard of anybody using it
some of these patterns probably provide very little benefit
Guten Tag Herr GNi33
Sorry for assuming gender
@GNi33 1000 years in the dungeon. HmmmmHmm
just did a "git" command got status. I found that - even if it has failed - quite funny.
you need this
it's very satisfying
So anyone planning anything illegal this weekend? #NotACop
if you mean anything that would be illegal, but instead is legal where we do it, then yea, i am
@GNi33 I concur. It saves a lot of time
Such as? :D
uhm... stuff...
I'm fcking bored... back to studies I guess...
holy, did somebody ask about ActiveX last night
mother of outdated
@New_2_Code there is almost no countries where consumption is illegal
consumption of pizza?
that would suck
@GNi33 lol?
is that a masterpiece?
@Neoares this looks like a joke, and probably started as a joke, but is genuinely useful
@KamilSolecki your watch must be in winter time: it was this morning, 2~3 h ago
I just installed the fuck in my machine
@KarelG I respect you for that 😛 I'll buy you a drinks for your service to the world if we ever meet 😛
Also as a solution arch & tier 2 support my experience has taught me two things
1. I don't like talking to people.
2. Always start with the why, most programmers make assumptions and the problem is abstracted out whcih might have a better solution, could be unsolvable.
but in order to do 2., you have to talk, which may violate 1.
would you experience a short-circuit ?
@KarelG I do violate 1 and that is extremely taxing on me :P
violar means "to rape" in spanish
and "rape" is a type of fish
Although I wonder if this much Sales + Support experience is going to affect my programming skills negatively.

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