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well if he has a jQuery object he has the DOM object as well.
[0].checked = false;
Yeah, I meant if he has it available via this etc., not by retrieving it from the jQuery object.
the [0] just looks so ugly
the $ looks ugly
@Esailija, don't delete your answer, the first version is good to have for reference.
And it might be useful for other cases
it was perfect until some jackass said "it loads images"
it only loads them in chrome
which is a bug
@Esailija nice :-)
if I have element that is not even in the dom and not a real element, it should not load images
var a = document.createElement("whatthefuck");
a.innerHTML = "<img src='/'>"
why does that try to load the image
still, undelete and revert + note that
as it's a good answer imo
ahahahahaha the einstein vs hawkin is awesome
I made you do it, so I guess I'll upvote ;p
one would have to make a html parser themselves if they were to parse html without side effects
DOMParser() with "text/html" is only supported in firefox
and the chrome shim doesn't look any better than just creating an element
morning everyone
evening :)
i lied it's the morning :<
oh the shimmed dom parser doesn't make a request if you put images
uh, wait, afternoon
robots are getting better at sniping my email and getting past my spam filter.
My name is Lilian I am a young single pretty girl, never married. i saw
your contact  when at stackapps.com  and i become interested in you please
write me back through this my mail contact at ([email protected]) so
that i will give you full explanation of myself. and my picture i am
Waiting to see your quick reply
thanks from, Lilian.
I always confuse evening & afternoon
@rlemon pic?
she might be doable.
oby this is spam and there is no pic.
my guess is asain. and no offence to the asains but they do nothing for me
@rlemon : maybe it's actually a woman attracted to programmer types
except build your technology
my gf is attracted to programmer types (who are me)
@JamesPWright they exist
@JamesPWright you mean manual labour? if they didn't Mexico would.
There are no girls on the internet. It's like a tree house. Haven't you read the rules?
@Zirak who said this kind of girl were on the internet?
> 16. There are NO girls on the internet.
hehehe in the "desktop notification" I got "> 16. There are NO girls on the internet"
Heh, actually a girl I know is attracted to *long-haired programming/linux-using metalheads". Too bad she's not my type at all. :P
so it read there are only younger than 16yo girls on the internet.
girls are attracted to stackoverflow badges
girls are attracted to stackoverflow badgers
oh, MinGW... C:/Program Files/Git/mdn might work now, extrapolated from $ git commit -am "/mdn might work now"
Let's see if `/urban` is still fucked:
!!/urban Rules of the internet
@Zirak [Rules of the internet](http://rules-of-the-internet.urbanup.com/2799580): 1. Do not talk about /b/
2. Do NOT talk about /b/
3. We are Anonymous.
4. Anonymous is legion.
5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.
6. Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.
8. There are no real rules about posting.
9. There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.
10. If you enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.
11. You must have pictures to prove your statement.
> 24. You will never have sex.
> 27. It needs more Desu. No exceptions.
> 33. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.
> 34. There is porn of it. No exceptions.
> 35. If no porn is found of it, it will be created.
Rule 43 makes anybody that really was on the internet just laugh :P
haha yeah
I like rules 84 and 87 too :D
@Qtax can you treat a string as string but also treat it as html
probably not
I just checked this with a random html page, and your solution REMOVED the <head> and <html> tags, among some more changes to the original string. I thought it was obvious, but I can't allow this to alter the input beyond the title's content. — seldary 5 mins ago
Can you have it both ways?
seems impossible
No, but Katy can. har har (rule 68)
And I'm making a rules of the internet listener :P
does anyone know why sortable doesnt work like this: jsfiddle.net/8wrJV
@Esailija, depends on the parser, but I don't see anything that would make it impossible.
but does not seem to be with the "usual" JS DOM parsers
any parser will change the input
no need to do that
it can keep exactly the same output, altho that would be wasteful
any parser that is following the specification*
Cleaning up posts LIKE A BAUCE!
FFS in the comments he's even like "yea the links broken... but look at wayback machine"
You can't expect to get the title with a real parser and treat the rest of it as non html I think
a SAX parser can do it for you ;)
with some quick custom parser you can treat everything as text until title
yes, and there we have it, making your own parser
for an answer to this guys question... no thx :D
just a regex should be enough for this question though
see my answer and comment about regex
the title can be <title> as well as <title arbtirary stuff here></title>
@Qtax yup, good enough
it could even be <title attr="troll>s"></title>
what are the parentheses for?
yes, altho it's not valid
(lol at chtulu's egg)
capturing groups for the replacement
how is that not valid :X it's quoted
specs dont allow <> in quotes
ah, this one
@ThiefMaster yeah :)
too bad the "insert coin" one is gone
you have to use &lt; &gt;
it's the only one I know of in this room.
but browsers dont complain
for google chrome even <title attr=<title></title> is valid
Inspect Eggs.Cthulu in this tab, it's on the first line: if(-1!=e.search(/<[^>]*\[\^[^\]]*>.*\]/)) (where e is the message)
browsers parse a lot more than what's valid
the result is <title attr="<title"></title>
I don't understand why you should escape anything else than quote inside a quote
@Esailija There's a difference between "functional" and "valid"
i have a regex that mimics chromes HTML tag parsing in an answer somewhere
what kind of parser has problem with "<"
stupid spec
that's like javascript having problem with "var"
a regex? I wouldn't for the life of me want to see a single regex which is capable of parsing even completely valid html.
!!> "var" ;
erm, sorry, I'm stupid. try again :3
@Zirak, I didn't say HTML, I said a HTML tag ;)
@Esailija "var"
Even an html tag
why can't you favorite answers? >.<
Q: Manipulating parent window from inside fancyBox

EugeneI have a fancyBox and iframe inside of it. Now inside iframe I have a form with a few buttons. For example one of the buttons makes an ajax request. So I would need to refresh parent page if this button was clicked, not immediately, but after I close fancyBox window, to see the changes of the...

where can I find this stupid rule that you must escape "<", even w3cvalidator thinks it's ok
Indeed it does
I'll try digging up where the attributes are actually defined...w3c :/
they just say you must escape quotes, which makes perfect sense of course
I think only " needs to be escaped in a double-quotes attribute
In HTML5 mode the validator even accepts a literal > inside an argument. Didn't try it with another doctype due to laziness reasons.
I have never checked specs on that tho, only what I've been told.
And yeah, HTML5 parses anything ;)
not even the strictest of strictest draconian parser should require escaping something as unambigious as character inside a string
just eat the string until you meet a delimiter
unescaped delimiter that is
@FlorianMargaine lol i kinda sorta had a feeling
Good news, everyone! My boss has been looking at Kiln... which runs on Murcurial. I might get a usable source control system!
but oh well (XD) was fun reading
Since when is HG usable?</troll>
It's more usable than Visual SourceSafe... or Team Foundation Server.
Haha yeah, and more usable than CVS/SVN
Sure, it's no git, but still
The next element should be called Ninjanium - the element of surprise.
But I'd still prefer git!
yea what is wrong with git
Why don't you use git, you git.
as long as it's not subversion i suppose you're ok
@Zirak, stackoverflow.com/a/9499761/107152 tag matching expression inside there ;p
@ $re_defs
sees Perl, hides
Well, we've been looking at project management and bug management software... Fogbugz being one of them. Fogbugz, of course, integrates with Kiln. Which, as I mentioned, is built on hg
Perl and JS have lots of similarities tho
> Public Service Announcement: Use DreamWeaver! It's awesome! Design Mode like a BAUCE!
I hurd DW has autocomplete for jQuery! OMGZZZ!!!!
@rlemon Dude, what are you doing?
There are people who don't get it.
OMG Design Mode! Where have you been all my life?
@Amaan and they deserve to suffer the wrath of malformed HTML
That's not true. The uneducated don't deserve to be punished.
brb, meeting(s)
the uneducated surly do in todays day and age.
I was uneducated.. only way to learn is to make mistakes... be told you're making mistakes... argue you're way is the right way... swallow your pride and accept you're doing things ass backwards... open up google... learn.
@rlemon The first you're is supposed to be your
It just gets to me, sorry
where we stand is | a handful of people who actually are passionate about coding, want to learn and progress the industry, proud of what they can and do build and strive to make it better.... and then there is the Slap Stick FIXIT FIXIT FIXIT noobies.
@Amaan unfortunately the spell check in Chrome does not handle grammar so well.
Well, it is spell check, not grammar check
You're is you are
Your is for possession
that question is similar to parse html with regex
dude i'm 26 I know the difference.
@rlemon it's "touché"
' is contraction. you're => you are. If you're (you are) ever unsure, just say it without the contraction.
gets asked 2000 times a day
i'm just lazy and don't care in a chat room where people accept ur and u and other hurr durr alternatives to real text.
u mad?
@rlemon Sorry :p
@Zirak nahhhh brooo I dun kare 'bout b'n mad... tizz alll gud dog.
Write some ugly code, part 1: add an SO answer stackoverflow.com/a/11101490/851498
@Zirak where is the code for the bot about the mdn part?
not surprisingly; in school I was a horrible English student until my sr year of highschool. and even then I think I should credit MS word for upping their spell/ grammar checker. However with a solid 60% avg in english I still rocked a 89 overall average.
I know, it shucks. Trying to slowly make it better: github.com/Titani/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/source/…
@Zirak wtf
@Zirak thanks, I'm currently writing an MDN scraper, so I may get some inspiration
@Zirak write modular code -.-
Modular?? is that some kinda jQuery plugin?
It's quite modular, tbh. bot is a mess. So is the Message passed around. But it was, and could've been, much much worse.
@Zirak "my shit is quite nice smelling tbh. It's a mess but it could have been much much worse"
Hi! I'm working on robot reproduction detection with JS and would love to read comments on my code. So far my script looks like this - jsfiddle.net/6Yqwd
Exactly! There's shit all over the floor, but not on the walls. Now that's progress!
@Raynos dude have you ever put yourself off? That is when you know it's time to see the doctors (or change your diet)
lol :D
but it doesnt make sense!
    this.home = null;

    this.sendTo = function(newHome) {

    this.reproduce = function() {
        this.home.addResident(new Robot());
this.home is never set?
this.home is set when I send my robot to the Moon.
@Jnis you got the instantiation part wrong, you need to add instanciation methods in the prototype of robot, you just added static methods there
newResident.home = this; // this should be the window object because you never instantiated the Home class.
@ThiefMaster and @GNi33 sorry for the delay had to go away, thanks for the responses will give them try :)
@FlorianMargaine not static methods but function objects that will be recreated every time
all in one constructor anti pattern
Every robot has its own home.
this.home.addResident(new Robot()); // why a new Robot and not Charlie?
They inherit it by reproduction.
Hows it going ^_^
@rlemon nah, his code is technically fine. @Jnis, if(Moon.population.length > 1), change the 1 to 0
@Florion good point
sorry it is... i'm just not looking at it right.
You're checking if there's more than 1, and there's exactly 1 - Charlie.
@Zirak Why? Charly is first resident.
new this.constructor
Moon.population.length === 1, it's not greater than 1
After you add the first resident, of course
Also, for setting the text of elements, please use textContent or innerText; innerHTML sets html, and by side-effect also the text.
or clear all child nodes and add a text node?
Also an option
But the goal is to see if robots can reproduce by themselves. If there will be more than one in some point, then I should start to worry.
I added some length to the setTimeout so that you can see the "NO" changed to "YES"
I'd use new this.constructor instead of that smelly hard coded reference
function replaceContentsWithText(ele,text) {
    while (ele.hasChildNodes()) {
easy peasy (probably use a less verbose function name)
and to please our dear @Esailija, jsfiddle.net/Ralt/6Yqwd/2
No, you can't reproduce them in this script. They have method to reproduce and I want to see if they can somehow manage to reproduce by themselves on the Moon. :/
@FlorianMargaine I already had jsfiddle.net/6Yqwd/3 :D
@Jānis ahhh so you want Unicorns..
It's nice how he came with an innocent idea and we all ruined it with reality :P
this is the type of code you write when on the job
@Jnis so to sum it up, you almost got it right (instance methods in the prototype <sub>and innerHTML</sub>), otherwise it's cool yeah
I'm on the job.
@Zirak +1 :D
I try not to let thinking get in the way of my work.
@rlemon -.-
@Raynos ^-^
Hi guys.
Thx, Florian. Learning something new every day. :)
function replaceContentsWithText(e, t) { e.textContent = t }
function raynosHasANewHipIdeaWhen() { return "EveryDay!"; }
(e, t) { phone(home); }
IIRC a few month ago you pushed the method I posted.
if you want cross browser shit:

function setText( e, t ) {
    if ( 'textContent' in e ) e.textContent = t;
    else e.innerText = t;
@FlorianMargaine cross browser is text nodes
innerText also works
@Raynos also, ReplaceContentWithText(ele, text) is accurate... i'm replacing ALL content with text...
@rlemon the best would be to make it recursive ( if childnode has childnodes )
@FlorianMargaine o/
@DieVarDump no need. remove the parent and all children go bye bye
@Abhishek o/
sup bro
@FlorianMargaine \o/ @Abhishek
One day I'm gonna chop your arms off :/
^ double hi-five
I thought it was not good for the DOM to not remove every childs
@rlemon memory leak /o/
_rlemon \o
@FlorianMargaine innerText and textContent have different algorithms
its a pain in the ass
@Abhishek dude i was hi-fiving you from the other side. way to fuck things up!
@Zirak Me too! o/
fixed :-)
and fixed it so that it didnt ping u again lol
Just use rlemon's solution
@Amaan .o. <- armless :<
Q: Include jQuery in the Javascript Console

mrtshermanIs there an easy way to include jQuery in the chrome Javascript Console for sites that do not use it? For example - on a website I would like to get the number of rows in a table. I know this is really easy with jQuery. $('element').length; But the site does not use jQuery. Can I add it in fro...

mother of god!
yeah i know, jQuery uses recursive nodeValue and stuff
@Abhishek jQuery ALL THE THINGS
@RyanKinal thats just ... insane!
that's completely understandable
@Raynos okayish unit testing for require.js? opinion? stackoverflow.com/a/11101490/851498
@FlorianMargaine Reason #914 not to work in programming: Meeting other programmers. In close, physical proximity. the horror
@rlemon you spammed ERB before, randomly slightly related youtube.com/watch?v=j-rxe9Ayb8c (;
You're all fine, because you're on the other side of the internet. But if we were to meet personally, someone would've been hit on the face with a blunt object.
@Esailija o/
@FlorianMargaine dont use AMD or requirejs
@Abhishek \o
@FlorianMargaine dont write your own test runner
@Zirak Yeah... there are plenty of other programmers who scare the crap out of me.
pawned the answer there LOL
@Qtax When did two posts constitute "Spam"
> l, don't like AMD modules
@RyanKinal I see one whenever I look in the mirror
@Abhishek o/
@rlemon, anything you write is spam ;)
@Loktar \o
so .... its normal for programmers to hate other programmers in person!?
img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/jenlecox/… , man 1 year ago my CSS looked ugly as hell
/me suddenly feels normal
/me too
@Qtax ohhh buddy you are so the target of my new spam tactics.
@Loktar no
@Loktar it means you work with shit people
solution: Stop working with shit people
yeah that too
im dead serious
8 more monthsssss
or so
Stop surrounding yourself with mediocre people
If I had to work with a tyrant like Raynos I would probably hate my co workers as well (and I don't think you to be a shit developer... just an opinionated arse)
There are enough awesome people in the world that you never have to interact with a single mediocre person
@Raynos :-o is that even possible ?
actually if I had to work with @Raynos id be ok with it
@rlemon why do you assume im a dick in person :P
@Raynos Here's the thing. Most programmers thing everybody else is shit.
because this is all you show us online.
@Loktar me too
99% of people are shit. That's just how it goes
I run with what you give me.
I want someone to say "wtf are you doing?!"
How can people stand programming with other people? No matter if it's Mr. Awesome of Broland McNuggets or that idiot you met on the street. When I program, I don't want breathing sounds near me. Thinking requires concentration.
My point exactly.
@rlemon you extrapolate my IRC style online dick personality to my real life personality :D
@Loktar yea but now "WRONG! OMG YOU NOOB! GET A NEW HOBBY! DIE!"
@Loktar oh my boss always says that cause hes a php ninja and i am a node warrior lol
haha yeah
"Near me" is fine as long as the other person cannot look at my screen.
I can't work with someone standing behind me, looking at what I'm doing.
so what happened in the elections ?
@rlemon I'm not that bad unless it's justified
@ThiefMaster that would be nice. Some days I just like to surf..
@Abhishek: Not finished yet.
@Loktar: Haha yeah, that's another reason :p
@Raynos nahh you're probably fine IRL - but it is generally accepted that programmers are all arrogant dicks (while talking about or concerning programming or their code)
This is true
no one person in this room is excluded from this ^
Wow long elections
hello. is there any parameter in $.ajax() function that provides the percentage of data downloaded via GET. I'm retrieving a long JSON from server, and I'd like to know it to show it in a progress bar.
@ThiefMaster That's just horrible. I can't even stand playing a game or solving a puzzle with someone standing behind, looking...observing.
@rogcg i dont know but xhr2.0 for sure does support something like that so awesome towsome jQuery must have been possesing an abstraction regarding that , i mean plugin
I doubt jquery ajax has that
xhr2? for file uploads? -> jquery form plugin
what you want is for the server to stream data at you and give you a correct Content-Length header
which is the approach people most use? I'm not uploading a file, I'm requesting a JSON
Then you want to listen on the ready state event for the readyState == 3
What @Raynos said ^
hes correct about the content-length header
and streaming the data
and btw @rogcg readyState == 3 means that server is transferring some data which has not been recieved yet.
@Abhishek got it. I'm makin a research about it.
@Raynos why?
@FlorianMargaine opinoinated.
man. font glyphs are cool.
Hey all.
I never considered them for icons.
is the blue square around the boxes in the lower right of this site centered correctly? ninasdesigns.com
I am trying to get it centered right
(click the page to skip the animation)
@rlemon hey, cool
@FlorianMargaine AMD and require.js have a very silly verbose syntax
@Neal during the intro disable scroll bars. it's ugly to see them
@Raynos really?
of course
define( function() {

    return obj;
} );
this is silly/verbose syntax to define a module?
@rlemon will do, the intro still needs work anyway
No definition isnt that verbose
its the requiring multiple dependencies thats verbose
what box in the lower right?
@rlemon any other advice?
I see only the nav "blips"
readyState is not well documented on jQuery docs.
rewrite routil/index to be AMD compliant.
like require( ['some', 'dep', 'lol'], function( some, dep, lol ) {
} );
@rlemon yes, the nav "blips" as you call them, you see the selected one has a blue box around it?
is the grey box centered correctly in the blue box?

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