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@TheOneWhoⱽᴱᴿᴮ yes, that is the question.
@rlemon retorical.
@TheOneWhoⱽᴱᴿᴮ no more warning or niceties. you haven't earned them in here. don't police the room or content, and don't be a brat. if I have to say it again I'll kick you on sight.
Tasks have settings like label and presentation, but not launch configs, even though they can target the same terminals
I'm gonna scram and run the review ques....
@TheOneWhoⱽᴱᴿᴮ *rhetorical
You're a rhetorical!
no u
@OliverSalzburg No, you are! *runs away sobbing*
Please don't argue over what I said,
Play that ball!
hello guys
i have a bootstrap table with about 20 column
i would like to change width size for one of it is column
it can't be changed
i tried
width:300 px
width : 30 %
nothing work
any idea
@Ikari Please unonebox your GIFs or don't post shitty GIFs in the first place alternatively
sorry :(
could somebody bin it then?
We'll talk enough crap soon enough
@Bassem My idea is that you're applying the width at the wrong location
i add it to the first td
@Bassem add it to the th
generally speaking, columns are set by their header
@MadaraUchiha down for a match or two in an hour?
I'm actually leaving the house soon, be back in about 3-4 hours
Will you still be up for it then?
I wantsa too!
Which is excellent for you guys because you won't hear the traffic out of my window while I speak :D
i have the decent hyperx one
@rlemon This is exactly how I look every type I put them on.
I figured
and you fist pump like that as well?
I pump... something... The fist is involved.
right hand...
@MadaraUchiha the soap dispenser because personal hygiene is important for all.
@rlemon same problem
@Bassem git gud
make a demo
@MadaraUchiha I can't make a sexual innuendo joke from that if you already do it.. ಠ_ಠ
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 12 mins ago, by Bassem
i have a bootstrap table with about 20 column
i would like to change width size for one of it is column
is there something, by which I can attach a BD reader without making my case look ugly (also, my case doesn't have any front panel for attaching a bd player). Like I want to buy that Avatar BD collection when it comes out in May, but currently have no way to play BDs atm. otherwise I'd have to keep the side panel open and connect the SATA connectors everytime I want to watch some
Guys, what is your approach to abstracting URL parameter feature flags?
i.e. www.example.com/some/path?some-feature-enabled=true
@MadaraUchiha Example?
does it have to be in the URL?
@ssube Alternatives?
Why is it in the URL in the first place?
@MadaraUchiha My approach would be don't do it. All the user has to do is change it.
Currently we have if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location.href.includes('...')) { calls every time such a feature is a thing
MadaraUchiha PHP could be an alternative
@MadaraUchiha Depends on what you mean by "feature flag." That phrase makes me think launchdarkly.com
@MadaraUchiha Why are you controlling that through the URL in the first place?
@OliverSalzburg To be easy for QA and/or sales to enable a feature even outside of regular hours/before the version gets released.
Makes sense
we had been using a few different tools at work, then switched to LD with a header in dev/test to force features on
For example, we have a show-intl-keys url flag that switches all of the texts with their intl IDs, to make it easy to see what ID is needed to be edited to change what text
We don't do that, so we don't have an approach :D We build UI around everything and there is a checkbox somewhere to enable the feature and the setting is persisted into LocalStorage or your in-cloud account
var Alias = require('require-alias');

global.alias = new Alias({
    aliases: {
        '@root': './', // will point to C:\test\
        '@folder': 'this/is/an/' // will point to C:\test\this\is\an\

I can imagine myself using it a lot
will fuck with eslint and vim navigation, but meh
webpack has that built in
Might be easier just to make a page that lets the client set these parameters for his/her session
vscode can handle aliases, too
@towc Meh. I don't see it providing value to me
maybe not that plugin, but in TS it does
well, there are plugins for vim that read the webpack config
like setting local storage and using those properties in the page
working in a large project without aliases is miserable, they save so many ../../../..s
I honestly don't want to set up webpack just for this
@ssube Yes, we're looking into that problem as well
I have TS and webpack set up just to alias src and test today, it works well enough
Neoares what data are you training your NN on?
rather than ../../../../foo/bar/clazz, with can write src/foo/bar/clazz
I wouldn't use words
maybe prefixed by something
makes it obvious when tests are including source and when they're using helpers
~ would be the conventional choice, but it breaks webpack
using the directory names makes it clear what you're including
or src//foo/bar/clazz
s/break/is reserved by/
src//foo and src/foo are the same path...
@ssube why would you use ~?
@ssube I recently built a tool that would index my entire node_modules and supply all exports through a normalized tree structure. That was fun, but broke all IntelliSense, so I binned it
@towc Home directory in linux
isn't that overly ambiguous?
@ssube they don't have to be
because you're referring to the project's home
@towc no, they are
@MadaraUchiha exactly. You wouldn't use that
repeated slashes are always collapsed
@towc not for most people who have used linux
@ssube not if webpack hooks onto it first
in URLs, in filesystems, they get removed
@rlemon well exactly. I'm used to ~ being my home. I don't want it to be anything but my home. I don't want to look at it and ask myself if that's home or not
I doubt you can live in a ~
@Ikari I've lived in less
I could live with a tilda
I guess I don't understand your point I guess. I thought you were saying ~ would be confusing, but you are saying it is not.
@rlemon it is confusing, because it's home. @ssube was suggesting using it for something that is not home
like his src path
Does anyone know of a service I can just send an HTTP call and it would return me with an empty response
He's saying he wants a prefix, but he doesn't want it to be ~
Some API testing service or something?
I get that. I don't like that webpack/scss uses it for scss
meh. it's easy to keep that context separate in your mind
@towc it's only home in a very plain bash session
most tools don't understand ~ and will throw an invalid path error
@Luggage yea, not a terrible issue. I still don't jump for joy over it
I find @ to be a great prefix
it reads well to
@srcat src
i think it was needed because css syntax didn't natively have a way to say 'project root'
@MadaraUchiha httpbin.org
@ is already used
you could argue that / is a better prefix, but that breaks absolute paths
import '$bootstrap/src/boostrap'
yep, @ breaks npm scopes
how about !src, so it intuitively tells you "not actually src"
! has meaning in css
@rlemon well, outside the context of scss
but ok
what about ->
it is kinda like an id
a pointer
Yeah, it seems as though res.json() throws on an empty response
But then again, so does JSON.stringify()...
! has a meaning in webpack, too
@Luggage oh, really?
yea, to use loaders
oh right
but that's at the end of the path
I like # better anyway :P
I don't
$ isn't used in css, or webpack afaik.
How do you make four promises run at the same time?
well, that waits for all 4. they run when they run
but probably what you wnt
They are being defined using new Promise(function)
go read up on Promise.all
var Init = new Promise(initFunction)
var Init2 = new Promise(initFunction)
var Init3 = new Promise(initFunction)
var Init4 = new Promise(initFunction)
What are those promises four?
@Neil no puns :)
rlemon Reading up on it.
lemon has a monopoly on puns
@Luggage only the bad ones
that's what I said, puns
Yay I made a good pun! </zoidberg>
this doggo looks like falcor
@MadaraUchiha @SterlingArcher asiaone.com/world/… \o/
Over 9000 ccs of anti-inflamatory..
@rlemon Proof: Anime saves lives.
@MadaraUchiha but you don't watch animes anymore
@MadaraUchiha but unfortunately his mother would never talk to him again.
It's true 😢
> Considering he is allergic to bees but is now on his way to recovery, we're tempted to believe his adorable claims.
@MadaraUchiha pls watch Violet Evergarden. kthxbye.
export function get<T>(url, data: any = {}, { cache = false, timeout = 0, appendSlash = true, format = 'json' } = {}): CancellablePromise<T> {
  return retry<T>(() => {
    const cacheKey = `${url}.${JSON.stringify(data)}`;
    const cachedResponse = httpCache.get(cacheKey) as T;
    if (cachedResponse) {
      console.log(`${url} got from cache`);
      return cachedResponse;

    const baseUrl = process.env.apiBackendUrl;
    const fullUrl = url.startsWith('http') ? url : baseUrl + url;
What a monster...
Dear lord.
Right, I need a break from refactoring :D
i.sstatic.net/o3Dox.jpg much beautiful, such wow
@MadaraUchiha play some Factorio
@Luggage That's somehow worse :D
Who loves aoe
Anyone here heard about beforeunload event?
@pentaadrian Yes, and before you ask, no, you should not abuse it.
I'm learning to use this right now and have a question regarding it.
What do you mean by saying abuse?
don't open windows when the user is trying to close them.
90% of the "use cases" for that is a shady attempt to trap people on the page
aa ok, no I'm not doing this, but something else.
imo better and not shady
Awesome, ask away :)
I wish there was an event for back button unload vs closing the tab/browser unload
you can catch popstate. The history library ('history' on npm) provides this evernt and absctracts out the details of undoing a popstate for you
because when I try to close something, I want it closed. if I fat finger a backspace I wanna confirmation. I'm talking to you google music
rlemon window.onclose
Doing currently Angular 5 app and one of testers from my dev team did some xss link that can inject malicious code into app.

What I want to do, is some kind of URL filter, which will check if URL which was typed and proceeded with (browser started executing it) is malisious.
And block it.
But, before navigation starts.
@Luggage too much work. I've learned to just pause the music before I close it
but it'd be nice if sites respected that
I use beforeunload to do a "you have unsaved changes, are you sure?" prompt. A legit reason, imo
@rlemon I didnt' realize you meant someone else's site when you said that
Yeah, but I don't want to use popups, at all.
yea, I like that. but for music sites that confirm before you leave with playing music it seems less useful.
@rlemon Can you override it in an extension?
probably. but too much work. :P
@pentaadrian you can't capture that from within the webpage
@Luggage Save the content in LS, restore when the user returns. No need to be annoying at all
maybe an extension can access that.
never tried to hook into the address bar in an extension
@OliverSalzburg that's more work, but sure, I'm for that.
@Luggage I'm doing neither because it's too much work :D
you could write a MITM extension to proxy all requests through, and then do the check there.
I think that's how most parental apps work
What I want is if user types some path, like myapp.com/some_broken_path_with_malicious_url the beforeunload event handler will stop executing url, filter this url to check if its xss and if it's xss, the url will be dropped and script will redirect to homepage
pentaadrian the thing is is that the new url can't acces your current webpage.
1 message moved to Trash can
@pentaadrian Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I must have said wrong - I'm talking about current app's url.
short answer: you can't
long answer: you might be able to with an extension
What I whant to filter is paths, queries, hashes which could contain xss injections.
But I already did something near my final result, I think, though.
@pentaadrian if you are on domain.com and you just wanna filter out malicious stuff from domain.com?codeHere then yes, that's fine. but not before the request happens.
you have to accept the request and deal with it then
this.renderer.listen('window', 'beforeunload', (evt) => {
      console.log('CHANGING URL:\n');
      console.log('beforeunload triggered url:', this.router.url);
this preventdefault stops navigation and request and shows popup
Cap let that go? wow.
I don't know how to _just_stop_request
@TheOneWhoⱽᴱᴿᴮ yes, because it's formatted
but without showing any popups
@pentaadrian again, not possible.
@pentaadrian this could be possible, but it would be blocked by the browser almost immediatly.
but I had used some SPA's which can do this without reloading page
no it isn't possible. you can't beforeunload without the popup. that's baked into the browser.

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