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@William No, I'm trying to grapple what your statement mean.
cool, I've always wanted to buy an internet
@hilli_micha that is the only one feature I'm aware of that android has that iOS 11 doesn't
It seems like you prefer iOS's notification system from the second half of your statement.
Looks fine to me. A standard decorative line in the middle of the page.
@hilli_micha yeah 1st statement is poorly written
I get your point though
@KamilSolecki searching for "Malta II 802K1" gave me chandeliers. Did you buy chandeliers?
So, did you accept the return?
it's only fair. no one can be sure what 120cm even is until they see it in person.
Is there a way to output all the files a given webpack loader touched? Just to make sure my path and regex is working properly?
@Shmiddty read the story
@Luggage in the end she went with money on the shop account and bought somethning else iirc.
Exactly, 120cm, pfft, how abstract! Now roughly 48 inches? That's a measurement you can get behind.
@KamilSolecki Welcome to the human race.
@hilli_micha No, I definitely can't get that in my behind
That sounds like a quitter to me.
Somebody tried and failed.
@KendallFrey You must be out of practise
@KendallFrey you need some Big BlockChains
Block Beads
Block the letter N
All hail the great Firewall
Like how do I console log in a given rule: {} object for webpack?
@komali_2 I'm not sure I understand your question
So given like a less-loader configuration, is there a way I can test where it's actually hunting for .less files? It's not pooping out css so I'm trying to figure out why it's not working, and I'm assuming it's just looking in the wrong places
So i was hoping for it out output every file it touches, somehow, or maybe where it's looking
Get better at regex then?
git gud lololololo amirite
@komali_2 can you post your config? (Use a paste site please)
hard to fuck up /\.less$/,
Well, you did something wrong if it’s not working
@KamilSolecki pastebin.com/RAUSh0db
That's just for the less-loader, I'm wondering maybe it's because I'm using style-loader and css-loader immediately after for any .css files? DUnno why that'd mess with it though
Does chrome for Andoid run in seperate processes to prevent the whole browser from crashing and increasekg
I bet its your paths
Could be, i'm messing around with those right now
webpack runs from the directory the webpack config is in, right?
like that's what __dirname is?
Do you have a publicPath set up
Wait, what's that do? That's for, when the app is loaded in a browser, the route for assets, right?
I think I disabled that lol lemme go check. But don't these style loaders just inject a style tag instead of creating a css file?
Ugh, maybe? It's set to '/' right now so god only knows. I frankensteined the vue-webpack thing so it's all spread across build configs and shit
Hence why I was hoping to be able to just like console log paths and shit whenever webpack actually runs to see where it's getting run from directory wise
I didn't read it but maybe it will help
I just skimmed across
A vue developer; it all makes sense
You could say you have a good vue on the situation now.
God I'm hilarious
Just don’t react too harshly
@KamilSolecki cheers github.com/webpack-contrib/less-loader/issues/… seems to be the "accepted" answer but as far as i can tell my config is identical
@ndugger backbone/marionette, converting our requirejs to webpack
though we do have a little app running in vue, we really like it
That’s even worse
@ndugger This has gone far enough, no need to babel on.
I’ll knockout your backbone, m8
Thanks for tryin anyway @KamilSolecki , so guys no way of console log debugging webpack? How do people debug webpack anyway?
Not sure, usually stuff works for me in 15 minutes
I have my boilerplate config that I did not have to update for a while
If only I had started this project from a boilerplate x.x converting this massive legacy repo has been a pain
I will as soon as all my packages will support webpack 4
Hopefully it won't be a long rewrite
But they did change plenty of things
common chunks plugin for example
I think most of my projects are still on v2
I'm on 3.7.x iirc
@komali_2 Wait I know
U can use source maps for loaders
To debug things
@komali_2 Debug webpack? what
You mean code built with webpack, or webpack itself?
Q: creating a custom loop for children to use: eg. repeat(5){ //code to be executed 5 times }

bmorenI'm trying to simplify the introduction of loops to children in JS and p5.js with writing some helper functions to ease difficult things. What I'm aiming for is something like repeat(5){ //code to be executed 5 times } something similar can be achieved with a higher order function, but it's not ...

so my developer converted half of the android project to kotlin before sending it to me for some reason. I'm not really sure why. I have not found a single line of code that makes me reason why he did this
my guess is to screw up auto completion
the funny thing is he was using version control so I can see he convert it over
@SterlingArcher he he he
Dear god why
How is this going to help children
That reminds me
Fuck math teachers who tell kids that polynomial equations have no solutions at all if discriminant < 0
That sentence means nothing to me
Q: I can't debugging C, C# or C++ on Visual studio code

LyonCodesI was testing the new Visual Studio Code, because I have told that, you can code on almost the all programmation languages, but I have a problema when I code on C++ or C, when I put the #include to use the libraries, it doesn't recongnize the librarie, here is a pic, I have tried everything that ...

It's not even a screenshot XD
you really don't need that much math for a lot of programming
@SterlingArcher nice
gui android iOS unless serious games you don't need above basic calculs
even calculus isn't often needed
@ndugger sorry was afk
You can get pretty far as a web dev without intimate math knowledge, but eventually graphing comes in and you're screwed
I wasn't talking about programming, I said math teachers
yeah i was responding to archers comment
@ndugger I am curious though what do you guys use for Authz ?
math is one of those things that you don't realize you need it until you have it
I find that especially true of calculus
Calculus is beyond useful
I've run into enough optimization problems that I've gotten pretty used to setting d/dx = 0
Understanding even basic physics is so much easier when you understand basic calculus
@ShrekOverflow LDAP
trig isn't needed in a lot of jobs though even. Heck doctors don't even need calculus most of the time
@SterlingArcher want a quick math lesson? :P
I wonder if calculus is useful in Factorio
LDAP with PHP is the most convoluted crap I've ever worked with
Yeah, it sucks
ldap is a convoluted beast
@KamilSolecki no lol
@William It doesn't really have anything to do with what job you're in
It works, but it’s clunky
a farmer could find calculus useful
my grandfather was farmer never used it
@KendallFrey Links that YT vid
in fact my family are still farmers on one side
crop rotation doesn't need calculus
you just go wheat -> corn -> something else
@ndugger :D
Well sure, but what if he wants to make sure how to make the most profit
Enter calculus
economics explains most of that and calculus is often not required
Otherwise, all he can do is educated guesses
but that is essentially what you are doing
@SterlingArcher I totally agree :D
@SterlingArcher G = g(64) where g(n) = 3 ^(n) 3 where a ^(n) b = a ^(n-1) (a ^(n) b-1)
4 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
math is one of those things that you don't realize you need it until you have it
Sure, you can just rotate on a specific pattern, but if you don't know why, it's not so useful
I just use a calculator
so you are saying people that are good at math use math. Hmm well people that are good as football play football
that means nothing to me lol
@William I'm saying that knowing math is a shortcut for many things in life.
Trig can be extremely important for ui, or graphics of any kind, if you’re not in the dom
or anything involving spaces and positions
math is beyond useful, but some people just won't get it
And for someone who is going to work with 3d of any kind, he needs quite some understanding of linear algebra
and some people won't be good at football
So what should I do with this developer that convert half the project to kotlin before sending it me
Unless it's a simple plug and play lib
convert him to kotlin
I can see the git history and he converted it to kotlin with out changing anything
Tell on him
git blame
@William Are you just assuming he did it for bad reasons before asking him what his reasons are?
Kendol has an important point
Maybe the kotlin equivalent will compile in a way that runs on oreo, since the java didn’t
really ndugger far fetched
Kendol sounds like a knock-off pharmaceutical company lol
Not really
kotlin was added as an official language a lot later then Java
they both compile and run
@SterlingArcher lmao. Kendol - sleep well, while your prints are getting ready!
I compile, but I don't run
Yes, but kotlin is now the preferred language for android
@KendallFrey nobody in your family runs
@ndugger kotlin is a fad in my opinion
His mom did
Except after taco night
@William doubtful
Can we have the monkey back
I'm a monkey
I already lost !!^5 I'm not losing ^
I wanted you guys opinion. He may have a reason but literally, I can compare the output of my android studio from java to kotlin and they are identical
well um
New high five command is bad
he is asleep right now wrong time zone
@SterlingArcher That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, d, y, !, ^, π, ?, א
and I actually already asked him the question and he didn't respond @KendallFrey
Damn, I fucked up
he ignored the question
@William well wait, or don't pay
Well that's useful
why the fuck does that video have a timestamp
is someone doing maths?!
I don't know go check
This man is a beautiful meme god
He needs to become famous
See I brought you gold
There recently was pumped up kicks playing in the cafe and I couldn't stop myself from singing the tongo version
Tongo is supreme
A: How can i use the strored values of str variables globally?

Egor Egorovyou can get rid of the word let in front of str which will make it a global variable

Good god please cv this question before it gets bad
He has had hard time uploading the code directly
Maybe he's on shrooms and he's struggling
@KamilSolecki you are up late again
Yeah I accidentally took a 5 hour nap after work and can't fall asleep now
accidentally? :P
Yeah :D it was supposed to last wsy shorter than that
But I did not set up an alarm
And when I fall asleep, I go on forever
Somewhat, yeah
I blame my bed, it's too comfy
Hell I just fell asleep while watching tv on the couch
Naps are the best
My Code editor is nationalist!
ahhh much better
are you using the new fancy concrete?
I'm using concrete, if that's what you mean
no, fancy concrete
the refined one
that takes steel
Vanilla thing?
well fuck me sideways
Guess I'll need to set up another concrete factory
that doesn't look like vanilla though
you have greenhouses?
I spent way too long refactorioing
but now I'm ready to start building some more factories
I am wondering what do they mean by "Take the left-most half of the hash and base64url encode it." openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDTokenValidation
what is the left-most half ?
as you write it out on the screen i guess?
Like a literal half ?
like if you hash was LLllLlLLRrrRrrRR
then the Ls would be left half
doubt thats the case
Wow. This is the first nice router I've ever had. Flashed DD-WRT and the local throughput went from 450mbps to 900.
Too bad I only have a 1.5mbps internet connection till April.
can we say compiler for js templating engine???
??? please help me
yes or no
@AlishaSharma transpiler or templating engine would make more sense
@William can you say me 3 sentence that make me clear for differentiating different between transpiler , templating engine and compiler???
nothing better then google can do. Honestly they are made up terms in many ways. You can occasionally use them interchangeable.
hey can someone link the login module that was a yeti that had lots of fun animations in it
@KamilSolecki wat lol
codepen.io/anon/pen/vdbpYv?editors=1010 ..md-autocomplete reset is not working help me out
@AlishaSharma What are you high on ?
@jAndy happy birthday. Today you might have a great gift: you will win the game for one time! Enjoy.
@david are you guys using Cordova 😃 ?
How can I prevent TS from yielding an error when :
String.prototype.interpolate =
(property interpolate does not exists....)
@geisterfurz007 Thanks . i saw this but it didn't help.
@ShrekOverflow yes, it is cool
hey heyo
Yo yo yo ))
@ShrekOverflow y'know I had my headphones at max volume
and my ears are bleeding now...
i didn't know iTunes had a web player
@ShrekOverflow yes
Why asking?
Asking why?
I am officially fed up with the changes chrome made with the address bar. Previous searches comes up first instead of websites I have been visiting
// goes enrage on something
Programming with async await.. makes you think procedurally.. :|
@KarelG Beat the pool attendant!
@cswl programming does, generally.
We should all think in lambda calculus
@ShrekOverflow Cordova and ionic? I don't believe so
yeah nope
Hey all. I'm just trying to improve performance of a page, by getting the eventListeners to passive mode, as suggested by google chrome audits. Problem for a Rookie like me though: the event listeners for the links are not implemented by us. How can I expose a default eventlistener, and just slap on that "passive:true" flag to it?
imo a great impl of VR: i.imgur.com/yBRIuor.gifv
@KamilSolecki I find myself wanting to correct people trying to sort a stack of papers using insertion sort :P
But that's sort of a literal application being a programmer I suppose
I tried importing a full length 2.5 hours 1080p movie in Premiere... My PC almost had a cardiac arrest
@SaitamaSama which would be twice as impressive considering the PC doesn't have a heart
but it haz memory :B (and CPU)
Reminds me of:
in Java, Aug 14 '17 at 11:55, by geisterfurz007
And it takes longer than 10 seconds to create a graph out of 1048576 lines with 4 columns... Shame on you excel :P
I really need one of those ECC compatible mobos and probably put like 2TB of memory in it
@SaitamaSama I remember when I was in High School and I was making some kind of intro for some end of the year event. When I was done I left it to render in 1080p overnight (was a 1 min 30 sec vid). I happily wake up in the morning, grab the file, try to chuck it on my pendrive, just to realize the rendered .mp4 was 70gb
@KamilSolecki lol, how though?
there was dust particles and a crumbling wall
like, A LOT of particles going on.
@KamilSolecki lol oops
I'd be impressed at a computer that could play a 1 minute and 30 second video 70gb in size honestly.. that'd be 796 MB per second
hard to believe a 1m30 vid at 1080p leads to 70gb
posted on March 01, 2018 by Rod Vagg

2018-03-01, Version 9.7.0 (Current), @rvagg, prepared by @addaleax Notable Changes libuv: Updated to libuv 1.19.2 (Colin Ihrig) #18918 src: Add initial support for Node.js-specific post-mortem metadata (Matheus Marchini) #14901 timers: The return value of setImmediate() now has ref() and unref() methods (Anatoli Papirovski) #18139 util: It is now possible to get the name for a n

Remember with V8 was a beverage? Pepperridge farms remembers.
guys how can I check my framework in every browser??? please help my guys??
@AlishaSharma browserstack.com
@Neil and how can I make it all browser supportive
@AlishaSharma You test it on all browsers and platforms. For every platform and browser you support and want it to work where the test has failed, resolve that specific issue
I can't tell you how to fix your application though, only you can know that
hello everyone
I would strongly advise against making it work for IE 8 or earlier, fyi
I use windows 8 and what will be the best browser that covers many browsers support @Neil
@AlishaSharma well how much work do you want to do?
If you make it work on IE 8, it stands a decent chance of working with most modern browsers, but it would be a lot of work on your part more than likely
Otherwise make it work with the earliest version of Edge and you're probably okay too
Stahp supporting IE8
It's ancient
@BenFortune Stahp supporting IE (source)
Yeah I personally don't
Stop supporting IE, well maybe support IE11 but that's it. There are few reasons to go more prehistoric than that.
Beh, no programmer supports earlier browsers because it's "fun"
it's never up to the programmer
Otherwise we'd only support the latest browsers
^^ Nah, usually it's up to some marketing people with little knowledge of effective market shares of browsers. "But those 0.1% people using it are potential customers..."
Anyone using an outdated browser is not a "potential customer", it's a victim waiting to be taken advantage of by more shady peps.
why is it that every single programming language which makes semicolons optional sucks at doing it?
not this again
the latest one is kotlin
The problem is that the people who make these decisions have no idea about the complexity behind "making it work for IE 6" and to be fair, programmers have no idea about the need to make it compatible beyond the most recent browsers
It's like the tabs vs spaces thing really
everything seemed to work fine, but then this happens:
this gives a compiler error
this one returns 5
this is the only way that it works
Or just use semicolons and stop using shitty workarounds
Weil Neil, it's usually the marketing people that want the latest eye-candy AND max compatibility. Failing to get that you can have one or the other (or have to pay out of your nose to have it both).
hmm, I havent actually tried using semicolons
@BenFortune nope, semicolons wont fix it
it still gives a compiler error or 5
it is because the newlines are being read as semicolons
the + has to be at the end of the line
Q: How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Kotlin

bryant1410I have a long line of code that I want to break up among multiple lines. What do I use and what is the syntax? For example, adding a bunch of strings: val text = "This " + "is " + "a " + "long " + "long " + "line"

@AndersBernard Yeah, the good ol' tradeoff: speed, low-cost, quality.. pick two
but the plus at the end conflicts with the convention I prefer
use () ?
@KarelG I could, and will, but still
why cant it just work without them?
every language that has semicolons as optional is like "We have made semicolons optional and nothing else changes"
but there are always side effects
with every single one that I have seen so far
it sickens me
like... like how I sicken you
@Wietlol stop using Kotlin then :)
it is every language
kotlin, groovy, javascript, EVERYTHING

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