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TO your computer's internal IP, yes. port 80 or whatever you are using.
http is 80 TCP (you usually need to specify tcp or udp)
I already did the forward
and it didn't work
@Zirak could you look at Cap's repo on Github?
he's seen it.
Like, he's seen the new pull request and issue?
I have, the PR is minor and may or may not be merged. I'll leave that to him
@TheOneWhoMade how familiar are you with github
both of the issues are moot as far as I can tell.
@SterlingArcher decently familiar.
you're free to use the bot and base yours on it. it's under wtfpl
So you probably know about notifications, then? ;)
yisss, first apollo simulation mission done
Guys, I got the RPS site online ^_^
@AidanM nice job!
but there's still a few bugs with the images..
They aren't showing up.
Actually i get 0 notifs. No matter what.
Actually, hold that thought.
So bye now!
Burger King foot lettuce
Number 15 on our list
@ndugger stop that lmao
i love the foot lettuce meme
Anyways, here's the link if your wanna try it out. aidanptd.github.io/RPS-Web
101 is still in beta, since I can't get the right outcomes in order..
Still working on that
Ok poopi boi
please dont call people poopi, that is incredibly rude
@ndugger everytime I see burgerking foot lettuce I'm going to post
It's fine. Lol
I’ll never listen to it
It’s blasphemous
I see Zombie and think of Dragula
@AidanM nothing on that link seems to work :S
there's an error when i load the page, and more errors whenever i click a button
the burger king meme reminds me of this
oh man, salad fingers...
that was a while ago now
No idea what's wrong.. It works fine for me..
`/function buttons5() { deleteButtons();`
is erroring out
Oh fuck yes rusty spoons
because you have a random slash
Does it do changes in real-time?
also, is anything else erroring out?
just as a note, if you find yourself making functions with numbers in their name you're probably doing something... inefficient
Beyonce thinks that I’m cute
no she doesnt
Beyonce thinks that I’m spruce
It’s ok beyonce I think you’re cute too
if you like it, dab on it
can i get that remix?
the site is updated. It should work now except for the images..
which I'm STILL trying to figure out..
@ndugger Have you tried watching the OG video to the BK Foot Lettuce meme? Its fucking un-watchable
Is his nose running through out that entire video?
Don’t make fun of mah boi
Alright! Got it to work!!
good work man
gj pb
images still don't work
but good job
You sure about that? They work fine for me..
And thanks!
javascript score of 6000
Do you guys know if there's a delay in updating things for a site on GitHub?
there is
sometimes a few minutes, sometimes longer
youtube.com/watch?v=9eQH0YsLyxs the production quality of live shows is so underrated. This is a masterpiece
And I really don't like high notes.. but Devin just kills it
@ndugger jared can you read number 23 for the class
oooh, i've just seen someone use "//" as a key to add comments to JSON. I like it as a convention.
Alright, I think I got it now..
Try it?
json written by hand is wrong
Wait hold on... I forgot to update a function..
most of them work now
Wait for it to update..
human doesn't
such a good QA employee
I try
@KevinB this was package.json... i'm pretty sure adding scripts and stuff is perfectly acceptable to do by hand
kevin, know any creature I can release near a reaper leviathan to attack it? I tried crab squids and they were instant friends.
Alright, I think I got it. It's not as good of quality as the other pics, but it's done.
There are none
but you can feed them peepers
aww, that sucks. I get bored trying to knife them to death, or drill them. takes too long
What are you talking about?
A game, Subnautica
Ahh. Gotcha.
Morning lol
@ndugger catch him, he's trying to escape with science!
@KendallFrey too late, they lost him
he pulled a jesus and floated away
Preeeeeetty sure they nailed jesus down
oh right you're a jew you don't know the rest of the story
Is it about jesus floating away?
Based on this,
What else does it need?
And no. :P
@SterlingArcher yes
@AidanM I think the games button needs to move, it pushes over the actual game from the center and messes up the flow
but that's the UI dev in me coming out
sterling finally came out!
Should it be to the side?
or side(s)?
Not sure, there really isn't a layout to the page so i wouldn't worry about it
I think I should do a bit of styling though...
It's a bit bland.
anyone worked with device motion on a web app?
On GitHub Desktop, "Push" means publish, basically, right?
If by "publish" you mean "synchronize the GH repo with your local changes" then yes
Alright, that makes sense. Thanks.
I find it annoying that there isn't an text-editor inside GitHub Desktop...
It'd be so much easier to have one built in.
idk I just use git and a normal text editor
YEah, I use VS2017 as my editor..
VS is a terrible text editor
VS Code, however, is fantastic
Is that different from normal VS?
Oh wow..
Similar in brand only
I wanna give this a try.
For TS it is just plain awesome
(Because it was built for TS)
Lol, I bet.
Almost done..
Should I get TSLint?
It won't hurt
@KamilSolecki I'm still enjoying this immensely
O.O Does this thing support Java as well?
It supports anything indirectly
All you need to do is set up build and debug tasks, mainly
Look for extensions for autocomplete and debugging, since those aren't provided by shell commands afaik
we can use small image and repeat that to create background for whole page... what do we call this thing?
Can you change the zoom on VS Code?
It's too big for my eyes lol
Yep, View menu
Ah. Thanks.
another boring day at work ...
hahaha i saw that on youtube
Lol. That's actually a website.
I really bores me if im only solving data issues
How would you change the Git path on Code?
@AidanM It's Elon Musk's website
@AidanM What do you mean "git path"?
i use SVN idk how to use GIT atm lol
Well, I installed Git somewhere different from where Code tries to use Git.
How do I change the path where it tries to use it?
Isn't it in your PATH?
You know, the environment variable
I think i can code boringcompany.com in 5 hours .. so simple website
That allows you to use it from the shell
I would assume vscode uses the same
No, it's installed on my profile on the computer - not on every single one.
A: Visual Studio Code cannot detect installed git

Edward ThomsonVisual Studio Code simply looks in your PATH for git. Many UI clients ship with a "Portable Git" for simplicity, and do not add git to the path. If you add your existing git client to your PATH (so that it can find git.exe), Visual Studio Code should enable Git source control management.

Anyone here familiar with discrete Math?
@AidanM I don't think that should matter. Each user has their own PATH in addition to the system one
Ah. thanks @KendallFrey. this might help.
Or have a grasp with permutations?
@HelloWorldPeace a little bit
@KendallFrey so are you familiar with permutations
I just said a little bit
from my understanding a permutation of 12345 == 5!
There are 5! permutations of 5 elements, yes
and 112233 = 5! / ( 2!*2!*2! )
well, 6! not 5!
... right 6 not 5 ....

ok, then shouldn't 122 = ( 3! / 1*2! )
I thought I was going crazy
I had a problem and the answer is something else
you also need to include the states where the 1 is above or below the 22s, like:
. 1 22
.22 1
122, 212, 221
@KendallFrey, there's multiple "git.exe"s in the Git folder (one in some subfolders). Is it the \bin\git.exe one, or a different one?
probably the first one you find
or whichever one you want to be the default
Are they all the same?
They're probably at least similar enough that it doesn't matter
I don't know where they all came from
Hmm.. Alright.
if you type which git into the terminal it should tell you the one it's using
Well that's presuming it's already in the path
I'm honestly just trying every single one to see which one works.
Curious, the thread where people were complaining about KSP Making History bugginess is gone
anyone is using unlocker for windows?
I guess it's probably been merged with the main discussion thread
what is unlocker for windows?
Ugh.. I'm just gonna reinstall git..
You right click on folder and it unlocks it or deletes if file/folder is locked by another process.
I just put my computer to sleep or duplicate it if the file is locked
must have not had your problem before or something
Well git sometimes having problem, because vs code, or vs 2017 sometimes locks project folders.
@Teomanshipahi that just seems like an awful idea all around
It also shows which process it locking folder, not directly deleting.
Ah ok just found it in SO stackoverflow.com/a/948377/929902
Alright. I think I got it to work.
ohhi o/
Lol. Hello.
!!afk 😴
go to bed
Some developers make me want to leave the planet
> goes to tutorial
> copy pastes code
> complains doesn't run
Lol. That happen often for you?
> Shocked when told to follow the tutorial
> In disbelief when reading the tutorial explains it
Too funny lol
Yes it happens way too often for people around me
including my friends 😒
@SomeGuy is this a college thing? :3 asking as you have more experience than I do.
Lol. That sorta sucks.
Did I mention that I got the RPS game online?
As in this?
And I can make changes from here, and it'll update within minutes on your end.
What do you think?
Call me?
Wait what?
Hey. I just met you.. and this is crazy.. but here's my number.. so Call me maybe
please, i need help with a js issue
json, more specifically
What's the question?
var tagsJSON = JSON.parse(`{
	"panel_c": {
		"html": "<h1>panel_c</h1>"
	"card": {
		"html": "<h1>card</h1>"

var i=0;
var panel_c = document.querySelectorAll(tagsJSON.)
var panel_c_html = tagsJSON.custom_tags[i].html

// QUANTIDADE DE TAGS <panel-c> NO c.html
for (var i=0; i<document.querySelectorAll(panel_c).length; i++) {
	document.querySelectorAll(panel_c)[i].innerHTML = panel_c_html;
is there something wrong on this code?
let me explain my idea first
i´m creating a js library for html custom tags
basically, i achieved this goal, but i wanted to make it better
then i began to use json, because it´s a easier way to create new tags for unexperienced developers
but, json is pissing me off
Huh. Well, I've never used it before, but I can try and help.
var panel_c_html = tagsJSON.custom_tags[i].html you are trying to access a non-existent property
sorry, but there are some weird variables that i left unusable
fixing code... wait a minute
var tagsJSON = JSON.parse(`{
	"panel_c": {
		"html": "<h1>panel_c</h1>"
	"card": {
		"html": "<h1>card</h1>"

for (var i=0; i<document.querySelectorAll(panel_c).length; i++) {
	document.querySelectorAll(panel_c)[i].innerHTML = panel_c_html;
this is it
i want to keep it as simple as possible
less lines of code = better
Alright. Again, I haven't used JSON before, but I understand JavaScript pretty well.
is there any way to put a JSON object on a html tag, like <h1>$json_item</h1>
i´ve been searching about json, and it´s basically the same thing of js
it´s like a database
@HenriqueHBR as in you want to display a json object? JSON.stringify should be of help
but, `json.stringify` doesn´t show the whole JSON?
@Ikari can you give me a example, please?
i just want to cycle through all html tags that have the name <panel_c> and change their innerHTML, just this
maybe, using a for statement...
const foo = {bar: 'baz'}
const element = document.createElement('div')
element.textContent = `${JSON.stringify(foo)}`
going to try this, reply in a minute...
nope, the output was: {"panel_c":{"html":"<h1>panel_c</h1>"},"card":{"html":"<h1>card</h1>"}}
it should output only <h1>panel_c</h1>
like as in you want to append the property panel_c.html's content to some other element in the DOM?
otherwise I'm not sure if I'm getting you
yes, that´s it!
And you said that .innerHTML didn't work?
exactly like a template engine
why not just document.querySelector('#element').innerHTML += foo.panel_c.html?
wait what?
@Ikari i´m going to try this
@AidanM yes, innerHTML didnt work...
Hmm. Alright.
for (i=0; i<panel_c.length; i++) {
	panel_c[i].innerHTML = `
		<div class="panel panel-default">
			<div class="panel-heading waves-effect">
				<a href="#" class="accordion-link">
					<h4 class="panel-title">${panel_c[i].getAttribute("title")}</h4>
					<i class="material-icons accordion-toggle-icon">arrow_downward</i>
			<div class="content-collapse collapsed">
				<div class="panel-body">
this one is very different, but it´s working
and i would like to know, how i do it with json
@Ikari it doesn´t work with multiple divs (.container)
@ShrekOverflow No idea :p
@SomeGuy Like, I want to understand how/why do you read docs? :P
@HenriqueHBR jsfiddle.net/11wduaq9/4 churn it through an iterator then
You guys mind helping me out for a sec?
Check this out.
There's an issue with the resetPoints() function, as it doesn't work properly..
This is where the repo is hosted:
@Ikari didn´t understand
it´s giving another error on the following line: Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div'), (div) => div.innerHTML += tagsJSON.panel_c.html;
oh lol, there's a missing parenthesis, sorry
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div'), (div) => div.innerHTML += tagsJSON.panel_c.html);
yezz, thank you a lot!
You’re welcome
js god
wait a minute...
@Ikari it only works with div´s?
if i need to use a custom tag, like <menu> or <navbar>?
The second argument in Array.from is a mapper. Don’t use that as a forEach
@HenriqueHBR it will work with any element, you might as well put document.querySelectorAll('MyGloriousTag') and if those exist in the DOM it will select those
@ndugger well, yeah :P I just wanted to write something short
document.querySelectorAll().forEach(element => ...)
alright, does i need to change (customTag) => custom.innerHTML too?
Jesus Henry; have you never written even a single line of code before?
never, i don´t even know what code is
Me neither, but don’t tell my boss
no problem
It's so quiet now.. Lol
Hmph. Fine...
the great dead silence of dawn
Is that real?
what do you think?
no way in hell :P
Lol. It looks real though..
it's photoshop =.=
~_~ Alright then.
I freaking love VS code lol
And I hate my keyboard. That too.
have you tried using WebStorm or PHPStorm or any JetBrains IDE?
I have Intellij..
WebStorm integrates pretty nicely with node projects
and writing React in it is a pleasure in itself
would recommend 10/10
I hated webstorm, it always froze up
I always come back to sublime text
I now prefer VS Code as my number one choice.
Intellij as my second
@SterlingArcher it doesn't even have that sweet intellisense that IDEA has
Lol. Very true, @Ikari.
Pft, master the project architecture. That’s all the intellisense you need
Why am I up I have a meeting in 4 hours 😂😩😩😩
go to bed
I got about 20 minutes. Anyone mind helping me figure out something? Lol
Post your question, if someone wants to help, they will ;-)
I'm confused as to why the "Reset Points" button doesn't work. Take a look..
GitHub in case you want to look at the source code. github.com/AidanPTD/RPS-Web
You see, the resetPoints() function in the js folder should work. The variables are defined outside and above the function, and I don't see why they wouldn't reset..
Umm. Anyone there?
@rlemon: it seems like TheOneWhoMade is claiming he wrote cap, here. He's also using the bookmarklet form to load the bot. I suggest we blacklist the user ID. Response: "You have no power here!"
@Zirak cc ^
that guy really seems like 10 y/o kid to me :/

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