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Anyone care to share thoughts on this stackoverflow.com/questions/49059855/…
i'm just going to ignore the problem for n ow
the tool this is replacing also didn't have autocomplete
leave it for the next dev
i mean, i'll be the next dev
so, yea
that github page doens't even seem to implement the autocomplete functionality
Oh, yeah, of course, because google implements that
i should check their docs
Hmm... Interesting... their demo doesn't work either
does it work for you?
git commit -m "refactored the entire f***king app so its compatible with the legacy code we refuse to upgrade"
my commit just now lol, was so pissed yesterday from upper management decision
yea i think this problem isn't mine
sounds like your problem, now
yeah definitely not related to the code changes i made today. Staging is still running a version from yesterday, and it also doesn't do autocomplete anymore
why are folders i have specified in .gitignore still being pushed to github?
did you add them before putting them in .gitignore?
i had nude pics in those folders, wtf
your fault
lmao, jk
how can i take them off the the github? its not critical, its just like migration scripts not part of the project source code
amend the commit and push -f
which will piss aff anyone that pulled already
no1 pulled
and if it's a group project you hopefully don't have permissions to even push -f
i just did git rm -r --cached folder/
they were in the very last commit only?
yeah, which is weird cuz they werent being tracked or committed before
dunno what happened
well, you can try to remove them now and commit --amend
git rm -r --cached folder/
did the trick
ohhh wasnt aware of the --amend flag
that re-does the last commit. it re-writes history.
you may not even have permissions to push that since it's "destructive"
"no man can re-write history"
* batman voice *
nah im flawless, i always push directly to master
I wonder how long it is until somebody uses a blockchain for version control. The proof could be the artifact you build from that source.
isn't git basically already a block chain
pretty close, you just don't have other machines checking your work
The notion of what a blockchain is is slipping further from me as it's been a while since I looked it up.
so elusive
you can have other machines check the hashes of commits with history
and sign them
bill gates says that bitcoin kills
Can someone give a little help?
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