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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@KendallFrey at least it wasn't The G... f...
don't you constantly see it everywhere where a hidden thing might be?
I'm losing it about twice a day now
the fuck are you talking about
The Game
I can't believe you forgot / couldn't see the pattern
I mean, I can believe it, but I'm disappointed/very impressed
anyone here has played with arduino?
just ask your question next time
i was wondering if anyone here had experience with it
and if they had nice ideas to build
im currently thinking of a hexapod
what's something cool to build with an arduino?
easier for us to help you :)
also probably gonna 3d print most non-electronic parts
@towc what a dick
nah, just someone who's bad at phrasing
@Wietlol I'm toying with building a clock atm
my only arduino experience is flashing my printer control board.
but.. they are nice and cheap. can't go wrong starting with arduino
go for espruino. Native js
i think with a hexapod (or any robot) a lot could go wrong before it actually does something
having too weak motors to support the weight of the robot
other working designs can tell you what works and doesn't
getting a whole lot of work getting movement meths (calbubrations) done correctly
@Luggage im not really sure where to look for though
huh, all this time I thought ESP<model number> started with the espruino
and that the espruino was called like that because EcmaScript
actually comes from Espressif
@Wietlol Have you read hackster.io? They have plenty of projects to draw inspiration from
hello guys
not yet, but i think it'd be worthy to search for stuff
maybe i can find a similar one and scroll a bit through the components list
codepen.io/MrToxy/pen/MVYxea?editors=1111 how can I animate the div out on click? should I create another class that only has the animation and also toggle it on click?
im confused
I'm writing some react, and I have a lot of <something>Container for logic, and <something> for visuals. I feel like this is wrong
any other conventions that might feel less wrong?
react is still simply not clicking for me
I really need someone to walk through stuff with me
make component
render component
3. ??? 4. Profit
Also, on a serious note, react works pretty great
im doing vue, its pretty similar to react
I love it
vue clicked in the first few seconds
Nothing like a saturday night tetanus shot
I could imagine doing things without needing to think about it
and FP isn't the problem. Haskell took a couple of hours to click in, and I loved it
react? urgh
@BenFortune what bit you?
tbf I'm also very tired and doing a lot of other stuff
@towc Yet you don't. You always go on about how good it is but I've never actually seen you use it
@KendallFrey stray cat
ooh ouch, fuck cats
well, ex-stray
i... took it in
@BenFortune one of the last things I worked on was a bar ordering system
it worked pretty well, I was kinda proud of it, despite neither code nor UI looking too good
Meet T'Challa
then I decided to scratch it all and now I'm rebuilding it in react. Very slowly
lets say when i click on a button I toggle a class that contains an animation to animate in the element, when that class is toggled again shouldn't it animate out? or do i need to explicitly add another class to animate it out?
this is confusing me a bit
no you remove the class
i do that but it doesnt animate out
CSS transitions should take care of the rest
oh im using animation
maybe thats why
animation: animateIn
hmmm yup i have that
No that's what I'm saying the issue is
oh ok
should it be transition is that it?
oh wait im getting confused
hahah sorry
anywho, you need to add an animation for the opposite
i have on
@keyframes animateOut{
  from{transform:translateX(0px); opacity:1}
  to{transform:translateX(-100px); opacity:0;}
but when i toggle it it just doesn't have the behaviout expected
using transition might be easier
transition: 300ms all ease for the win
on the main class?
@David I didn't read the whole transcript to see if anyone answered you, but you can check the element that has focus with document.activeElement or with an onfocus event, and then if the <input> you wish to check is the element with focus, you set a timeout of N seconds. Then also set a input event to check for any changes, if there's a change it would delete the older timeout and start another one
That's a start, but you have to fit the idea to what you actually want to do when the timeout is over
good evening folks
oi, terraria anyone? @rlemon @KendallFrey @ssube
right now?
doesnt have to be now
I can in the next 4 hours
I'm down for right now
sure, but you will have to host :P
Im on a really bad internet here
I'd play. I don't have any characters, though.
we can start with new I guess
My internet is by no means great
im in krakow rn and I have 5mb up
Do we want to start with fresh characters? That's pretty grindy, I'd rather kill some bosses or something
with medium ping
@KamilSolecki that's 5x what I have
i've got a server if you want me to host
@KendallFrey lmao
I'd rather use existing characters, but it's been a while and I don't have any
I have a somewhat begineer character
I have plenty of extra gear
actually nvm, gtg
@KamilSolecki I have 50 times that
@towc at home I have 100 up, but not here
so then who's hosting
oh wait no, I only have 25Mbps for upload
what's necessary to host?
not much
you just start a multiplayer game
and steam starts a tunnel
from players to you
the upload is barely being challenged. I can host the server if you want :P
oh they do?
so no need for even router config
yeah you can do Steam MP from in the game
I don't have a terraria binary though
or steam
if steam handles the ports, then we're good
or windows
I should be able to host
or a windows vm
We aren't steam friends, are we?
that's a big step in a relationship
most of my gaming is on a windows vm now, but terraria appears to run on linux
also, discord if you want: discord.gg/6u349fU
@KendallFrey you have discord?
no, no mic either
Also I'm nearly dead so it may be more retarded than usual
I'm wondering how you could override the css of an imported component in react-native?
I know I could just re-compile the source of the component, but would rather not
Add inline style object?
@caub I use css-modules nowadays, and have for a while. I like having both css tooling and browser support, and scoping.
styled-components looks really nice, and there are editor extensions to give you autocompletion and highlighting, but I'm not sure about "debugging" css in the browser.
ok yeah inline style could override the component's container style, but not sure how that could target an inner element in that like a button
it just doesn't offer me enough of an upgrade to switch
the only real feature of styled-components or any css-in-js solution is being able to use logic
but I very rarely need to do it and inline styles work well enough for that with react
could you insert a classname in an inline style like:
            style={{.button.minHeight: ScreenWidth, }}
pretty much want to override this class in the component:
@BrianJ uhmmm syntax error much?
@BrianJ but.... why
haha yeah I was guessing how you could do that
because the component's button is way too small in the view
well either use classnames or inline styles
I get how to use an inline style on the component tag
but not how to provide a class override
im not sure what you exactly want
inline always overrides the style provided by the class
so I have an AwesomeAlert component which contains a button
I want to change the buttons css stlye
huh, I think vim might have actually been inhibiting my ability to focus on react
@towc vscode
I know I can apply a style like

<AwesomeAlert style={{minHeight: '400px'}} >
but that doesn't target the css of that component's button child
make sense?
every time I use vim, I think "there has to be a much easier way to do this", google the issue, and lose another 15mins in configurations. Now it's really fast and smooth and usable (more than the default jsx vscode, for sure), but there's still so much that can be improved
I'm doing some react on codepen. React might have clicked in
can you pass the class name and style in that inline style object?
I'll wait until the thing actually works to determine it
you can just stick a classname on the element for your component and write css.
This is normal css, nothing react-specific here
className is a separate thing, inline styles are a separate. ClassName just assigns a class to the element, so you can handle it with css
you question can be answered with basic CSS. if you have some more complex problem it's not clear to us.
then you can just override it with inline styles if you have the need to do so.
ok let me try to gist something
so pretty much this in a gist
and this is the class I want to override within the AwesomeAlert
wait I just need to add a css file, import it then assign that class to the component?
css is for pleebioids
i didn't realize you were using some code-based css
yeah I am, but this code based css doesn't target types of elements so all you can pass is the style name
if that makes sense?
can I get some react code review on a simple todo app? codepen.io/towc/pen/…
wait, a thing doesn't work
@Zirak sorry, I don't understand what this does
Does it download the full repository locally?
@FlorianMargaine Yep
@Zirak does it do that in background?
Otherwise that sounds like a good way to not be able to use Emacs for an hour
@FlorianMargaine nope :D that's the first item, show a simple script to do it. Honestly, running it within emacs is weird
@Zirak are you downloading everything in parallel? How is that working?
You're overestimating me
If your Emacs is using the mirror before the mirror has finished downloading everything, is the mirror blocking the request until it has downloaded?
Whadya mean "using the mirror"?
@BadgerCat Birthday - 02/13/1991
@Zirak your local server
Or am I misunderstanding?
I thought it was "download remote repositories and have a local server acting as a mirror"
@FlorianMargaine It just downloads. It's like wget -r
@Zirak how do you make Emacs use it?
Once you have downloaded, you can run a local server, since it's all just static files
Like, using your local mirror
Change your package-archives to point to the path or to a local server
@Zirak ok, that's cool
I'm actually not sure why it's not working
I think I made somewhat of a hack
const getPassInputValue = (fn) => (e) => fn(e.target.value)
I'm using this as a helper for not having to do the thing every time
it should already not care about scope, right? This might be too much of an assumption
I'm using it like this on inputs:
@Zirak for isoostrap, I made an http proxy that mirrors locally the Debian upstream repositories. The fun part was handling parallel downloads (multithreaded server) where only one download was effectively done to upstream, and the other were waiting, until all the responses were generated from the local file. it doesn't download all of Debian repository though.
and the checkbox isn't working :/
I can do a hack and use a button, but urgh
or is that what react devs do nowadays?
oooh, I need to use a checked property -_-
@FlorianMargaine hah, that's pretty cool
Why'd you have to do it though?
@Zirak Sup
@AwalGarg hey, long time no see
@Zirak Yeah been kinda busy. How are things? Hack on v8 still?
@Zirak installing the same Debian iso over and over again meant re-downloading the Debian packages. There was ~1500 packages to install gnome, and it went from 30 mins to 30s
ok, I think it's ready for review 😀
@Zirak oh, your code is nice, using Emacs STD lib
@FlorianMargaine hrm, I wonder if debian has something of that sorts builtin
you have the package cache directory
maybe it can be hacked onto it
@FlorianMargaine Oh man that code is so shit, I stole 99% of it from the time I knew no elisp at all
Code should've generated a list of urls or something, maybe provide a filtering function, and I'm sure it can be reduced to like 10 lines of cl-loop because that thing is weird
can I rant about a friend's problems?
they're not mine
a friend of hers (not the slovak girl) died, and I'm not sure how to handle it
yesterday she fell asleep in the hackerspace
now she's listening to this friends' recorded talks (something humanistic) and is laughing a lot
right now I'm just giving her some company and not interfering with it
but I don't have much experience with this. Is there something you recommend I should do?
from what I understand, she had a crush on him for a long time and moved to BA (from inner slovakia) because of him
she was already kind of depressed before he died
if ssube bins this, I'll actually be kind of sad
I think this isn't even a rant. Genuinely asking for suggestions
!!learn nodrama "<>https://i.imgur.com/bvpcHJe.png"
@MadaraUchiha Command nodrama learned
@towc Sounds to me you're already on the right track. Be a good friend and make sure they know that if they need anything, you're there. That's about it.
well, ok
@MadaraUchiha that pic's fantastic :D
we need more llamas
@towc For the next time drama diffusal is required.
Right, Overwatch league is starting
Best of luck to ya'll
dragon ball is as good as ever
hey, can someone do me a huge favor and look at this Wix code example. I don't understand where they're coding the vector art (the arrows) to toggle up and down when clicked.
@wellington Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@wellington You mean the code that shows the dropdown or the code that draws the arrow?
the arrow
@wellington inspect element on the arrow takes you directly to it
So that bit of coding isn't done using wix code editor?
Does that mean I need to code that animation using javascript?
@wellington What animation?
oh wait i could almost swear it didn't do that last time
it's just hiding one element and showing the other one
that's what I thought, but I checked the layers and dont see the down arrow anywhere...
try inspect element on it
i hate when u have to do this kinda of stuff on examples/how-to's...makes it that much more frustrating trying to learn this stuff..
how do i inspect the element?
nevermind, I see it.
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