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heh, at this point I remember very little
I know just enough rust to write like 99% of working code, but then it completely fails at the last 1% because I'm trying to hook things up wrong and force relationships that don't exist
of C++ or otherwise
I'm too used to more dynamicism
@ssube It's all the cookie dough. Just too much.
And maybe the acid
Right, I'm heading out again
do try not to get frozen again?
@MadaraUchiha And I'm going skiing tomorrow, where you at?
Still in Tel Aviv
c# just works by "limiting" (no multiple inheritance, always pass by reference); I've learned that limitations instead of optimizations really improve productivity. Python just does "magic" with their mro. Javascript: I'm not sure what I think about their Object model yet.
@MadaraUchiha I know what your true intentions are
@Zirak Look at your hangouts (Do you still use that?)
@MadaraUchiha Look at yours
@Zirak it's the stream of prod changes. 😀 damn CD
@Zirak Mature AF
ftr I sent him "poop butt poop"
@paul23 C# is almost never pass by reference
@paul23 python is very light on magic. That would be a language like Perl. Javascript's Object base class is more like Java's than anything.
pfff python has plenty of magic
it's not very interesting and only useful when abused
it's not magical, it's just inconsistent :)
I guess lol
@ssube isn't that essentially what magic is?
@ssube just like all languages that start with p
Python is not inconsistent - you can say a lot about that language, but inconsistency is not one of those.
@rlemon true fact
as opposed to a a false fact
or an "alternative fact"
Q: Explain this inconsistency

jsmithHere are two methods. One modifies the variable x, the other does not. Can you please explain to me why this is? x = [1,2,3,4] def switch(a,b,x): x[a], x[b] = x[b], x[a] switch(0,1,x) print(x) [2,1,3,4] def swatch(x): x = [0,0,0,0] swatch(x) print(x) [2,1,3,4]

@paul23 early python prefers loose functions, later python prefers objects, latest python has types
it may be natural evolution, but it's also inconsistent
@ssube Oh if you call "difference between versions" general inconsistency then, yes python has a lot of that.
python dramatically changes their strategy every version
git commit -m "removed font-awesome"
The language is also weird
It's camel case, but then in some weird modules it's not (like logging)
list comprehensions made it weird
it's 2018 and python doesn't have a ++ operator
@ssube I'm no more talking to you
I think people get defensive of languages they like. it doesn't need to be that way. I Love JavaScript, but it's also pretty bad (getting better), as I can tell, the more I learn other languages.
And then it has some classes with dynamic dispatch (cmd or BasicHTTPServer or whatever) but others yield or do other crazy things
And I don't think any builtins actually use the power of coroutines that python has
I don't think it's yield
just busy
@rlemon I wouldn't say JS is getting "better" as much as "the bad parts are more avoidable"
It's still got all the wtfs
oh, asyncio uses coroutines. But it's also very weird
@Mosho rust doesn't have that either
tit for tat. by making things more avoidable and code prettier, it is getting better.
python has a unique event handler problem: How do you use asyncio together with eventmachine or greenlets or tornado?
@Mosho that follows from "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." -- There exists already x += 1, and next(iterator). And since numerics in python are always "floating point numbers" a ++ operator wouldn't have a benefit over += 1. (internal they would fold to the same bytecode)
Javascript is indeed very much superior for asynchronous programming.
I don't really get the "in python there's only one way to do things" argument
@Zirak but any form of real async is extremely new
at a very low level, maybe, but the rule breaks really easily
javascript would actually be decent language if we had threads and types (go away typescript)
async isn't well integrated into python yet and probably won't be until 4.0
@ssube you've had some forms of that in libraries for a few versions
diagram software which allows connector lines to be collapsed (not shapes, connectors)and in the output file such as svg in a html file as we as in the diagram editor app itself?
@ndugger threads are one of the most difficult things in programming
draw.io, lucidchart,edraw fail
Having debugged multi-threaded programs and wept tears of blood, I personally prefer the actor model
Right, but single threaded programming is difficult too if you're coming from a multithreaded language
it's funny how threads are worse than processes
fibers are worse than threads
fucking critical sections
and gods help you debug a coroutine
keeping things non-blocking is second nature to me as a JS dev, but it's a foreign concept to my java coworkers
especially an accidental coroutine that should have been two different routines
@towc I like it, since it means that code is trying to be consistent everywhere. And thus python always feels like python. In javascript it's almost the opposite: I can read two different pieces of code and they might (due to dynamics provided through frameworks) not look like each other at all. So you'd have to first get used to style used in a project before you can actually start working on that.
I had to use OpenMP recently
it's pretty neat
any model is better than thread
i.e., a smashed stack
@paul23 I mean the argument isn't working
draw.io only has collapsable shapes, lucidchart has neither, edraw has both but they become non interactive when exported as any file type
it would be nice if python actually did that
but it doesn't
it does it barely more than javascript
"Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch."
@ndugger Heavens forbid we allow java people to code on the web like they do in Swing or whatever
python has the whole 2 vs 3 deal
which is a giant clusterfuck
they'll never not lock the main thread
Or "A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds"
also, it's shit on windows (come at me)
python 2/3 is like ie 6/9
@Mosho well, we kinda have chrome vs IE
a button click will somehow scroll your scroll bar
@Mosho and node is also a clusterfuck on windows
ie6 is well behind us at this point
@Mosho it's amazingly unportable for how much it wraps
and I wasn't comparing to JS
@towc not really
@Mosho even ie11
@ssube funnily: It's also about the same timeframe
npm has some issues, node runs well
@towc no
@ssube I mean, you're the one often complaining about it
@towc no I'm not
@Mosho ok, I can accept htat
you said that the other day, too, but I haven't been using windows for months
inspiration 9 cant do anything. trying google/libreoffice draw. visio isnt free
even before that, I ran in a VM/WSL, not on Windows
uhm, ok
you are confusing me with someone else
Btw python runs fine on windows - why would you experience any problems?
Other than that it's not installed by default
npm has a few path-length issues, but that's about it, and node works smoothly
why did they replace the print keyword with a function
just own up to your past mistakes
why break every existing codebase
that used print
that's actually fine, prints sort-of-degrade
@Mosho Because it can then be overloaded and one can replace "print" function to do something else.
they can't decide if foo bar or foo(bar) or bar [foo] is better
I'm talking about replacing it
rather than have both
which is the dirtier yet more responsible thing to do
Because that's impossible for a byte compiler to do.
who the hell makes a keyword for output in a functional/procedural language?
Remember in python (a, b) is a literal tuple.
@paul23 hmm?
@KendallFrey people in the 80s
@user1596138 wb
there is no ambiguity
so print (a, b) could either print statement printing a tuple - or it could be a print function with two arguments.
@paul23 then it should be written as foo (bar) every time
@paul23 now you're just shitting on the exact thing you were defending
@paul23 huh?
@user1596138 wb
@paul23 that's not true for most of the languages made in the 80s
If print was both a statement and a function, and the bytecode compiler had to decide during compilation (or running) - it would be able to.
Let's be good. I was worried i'd lose my friends for a minute <3ro
@paul23 you're right, it's ambiguous
@ssube or python, which wasn't a thing in the 80's :P
in which case I would just not do it at all
@paul23 but it is both now
@ssube it's not. - At least not within a single version.
the compiler could prefer the function
but it sucks too
@rlemon oh, I thought it was from the 70s, but apparently Python is the Kwanzaa of languages
leave print keyword, add a function by another name then
yea python is pretty new
like log
or whatever
log would conflict with the logging module
then whatever
remember, one obvious way :P
but now, like standards, they have 4
JS changed a built in method name because it might hurt people who used mootools or whatever
because it's the responsible thing to do
@Mosho That's the "javascript way" (== vs ===) -- it's what I truly truly dislike and why I keep pestering my boss to go use python.
Python is older than me
Python, Go, and PHP stand out as extremely inconsistent with their stdlib function names
Go was intriguing when it came out, but I lost interest once Rust came out
especially when it comes to the length of a collection
and after all this nitpicking
class constructors are still called __init__
@ndugger That's not a really long time I think?
@ndugger Go is a great replacement for bash. If you want something to run start-to-end, maybe do some async IO, it's great.
what's up with python and double underscores
@ssube I could use Node for that too
@paul23 well that's a good question. was that added later? or has that been there for a while? (I'm not young, but I can't remember)
javascript has double underscores too
you'd have to pull in far more libraries and write a lot more code
I suppose
anyone who knows the old spec, has === always existed?
@paul23 js always had both == and ===, it's "broken" by design
@Zirak okay, cool.
I think === was added in after
it's been around since very early
I just make shit up
@Mosho magic methods - it's a way to future proof namespaces (names starting with double underscores are reserved by the language for built in methods)
as long as you make it sound real that's fine
I recall it as long as I can remember, but I have done things that make my brain wrong
@paul23 __init__
And python has two "constructors" remember __new__ and __init__
js was first released in 1995, no reason for anyone who's not curious about it specifically to know what was there
and double underscores is something I would expect PHP to do
JS has symbols for that now
mega deprecated
Object.getPrototypeOf for the non-hack
prototypes are so 2014
they're still there
it's just how js works
implementation detail at this point for 99% of uses
There are many many more; __str__ __eq__ are also commonly used, actually one for each operator (to allow operator overloading).
prototypes were theoretically interesting, but never worked
i prefer it over the new class thing
@paul23 so why does python, the one-obvious-way language, interpret two completely unrelated names (__eq__ and ==) to run the same code?
get out
Personally, I disagree. I'd take a prototypical language (like js, lua or Io) over a class-based one (java, c#, c++) any day
if they truly wanted to have a single solution, they should never have allowed operator overloads
@KevinB but class is so much nicer to read and write :P
If I had to use javascript for my day-to-day programming tasks (I'm studying aerospace engineering) I'd get really annoyed having to type functions for linear algebra all the time.
the problem with prototype
is tooling
it is nicer to read and write, but with a prototype you know exactly what it's going to do, there's no magic behind the scenes crap going on
Not really, class is just syntax sugar
it's just an object
@Zirak class-based isn't the only other option, though
the part that matters is the shape of the object
@ssube a == b just executes a.__eq__(b) - what's weird about that?
@Zirak I don't like that statement
class is static at compile time
Typescript emphasized that on top of a prototypical language, Go sort of gets at it
so you get types
@ssube of course, but if we're comparing prototypes to classes, then it is
@KevinB yea, I get that. but I think if you've gone through that for a while, it's nice to abstract it
@paul23 two different ways to do the same thing
@ssube Fair point, though you shouldn't execute those functions directly.
@Mosho what? no they're not
You can modify the prototype
@Zirak and whatever tooling you use wouldn't recognize that
compile time is probably not the right term
So the tools are shit
but I assume you get what I'm saying
like, intelesense?
Java's entire ecosystem depends on classes not being static :(
i don't use any of that magic
mutation-through-reflection is the basis of J2EE
a == b might (not sure if it's the case for this operator but I know some do that) check if a.__eq__(b) exists and executes that, if it doesn't it checks if b.__eq__(a) and executes that.
I guess tooling can be improved to really understand your code
That's the "magic" python does behind the schemes.
If your tooling doesn't understand js then they're bad tools for js
but nobody is going to implement that, let's be real
I don't know if even webstorm tries
and if it does it probably doesn't work very well
i still have two votes left in the election
Like if you don't define __neq__ but do __eq__ python executes a != b becomes !a.__eq__(b)
I personally dislike it when people shoehorn inappropriate syntax into my language so they can pretend it works in a way it doesn't, so that webstorm doesn't have to change their code
One might disagree - but having magic like this improves productivity and makes things "just work".
having magic makes things just work at first, until something comes loose
then you don't know where to start looking
you can have simplicity without magic
classes really are just syntax sugar when you look at it at a language level. If your tools are happier because they're shit and can only parse a single syntactic structure then they're shit
single-purpose libraries "just work" by doing one thing, obviously, and well, no magic required
you only need magic to cover up the cracks introduced by scope creep
@ssube I've built some decently complex things, and haven't noticed that in python at all. Remember it's used actively by quite a few people so those "until something comes loose" isn't likely to happen.
@Zirak so you expect flow/typescript to run every possible branch of your code to find out what type a prototype might have?
@paul23 how does that prevent something from breaking?
@Mosho I honestly don't care what flow/typescript does
having many users only makes it more likely that something will break
If you wrote a prototypical inheritance extension to Java and then complained that nobody understands it, then well wtf
having many people doing many different things means you'll find the edge cases and have to deal with them sooner
say there was a box to display small square images of stuff which do something when clicked, is it best to display them using a list? or a select element
@ssube It prevents you from stumbling upon a broken something. - If something would be broken people would've found out and have fixed it in an update.
@Zirak they used to have some practical memory-layout benefits, I'd say
I think typing is what differentiates engineers from kids writing scripts
@paul23 there will always be bugs to find, no community is big enough to find and fix them all
@RachelDockter well a select element it going to be a headache, so a list.
so... use jquery?
And I think typing is detrimental to my working process and I favour loosely-typed languages
not to mention that codebases grow much faster than communities can review them
@rlemon ok thanks
"Write less, do more."
@Zirak get out, heathen
Anyway enough time wasted, back to getting this docker to work :|
@paul23 as a practical example, I use Kubernetes heavily at work, with a networking layer called Weave. One of the most popular of the 8+ options. We ran into a major bug with it just the other day, which was in the process of being fixed.
There is no force in the universe that will protect you from upstream bugs
or: instead of building a new lifting vehicle for each launch, reuse an existing one that has previously launched a similarly sized load
Sure but I haven't noticed that with "python magic methods" at all - those for me have always seemed to "magically work".
@Mosho 2.9 btw
Weave came about because Docker networking was very flawed early on
@Zirak not enough to invite me to ski though
I'd say it still is. 😛 CNI works better, still so poorly documented.
@ssube hrrrnngghhh and then upgrading to the "fixed" version slightly breaks some ancient script
@Mosho Flying tomorrow, come with me
I've had no end of trouble with Calico, Weave has seemed to work well in all but the most public of networks.
and fuck you you haven't invited me to your mansion
I won't have dirty jews in my abode
Hmm I'm a bit "annoyed" that can't detect things across dockers, so I'd have to make a script that automatically detect the network the docker is in and updates the nginx config when deploying the docker. (To make it streamlined from development where it's not inside a docker to production in dockers)
@Zirak medium.com/software-of-the-absurd/… a good read if you haven't seen it, I think @Cereal first posted it
@paul23 minikube fixes most of that :)
you could also use traefik or another cluster-aware proxy
@ssube haha, cute
traefik would replace nginx? - Can that be used to serve static files at the same time as reverse proxying (proxy_pass) to a nodejs server/docker?
it could, there are proxies that will watch the cluster and handle names for you
traefik is one of the easier options to set up, but nginx and haproxy can do it as well
oh I might check that out this weekend.
the "right" way is to have a container act as an ingress controller and have some access out to the cluster API
but for development, you can also just run something on the host
ingress controller is nice and easy
creates an nginx server for you (or whatever your cloud has instead)
from your configuration yamls
I like it
when it works
Makes me also wonder: is there even a real use case apache nowadays (other than maintenance)? -- nginx is easier to set up, runs on leaner systems - and I think (considering it's used by big players) just as powerful.
heh, nginx ingress is nice and easy. so is haproxy. istio, however...
never heard of it
@paul23 no, nginx can do everything apache can (that is safe)
@Mosho distributed tracing and encryption layer
know some of those words
acts as an ingress/WAF, but does terrible things as well
@Mosho was the word "and"?
layer too
like in cake
it keeps track of connections and does some DPI, so it can tell you which DB connection was used by which HTTP request, after routing the request by path
so far it's not been very reliable
best react tutorial? es6 tutorial?
best programming language pls? thx
@taco haskell
no tutorial needed
isn't there a tutorial on coping with depression after using coldfusion? haven't used it, but i've noticed your ire :P
there's probably an xkcd for it at least
wha? the only problems i have with coldfusion is finding devs and pre-built solutions
@taco surprisingly, no mention of coldfusion in xkcd, that I can find
maybe because its common knowledge coldfusion sucks donkey balls i guess
@SterlingArcher fixing a car ^
@towc SterlingArcher is afk: vape and potential standup?
everyone else fixing a car would take the shot themselves
afaik it's impossible to fix a car with < 3 beers
I was told never to try
@rlemon afaik it's impossible to fix a bug with < 3 beers (source)
Thin Mints on the other hand, not very conducive to coding.
var message = "Right Click Disabled!";
function rtclickcheck(keyp){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" &&
keyp.which == 3){ alert(message); return false; }
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) {
alert(message); return false; } }
document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;
@hilli_micha really, you don't think so? If I am having trouble figuring out a big-picture architecture sort of thing, they are immensely helpful
@KevinB 1998 called?
for hammering out code from existing plans, coffee is much better
Q: Open Another Page - HTML/Javascript

SuperUserThis is my whole html code, I do not understand why it does not open "example.html" page. if someone can help me understand why. I would like to make sure that when the credentials are correct and I press the login button it directs me to a new file (in this case "example.html"), but I do not kn...

Nah, I've tried, but when I have thin mints, I turn into a total slug.
interesting. Does it depend on the flavor at all?
@hilli_micha try not to get... a _salt ted..
:laughs in dad:
@ssube Not that I can tell, like the kind of slug I am can change, yeah, but in the end, I have absolutely no desire to do anything that involves that kind of thinking..I just want to sit there and watch Will Ferrell movies.
@rlemon That was beautiful, not even mad.
beautiful? or beau.. tee.. f. no no just one. it's only good for one.
@hilli_micha huh. I can get that, other times I clean the house and write a pile of code.
but this weekend I'm just getting up at 5 on Sunday to help migrate our database to a new cluster :D
should be. We get rid of a whole tier of load balancers in the process, though, so... that will be nice.
they lose ping with each other and briefly segment about twice a week, setting off the pager
this week was filled with damage control after our one and only mail relay got stuck
it doesn't break replication, but the balancers think there are two masters
heh, runing mail servers is awful
fortunately i don't have to manage that, i just have to answer why people's emails aren't goin out occationally
@KevinB "because you forgot to put a stamp on it, obviously"
most of our big emails go through marketo or mailchimp or something that does tracking, but a lot of the notification stuff is sent from our own code still :(
this is just internal stuff
all of my stuff goes through emma or aws
but employee notifications from our old legacy stuff still goes through our internal relay
tips fedora g'night lads
Can we start kicking weebs too?
lol jk night @Ikari
!!urban weebs
@FélixGagnon-Grenier weeb A one-syllable contraction of "weeaboo", which is Internet for "wapanese".
now I feels stupid
@SterlingArcher fedora tippers are neckbeards, not necessarily weebs, right?
they wear trilby's
@Ikari @MadaraUchiha oh welp, I got caught up sinking galleons
We turned in 20 chests

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