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should i switch to $.ajax rather than use $.post?
doesn't matter, the default event would happen before that
They're both XHR methods, i don't think that would make a difference
you need to bind an onClick event to the submit button (or the form?) and call this.preventDefault, iirc
ok so i just need to try adding event.preventdefault
let me try that real quick
thanks again.
@SterlingArcher Why not?
@KendallFrey it's the meta effect. People crucify without provable evidence, causing defamation sometimes without cause
Let the courts sort it out, then pitchfork if guilty
So to avoid the attention seekers?
I'm not naive though, the accusors would need some sort of protection from legal shutdowns
People assume guilt, even if they don't realize. The "just world fallacy". Papers never have "ohh is turned out it was wrong" as headlines.
@SterlingArcher so the court should be the one to go through all your past contacts and ask if you ever diddled them?
Sounds nice, but is there a way for victims to get prosecution without it getting to the public?
@KendallFrey I don't know
most (all?) court cases go to the public sites
i thought you guys were talking about ajax vs post
i was super confused
Personally, when I see "in an email we won't show you" I get annoyed
@Parakoopa don't post without consent
wait wtf is "ajax vs post"
@SterlingArcher that's just poor reporting
don't post without consent?
Isn't that another async vs promise?
It's tough, but I don't like the defamation that happens
but, yknow, buzzfeed...
I'm starting to wonder if our society is doing a shit job at helping people not do creepy stuff.
Even though many of these cases are turning out real and there is a real problem, there is a bit of a "public stoning upon first accusation" thing going on.
@KendallFrey nooooo, our mental health system is stellar
is that mental health?
@towc Tyson
i guess it sounds like it
@Luggage that's what I have a problem with, the real problem existing shouldn't put the fear of public execution into somebody being accused wrongly
falls under the "danger to others" bit
@Loktar Neil? Really?
Which sucks because the real allegations coming to light are fantastic
Well not fantastic you know what i mean
@KendallFrey him too!
Anyone that has some fame and power will adapt to their new boundaries. You need someone to slap their hand and say "no, bad" before they get tii bad.
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@AlishaSharma Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@AlishaSharma Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@Luggage that would've been a good plan like 10k years ago
back when we were establishing governments and setting this precedent
@Luggage psh dude a parent can't even slap their childs hand without it being decried as abuse
I say increase the child beatings
only beating children is age discrimination
I routinely tell my friends that their parents should have hit them more growing up.
I will start with Loktar's kid to gain publicity
my wife works at my kids school so many little assholes there.
calling her whore, bitch, ect.
it's fucking insane
didn't hear about it
ahem, nope
Q: How to prevent Grunt to run on Heroku in a Sails.js App with pre-executed Grunt Pipeline?

SuisseI tried to deploy my Sails.js WebApp on heroku and got these errors: app[web.1]: Grunt :: Running "uglify:dist" (uglify) task heroku[web.1]: Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded) heroku[web.1]: Process running mem=704M(137.5%) heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to...

speaking only for myself, there are times I would have benefited from a bloody nose, but it doesn't scale well when everybody tries it
seealso: canadian hockey
My mom whopped my ass when i deserved it
I turned out great
@SterlingArcher same
I think I was over beaten a few times, but meh
@SterlingArcher I'm not so sure
over beaten not shaken
@Loktar jumper cables?
lmao no fortunately
my parents did and I did the opposite thing on principal for a week after, every time
it was worse than useless
just got sneaky
I was very farmilar with a 'switch' growing up.
I just remember having bruises and some gross looking broken blood vessels on my ass from the belt a few times,
Everytime I was caught lying i got a whoopin
oh fuck
I got a smack on the ass but not like a belt or anything
electric wire
Oh yeah, the belt stopped when I grabbed my moms arm and told her not to hit me with it
yeah I think any weapon should be a no no lol
guys how can I convert like this is there any converter for this please have a look at this image scontent.fktm5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/…
@SterlingArcher dude
@AlishaSharma jesus
gives you too much leverage, hard to gauge what kind of damage you could do imo anyway
@Loktar lmao just put a boxing ring in the basement
@AlishaSharma wtf get that out of here
@KendallFrey You're saying convert to Jesus? brb, getting baptised.
punishments turn into rounds of kickboxing
@SterlingArcher haha
my kids are mostly good, the fear of spankings does more than any spankings actually do
in my household anyway can't speak for all of course
@KendallFrey haha
@hilli_micha Hey, have you heard of the Boat Mormons?
are mormons even allowed to have boats?
I have not.
wait, what good does a boat do in utah anyway?
@ssube only the best ones like Mitt Romney
it's a Door Monster joke
they have exactly one lake iirc
salt boats
they just use the bodies of the fallen
I got spanked good only once, When I ran away with my sleds to ride behind a random persons' quad. I was 7 lmao
If any one have idea of my question please suggest me
I wonder what kind of punishments Ted Cruz got
He turned out solid </sarcasm>
@SterlingArcher his dad became a Canadian citizen
@AlishaSharma what are you looking for? can you explain it in words rather than screenshots on facebook?
The ride was worth it tho
@Loktar that's abuse
punishment enough imo 😋
@ssube I believe he wants an object representing HTML parent-child relationship
that's still quite broad
^ what @KamilSolecki said
@AlishaSharma what have you tried
so... um, is it possible to set the state of a component it by the parent component after rendering?
that question is vampy as hell
also, mornings o/
@SaitamaSama is this react? you onlyt set props. state is internal
@ssube , @Loktar please wait I will explain my problem freely
@AlishaSharma no
@Luggage yeah, react... so, I should be setting the props, alright...
But will your problem get answered freely? Or will there be a fee?
These are the important questions.
You've already lost me, the sun is out so Vampires can't touch me
well, then, how do I set the props for the child component after rendering a component from the parent? :B
I have to go clean the bathroom and take a shower
You may end up having some internal state that mirros props, but that's how it is/ Props ceom in from outside (from the parent) and state is internal-only.
it was a rough morning
@Loktar Don't lie, in your world Vampires just kind of shimmer and look brooding at the camera.
@ssube just don't use a shower curtain. two for one
sounds like it @ssube
@Luggage mm, bleached feet
@hilli_micha bleeeeeeeh
@ssube was the food worth it?
Twilight references from '08, am I cool yet guys?
lol, nah, Thurs is just the day I clean the bathroom on
makes for a nice break in the afternoon and I do a different room every day, house is clean af
@Luggage yeah, that makes sense
I always clean on thursdays as well. Making fidays totally work free (after work)
FUCK, I was right with the year without looking, can you delete information from your brain? I need a tutorial.
@hilli_micha I wish.
for so many reasons
Am actually in the middle, chat just distracted me
@KamilSolecki I used to do it all on one day, but that's a few hours so I ended up skipping the corners and cracks
I clean on sundays
@SaitamaSama 😒 ...
Which means I clean on saturdays because my girlfriend complains it's dirty
now I do 30 minutes every day and things stay clean enough that I have to look in the corners
@SaitamaSama dude
it works :ascii-shrug:
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:P I apologize tho
that is 100% offensive
that will be validated I bet
yeah, my bad
I went too far
lol it happens, just remember it's not youtube! 😋
lesson for next time :)
meh, just delete it after 30 seconds. That's what we do with jokes that are too dark. :)
I did a bad thing, I accidentally validate that flag without reading context
alright :)
@SaitamaSama but in the end, it doesn't even matter. (didn't, doesn't? idk the lryic)
@SaitamaSama if you get suspended, sorry
even with context...
@SterlingArcher meh it's legit
Yeah but he apologized
legit, but no worse than what we all do daily. Just a random victim. Like getting a speeding ticket. You are unlucky today.
heh, getting a speeding ticket is very accurate. Have to know where to slow down
do yall not have an app for that
Waze can kind-of help, but it's not fool-proof.
I have never gotten a ticket thanks to the app
an app that all the cops show up on?
hmm event default did not seem to fix the issue. I tried to override what the form was doing by adding $('#form').submit(()=>{POSTHERE}) but its sending ajax?
There is so many people on it that its 98% foolproof
@KamilSolecki an app for what
that seems like it would go very poorly next riot
prevent default sorry
or is it crowd suggestions?
Crowd sourced info.
People can report where a police car is in Waze.
that sounds illegal
huh, I thought it was just some shitty map that iPhone users had to use if they didn't want to end up in a lake
might have to download that and do some reporting
@KendallFrey @ssube every driver can mark if something is happening on the road with a press of one of 6? buttons. There is one for speed traps, one for police control, one for undervcovers, one for accidents, and something else. As you approach the place that was marked by someone, you get an alert saying what it is. When you get there, you can either confirm the notification or deny it
There is more than enough users of it in Poland for it to work wonders
I don't know why they would allow that if radar detectors are illegal
that's how laws work
how exactly would they prevent it?
"thou shalt not tell other people where you think a cop might be"
@ssube That wasn't my point
@KendallFrey its the consequence though
to make it illegal, you have to somehow make it not
with a strong basis for that
if it's impossible to stop, what good does making it illegal do?
also, I think they would have a hard time making speculation of any kind illegal
@ssube deterrence
I mean, France made it illegal.
that wouldn't even offer any real deterrence
Kind of like people driving without a license
@KamilSolecki Waze?
meh, there are tons of drivers here without licenses
@ssube you can punish anyone you find using it. And it's one of those things you can easily tack on to increase charges. perfect
They were forced to slightly anonymise the location of police afair
relatives buy the car, the state doesn't require proof of address
@ssube that doesn't stop them from making it illegal
@Jhoverit The one I use is called Yanosik (after a commonspeople hero from a story lol, think Slavic Robin Hood)
who cares if you stop an activity if you get to punish people at your discretion
and its Europe mostly I think
@Luggage have fun proving I told my friends where the cop was sitting
Has anyone ever been pulled over for hand-on-head or flashing your lights to warn oncoming speeders? I have lol
^ Head thing is a biker thing
@Jhoverit really lol
> Why do you think you need to warn them about me? I'm just checking your out-of-state plates
Yep in my hometown
don't flash your lights at the cop, maybe?
> Sir I thought their lights were off, I wanted to let them know
@ssube I warned a cop about a cop by mistake
I think the best use for flashing lights is triggering those shitty traffic lights
@Jhoverit hahaha
I got pulled over one time for simply playing with my highbeams when I got my first car. That's about it.
That's legit what happened my heart sunk lol
@KendallFrey you can do that with yours?
@KendallFrey this is a thing?
@ssube I don't know if they're still around
@KendallFrey All of ours are weight sensors.
Used to be a thing at least
That I have ever dealt with
@Jhoverit weight, or magnetic?
the ones here use a special-enough light that high beams won't do it, afaik
@Jhoverit I mean making them think I'm an emergency vehicle
Oh Idk if that's real
I've heard of radio ones, but not sure if those are on the poles here
Never knew but I have heard that
@KendallFrey OOh. Here its just that emergency vehicles go on red
Reasons I have been pulled over: driving unregistered vehicle, no front plate, speeding. flashers on for no reason. more speeding, racing from a stoplight
@Jhoverit They're not weight sensors. They're inductive sensors.
@hilli_micha Yea I misspoke
@KamilSolecki they do that too, but they can flash a light at the stop light and change it, if they have enough time
> flashers on for no reason.
@ssube interesting
I have plenty of experience with those... The one in front of my house doesn't trigger for my bike :(
there's a little light on the stoplight that keeps flashing after they do
@KendallFrey flashers = long lights?
I have to blow the light onto the highway
@KendallFrey once, when i wyougn, in a large group
so even if your music is up too high, you can tell if a ambulance is coming
@Luggage oh, so fucking around and not just forgetful?
a large group of cars were driving from baltimore to atlanta and someone put thier on, then the rest
then pulled over for it
he was just old even when he was young
I'm always amazed at how often people leave their turn signals on
I wish my turn signals stayed on longer, they turn off if you touch the wheel
I just use the quick flasher thing in the car
Tap it and it blinks 3 times. Can't forget to turn it off
@Jhoverit There was some video I watched years ago that proposed that you could stick a very strong magnet on the bottom of a motorcycle/scooter that would aid in disrupting the sensor enough to trigger green lights better.
I'm always touching the wheel
I try to eschew the stereotype of driving a bimmer without signals, but the car itself works against me :(
SO when I take the truck.. You get 1 flash cause I am expecting the triple haha
@Jhoverit yeah right
I have no true of that videos validity.
@KendallFrey What? My car has that thing
@ssube yea, i hate those soft blicker stalks
with no click into position
@Jhoverit I meant it non sarcastically, lol
You don't have to lock the stalk down, just move it enough to activate and it flashes however many times you configure in the dash
the one shot blinker is great
mine is adjustable. i have it set to 5 blinks
lane change mode is the best
@KendallFrey same. how the fuck can you not get bothered with the click clack
I assume music
Some cars you can't even hear it
When moving
@Luggage soft blicker stalks?
@Shmiddty vs the ones that actually move and click into place
@Jhoverit don't drive a convertible maybe
@Shmiddty I mean a blinker stalk that it only a momentary button and does not lock int place when you want
wtf is a blicker? blinker?
@KendallFrey My Toyota rental basically made no noise for the blinker..
Wait are there actually blinkers that don't click into place?
yes, blinker.
@KendallFrey BMWs
new ones have that
Idk I dont drive shitty cars
@KamilSolecki for actual real?
every BMW i have driven they don't stay in place. they always return to center.
@ssube all all the members please help me to make very effective decision Me and my friend we are trying to create our own js framework for our local community from last 1 year our main goal it to stop repetition of html codes , Updating stuffs in very effective way ....etc We are wrapping our html code in function and using it multiple times which are called component .... but we have difficulties during rendering 1000+ components to our dom and keeping track of bindings {{}} expression in each and every element of every components so we are trying to make small compiler that converts ou
Guys please suggest me ... Is my idea dump ?
Should I create compiler to convert my html elements to object format ?
Is it good to take track of bindings , directives etc in normal way ?
Yeah I don't like it either, it feels sucky.
Please help me??? guys
they still ahve two position, lane change blink and permanent
So if you're stopped at a light, do you have to just hold the lever in place?
I wanna get one of these mercedes tho
@KendallFrey no. Its like a trigger button
no, it stays on, but it's not mechanical.
@AlishaSharma why aren't you using an established framework?
so how does it know lane change vs turning
but bwm was the first that I ever noticed having the lane change blinking. now everyone does it
@AlishaSharma You're like 4 years late.
There's two dozen widely used frameworks for that
@KendallFrey tap vs click
Use them for examples.
much like Cherry blues
@ssube Yeah I don't understand this at all
We are given work so that we will learn .... by team leaders @Jhoverit @Shmiddty
above the tactile click: lane change
it's still two position. like many windows controls. there is one detent before the end position
> Is my idea dump ?
Is your assignment dumb?
so it's just like mine except the click doesn't stay?
but once it's clicked, it stays "on" in software, the stalk goes back to 0
@KendallFrey yes
and then if you turn the wheel at all in the opposite direction, it immediately turns off
I don't see an answerable question being asked. Sounds cool tho.
oh hell no
I just wish my lane change was more than three blinks.
5-6 would be great
with my old Ranger, you could at least hold the signal down and keep it on
I don't want my blinker to stop if I wiggle the wheel a bit
42 blinks is the correct number
@ssube Haha crack crack
but since this one doesn't stay in place, you have to turn it back on
@Jhoverit every time
I don't have idea regarding this topic ... I think you all have well knowledge about my topic ..I just want your suggestion
My ST makes a very loud, audible click/ping sound when you turn the wheel enough to reset the blinker.
@rlemon I have a habit of sometimes just flicking one blink
Ford is the best with their interiors. :`)
I had an ex with an even older Ranger, same shit
I love it when they have the quiet click right before they release. then you know in the middle of a turn that you can just give the wheel a slight move to disengage the turn signal when you want to
@hilli_micha idk, the Evo's interior is bad
@ssube That's how all cars but BMW are
That I have driven in. My Challenger included :P It's a 2011
It doesn't sound like you broke the damn column tho haha
gaps, shiny plastic in the wrong places, just awful
@AlishaSharma parsing html to create object representations that will later be converted into html is pretty dumb.
Interior porn time
Who's got it lol
is that just pics of stock car interiors or something else?
Sexy car interiors
i.sstatic.net/VT4vg.jpg Lol I miss my Ranger it wasn't sexy but the lights were
Badass Churchgoer Doesn’t Even Have To Look At Hymnal https://trib.al/uKx04Kl
Is that an 81 hyundai
I meant your cars. But that' the best looking Kia interior in the world
@Jhoverit please be more redneck
@ssube I can do that in my Skoda, and I love it
@Jhoverit @_@
@KendallFrey lol is it the cig pack
it's the disco
Those lights were on a controller wired into the head unit
@Jhoverit oh shit when did Xzibit visit you
@Shmiddty really so how can I do all this thing in very effective way? what's your suggestion for me? to render all the components at super speed and taking track of bindings ??
ANd I wired up the driver/passenger separate so they would be off sync
@Jhoverit no it's the bloody lights
@KendallFrey you would hate new desktop cases
They're all the way up in that pic. They go down where it jus helps your eyes for night driving
I would
my new computer is super redneck
RGB lights in everything
I'm being asked to name 2 lemon plants
one of them is robert
what's the other one?
@ssube can confirm, couldn't get a single component without something being rgb
@KamilSolecki what lol
I don't know what that is
My Alienware was all lit up, since then I don't give a fuck about PC lights.
@rlemon do you have a brother?
Want a case fan? rgb. Want a motherboard? rgb strips
I got new memory last week
how does having lights on (inside) help for night driving?
@Jhoverit pimp my ride reference
has RGBs
@AlishaSharma my suggestion for you is to either use an established framework, or read and understand their code/philosophies
Want a monitor? i herd u liek rgb...
yo dawg i heard you like rgb
@Jhoverit 404
@Zirak I actually have a Hue light behind my monitor and it's great
LMAO are you serious
so we put an led rgb in the baseboard of your pos
helps a lot with contrast at night
@KendallFrey Really? Works in incognito for me
I'm tempted to put a backlight on my monitor
ok, got a name
I have nothing to use it for though
better not say anything before it's taken offensively
so the ok google can control it :D
@hilli_micha lol focus...
@ssube whispers alexa is superior
Of course, the FoST is a fun car. lol
@Jhoverit lol for some reason it does for me too
so square
Strange haha
@Shmiddty thanks for help and response
the blue is my favorite part
@ssube You fit in there?
Looks cramped
with room
nah dude, it's huge
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Da fuck is that bit going up to the passenger side dash
with my poof ball hat, I sometimes brush the ceiling
meet rob and holly:
That's deff exotic looking. No symmetry
@Jhoverit where?
@towc She ain't a lemon though
the glove box handle?
@KendallFrey not yet
@ssube Straight above the circular dial in the center console
It curves up to the dash but only on the passenger side
oh, yeah, idk
gives me plenty of elbow room tho
@towc How do you know rlemon isn't pagan and doesn't believe in marriage? What if he exppresses his love to his SO by making an offering to the Moon Gods?
@hilli_micha good for him
she might never be a Lemon
plants are still called rob and holly
you're weird
But that's not even a Holly, it's a Lemon Tree.
@KendallFrey after everything I've done, now I'm weird?
Like a holly is a different type of plant all together
@towc Wait those will grow indoors
And make that size of fruit on that size of plant??
I should start naming things as emotionally painfully for me as possible
@Jhoverit it's called "wtf science"
I don't know
Anything will grow indoors provided it gets enough light, has nutrient soil, and water. The equation really just becomes space.
someone else bought them
@towc we're back to your life and feelings, huh?
let's not
@towc What
@towc You should see a psychologist
@hilli_micha Climate
@ssube should I go back to ""
If you're willing to live in a 90degree house yea you can grow tropical shit
just don't post it in the first place
Well fuck me I'm going to find citrus trees somewhere local
@rlemon can I grow lemons
You have to know
@Jhoverit no way that small plant makes many fruit per year
That's fine lol
yeah, it's mostly for decoration
I have 8 acres of space to plant when it's too big
IF you can grow them in a 4 season state...
Yea no. That was fast
local organic artisinal lemons
each lemon comes with a name and backstory
question that I promise isn't about me: I'm always so scared of couples breaking up, that I think it's kind of offensive to put pressure on them by doing things like naming plants after them. How do you feel about this point of view?
Do what you feel comfortable with
Pay no attention to what other people do

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