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9:00 PM
Well I don't use it so I was just wondering. I assume you would filter that data on the BE, being 1 million entries
whats BE stand for?
Blackberry Enterprise
1 million entries in an array on the front end when you really only want a small subset of those sounds..... Rough
9:02 PM
Yeah I was thinking about looping through it to find the average claims per month. I guess I'm worried about how long the looping would take hehe. I'm not so good at algorithms.
\o. posted a question earlier today on Chrome's dragend event, but got neither views nor answers. If some of your guys around can give a hint on "bug or by design" would apreciate... stackoverflow.com/q/49852407/2256325
It's gonna take awhile. Lot longer than say, a query to the database for the same data would take
@Dream_Cap I'm sure d3.js can visualize that
not sure what you mean by "getting" though
!!afk zoom zoommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, damn ice.
@rlemon it's gonna be 80F here Wednesday
come visit
9:09 PM
Do you guys delete repo's you forked that had pr's merged but you don't plan to work on any time soon? My research kind of goes both ways. Note that my github only has 10 repos as I'm a n00b
@Sergio Nice question. So on Chrome, you're saying it doesn't show when alt is pressed? It does for me.
@Sergio your issue is a Mac issue. Alt isn't pressed as there is no alt I presume ;P
Actually drag_end nevee fires whatsoever for me. So ignore me. That's on drop
@JBallin no, not typically. Most repos are tiny.
Drops a question disappears... Typical
9:16 PM
@Jhawins Firefox delivers boolean for both drop and dragend, and MDN docs "expects" it to be set. So somehow (unless I'm missing something) Chrome is not compliant.
@Sergio Chrome never even fires dragend in the fiddle
I do am on Mac, but ALT key works on FF and also on drop.
Only drop. No matter what I do
I removed the event listener for drop as it's not what we're testing in the fiddle
@Jhawins doesn't fire the event at all? what Chrome version and OS do you use?
9:18 PM
@Sergio it's the same in all browsers
I tried FF, IE, Edge, Chrome
FF works for me
dragend never fires, the only thing in that jsfiddle that fires is drop, and I bet it's the same for you
In the fiddle it does? Screenshot your console.
Edge have not tested, and MDN is clear about it in the docs.
9:19 PM
Right but in the fiddle, in the iframe, does it fire
All I see is drop Bool ever
Also tried pressing escape while over the drop section
^ That causes nothing to be logged whatsoever
^ on FF
9:21 PM
Not sure what to say
I can see you're in the jsfiddle because of the Ads via Carbon line. No clue whats up, but nothing fires dragend on Windows 10
@rlemon Want to come drive my train?
@KendallFrey rlemon is afk: zoom zoommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, damn ice.
Octoprint was lonely
Suddenly it works
9:24 PM
So. Sorry to have wasted your time, best ignore me since my machine is fucked
@Luggage ugh, I hate that
after fixing the fans mine was like that
there were so many they went off the screen
@Sergio it also happens with shiftKey FYI, maybe you can google both/file a bug
I do like that it HAS a stream of news like security patches, though
9:26 PM
@Jhawins yes and CTRL key also.
oh yeah. Now that it's on a pi, I let it install the patches
Sounds like it's worthy of a bug
@Luggage is blackberry still alive?
without looking, my guess is "technically"
9:28 PM
they recently started suing other companies
facebook and snapchat first, I think
Without confirming, my response is “sounds right”
Didn't they always do that? They thought they owned the idea of email on a mobile device.
4 years ago and only on linux. But there's a start
@Jhawins > Status: Fixed
Maybe there has been a regression lately
9:31 PM
Hi all
I have a query on angular 4 unit testing karma
can i ask here or do we have separate chat window for that
The bug is talking about the target element things are dropped onto
Not the element being dragged
some of us know Karma, few of us willingly know Angular
Their example works, until you use the events on the dragging element not on the one that it's dropped onto
9:32 PM
It's like they only realized half of the bug
Idk. But I'd take and reference that bug with a flipped example
Well, thanks for checking it. I have to go to bed, late here. Cheers
Modified version of their example
I have a test file where i want to run a specific test case in karma (jasmine) i don't want to use fit because rest of the test case skipped and it was time consuming
9:33 PM
Doesn't work :/
do we have any method to do single test case
I'm not gonna submit it but we have a legitimate Chrome bug here if anyone is bug hungry
i tried giving grep also
but not working
does karma have an option to filter tests by name or suite?
I know mocha and the other testing frameworks do
what is the mocha way of doing
9:35 PM
so it probably depends on how you have karma set up (what test framework, what tests, etc)
@Mahadevan it's been a while, but this looks right: paulsalaets.com/posts/running-subsets-of-mocha-test-suites
actually i want to test this particular test case
it('should disable input and button', () => {
    const expMsg: MessageInterface = {
        type: 'message',
        from: 'user',
        message: DEFAUL_OPTIONS.botChatRestart
    spyOn(chatSvc, 'sendMessage').and.returnValue(Promise.reject(expMsg));
   // component.isDisable = false;

I think I might be a workaholic, like a real workaholic, not just someone who says it in an interview. is there a way to stop thinking about deving for like a week?
I think you need to make sure mocha is aware of the grep/filter flags, rather than just passing them to karma
and i have one query in my above test case
@Rick why?
9:37 PM
i have set isDisable by default = false

and i want to run test case for true but that was not working
by default it was coming as false only
how are you running karma and what test framework are you using with it, @Mahadevan?
I'm supposed to be on vacation but I feel like to have code. This is not healthy
npm run test
which then runs karma... how?
that is the command i am using for running karma
9:39 PM
@KendallFrey sure, got two things to do first.
well one thing, but it is a two.
@luggage feel free to provide some advice
@Rick meh, my github contributions for the year are more green than not
who dares ping me from my slumber?
@Sergio I went ahead and submitted your bug bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=833618
9:41 PM
@ssube sorry actually I am new to Karma for the past few days only using jasmine
!!afk have to push a car
:) :) you sleep at 6 pm?
@Mahadevan check in package.json
how do I stop thinking about coding?
boy, I really do need a life
9:41 PM
It's not my car
It's a Del Sol
@Rick learn brainfuck
Also star that chrome issue plz (on the code site not in chat)
@Rick play factorio
Hi guys! Anyone here that knows Vue? I am stuck at an complex v-if statement.
9:42 PM
@ssube thanks i just checked we are using karma-jasmine
play factorio using only brainfuck
@KendallFrey well then he'll just be thinking about engineering
that's the idea
@Mahadevan ok, and how is karma configured?
I imagine you need to pass the grep to the karma-mocha-reporter bit
9:43 PM
or maybe the jasmine-spec-reporter, although it seems odd to have both
can you guess what the contribution was
brainfuck sounds interesting I will try that
    basePath: '',
    frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular/cli'],
    plugins: [
    client: {
this is the way we configured for karma
9:46 PM
why are there so many different reporters set up together
@ssube actually this was done by some other I am trying add few things
Anyone know how to get the id of the element in this you write a condition?
actually i want to run only one test case but i am was suppose to run all the test case which i don't want currently
@sockevalley "in this you write a condition?" ??
yeah something like this:
<div :id="item.Stad" class="card-body" v-for="saldo in saldos" v-if ="this.id == {{ saldo.Färdigvarulager }}">
9:49 PM
@KendallFrey pm me factorio deets? I've never played mp
the hell is that?
@rlemon incoming in 1 min
that's worse than angular.
that's vue isn't it?
9:50 PM
yea it's vue alright @rlemon
@rlemon you'll need to download some stuff probably
@Mahadevan I'm really not sure, but that karma config is the most likely place, it's where the rest of your mocha settings seem to be. Unless you have a separate mocha config...
They are both bad. They are both ways for incompetent programs to abuse javascript
@KendallFrey will it prompt me? or just fail hard?
prompt I figure
9:51 PM
no i dont have seperate mocha config
you got the invite?
yea I think it just breaks
@rlemon any idea of how I would get the id of that element lol
@KendallFrey just sitting here
is that where the invite took you?
9:52 PM
what mods do I need?
check network activity to make sure it's not downloading silently
@rlemon bobs logistics, bobs warfare, bobs library functions, creative mode for 0.16
@ssube I meant "do you delete the repos from your github profile to clean up your repos"
@JBallin yeah, and no
9:54 PM
what bed temp you use for ABS, Lemon?
@rlemon element did not quite work.
@KendallFrey can't find bob's library functions?
> Bob's Functions Library mod
Hardly think .dataset.id will do it. Anyways cheers guys.
9:57 PM
your going to need to jquery to bind the object property
unless you do it yourself
jquery is like the clap: you almost never need it
ya but angular uses it so...
angular has a lot in common with the herp
9:59 PM
you mean herpes the diseases. true that, it does have a lot of std's
omg nooooooo
the word "need" was clearly over the top.
I work with a bunch of angular people and I have to dumb down my stuff so they can understand, and use it in some controller soup. This all comes from a place of frustration. don't blame me blame frameworks
Cool, 1 max shield can survive a 1-4, 2 can survive a 2-8
but only just
10:08 PM
I hate how angular makes smart people lazy.
they were lazy to begin with
They are smart that's for sure, but maybe not with respect to the browser.
smart people naturally become lazy
because we keep getting away with it
being smart isn't enough, you need drive to keep going
it's true, that's where people who are just a little bit smarter come up with the whole illuminati we're-so-much-more-clever story
10:15 PM
I don't follow that last part.
they're just smart enough to get by, but not smart enough to actually get anywhere
the dunning-kruger (sp?) effect
The problem with angular is that it does not scale in the browser the same way it scales with teams. people think if they can get something to show up on the screen that it will scale with large datasets
it won't
you sure angular can't?
of all its flaws, I would not have listed that
if you just stick a long tbody in the DOM, that'll be slow in any view engine
10:17 PM
depends on how you use it but most people don't use it correctly
But i'm making some assumption about your problem
umm well, it's how you render those things that change. long tbody on its own is not a bid deal
event listeners are another thing. http requests. dom thrashing
like i am sorta excited about lit-html
tl;dr lost both legs in a racing crash a year ago
seems like an unfair advantage
10:26 PM
@KendallFrey is weight a disadvantage?
he can sit so much further up :P
but I imagine it's ballasted to spec
@ssube he still has prosthetics
I know, I'm being unhelpful
even manages to operate the brake with his legs
10:30 PM
that's one cool dog
I probably know this, but I'm tired
const roles = this.props.permissions.map((role) => {
  return (
    <Link to={link} className="row" key={role.id}>
      <div className="columns">
      <div className="columns">
        <div onClick={this.deleteRole(role.id)}>
          <i className="material-icons" style={{ fontSize: '2em', color: 'red' }}>delete_forever</i>
When I click the icon, all 6 items in the array log, instead of just the clicked one
@rlemon i wanna see it go
Also, the event still bubbles with stopPropagation (I assume due to it wrapped in <Link>?)
<div onClick={this.deleteRole(role.id)}>
you sure you don't mean: <div onClick={e => this.deleteRole(role.id)}>
10:39 PM
The Link event still bubbles though, but I think I know why
I don't play either, but I enjoyed this
Westworld season 2 soon, if anyone else is into that
like a week, i think
Speaking of Westworld (havent seen it) one of my Lootbox came with westworld stuff
lol, so apparently the secret service will warn a president if he's fooling around with his mistress and his wife is about to show up.
10:52 PM
made me think of your humor
also made me laugh too..
I love those memes lol
@KendallFrey bro code
That might be the code they use even..
> We've got a code bro, I repeat a code bro
@Loktar lmao
@Loktar also apparently one of Bill Clinton's lady friends was codenamed Energizer.
11:07 PM
pretty crazy build :P
clickbait title
I like the coffee machine look
11:59 PM

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