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but you will most probably mess it up, if you make it manually
@lovemyjob That's exactly what promises are good for.
@Cerbrus thanks
@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales That sentence makes no sense
If you're asking why ES modules are so complicated in Node, it's because they are an unfinished concept that was made for the web
Meaning the concept in NodeJS is unfinished, the overall concept is probably fine
@OliverSalzburg I can not understand, why so much trouble to import something that should be simple, I'm new using node js, I do not speak English, it's not my main language, only I've written the question in many places, and nobody tells me something concrete about that the reason can not be that, I think the response is very generic
@OliverSalzburg mmm ok
@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales If you want to use Node, forget about import/export
module.exports and require is what you want
This should be a lot easier to grasp
Imagine a world where javascript was designed properly the first time
Wouldn't that have been nice
how did you handle ajax callbacks in times where there was no Promise?
you'd use callbacks
@OliverSalzburg thanks, i take this recommendation, i lost my mind with this
Many people lose their minds with javascript
Some say, that's the only way to bare working with it
I'm always very suspicious of new users who rush edits to get 20 rep then join chat immediately. like, whose sock are you?
It's becoming more and more like ruby every day though, so I can get behind it
@rlemon jhorevitz
Is my understanding of "ajax" "callbacks" and "other functions relying on data from ajax" even close to real structure? AJAX function gives CALLBACK function, in which inside other functions can 'play' with callbacks data. But that would mean whole code would be wrapped in ajax function?
@lovemyjob A callback is when you give a function to another function
@lovemyjob only the parts that need to be
The function you give it to can call it whenver it wants
the callback function is a regular function lifted to the monadic async ajax operation level
I thought this was an english chat
when you think about it there are two worlds in your code
got that, but anything relying on callback needs to be inside callback... does this defeats the purpose of object oriented coding?
Oh, are you confused about scope?
"inside" is where the intuition fails
Accessing data outside of a callback inside of it?
your program has two "worlds". One is the world in which you call the async operation, and the other is the world in which the operation is completed.
the callback is just the bridge between those two worlds
the most important realization is that both worlds are actually the same, just offset in time
If a callback is a bridge, than a promise is a boat?
Or maybe it's a cruise ship
@Neil a promise is a portal to the future
visually code structure { [ AJAX ( callback < functions-relying-on-callback >) functions-not-relying-on-callback-but-may-be-linked-to-ajax ] other-functions }
fuck visual code structure
You people need to calm it with the drugs
Real men code with a blindfold on
visual code structure is just a consequence of the language syntax and has nothing to do with what's happening
@Cereal WEjeroj jwojwp jejwe
Is it safe to do if (!obj.foo) to check to see if a field is defined in an object?
@MadaraUchiha not sure if you've got email notes setup. check #61
@Michael it won't hurt me.
@Michael No
But depending on your view, it might be
if( typeof obj.foo !== "undefined" ) is the sexy way to do it
Don't judge
@OliverSalzburg That's how I'm doing it now. But it is very verbose.
why do you even need to do that check
@rlemon brutal
@Michael Your test would fail for obj.foo = undefined or obj.foo = null or obj.foo = false or obj.foo = ""
@OliverSalzburg I too enjoy visiting 2009 :D
So, if that is not a problem for you, go for it
@Luggage I hope you mean "excellent idea!"
@rlemon that's great news. I love finding a real problem (as opposed to just wondering)
@KamilSolecki What is your "modern" approach?
@BartekBanachewicz oi, did you end up setting our mind about that milking machine?
Fuck, forget about that
> Colonists can survive without spines
WTH is this
Rimworld, of course!
@KamilSolecki still in progress of cleaning the basement.
I have an array of objects. The array and its list of objects is hard-coded. I want some of the fields to be "optional" so that they can be left out.
@OliverSalzburg if ('foo' in obj), if (obj.foo !== undefined), etc
typeof checking for undefined is so 2000-late
I think that makes sense. Aren't your heart and lungs connected at the top of your spine?
@BartekBanachewicz the best colony builder ever
@KamilSolecki is this Dwarf Fortress but in space
more importantly
@BartekBanachewicz on a planet*
is this Dwarf Fortress but in space
I love it already
It's better
where do I put my money
it's playable dwarf fortress.
@ndugger I think the right solution is to use typescript and make sure foo ins't boolean and you're set.
But yeh pretty much more advanced dwarf fortress, with extra super coolness sprinkle
@OliverSalzburg That's fine for my use-case.
@Vap0r get out of my life
@ndugger you disagree?
thank you for your answers. laters
Why would I want to use typescript?
I use typeQuery
I use jScript
IE 7, here I come
I do use JScript.
boo this man
@ndugger you clearly would want to join our cool typescript kids club, that’s why.
@Luggage You have my pity
If I wanted a strongly typed language, I'd use something better and compile to WASM
My biggest argument against typescript is that the C# room likes it
Is that valid?
@ndugger Right, in would have been good
meh. it's not bad.
@ndugger something better like what
@Vap0r I'll take it
@Vap0r it's not even a syllogism
@OliverSalzburg my second example is good too; you don't need to use typeof to check against a string version of undefined
that's just nonsense
@BartekBanachewicz not haskell
@ndugger Well, you can still set the key to undefined, that is different that it's type being undefined
@KendallFrey bruh what does that even mean?
But doing that would be stupid
Plus, your solution doesn't fix that either
@ndugger I've seen it happen and I've been in situations where it mattered
typeof undefined === "undefined"
A syllogism (Greek: συλλογισμός syllogismos, "conclusion, inference") is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true. In its earliest form, defined by Aristotle, from the combination of a general statement (the major premise) and a specific statement (the minor premise), a conclusion is deduced. For example, knowing that all men are mortal (major premise) and that Socrates is a man (minor premise), we may validly conclude that Socrates is mortal. Syllogistic arguments are usually...
@OliverSalzburg it doesn't happen very often, but I've been in situations where I mattered
@Feeds but where is the fifth invader force?
@KendallFrey C# room sucks and their opinion is bad. C# room likes typescript. Typescript is bad
Better, but invalid
You're an invalid
@ndugger wtf. I must have shit confused :P
People will sometimes try to justify using typeof to check for the existence of global variables, but I would argue that you should try to access them as properties of window|global instead
@ggderas This is super old but I've had a Rog GL551JM for over 3 years now as my primary machine.
Checking with in is probably what I had in mind. No idea why I mixed it up with the typeof check
@ShrekOverflow he/she lmao
@user1596138 😛
@OliverSalzburg checking with in is safest. :)
but people call me stupid for caring
1 message moved to Trash can
@tomaytotomato Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Hey, is there anyway I can make this syntax sugar sweeter?

let userList = [];
          response.body.forEach(function (user) {
              name: `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`,
              id: user.id

Or is it fine as it is?
Well, it all depends on the experiences you had. If you ever had to search for a bug that is caused by a if(foo.bar) when it should have been if("bar" in foo), they wouldn't doubt you :P
const userList = sourceList.map(obj => ... mutate the object );
@OliverSalzburg in doesn't run a getter, the other solutions do
const userList = response.body.map(user => ({
    name: `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`,
    id: user.id
I see, I give good directions.. then you pull up and drive him there.
Thanks, does it need to be a const though if its inside a function scope?
const until you can't
let should only be used if you are changing the ref.
if not use const.
you can still change the array with const. add to it, change it's items. you just can't replace it with a new array
But, if you want to do that, then use 'let'.
hmm ok, this is good practice like final in java
Use globals until the window is full, then use const
not using java is good practice
@rlemon let should be used if you want to be ashamed of your miserable life
says the guy writing java at work
@ndugger at least he's not writing java at home
he == me
My condolences
thank you
@Cereal I am
sort of
I write Java, Groovy and Kotlin :D
@Wietlol meh, I use it when I know the alternative solution will be slightly more ugly. then ignore that I used it
@Wietlol We really need some sort of hipster tard meme for statements like this.
@user1596138 maybe do a search of stuff I said :D
Are self deprecating comments hipster now?
in C#, Oct 6 '17 at 14:56, by Wietlol
i have no idea where to put it
in C#, Sep 13 '17 at 15:07, by Wietlol
i will most probably write my own
ah, there we go
@Wietlol Do a search of what you said why lol
We all know.
you can have a lot of those statments :D
@Cereal hipster in the way of following the trend
I thought hipster was intentionally not following the trend
By following the trend lol
I was self deprecating before it was cool.
isnt that the definition of hipster?
@Cereal following the no-trend trend is a trend
Idk it's circular
@rlemon This lol
But not the trend
That doesn't fit either
U silly boi that's all I meant
nothing wrong with that. if everyone was unique fashion and media would suck
imagine only appealing to 0.00000000001% of people
done. next?
That's what I strive to do
@Luggage umm... pizza?
@rlemon That's not even 1 person
That's like. Appealing to a tenth of 1 person
no pizza, trying to reduce carbs to appeal to 0.00000000002% of people.
@user1596138 yes, because I did the math
don't be Kendall.
Google did it for me
no one wants to be Kendall
@rlemon I do
I only appeal to a small bit of myself. So I think you got it just right
When's the wedding?
@Cereal you get your invite after I see what you bought us from the registry
It's marble pla
He bought a lemon peeler
@Cereal aug 7th, 2019
see you there
k babe
@Cereal in ln(sqrt(-42)) days
An imaginary meaning of life
Guys do you usually use this chat for js/programming chat ?
Has anyone used UPack
or is there a discord/slack/irc channel that's better ?
^ Totally programming related
we mostly all enjoy programming and js
if you have a question about either we might bite.
yes, mostly all of us
Chat usually just kinda flows along, but everyone here knows js, and most of us do it professional
I do professional
many time
would be nice if someone read the rules before complaining about OT discussion :(
OT discussion ?
Orifice Translation
off topic
@wadie There are obviously tons of channels about JS. If you aren't happy with what you see switch
Orchid Tea
@user1596138 oh I know :) I was just asking if you guys usually hang out here or somewhere else
like on a different service
@user1596138 how well do you think a 4.0 CFM @ 90 PSI compressor would handle a 1/2" impact?
We have a group skype chat
we're very trendy
Oh yeah we don't have a secondary chat unless they hide it from me
of course we do
we have that chat specifically for talking about you
@hilli_micha What kind of impact
@user1596138 head first
Someone pinged me
who pinged me
My biggest one says like 4.7cfm @ 90psi.
@wadie you got a reply above. that's it
I always buy oversized tho and use the tank. It can refill while your hands are busy on something else. Never tried to buy one that could supply my tools in real time

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