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but mdn goes more in depth
woah woah woah. Shouldn't we be talking about javascript in here??
@totallytypicalcow Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@totallytypicalcow welcome back. enjoy your stay and try not to jump the gun so early.
just as Luggage suggested, always go for ===. That's the only way to ensure, no one will ever hate you, spending a day of his time to figure out created your super-duper smart comparison where you compare strings with numbers and shit like that. Maybe the guy gets so mad, he will track you down and straight out murder you. So you see, using === might save your life
that was quick
@GNi33 we've been told early and often
and first is a 'warning' of types
lol, we actually are talking about JS for a change. This guy has guts
@rlemon still. impressively fast. bravo
it's my nimble fingers.
it's because of all those gosh darn video games
the pokemons
@KevinB I don't find the spec on that to be terrible to read, but man that table is handy
A: Different microphones for machine learning dataset

user2285973testenter code hereenter code here`

a shitty answer by jhoverit
flagged not an answer -> declined -> user better flag reasons [deletes answer anyways]
I stopped flagging those :(
stupid flags.
what do you guys to focus? I mean, to really get into the zone. I'm so easily distractible lately. (don't suggest to jerk off or something)
i dont think i have ever flagged anything before
@jAndy music
delete votes work
@jAndy put futurama on in the background
@KevinB not at my rep
@rlemon yea that's a good start, I just don't like anything anymore which brought me into the zone, because I've heard that for maybe 502.599 hours
@jAndy make a list, put on loud music, get caffeinated, and blow through it
then jerk off
@jAndy like more music then :P
not being in this room helps
music helps me, so does standing
blow it and then jerk it off, i am learning so much from you @ssube
I'm really thinking about getting into meditation
@Luggage you always end up back here tho, or else just on google for double the time :P
minimizing this room, the todoist list, and all of those is super important
being in general ofc.
I heard so many awesome stories about it... concerning concentration
@jAndy yeah medication probably isn't a terrible idea
@HatterisMad one is never enough
mindfulness meditation?
@HatterisMad should have substituted that one
made me crack :P
@jAndy guy I work with swears by it. but I'm not convinced it works for everyone
I never understood the mindfulness part, but having any idea how to clear your mind seems useful
@jAndy i always fuck up the substitute command lol
it's just a type of meditation. how you are supposed to be using your brain
Q: Why does console logging an object one way return [object Object], and not another?

JoshTheGrayOk so I have recently learned WHY I was getting [object Object] when attempting to console log a specific object. I understand that this is js attempting to turn an obj into a str. However, based upon this Reddit post I found https://www.reddit.com/r/learnjavascript/comments/5zvypa/what_doe...

a buzzword, you mean :)
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@tomaytotomato Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
i don't know how to answer this other than... because that's what it does
no, a label. to distinguish it from some other type of meditation where you try to bend spoons or some shit
there is so much music out there which promises to help to focus and stuff... 99% makes me tired and sleepy
well, what's the error?
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@tomaytotomato Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
which version? update node
Latest version 6.11
6.11 is not the latest
not... exactly...
9.1 is current, 8.something is LTS
support for 6 ends soon, and it was an LTS
I think 8 has async/await, and is a LTS version
I ran npm update though on windows
I'm on 9.7.1
I think you need 8+, yeah
@tomaytotomato npm update will update your npm packages
npm updates node packages, not node
go look at how to update node on windows
it isn't hard
@tomaytotomato npm and node are not the same thing
npm is your package manager for node, node is the environment
npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade
and did you run it?
Then it shows

? Which version do you want to install? (Use arrow keys)
> 6.0.0-next.0
without knowing "npm-windows-upgrade" personally, I'd still avoid at all costs.
just download node... tar -xvf, ./configure, make, make install
sounds like a npm package that was never updated
@tomaytotomato ohh, then don't use that tool :P
@tomaytotomato if you got that from a tutorial, always check the dates
This is a lot simpler on ubuntu but I am using a windows machine at a friends place
pretty much any node tutorial that wasn't written in the past 24 months is out dated and wrong
s/months/hours/ :P
true story... same goes for webpack
probably /minutes/
forget about nightly builds, we do it by the minute!
Ok I figured it out, the latest node was installed but I needed to manually update path
I am one with the SQL
Q: javascript if / function weird behaviour

Mr. AnonymousWhy no reference is created for function f if ( function f() { } ) { console.log( typeof f ); } // result: undefined Whereas assigning/setting variable works fine inside if( ) if ( f = 'assigned' ) { console.log( typeof f ); } // result: string I need to k...

@rlemon is that the same thing as hoisting?
(function a() {}); a; // ref error
@Quentin (just to annoy) got it pretty much correcto mundo
can branch names be any unicode characters?
in git?
how much fate do you want to tempt?
That's why I asked here instead of trying it
never tried emojis, but most other names will work, until you try to check them out
⽝ <- wanted to see if that works
it's up to the tool, ime. not sure if git has a standard.
hello everyone, how can I create a table with selectable-rows? like the selected row gets different background on $.prop("selected", true)
alnum with -_/ is usually safe, whitespace is usually bad, otherwise...
@RahulJain Add a classname to anything that's selected and maintain the selection in an array
@RahulJain tr.selected { background-color: pink; }
Thanks all for the help, apologies for being annoying. I don't normally dev on a windows pc :)
Please tell me I'm not the only notorious I-have-102-open-browser-tabs
@tomaytotomato next time just load up a vm and dev in whatever OS you like
less than 100 tabs open is downright weird
True virtualbox is always good
I have to close tabs now
kidding, but I keep 3-4 chromes with 20+ tabs
@rlemon I mean, if I select another row, the previous row automatically gets deselected
100 tabs is fine, 3 tabs if one is onshape.. not so much
@RahulJain there is no automatic mechanism for that unless every row is really a radio option
heh, yeah. Hulu and SO chat wreck chrome
you'll have to code that yourself.
hrm, I guess you could make every row a link too and have it target itself.
that's a nice hack.
SO chat is friendly to my chrome
onshape kills my browser
maybe your browser is not inshape
use radio buttons styled as not radio buttons
s3d isn't terrible, but can be bad. mesh mixer is almost unusable depending on the mesh
@KevinB Right, what I've been looking at is that and ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-11.9.3
that's a very old spec
@tomaytotomato you can destructure to that level, but it won't make it prettier
const { data: { [images]: { someShit: newName } } } = source;
or something like that. not much prettier.
use jQuery
harder to follow
not even much easier to add a default
however mixing destructuring in the assignment and the function arguments could work
nested destructuring really is not useful as often as you might hope
agreed. When it was new and shiny destructuring seemed like the coolest shit ever, but it really reads like aids. It's fine for very short things and default values, but anything complicated and deep... hell no
much like ternaries or short-circuiting, I'd say
just do it at different levels. local vars are always cheap
const { data: [images] } = resource;
const { url } = images;
(I don't know the actual structure, didn't see it long enough)
but you get it
yeah, that works, and most of the variables should be dropped by the compiler
@ssube I doubt the == coercion rules have changed in ES6 -- have they? For this project I'm referring to the 5.1 standard because I'm writing for the NetSuite SuiteScript 1.0 server-side environment which is ES 5.1 not ES 6.
the most useful place I've seen for destructuring is when you need to utilize rest, or skipping array values
Ahhmm.. the nitbitch police says: "compiler is a bad word in that context"
@jAndy why?
const [,,foo] = arr; // love
when the JIT compiler compiles that code, it should elide most of the variables, because it can definitively see their lifetime and usage
call it jitter at least
they aren't returned or otherwise passed out of the function
@jAndy it's a compiler. I'm calling it a compiler.
jitter is a different word
it's a JIT compiler
gcc is an AOT compiler
it's like when people say a transpiler isn't a compiler.
it is. you're just getting more specific.
I'm not.
it is, it just compiles between high level languages
I just wanted to demonstrate who is the real nitbitch officer around
they're all compilers
from where I come ... a compiler reads a high level language and puts that into machine code, statically, forever. done.
maybe true :P
that used to be the most likely case, but there have always been transpilers
I still have my problems with like... calling a javascript interpretator/JIT a compiler based on the history
the JIT compiler does write out assembly
or an IR that is converted to assembly, like llvm might
a compiler doesn't write "to the lowest possible [machine] code"
just a different one that will be understood
you could maybe argue that compiler implies a lower level
but not the lowest
and then use transpiler to indicate the same level of abstraction
otherwise the word would be pretty stupid
yeah, clang is still a real compiler
you wouldn't say that just because something emits llvm IR, it's no longer a C compiler
is there a definition of a transmute process which takes a given thing and breaks it down into the lowest possible other-thing units?
fission? :P
@ssube Yeah, looking at the June 2017 spec the behavior seems to be the same. It's a little more involved to conclude that because the spec isn't organized the same way.
@MetaEd yeah, coercion probably hasn't changed much
@MetaEd == vs === hasn't really changed much. I wouldn't expect it to be different from ES3+
@rlemon But did their code get merged?
So just to be sure I understood the answer, yes, a == 2 is true when toPrimitive(a) is 2, but a == b is false when toPrimitive(a) is 2 and toPrimitive(b) is 2.
2 == 2
because that's true, no matter how you cut it.
Yes, I'll buy that also.
actually they removed all the fun in javascript when engines implemented property descriptors and along the way, made window.undefined value not configurable and not writable
do a and b get coerced into the same primitive?
that has to happen somewhere
@ssube both sides shouldn't coerce
only one
@ssube I stipulated above that a is an object, not a primitive type. So is b. But they downconvert to 2.
is it only ever the RHO being coerced?
it's been a long time since I used coercion, tbh
so like, new Number(2) == 2 // true, but new Number(2) == new Number(2) // false??
gosh I still laugh my ass off how long my co-worker worked on that bug... when value === undefined wasn't working
@ssube The order doesn't matter for comparison. The order only matters insofar as it changes the order of evaluation.
well, that's what I'm asking. What is the order of coercion?
shouldn't matter.
if you need to change both sides your comparison will fail.
seems reasonable
ggs @Ikari
coercion tries to match one side with the others type. if both sides are changed, what's the point?
yup ^^
those were some pretty nice games
@rlemon ask Scala :)
also, Madara is a pro hanzo confirmed
they'll implicitly coerce multiple times
no thanks
it's awful
@ssube It seems that when they're both objects, there's no coercion so the downconversion (toPrimitive) doesn't happen. That's what I understand from the spec and that's what I'd like to sanity-check here.
I should give Hanzo another look
Oh no did I miss the fucksie wucksie in overwatch
I can see why people play him, he's surprisingly fun
@KamilSolecki You did
you guys playing ps4 or pc?
@MetaEd objects are converted differently
ikr, he does a surprising amount of damage on headshots
are servers continent locked?
@Ikari It's because his winding period is shorter than Widoow's
sorry, what?
@rlemon No.
@KamilSolecki we were a 4 stack, would have been nice if you joined us as well ^^
what game?
@MadaraUchiha promising.
(serious question, not indicating anything)
I said, we're not peasants.
@jAndy Overwatch
@rlemon Interesting. I'll try that.
Problem? :3
@Feeds haha, it's cute that you think I care. 😛
Mod Abuse!!11OneOne
but if it makes you feel better, go ahead
Alright, late dinner time
o/ cya
@rlemon Yes, works how I was expecting. That's a great simple case.
@MadaraUchiha can you really call eating at midnight dinner?
> typeof new Number(2);
> 2 == 2
> new Number(2) == 2
> 2 == new Number(2)
> new Number(2) == new Number(2)
@KevinB You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b) have 81429 reputation, earned 42 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 2304 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:288.
avg. rep/post: 35.22. Badges: 11g 129s 146b
!!>typeof NaN
@jAndy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@jAndy "number"
@MetaEd but the "order" you talked about doesn't matter. just means that left or right will coerce differently in the middle two tests (I'm almost positive, but I haven't dug THAT deep into it.)
the middle two would coerce identically wouldn't they?
with a primitive number being on either side, the side that isn't a primitive number will be coerced
wouldn't one try to convert it to a primitive, the other would try to box the number?
@rlemon The 5.1 spec says:
If Type(x) is either String or Number and Type(y) is Object, return the result of the comparison x == ToPrimitive(y).
If Type(x) is Object and Type(y) is either String or Number, return the result of the comparison ToPrimitive(x) == y.
@rlemon It's the same behavior in later specs, but it's expressed differently.
@MetaEd and I'm reading that how I explained my understanding above.
ohh, I see the gap
nvm. I was wrong.
in the case of non primitive to non primitive, it's basically {} == {}
@david That dude sucks
@rlemon You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/829835/rlemon) have 13209 reputation, lost 1 rep today, asked 72 questions, gave 380 answers, for a q:a ratio of 18:95.
avg. rep/post: 29.22. Badges: 10g 73s 110b
1 rep today
slow downvote day
i've cast 16 today, and received 1
well, today as of 7am today
no.. that doesn't add up
my profile says i cast 26 votes today
deleted posts
doot doot

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