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true, i never thought of it, so would never think of it
@KevinB rebel galaxy is pretty immersive and the music is awesome (imo, you can set your own music if you prefer)
@ssube It means that I, when I emit the signal, I provide the option to IGNORE_AND_CONTINUE
but ussually, i can see at least a few use cases of it
but it totally doesn't allow you to watch/listen to something else while playing
even if those use cases are rubbish after all
neat game btw, space pirate.
@MadaraUchiha the throw-er provides a handler and optionally a way to continue, the catch-er then chooses which to invoke?
but still, can you define in a few sentences what the process of your program is?
And somewhere up the call-stack, I can do something akin to if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { signal.handleWith(IGNORE_AND_CONTINUE); }
path of exile has a similar problem, you can't really watch a streamer playing it at the same time because you'll hear the sound of something dropping just to realize it was on the stream, not your screen
i will show you what i meant before
Visual Basic is what you want.
@ssube @Wietlol ^
Explains it better than me
the only problem with rebel galaxy imo is there is no Z
i like watching/listening in on ksp streams
it's "3d" but you only move in the x and y
@KevinB ohhh yea, I love watching KSP videos while playing KSP
@MadaraUchiha also, I am not sure how you would implement it
people do super theatrical missions
it's impressive and entertaining
gives you a lot of insperation
I have been busy with LLVM for a while to build my own language
but even if I wanted this feature so badly that I made it, I still would have no idea how to make it work
the better ones I've watched don't show builds tho
they give craft files, and show the missions, but not the build.
which I get.. who wants to watch 19 hours of you fucking around in the VAB
it could be that certain things just arent possible in the output of the compiler
but maybe.. me?
i like watching the newer ksp streamers
watching them make stupid mistakes
which would be a bummer for the higher level language, but is still possible
I love watching people build crazy SSTOs and then I sit for 4 hours trying to make a decent heavy one
@MadaraUchiha huh, that's pretty cool. Not terribly complicated compared to your average async structure these days
I don't watch many live streams. mostly steams that have been uploaded to youtube
do a mun mission, then realize they forgot parachutes. or run out of eva propellant and not have a ladder
@ssube YASSSSSSS that did it man, my fucking week and a half long project is DONE YES
I like other people to vet what I watch :D
get on my recommendations plebs :P
@MadaraUchiha another solution would be to not let the parser throw
@KevinB if you like watching people build pretty (and functional) crafts, this guy always wins for me: youtube.com/user/beaucoupzero
watched someone spend nearly an hour trying to get back into their rocket without eva propellant
i want to stream me just watching tv with my hand in my pants al bundy style
although he does use plenty of mods
@Wietlol But, again, in dev I do want it to throw
@komali_2 congrats. You should be able to replace them with the handlebars functions by replacing the plugin later, so you would do that and then remove all your compile calls, and it should work.
And I want it to blow up noisily
if I setup a KSP Terraria server on the weekend, how many of you would be in on it? cc @KendallFrey @Zirak
if you cant do "foreach log in file", you can do "foreach log in parser.parseFile(file)"
I like this for background watching. youtube.com/…
ksp doesn't have servers
@rlemon yes
and then, you can put your foreach in your "main"
yea, I was thinking about KSP still and meaning Terraria
@rlemon yes
@rlemon yes
what is terraria
2d minecraft
maybe in a week or two
i don't have terraria, but maybe.
I was gonna say if KSP is somehow multiplayer I'm down
POE starts friday
slow internet today, @rlemon? :P
2d minecraft but with lots of gear and items
minecraft has lots of gear and items
and fun bosses
@KevinB not compared to Terraria
I'm super happy about how the game progressed.
I dom't have terraria yet, but somebody sent money to my embezzlement account
me too
from when I bought it to now the game content has increased like 100 fold.
there is even more losing
haven't paid a single dime more
the liquids and wires are better than minecraft too
How many different armor sets does Minecraft have by now?
and now the tinkerer has logic gates
i can vape in G mod
@ssube no, minecraft wires are better
fuckin logic gates man
building a water elevator to hell is the best
we can make a PC
Yeah i know
I hadn't played in probably a year
and before that it was on/off
btw if anybody wants I already am hosting a MC Gregtech (Hardcore tech pack) server for me and a few friends, I could always host another one
Terraria digital logic is unary though, not binary
since rimworld and ksp came out Terraria got put aside
minecraft is binary/analog
so all of this is new to me
@rlemon As in, you just started using logic gates?
they were not a thing when I put in my first 1000 hours
@Wietlol Right, but again, this is a high level decision that you're making in low level code
that is my main method
@rlemon I quit before diagonal blocks were added
it defines the procedure of the program
back when the game was abandoned, before the big update
not the roads it took to do it
just the procedure
played every day for months before that
right now I've got three worlds. all of them are tiered towards farming shit
its corn isnt it
I play Terraria like most play factorio
strip mining worlds with a party is the way to go
automate everything
@MadaraUchiha at some point, you must stop abstracting
I spend more time building the farm than it would take to just get the resources myself.
strip mining gets boring quickly
get a few friends and just enough gear to do the first few dungeon levels, then go world to world
@Wietlol No, you must stop abstracting, since your language limits you :D
@KendallFrey not with autohotkey
which I avoid, mostly.
once you're set up, go home and start fighting bosses
fishing requires it
@MadaraUchiha a language is only a tool
Am I supposed to bring my main character, or a new one?
if your tool doesnt work, use another
so do some farms that need me to offload to a chest
@KendallFrey whatever you want.
you wont be chopping trees so easily with a hammer
I finally installed spotify
I don't have any characters :(
I'm bringing my main
Need songs for sleeping
@towc fucking hostile.
eventually, the tree will fall, but it still will be better to use an axe
use lisp if you can and want
I had a quote about this somewhere
im not sure if i can still find it
Lately I've been youtubeing "sleeping music" and picking the 8hr stuff
Have to say it really helped. Relaxing and all. Put it on the loud speakers
i just have a 20 dollar box fan for my white noise
Pantera is relaxing
But tifu and need to sleep in the bathroom of another space and can't leave YouTube on, on the ohone
But tifu and need to sleep in the bathroom of another space and can't leave YouTube on, on the phone
> Do not tell me that “good developers can write good code in any language”, or bad developers blah blah. That doesn’t mean anything. A good carpenter can drive in a nail with either a rock or a hammer, but how many carpenters do you see bashing stuff with rocks? Part of what makes a good developer is the ability to choose the tools that work best.
@rlemon I'm afraid some aspects of my life are still the same as a normal person's
shit, i have the quote, not the source
@rlemon I find the more melodic stuff to be more focusing and relaxing
i find noise to be problematic
been working against a few deadlines the last two weeks and so I've been on a big Dark Tranquility/Insomnium/In Flames kick
I kinda like the electric light orchestra
plenty of Graveworm, Sentenced, Mercenary, etc
Not very relaxing, but beats tfk or 3dg, for sleeping
@MadaraUchiha in any case, if that method I showed would not be your main, what would be your main function?
@Wietlol Imagine I have many log files, or even many types of log files, or even many types of logs from different sources (files, database, stdin, etc)
common interface?
Imagine I also need to do something with said parse results
@ssube different strokes
I need to make a report out of it, I need to unify the logs, etc.
If you needed ksp calculators, what except satellite deployment would you want? @KendallFrey @rlemon
The actual parsing of the file and the function that calls that directly is very much low-level code
fuel requirements
they exist, I just don't use one
might be handy
It's very close to direct string processing and file reading
dV and TWR are the best parts of mechjeb
I meant something to use not ingame
true altitude is a must for flight
Btw, ever heard of tatra tea?
out of game? a deltav chart is all you need
Tatra are the mountains in slovakia
That tea is the best I've ever had
dV is fine, but it gives me false hope when my first stage has ~4TWR, and I don't pay attention to dV because I'm so excited about a badass first stage and my subsequent stages suck
@MadaraUchiha still, if you provide an (C# context) IEnumerable<ILog>, you should be fine
Highly recommend
By a long shot
Even if you don't like tea
KER got the DV of my vessel way wrong the other day
it said i had just enough fuel to maybe land on the mun safely
something like this should be good enough
im asking because I started this little project today
i ended up dropping a full orange tank + twin boar engine on the surface
that's a real bright purple you got there pal
I still wanna oneday build a KSP controller
@KamilSolecki is that for your runescape clan?
yes exactly
@KendallFrey if I get mine right, how much you gonna pay for to commission one? :P
I want to have a little 3d simulation orbital thing that would show, for example, steps to deploy x satellites /w a dynamic timeline (in a 3d kind of KSP galaxy view kinda thing)
so orbits and planets
I think I need to get the laser engraver before I can make a decent ksp controller tho
I really like the wooden ones
yeh that looks super cool
@ssube im really liking the purple, m'kay?
@MadaraUchiha what I ussually do is, I set up a broad environment of functionality that I could potentially use, all those methods/classes are fully functional to the roots and abstract to the user level, see it as the base library of the language

then, I set up the main functionality of my program, in simple sentences of: "what should my program do?" those few functions should be able to be read just as easy as the description of the behavior of the program (functions like "getAllLogs()" also belong to these)
nvm that. to get a laser engraver that size... thousands. :(
with that approach, I practically build every application
@rlemon not much, I'd want to build one myself
I'm going to just put a laser on my cr-10
screw that.
on the other hand, nowadays, I write mostly libraries, so I keep myself to the first
but it does mean that the hypothetical perfectly structured and organized landscape is in my hands, which is always good in my eyes
Quora got all the smart people
ohh, maybe I just 3d print it in wood
that could work. and would only be like $40 in wood pla
KSP IVA mod (built on rasterPropMod): github.com/MOARdV/FlightSystemsRedux/wiki/…
looks good
what keyboard do you guys use on android. Coming from an iPhone the stock keyboard sucks.
SwiftKey is really close.
"stock" is dependent
i use stock. it works better than swiftkey for me
Fucking hell, uploading an image and getting the direct url on imgur on mobile is awful
what brand is your phone? it might not be "stock"
I use stock, but I have a google phone.
@Luggage nexus oreo
but stock os?
my family is insane
@rlemon is technically lineage os some I'm not 100% sure
what is oreo? what version?
8.0 come on dude
@William google, with swipe-to-text
@William I thought you ran 3rd party?
@William I'm not gay, but I appreciate the sentiment
a wild letterkenny appears?
what dessert is 8.1? that's that I have
@Luggage less then 1% of devices have oreo still I'm pretty sure. Unless it is a nexus or pixel it likely doesn't
N5 is still on 6.0.1
it's a pixel 2
ah Oreo then
pixel 2 american size
even samusung pulled the oreo update
@rlemon I'm confused by your statement. What do you mean by 3rd party?
no I just run lineage os which is technically a rom. I have never installed anything but lineage os.
someone was talking about android a week or so ago, I might be confused and thinking it was you
it migth not have the same keyboard app. see if google has a another in the app store
I have looked at the them trying to find one that displays the ablum art on the lockscreen. Hawai phones do(forgive spelling)
mine does
not fullscreen like the iPhone if it is stock
mine does
like I said, it's problematic
no idea what an iphone does
I get the full screen album art
Q: Display full/entire album art lock screen Android

WilliamIs there a way to make Android display the entire album art on the lock screen? The iPhone does this better in my opinion. I'm not on the latest so this might have changed but as of right now it only displays part. I'm on a rooted Nexus 5 with Lineage OS. I'll add a picture in a moment. Andr...

and a lot of metal has questionable album art
@KendallFrey not even for me?
looks like my background is porn
edm as well
@KamilSolecki I'm at least gonna make you work for it
@William I can't see the iphone example
yeah stupid site is down
@KendallFrey oh you are hard to get ;)
on ours it's zoomed to be full screen, even if that means cropping it
I love Donald Glover's music
ahh, so you don't want any clipping at all.
not sure if you can get apps to change that
@KamilSolecki rather hard to get than get too hard
@KendallFrey ohh btw, nice pit.
yeah its a dank pit
it's better than the old one, for sure
@Luggage technically the music app could overlay the image onto another image but non of the music subscription services are open source
Im thinking it would be great for sacrifices and stuff
if my yard was bigger, I would 100% put in a fire pit
Think it showed up last summer
I really am struggling to think of a way to get one now
but it would have to go right next to the pond ... maybe it could work??
dig a hole in your yard and put some fire in it
(legal, has to be x feet from fences)
@rlemon Put one sticking out of a pond and put a tiny bridge to it
Ah yeah, here it has to be 30 ft from anything combustable
make it look all natural and stuff
rocket stove, maybe
brick ovens. no restrictions. :D
but that is much larger to do right.
@KendallFrey he can hardly fit a pit, how is he supposed to fit a whole rocket?!
> "Ay musk can I borrow a rocket rq"
@KamilSolecki it's not about fitting, it's about legal. (#phrasing)
law is I can't have a open fire x feet from a fence or a building
and so the main area of my yard I could have one already has a pond and a garden
Im somewhat sure we don't get that law
He has to deal with Mounties if he breaks the law.
I missed something I wanted to buy off ebay by an hour an now I feel stupid
Known to be merciless in their kindness.
@hilli_micha you mean the fake cops guys
that's why ebay sucks
among other reasons
@Luggage no joke my percent success rate is better on ebay then amazon
percent success of correctly shipped items that aren't broken
I don't know what to tell you if you can't figure out patented one click buying. :)
hahah just buy from good buyers on ebay. Look at their past history. I have received everything from rocks to drainage pipe vents from amazon and I guarantee I didn't order either of those.
@Luggage you have not the slightest idea what customers are capable of
Actually, story time
how do you guys overcome distraction and laziness? :p
@jAndy I don't
Fear of starving to death is a good motivator.
give in to the dark side
blame it on someone else
general denial.
@hilli_micha well... true, but as a matter of fact, most guys who do "code for a living" probably won't have that fear ever
I've already spent 3 years of my life as a NEET, I have no real desire to go back.
I've worked in factories, kitchens, and retail stores. programming is "easy" by comparison
Anyone here good with regex?
mostly reasonable people, good pay, good work environment
/good with/gi
> Some guys like C, some guys like C#, I am partial to C sharpie.
@CardinalSystem depends, if the question is interesting I know someone who might speak up
I'm a Java developer, so I can't really do JS, although I need to make a pattern that works in JS.
@CardinalSystem Will genius work?
If that person speaks up though, you are guaranteed at least 2 LetterKenny references
@KendallFrey I think you need to take that back about 10-15%
and a link to their language
@hilli_micha live with your parents?
@rlemon maybe for JS
No, I live with my wife.
I know way too much about .NET regex though
no, really, how do I regexp $8.99 and take that back 10-15%?
I know enough of Java regex to survive, but my patterns do not work in JS. This is the one that's giving me trouble: (?i)(ip|hypixel|server|realm)|\\*{3}
use /.../i instead of (?i)
regex should be better standardized imo
I am going to say this but iOS 11 compared to Android's notification system really seems terrible to me. There is no notification history in Android and no badge numbers. If you swipe something away in Android by accident your basically screwed.
2? Weeks ago, a return comes. We open up the package, sort out the papers, all the regular things. I notice that the package is actually over the term of return by a fairly decent time, so I call the woman (my dudes were busy packaging, so I sometimes take over their phones).

ME: Hello, I see you made a return. I'd like to inform you that its long over the return period.
HER: Hi, well, I returned the product because it didn't satisfy me. To be specific, it was too long and I was not informed how long it is.
Don't you mean to say Android compared to iOS 11's notification system seems terrible?
my computer keeps beeping at me and i don't know why
@KamilSolecki you work in customer service?
@hilli_micha so you like silencing them temporarily ehh
@KendallFrey I own an internet store

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