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I mean that's reasonable but you should brown them a little bit
No joke
@KamilSolecki congrats to RO status
I mean you can
@GNi33 oi thanks
the poland episode of bizarre foods is on
Just started
they didn't even let me vote anymore :D
Anyways, I'm going to beddo or else I'll be dying tomorrow
Oh yeah timezones
Good night
probably for the best. I'm going to sleep in tomorrow
Polish food is pretty normal; it’s their people you have to look out for. Just look at Kamil.
@ndugger I like it anyway... I hope answered all your opinion
in korea, we students literally live on dumplings and noodles...
cheap, tasty and portable
How does it remind you of poop then? Lol
In america we live off of rotisserie chickens
@Luggage heh so took off my extruder gear, it's actually pretty worn
pork roast and dumplings is the greatest food combination to ever exist
They're eating horse meat
on tv
I thought the line was just pla tbh
in poland
but I run my nail over it and there is a clear divet
God damn it, getting belts back onto a printer is a fucking infuriating experience
I thought horse meat made people sick
so I suppose it's a part to just keep on hand since it will wear over time
it's curved inward, the gripping gear
Now he's eating blood sausage
there is a line around the entire thing
@ndugger you never had horse salami?
it's supposed to be, but smoothly
ohh, so a notch out of the curved 'blades'?
@MdSifatulIslam i have some Samyang Hot Chicken ramen, does that count?
definitely counts
Oh I have that ramen I think
thats one of the most famous one
some people cry eating that
I didn't cry btw
@GNi33 no, I live in a civilised country
spicy like hell
it definitely is torturous eating it lol
I just ate like 3 bites
@Luggage ^ lol that was hard to get a pic of actually
I have 1 left
"Kapusta, a type of sauerkraut"
I mean tbh idk if this is causing the issue at all.. but just something I noticed anyway
yea, definate wear.
Anyway when I got that ramen I didn't know it was that hot
I don’t like saurkraut, but I like kimchi
@ndugger I still thank your country for some of the burgers I had, not sure if I would call them civilised though :D
hear any clicking?
I was just like "Oh I like spicy ramen"
nope, it never grinds or anything
Also it cost like $7
but, if the other wheels bearing sucks (which it kind of does)
what did you after 3 bite ? just throw away?
I bought ice cream at the same time so idr what the price was exactly
I bet it puts additional wear on the gear if it's not spinning at the same rate
extruder calibration should show this problem thhough, i'd think
But then I made it
its $2 here
@MdSifatulIslam you have a name for these? farm8.staticflickr.com/7188/6870084553_308eff0f3e_z.jpg
and the broth was like blood red
ohh, right, you said you had a sticking gear.
er.. bearing
yeah that pully/wheel across from the extruder is just a tad sticky
sort of shooting in the dark, but worth a shot anyway
was just surprised at the actual wear
@HatterisMad no
I heel hopeful this is it based on evidence. we'll see.
just though it was a line of white pla dust
@MdSifatulIslam do they have those in korea in 7/11?
what is 7/11?
@HatterisMad those usually have pork or beans in them, right?
I’ve never had
@ndugger i always had the chicken ones, but im pretty sure they also had pork yeah
definitely pork
I was just tensioning my X belt since I have a lot more ringing in that direction. About to test.
We don't have a 7/11 here
So I don't get my free slushie on 7/11
/aha... the store ?
/yes... we have 7/11 and dumplings are here
yeah we don't have 7/11 here either
same boring dumpling
We're starting to get wawas in florida so that's great
never heard of them
@HatterisMad which geography are you talking about? where are you living?
You can get a huge cup full of iced coffee for dirt cheap
Like big gulp size
@MdSifatulIslam i lived in thailand for a year, now i am in central illinois
Do you have Royal Farms?
so illinois dont have 7/11?
Ok the pierogi on this show aren't fried
@Meredith that sounds dangerous for the bathroom
@MdSifatulIslam uhh not where i live at least :/
Yeah you'd pee for like 5 minutes straight
But the caffeine buzz is worth it
hahaha... fountain of pee
Frying dumplings is a sin and I wish you would just see the light so you won’t go to dumpling hell
They aren't really dumplings
i just wish i could get real soy sauce here in the states
Like they're nothing like asian dumplings
why would you fry them?
Close enough
what makes soy sauce 'real'
@Luggage when it is more soy sauce than salt
You never got panda express soy sauce?
I bet there are stores you can get soy sauce from all over the world.
It's salt water and caramel color
I mean, gyoza really aren’t like american dumplings either. It’s just a general concept
every soy sauce i have found in the states has been majority salt
instead of what i had overseas that you could barely even taste any salt in it at all
Pierogi have more in common with pizza rolls than gyoza
what is a brand you know from overseas?
I boil my pizza rolls
@Luggage the same brands we have here, it is just a different product sold regionally
Pizza rolls fried in butter > steamed pizza rolls
kikkoman soy sauce in asia won't be anything like kikkoman soy sauce sold stateside
oh, that makes it harder to find then
had to get the girlfriend to bring soy sauce in her carry on
but still, some asian markets if you can't get it in a place like wegmans
@Meredith you eat like an overweight single male in his mid twenties
we have a couple local asian stores but they all have the american versions, i have spent days searching my town for real soy sauce lol
I don't eat pizza rolls
when the bottle says "Reduced sodium" and it has over 1000mg of sodium in the ingredients list per serving
Mello yello and pizza rolls
like bitch what
I mean like
@ndugger i resent that
90% of what I eat is cottage cheese
i am sure meredith eats worse than i do
i need not say anything else ^
Cottage cheese has amazing macros
Cottage cheese is putrid
Ohh, that was Macross. nevermind
cottage cheese pierogi are great
I’d rather eat peas, and I hate peas
You hate everything
Only bad things
I mean I don't eat vegetables so I get it
@Luggage hah dude it's the gear wear
I put it back on but a bit further up
have you tried eating road kill?
working like a champ now
so just something to keep in mind I guess
just trying to think outside the box
I have eaten roadkill.
what was it?
A human
A deer. It was hit outside of work. I was a security guard at The GAP warewouse. One of the maintenance guys took it home, had it butchered and brought it and put it on the grill for the while warehouse the next day. Or so the legend goes.
back in the 1900's
was it good?
tasted the same as deer that was murdered with a rifle.
How did you go from being a security guard to a software developer
more like determination
PC / Printer repair -> security -> Laptop repair -> phone support -> entry level programming -> and so on
that was '97 - 2002, all of that
then development for the next 15 years
what was your first programming language?
probably basic, back in elementary school
GW-BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by Microsoft from BASICA, originally for Compaq. It is otherwise identical to Microsoft/IBM BASICA, but is a fully self-contained executable and does not need the ROM BASIC. It was bundled with MS-DOS operating systems on IBM PC compatibles by Microsoft. Microsoft also sold a BASIC compiler, BASCOM, compatible with GW-BASIC, for programs needing more speed. The language is suitable for simple games, business programs and the like. Since it was included with most versions of MS-DOS, it was also a low-cost way for many aspiring...
My first programming language was ronald regan
Mine was html
so you followed the money. makes sense. did you imagine another career for yourself?
Why did you become a software developer instead of a spy
That's something a spy would say
software developers get more sex
Contispated Charile Brown would be a bit too conspicuous.
it's supposed to be old depressed charlie brown
You'd like eeyore
I did software for the melancholy, money, and more recently the smug superiority software has over others.
@towc yes, although "friendly" is a bit of a strange word to use
Murder me tenderly
You can choke someone to death during sex
@Luggage He slid the knife in slowly, savouring the moment.
@Meredith Or indeed, during non-sex.
lmao.. since when looks the <progress> element so fucked up
During a staff meeting, for example.
it doesn't look anything close to what it should look like on that pictures
@Luggage Or indeed, during a stiff meeting
But really though awkward meetings would be so much better if you could drink at work
Especially 9 am meetings
drinking at 9am?
A bloody Mary or Irish coffee, sure
Or an egg in a glass with vodka
@FélixGagnon-Grenier noice
I'm not sure how I feel about third and fourth beer at 9am being the most canadian thing to do in olympics, but I'll take it as compliment
maybe if it was a shot of maple syrup
I mean it's not unique to canada
But it's definitely admirable
@Meredith you jelly?
You never pregamed for a noon game in college?
nah, we was busy winning over them drunken dudes lol, just kidding, I was passed out in the bush
brb, watchin altered carbon
did you know that the swedish names of things in ikea are just random swedish words
I find it weird when girls compliment my beard on tinder. Is it like complimenting a girl’s makeup?
Like complimenting her hair I guess
Do compliments make you uncomfortable too? Maybe it’s just me and my broken brain
Depends on who's complimenting me
Maybe I should reply with, “I like your beard too”
That’ll show her
Say "Oh I just shaved sorry"
@NguyễnAnhĐức Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ping: invalid preload value: `l'
Hey guys can we get bootstrap without any javascript just for responsive not for toggle ot something that requires js??
You don’t need bootstrap to make a responsive website
But it will be very difficult @ndugger using media queries of css
If you have better idea please suggest me
@AlishaSharma do you believe in reading?
Do you believe in the power of documentation?
The power of a documentation is the civilized way of sharing information that can be tapped at any given moment over the internet.
Media queries aren’t difficult
Sounds like you’re just lazy
W/without Bootstrap media queries are the way to do it
Yes I love javascript and believe it too
bootstrap abstracts media queries for you
but clearly you haven't even read the bootstrap home page
I have just used it now I don't want to use it again in next project
What about the one after this? And the one after that? And the one after after that ...?
This room is not Siri / Google Assistant. We can help you debug / arch things out but RTFM
Do you see any JavaScript there?
Do you see a 'swamp' there?
@hilli_micha stop
Sorry, was in jest.
Replacement parts for 3D printers will bleed you completely dry, fumbling around with my printer tonight I think I've accidentally bent/warped the carriage plate. $30 USD for an 220mm x 220mm aluminum plate with some holes drilled into it bums me like nothing else
@hilli_micha banggood is running a sale on mechanical bits, fwiw
there's a slim chance they have the right plate and you can drill it
@KarelG happy birthday!! 🎂
@towc happy birthday!! 🍕
still gotta break the struts
might be better to do it in one line so we don't have to star 2 separate messages badget cat
meh bday messages shouldn't be shared
also might make someone feel bad if we star karel's more or something
oh well. That's life.
@William omg you're right, I hope they know we love them both
Hello Experts, need quick help, not sure how to google this, I need a variable name for an array that is composed of a subset string, i.e:
var subnet = input.charAt[index+1] + input.charAt[index+2];
var arr+subnet = [foo];
so the name has to be arr+subnet
if that makes sense
eval lol
eval hmmm
array or object is probably what you should use
thing is a variable name cannot be an expression
you could do window[arr+subnet] = [foo];
but I don't encourage it
@William right I want an array, the thing is how im defining the name
do this
so for example i want my name to be "mask 24"
or "/ 25"
and that string "25"
is gona be taken from a for that is walking the index of a veeery long string
Man its like coding and logic are a weird marriage
its easily stated how it should work, but bringing that to coding is a whole different story
The idea of giving it a name is in order to create on the fly the array and push the string, else create the array andpush the string
otherwise I would just create a huge switch statement with all subnets lol
@William thanks that worked. Although, now I think that my approach was wrong anyway so I'll change things a bit.
Hey guys, has anyone used nexe or pkg to compile their node.js? I'm not sure what to do and could use some help.
hi kolton
@BadgerCat cheers <3
In node application, getting error "Assertion `(object->InternalFieldCount()) > (0)' failed.". On google search, I can find only people ranting about what the heck has happened and there is no information about this error. Any helps??
@ShrekOverflow Broo
You mean Ogre?
I meant Black Panther
does anyone know if it is possible to start a npm server that isn't exposed to any port? by that I mean it can only be used internally by the app that instantiates it
Any help for that node error? My server stops automatically after this
Seems like all troubleshooters are sleeping :P :P
@BadgerCat thank you :D
I was opening up these egg shells to get some breakfast, but they were almost solid
the liquid around the orange bit also got orange-y
and kind of solid
can't tell if that means the egg has gone bad or if it was developing somehow
you should know what that is
so is it safe to eat?
what do you think?
I'm not sure
that's why I'm asking
it might have some small bone structures forming already, so that would mean no
but if not, then great
How can I restart my node.js programmatically?
My current approach is to start a batch file that should take care of everything and after running that using process.exit() to kill the current instance.
However it seems that if I use exec (async) the batchfile is killed with it and I cannot find any way to run the batch file detached enough to not block when executing with execSync.
Any ideas?
My current command to execute is `start cmd /c "start /MIN "" .\windows-scripts\start.bat x"` because I hoped start cmd would only start cmd.exe with the command after it and then let node exit but tha
Oh! There is spawn. Derp...
there even is a section at the top of the docs of child process. Damn I am bad at google
Oi @KarelG @towc happeh birthday!
uhm, undoing stars has a timeout now?
which one?
the happy birthday to me
I was wondering why karel had one less wish, but then realized that I did the dicky thing and starred my own birthday message (as well as his), while he probably only starred mine
the star is like a thanks to badger tbf :P
and for karel's message, the star is for his birthday AND as a thank you to badger
Q: Fetch JSON with different format

RainbowHow to fetch data from the JSON in an API. The format in API is [{"id" : "DC34"}] Kindly help.

The lad that answered is on the hunt for easy rep. And someone downvoted :D
I did
Like I do with any answers like these
Also I love how the title is "[...] with different format"
And he doesn't mention anything about how he did stuff before it changed, from what it changed to the one now etc. Horrible
@towc did not have starred those message yet :P
starred both now
@KamilSolecki for mod
How is-this-type-of-casing called ?
@Ced weird
come on
@Ced kebap
thank you!
A: What's the name for hyphen-separated case?

jwfearnIt's referred to as kebab-case. See lodash docs.

Now I want a kebab...
with meat onion pepper meat pepper mushroom
TIL "kebab-case"
anybody there to help?
i have been using that in Racket (variant of Lisp) and did not bother with the naming because I thought that it was an atrocity of LISP
@RahulJain you do not have ask for help. Please check the room rules on that matter. So feel free to ask your question
@KarelG I asked a question one hour ago, but nobody was there so I am asking if anybody is there
guys I am unable to ask question how can i be able to ask question again?? haha
In node application, getting error "Assertion `(object->InternalFieldCount()) > (0)' failed.". On google search, couldn't find any information about this error. Any helps??
@AlishaSharma Wait 6 months, you will be unbanned. Then if you ask question and get downvotes, you would be banned again for 6 months
not sure if I had that error before. Could be similar
is your node version a more recent one?
@KarelG yes but don't think if this error is related to node version
@RahulJain can we see the code that is generating the error?
It isn't even telling me which code is giving the error. It just shows this error: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe: c:\ws\src\util-inl.h:243: Assertion `(object->InternalFieldCount()) > (0)' failed." and then my node server stops
I am actually using http.get() to get some data from a different site and then piping the response stream, so I think it's happening because of some stream handling as I am not comfortable with streams
hya, anyone interested in a naming question?
(it isnt jabascript, but i guess it wouldnt matter much)
I have a class that creates database connections
just that
@Wietlol DbFactory, ConnectionFactory
ill go with connection factory
@KamilSolecki kebab-case
any one saw this question
why do I get a feeling thats its just another account? from a single person
var xg =  [
yeah, why?
I can't figure out
you can see the egg in her hand
if you look close
btw she's good
does she have a soul?
wtf is wrong with you and souls
did you sell yours?

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