how can I animate the div out on click? should I create another class that only has the animation and also toggle it on click?
lets say when i click on a button I toggle a class that contains an animation to animate in the element, when that class is toggled again shouldn't it animate out? or do i need to explicitly add another class to animate it out?
@David I didn't read the whole transcript to see if anyone answered you, but you can check the element that has focus with document.activeElement or with an onfocus event, and then if the <input> you wish to check is the element with focus, you set a timeout of N seconds. Then also set a input event to check for any changes, if there's a change it would delete the older timeout and start another one
That's a start, but you have to fit the idea to what you actually want to do when the timeout is over
@caub I use css-modules nowadays, and have for a while. I like having both css tooling and browser support, and scoping.
styled-components looks really nice, and there are editor extensions to give you autocompletion and highlighting, but I'm not sure about "debugging" css in the browser.
every time I use vim, I think "there has to be a much easier way to do this", google the issue, and lose another 15mins in configurations. Now it's really fast and smooth and usable (more than the default jsx vscode, for sure), but there's still so much that can be improved
I'm doing some react on codepen. React might have clicked in
@Zirak for isoostrap, I made an http proxy that mirrors locally the Debian upstream repositories. The fun part was handling parallel downloads (multithreaded server) where only one download was effectively done to upstream, and the other were waiting, until all the responses were generated from the local file. it doesn't download all of Debian repository though.
@Zirak installing the same Debian iso over and over again meant re-downloading the Debian packages. There was ~1500 packages to install gnome, and it went from 30 mins to 30s
@FlorianMargaine hrm, I wonder if debian has something of that sorts builtin
you have the package cache directory
maybe it can be hacked onto it
@FlorianMargaine Oh man that code is so shit, I stole 99% of it from the time I knew no elisp at all
Code should've generated a list of urls or something, maybe provide a filtering function, and I'm sure it can be reduced to like 10 lines of cl-loop because that thing is weird
@towc Sounds to me you're already on the right track. Be a good friend and make sure they know that if they need anything, you're there. That's about it.
hey, can someone do me a huge favor and look at this Wix code example. I don't understand where they're coding the vector art (the arrows) to toggle up and down when clicked.
@wellington Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.