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I need the url for angular js version 1
we're not a repository
also, what is "version 1"?
1.x.x, or 1.0.0
1.0.0 not found in google
downvoting costs 1 rep?
@аlexdykyі Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this is version 1.0.0
you're a hero
@аlexdykyі thank you man
@аlexdykyі have you worked with angular ui ?
@Neoares yep. You are less reputable for having downvoted somebody.. or something
@Neil That is the primary question. The cab booking process - where you request a ride and thereafter request is sent to multiple cabbies and then communication needs to happen for multiple things. Like cab confirmation, change in direction & time based on traffic and other things. Is it possible to implement this use case without using sockets?
@аlexdykyі if you are good with ui routing I need a help
@GandalftheWhite you need to use sockets in order to communicate with the outside world on any server
did you mean websockets?
@Neoares on answers
what else
Not on questions
ok, because sockets are a thing too
oh... not that at all.
you can hitch a ride on an existing dedicated socket maybe, but there has to be one
Even in case of web sockets, how do I take it forward? I mean communication to devices from the server. Make separate rooms for all instances?
actually scratch that, you don't have to use websockets
might be more efficient to use them though
especially if you expect communication to be constant
what do you mean by separate rooms?
actually scratch that, you don't have to use websockets - would love to hear it!
the rooms bit
please if some one familiar with angular js ui routing to help me pastebin.com/nwmNHvgE
@GandalftheWhite I think you would have a room for each type of communication
you would probably only use one or two, not one for each connection
Just one stupid question, each devices will have unique socket ids? In documents they haven't mentioned how to handle that. As in, I need to know right to which device I'll be sending confirmation if cab is booked.
you put it in an object
along with state and other information you need to remember
key is the id itself
Will have to check it and then it'll be clear
thanks for your time and help
no problem
I don't even know how to mark as duplicate, xD
I just set a flag :/
anyway, back to work
click on close
how stupid would I be if I had a ctrl+fn shortcut?
then first option
I can't think of anything specific going wrong, but I can imagine there might be
@towc like, 72
@towc only though I have is they're too close
so depending on what the shortcut does, it may be dangerous
so you can actually trigger it with a single finger
it's to toggle the terminal in vscode
why would you use only 1 finger
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
oh, vscode doesn't allow fn :/
also, I don't think using fn is possible in general
oh, it totally is
it triggers an event in the browser, for example
then go fn + some random key
so you can use a single finger ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
oh wait it doesn't
told ya
the f<n> keys do
what is the f<n> key
f1, f2, f3, ..., f13
is f<n> a standard thing or you just improvised it?
but it should be fairly intuitive
yeah that's why I asked
good, we agree
but I think they're called fx
> Fn+Fx key mapping / Windows 7?
only for people without peronalities and emotions
fuck them then
f<n> is the new ISO standard
too long and complicated chars
like {}
what's the standard for twelth base notation?
you meant duodecimal notation, right?
0bX is binary, 0oX is octal, 0xX is hex...
but base 12 is not used in computer science
0zX apparently
it's basically nonsense
Every base has just as much sense
might not be great for bit storage information, but still
decimal is so much more useless
@KamilSolecki I have to disagree
base 2 is beautiful
base 16 is very practical
base 3 has its own quite common semantic meanings as well
Base 60 is French!
Base 3 is more performant in some calculations but I forgot in which
sometimes I forget that I'm a programmer and that my priorities are skewed
They used to make base 3 processors
bases 2^n are much better in CS
@Neoares 2^2^n is where it's at
2, 4, 16, 256
I know to calculate that
I just wonder why
@Neoares not always
also, what about base64
representation of storage
The reason for base 3 to be a thing is that one can easily transmute physical states into base 3
what do you mean by "representation of storage"
@Neoares divides bytes really well
@KamilSolecki aren't they 4 states?
so no unit leaks represents a partial part of 2 different bytes
in base 64, it "leaks", which makes it kinda harder to read
@Neoares no, why
Binary is 2, ternary is 3
@Neoares I think he's talking about plasma
but I doubt you were talking about states of matter
@towc wat no
@Neoares the main states I'd think of are "yes, no, and maybe"
yeah I was going to ask for "physical states"
I was talking about either spin or opposite polarization can be the 1 and -1
With off as 0
that's so deep
and that too
3 has a lot of nice semantic meanings
The reason that base 2 makes the most sense in current IT is only because the processors are built in base 2
@KamilSolecki well, actually it's because storage is bit-based
@KamilSolecki yeah that's what I mean
ok, better get back to react
I might apply for the fullstack position
just had lunch with one of those friends today
Whatcha working on
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ideas?
@towc you make me react
@KamilSolecki working on getting something to work on
I felt so empty after the meetup was over XD
that's because you have no soul
like "ok, I've been sweating to manage and program stuff for so many things between today and the last couple of days. Now they're all complete. Damnit"
and then I remembered that I had plans for when I'd get 18
one of them was starting to work again
didn't you want to go to uni?
guys, from 1 to 10, how important is code consistency for you?
to say an inconsistency example, use function(){} and () => {}
I feel I'm not paying too much attention to those details
@Neoares See here es5-functions-vs-es6-fat-arrow-functions
I preferred to use arrow function :)
transaction(() => {
  for (const key in currentState) {
    if (currentState.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      delete currentState[key];
  extendObservable(currentState, result);
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just puked in my mouth a little
@аlexdykyі me too, but I was talking about consistency
like, how important is for you
nice one slack:
@Neoares pay attention to best practices https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#functions
you shouldn't run npm with sudo anyway, but ya know
apparently the people in those comments did :P
I run everything with sudo
@Neoares that's actually soulless
> sudo everything
I also have a "please" command that executes the last command with sudo
just in case I forget
oh, that's pretty neat
echo 'sudo su -' > .bash_profile
is that not slower than sudo !! ?
that doesn't work in a script
^ on what I said or what ssube said ?
what you said
@Neoares crucial
sudo $(history -p !!)
does not make sense. you're suddenly talking about script
personally, I think that out of all things, inconsistency reduces code readability the most
@KarelG yeah, a bash file
!! is only present in the interactive terminal afaik
was replying on
> I also have a "please" command that executes the last command with sudo
~ echo 1
~ sudo !!
[sudo] password for user:
sudo: !!: command not found
@KarelG by command I meant script
how else am I supposed to have a command, if it's not with a script
an alias?
a function?
a script consists of one or multiple conmmands ...
a binary file?
so many ways...
didn't know
also, binary file?
almost anything on the path can serve as a command in your shell
not my case for sure
seems different from shell to shell
karelg@~$ echo 1
karelg@~$ sudo !!
sudo echo 1
[sudo] password for karelg:
I don't think any of the ! variables are POSIX
bash adds quite a bit of its own and folks copied the names
TS : Is it possible to declare this : `{[key:string]:string}` as a type ?
so that I can do something like this : `foo(p:MyType){}`
found it . (declare type MyType={[key:string]:string}; )?
you only need declare if you're in a module typedef. If it's your own code, just type Name =
what do you mean by _just type Name = _ ? (btw i'm not in module typedef)
I want to save this : i.imgur.com/AoTarDb.jpg
declare is only used in .d.ts files or for external dependencies
the rest is correct
Playing a game on an mbp on native resolution with ultra graphics is some next level stuff :D
Tnx ssube.
Welp, my smartassness didn't really work either :D
It would seem like object key deletion is explicitly not supported in mobx
mobx is stupid, you should use redux
there vanishes in smoke my pro mobx use role model
@BenFortune imagine a religion teacher quoting Ezekiel with a firearm in his hand.
apparently the company is rolling its own state manager for react
I'd love to feel comfortable using react right about now :/
there will probably be a moment where things will just snap and I'll use it as easily as vue/vanilla/canvas
you can get pretty familiar with react over a weekend by implementing the API yourself
but that might be in a few minutes, or in weeks
@ssube I'm more worried about the patterns
I guess I'll be looking at the company's code and adopt those anyway
but I want something to show them before I apply
I think they don't use semicolons, which is weird already
but they're quite strictly functional
-_- downloading a .gz file, trying to unzip "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format"
I'm half worried no pattern will ever snap and make me feel comfortable
just like anatudor is super clever, but simply can't do a lot of frontend stuff
what pattern is no-pattern?
@Wietlol "hacks"
@rlemon comparing them as state managers, mobx is Timmys and redux is Starbucks
@towc run
jsfiddle.net/f3w785x1 I need to filter out an array entry in a loop when it doesn't match a condition. this works but looks wrong, but I can't figure out why
is it fine? am I just tired?
the only problem I see is that normally data.splice on the array you're iterating is bad, but since you're doing Object.entries, that should be fine
in retrospect I should have used a battle tested lib for websocket rooms
but they seemed so easy I decided to just do it myself.
now managing stale connections got me buzzin
@ssube wait, I should proabbly be using Array.entries
oh yeah, that would make sense
@rlemon i always read it as retro-respect
@ssube lol.
the 'delete in a loop' trap hits when you return an interator and not a new array
fuckin lol
ohh I need to just give up on this
npm install socket.io
Nooooooo, uws or bust
uuuh, I'm liking this vim plugin: github.com/epilande/vim-react-snippets
No you aren’t
@ndugger any reason, or business as usual?
I'm going to start taking you seriously if you don't stop
you should, he's a jerk
I’m always serious
The only people who use vim as their full time editor are people who have something to prove, or people who’ve never had a real job.
I kinda wish I could just do new Date('Monday') and it will be set to the Monday of the current week
maybe moment does that, but I want it natively :P
Of all the things I want Date to be able to do and behave, that is not one of them.
For starters, I'd like new Date('2018-01-01') to not be Dec 31st, 2017 for some timezones and OSs.
actually, the last one is fine by me
> uses vim, doesn’t understand time
spoiler alert, it’s a tool that you put on the wall
@ndugger I use vim when working on small projects because I'm used to it.
@ndugger Also, people who don't know how to exit vim.
And accidentally entered it.
Which one of you is this?
@Daemonk Can't you read? this === self
@Daemonk it's all of us
that's a shared account we all use to spam as a group
Speak for yourself
@Daemonk catgocat
@Daemonk you could have asked "who are you?"
unless, you are catgocat.
easy way to figure it out
Afonso is catgocat.
It was me the whole time. I'm selling Avon products, please buy.
I’m selling drugs and puppies and puppies pumped full of drugs
If you feed your dog right now, you too can get dogs pumped full of drugs.
excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
you're excused
@rlemon ah
@ndugger 🤔
@Neil not so fast
@rlemon do the dogs ever disobey when nobody's looking and eat the food?
does corn not spoil?
good dogs
@KendallFrey it will tell you on the stack
tell you what?
surely corn either spoils or it doesn't
how long it takes to spoil and how far along it is
it varies by vegetable
A simple yes would have sufficed
> This corn isn't going to spoil right now
@KendallFrey I see vents and power going to the storage building
I don't know that it doesn't spoil, just that it takes longer
that gives me so much anxiety
and I have no idea what these are
so I imagine they're a in-wall cooler ?
or some other mod
ohhh I bet it's central A/C
wait, there's AC?
of course. rimworld is deep
that sounds like a nice mod
trying to place coolers and put a hole in the outer wall is annoying
and replacing them if they break leaves you with an open freezer
@ssube I hope you need a unit that sits outside still and gens heat
otherwise that'd be super OP
alternate current or air conditioner?

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