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Say you are making a sliding Drawer component for your UI. Now, for the purpose of toggling it on and off, would you rather:

1. Use classnames to consistently keep all the css in stylesheets and have them toggle a class on and off
2. Make an exception and use inline-styles that will override the stylesheet
yeah thats what Im doing now
is this suitable place to talk about some HTML or is it strictly JavaScript?
meh you can here
there is another room but it's mostly dead

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Yeah, html room is dead, been 1 hour since anyone said anything so I though I'd try here
@Nero this is webdev / 3dprinting / gaming / node.js / javahate room
webdev? sweet, I'll fire away with my question
basically, I am stuck in a huddle... after graduating from university almost a year ago, I wanted to create my portfolio with all the projects I've created, my key interests and bla bla
I have created my portfolio from scratch but now I am stuck with a half broken and working website (please note, this is my second HTML project ever)
so question is, what should I do at this stage?
well, fix your website? :P
haha been trying that for a while lol
any specific problem you have?
@KamilSolecki Yeah, it's broken, can't you read?
@Loktar It did?
@KendallFrey at least 4 times
my specific problem is the positioning of the elements on the screen. Since I am a newb at this HTML stuff, I tend to use absolute and hard code the positions. Therefore, the website responds terribly to different screen sizes, not to mention mobile phones...
@MadaraUchiha damn, you are right. But this one is a very common problem, with no direct solution to it. It always gets me stuck.
@Nero uh, dont
@Nero Give CSS grids a look
flexbox is the sweet way to go, or what madara suggested
It's much nicer than absolute positioning
@import "bootstrap.css";
yeah... I noticed that when I implemented most of my work with absolute position
Sadly your only solution here is a rewrite
lessons learnt through experience are hard to forget
There is good sides of it though - you will learn how to do it properly.
umm...I don't know if I am going against the rules here but is it possible to share my skype ID to show someone my project? I apologise in advance if it is against the rules
I technically could, but I dont really have time for this today
feel free to ping me tomorrow though
also no need for skype, can you use git?
not a bad idea, but how will I get hold of you tomorrow or "ping" you tomorrow?
@KamilSolecki <--- like this
Im here everyday
@KamilSolecki like this?
ok sweet, I'll get the project upload on Git and hopefully see you tomorrow :) cheers mate
and thank you to everyone else who participated
JS version detection -- I gather from the existing Q+A there's no builtin for it? Solutions seem to involve querying the browser. When there's no browser I guess I'm out of luck.
What do you mean by version?
Language specification.
You should be checking if APIs exist, and polyfilling them if they don't
I was thinking try some expressions in eval() and catch syntax errors.
It's not all APIs, though. It's basic syntax like the let statement.
You could, or you could use babel and not have to support 2 sets of code
I don't even need to support 2 sets of code. I want to nail down what language level I am writing to when I write SuiteScript. So once I've done a few experiments I'll know, and I'll simply write to the spec.
This wouldn't be necessary if Oracle clearly documented the JS version that is the basis for SuiteScript.
You're not wanting it for platform/browser detection, just the one use-case?
Now I'm thinking I could write a short script that uses the results of eval() to report back on what features are present, and maybe that would be useful to me again some day.
Right, just the one case for now, but why not make that useful for next time also.
Something like what configure does in the UNIX world.
You can probably use try/catch
@MetaEd Kangax has feature tests (when you hover over the c): kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5
@copy Oh. It's much worse than I thought.
Welcome to JavaScript
seems like none of the browsers have full support for ES2016+
that random moe girl generator?
It is.
I wanted to make a random anime wallpaper app for my phone. Point it at pixiv or deviantart
weeb central
user image
Hey look, my childhood
@BenFortune can you be my waifu
@Cereal You ever watch the movie?
@BenFortune Line rider has a movie?
gotta love that gif though
I like watching line rider synced to beats when I fall asleep
@KamilSolecki I can be your waifu, if you want ;-)
@BenFortune 54 minutes?!
@copy Yup! It's impressive
@copy I once watched Uno: The Movie in its entirety.
@KamilSolecki have a look my GitHub mate, github.com/Nero2211 (project called Portfolio)
@KendallFrey Uh, rated 9.7/10
@BenFortune wow
it's very relaxing
is there a restriction on number of uploads you can post?
"uploads"? "post"?
trying to upload another gif but keeps on failing
you mean in chat?
There's a throttle if you start sending too many messages, but that's it
there is a size limit on individual uploads as well
And a limit on how much Java an upload can contain
It is none
jar files for everyone
they both look delicious
we used to have a pom
until dinner
@Luggage are you by any chance Chinese?
she got too old
@SaitamaSama no, just hungry
@SaitamaSama Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: 'gives <>https://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png
!!pizza 800 600
why doesn't it default
phew it's not the egg one this time, for me
It is for me
i got egg
And I love it
ew, black olives
There's just something so unnatural about it that makes me wanna put it inside me
I got good ol' pepperoni and cheese
ANSI Standard Pizza
ham on pizza makes me feel sick
nick likes fish on pizza
eels? or maybe this?
This pizza is my top pick. Kosmic Karma from Mellow Mushroom. It's so good.
Hi how is it possible to display output of command or echoing of backend language in php to have by ajax displayed echo in realtime after each command being appended to the div?
you mean, making an ajax request and presenting the result within a div?
@SaitamaSama puppies
@hilli_micha Is that some pesto over the top?
Yes, Pesto, Tomatoes, and Feta, it's amazing.
@KevinB yes but sequentially, like when I run backend ruby or php command to see time checkpoint , like initiating 1step with time it took for profiling
something like loading bar
So an ajax request that you can track the progress of, with a long-running server-side procress?
on background I have lets say cron command, and I want to see first part/operation of command is done 5 seconds, second task in cron is done 12 seconds, finished in 19 seconds etc
@KevinB yes, exactly formulated
ajax isn't that useful for that if i understand what you're saying
ajax is initiated by the browser, the server receives the request, and then responds to it. usually with text.
You're describing something that is instead initiated by the server
probably not, but I am wondering how to accomplish it, I dont like idea of saving it to db or file and perpentually checking with ajax, basically having console (output) in browser
event source or websockets are probably what you're looking for
if the server is keeping track of the process, ajax can be used to get the status of the process at the point in time the server receives the request,
maybe stupid question but probably straightforward solution in jquery is there not
jquery is just client-side
it has nothing to do with php and isn't going to help you track a cron job
yes, so probably I need some tracking solution or as SaitamaSama mentioned some event source, websockets library
I guess I will just save output to the file and provide it to ajax
@jmb.mage that seems like a cool project, did you start working on it?
How is it possible to override a function of the super "class" in javascript?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Suisse Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
function Person(name){
	this.name = name;

Person.prototype.isAlive = function(){
	return this.name +" is living";

function Student(name, studies){

	this.studies = studies;
	this.isAlive = function(){
              //HERE, HOW?
		console.log( Person.isAlive() + "as a "+ this.studies +" Student!" )

Student.prototype = new Person();
@KevinB the isAlive() function of the Student should call the "Superclass"'s function of Person and add some extras
he's calling the parent constructor with the student instance
Person.isAlive sn't a function
because Person isn't an instance of Person, it IS Person
Person.prototype.isAlive() or just this.isAlive()
also, why not use just class syntax?
Person.prototype.isAlive.call(this) would do it
class Student extends Person {
    isAlive() {
(this is nearly identical to an interview question i had years ago)
the future is now, old man
i don't like the new way
Person.prototype.isAlive() or just this.isAlive()
//didn't work; with Person.prototype.isAlive() it doesnt get the "name"
// with this.isAlive() you get a endless loop
@KevinB why though? it's much more readable and makes more sense
because it's just syntactic sugar
4 mins ago, by Kevin B
Person.prototype.isAlive.call(this) would do it
I think classes are acceptable sugar.
@Luggage ok thx, I was working every snippet of you through.. hehe the last one works.. now I have to understand what exactly happens here
@Mikey nothing, that's why suggesting jquery — Andrew 5 mins ago
Person.prototype.newFunction = function(){} adds a new function to Person

Person.prototype.newFunction.call(this); adds a new function to Person and gives the current this (object) to it?
no, it just calls a function
the second does not add a function it calls a function
@Luggage yeah with the es6 way its very clean
oh it just calls the function with the current scope
foo = { bar: function () {console.log(this);}}; foo.bar.call('bob');
don't let prototypes confuse you
it's just an object
Kevin, I feel like we need to have a talk with a few million developers about jQuery.
A hard talk
i'm pretty sure Andrew was just propagating the "use jquery" meme
@KevinB thank you! its now clear!
@KevinB I don't get it, was he joking, or was he like serious?
I want a tuna sandwich — Andrew Feb 20 at 20:17
at least that one was original
okay, so a meme guy :B
Better be a command
Oh jeez...
@Jhoverit Functionality is enabled
it isn't even friday yet
yeah it is
!!is today friday
@KevinB But of course
!!is friday today
@Shmiddty Nuh-uh
!!is today friday or not?
@Shmiddty is today friday
It's Thursday! (Inb4 no shit Sherlock)
no sherlock shit
hmm... so, i'm stumped
class MyComponent extends React.Component<{rootStore: RootStore}, any> {

  refs:any = {}

why would refs be unassignable
for example, when my searchbox is mounted,
  onSearchBoxMounted (ref) {
    this.refs.searchBox = ref;
it's provided by react. you never need to assign it. not sure why you can't though
Oh... is that a built-in property
no, refs from from react. you don't stick your "manual" refs on there. just stick them ont he class instance
that i'm usin gfor something else
it is built in
yeah, i just need to call it something else then
<foo ref="bar" /> will assign this.refs.bar
Oh wait no, it's Friday
hmm. maybe i'm confused
highly likely
i didn't know refs was anything special
for example, in my render, it's used with
            ref={ref => this.onSearchBoxMounted(ref)}
yea, thats' the new way
and later on in my code i need to be able to access this.ref.getPlaces()
but i first need to set this.refs.searchBox equal to ref
just don't put it in refs, like you said
that is used by react. typescript types are probably what is preventing you
@KevinB Its so close
k, so i'll just use another name
the sample code does all of this within componentWillMount, and stores all the methods in the state
someone was swearing
ooh, lookit that explosion
not yet
he tried the classic inb4 trick
there has been and continues to be an explosion
it's been a successful explosion so far
i pulled all of that logic out of component will mount and methods out of the state and did it my own way
we need to work on your vocabulary
I wonder what is the highest a rocket has gone before exploding
highest momentary altitude of a failed mission?
class Foo extends Component {
    onSearchBoxMounted(ref) {
        if (ref) {
            this.searchBoxInstance = ref;

    render() {
        return <SearchBox ref={ref => this.onSearchBoxMounted(ref)} />;
as long as the failure is spectacular and catastrophic
note that ref might be null on the first call of onSearchBoxMounted()
or later calls. i forget.
how would it be null?
i think it is null before that other component is created and or when it's unmounted later
I don't remember. But I know it can be null (or undefined, again, don't remember)
yeah, dropping refs and just using searchBox and map was cleaner anyway
pretty sure it was just null later when it unmounts..
you still need to be careful of collisions with react things
'map' is pretty generic
use constructor
No conflicts
Idek I'm a troll and it's almost 5
i still have this really ugly if conditional i'd like to... do away with somehow
Omg 55, 61, 62 are the temps for Fri Sat and Sun
      if (
        (typeof marker.dealerType === 'undefined') ||
        (this.state.dealerType === 'dealer' && [1,4,5,6,7].some(v => marker.dealerType.indexOf(v) >= 0)) ||
        (this.state.dealerType === 'service' && marker.dealerType.indexOf(2) >= 0)
      ) {
        bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(marker.position.lat, marker.position.lng));
stick it in a function?
but i think i'll fix it by changing the way i'm receiving data to be a bit better structured
@KevinB typeof === 'undefined'?
Boolean(marker.dealerType) suffice
ideally yea
Boolean(marker.dealerType) is not the same, but just: dealerType === undefined is
wow, TWR < 1
this engine is?
realistically it would have the same result in this case, there is no case where dealerType would be a falsey value that wasn't undefined
there are no humans, just burn it
@ssube apparently so
but i'm getting away from that anyway
this rocket looks disturbingly like some of mine, I don't think they really know what they're doing
@Luggage It's all falsey
I did not intend for it to be the same lol
I was eluding that you hve nulls and false and undefined mixed up weirdly or something to need to do that
=== undefined is not jsut falsy. it's JUST indefined
Right now my dealers are returned with a "type" value that is a number 1-10 that denotes both whether or not it is a service center, and what division it is for. If i split those two data points into two separate data points, it would massively simplify the logic
@Luggage Yep.
// these two should be 100% equivalent, though
typeof foo === 'undefined'
foo === undefined
@Luggage dood. Everyone knows. Read messages
it was never intended for multiple divisions to be displayed on a single site 8 years ago, so it wasn't split up
but... now it is, so it's time to fix that
xbox live always down when I want to play a quick game
should i place all my 'requires' in my entry file, instead of repeating them in each individual file?
should be called xbox dead amirite???
@sudosoul requiring the same module twice will not load it again (in any sane module format)
so you should require or ideally import in every file that uses it
i know that, but i guess its more so like for readability for other programmers
being explicit is almost always easier to follow
true, thats what i was thinking... but then each file has requires like require(../../shard/file')
sooo, like if the folder structure ever changed, every single file would have to be updated then right?
you might be able to use an alias to make that more readable
hm never heard of aliases i dont think
webpack has them and plays nice with most languages, other older loaders may as well
require did, I think
node doesn't by default, by webpack or babel can provide them
wtf jsfiddle
why is your lo dash so out of date
eh i dont wanna introduce extra stuff
if you're not using a bundler, you might have to live with the relative paths
i think im just gonna put all the requires in the entry file, and then in the individual files, in the intial comments just say 'requires some-other-file.js'
make sure you re-export everything correctly
what do umean
im on node v6.10 so using modules.export
well, if you import/require all those libraries in one place, you'll need to export the right names
i just export by class name
or make them global, but that's another unpleasant pile of worms
not sure i understand
is module.exports = ClassName not sufficient in each file
ah shit this setup is not working
class Videos extends Index
ReferenceError: Index is not defined
even though i required Index in the handler
(entry file)
why come no work?
did you require() it in THIS file?
no, i thought i could remove it and place all requires in the handler
you can, but that handler has to export them all again, for the other files to use
how would the handler do that?
module.exports = Class
for each class imported??
module.exports = { Class } more likely
i just place the module.exports = Class at the end of each class file
The fuck is those bullshit
it's free
is nil cheaper than NaN?
Still wouldn’t go
is infinity NaN?
ima go and pick up some coldfusion chicks
typeof Infinity
sounds interesting
@NinjaG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
them coldfusion chicks are coldhearted
@Luggage they're absolutely frigid until you get two of them together
you might meet lucee there
u think there'll be any coldfusion cosplay chicks?
i wonder what that would look like
So, almost everything is working now, except the SearchBox's autocomplete feature
@KevinB ive spent the last 3 weeks working on ElasticSearch
is it a frontend issue or backend
it was working while all the shit was being done in the componentWillMount, but doesn't work now. no errors, no failed network requests, it just isn't doing it
i assume front-end. the main problem i'm having is i'm using a component i didn't build that's wrapping the google maps service
so i can't easily dig in and see what it's doing without first understanding how they have their project organized
i pray for u that they wrote good, documented, clear code
ah, pre ES6 days
when writing easy to ready JS was nearly impossible

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