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suddently dwarf
you just need less of thyroxin to become dwarf
overrated movie
In the material-ui docs I found this:
cellHeight	union:
 [object Object]
What does union mean here?
A combination of the two or 'either or'?
probably a mistake
[object Object] looks like it should have been something helpful
It's a little ambiguous but it makes sense if you think CSS object style
union: number |
 enum: 'auto'
so, yeah, a mistake
it can be a number or the string 'auto'
Hmm is `return Promise.all(someValue, promise)` a good idea add to my functions? - To "give" promises a return value.
or would `return async() => [someValue, await promise];` be cleaner?
why are you using material ui tho? github.com/material-components/material-components-web is the official google's material lib
that's the incorrect syntax for promise.all
promise.all doesn't even exist
unless you defined const promise = {all: ???} somewhere
@Mosho -.-
material ui is bestest
we use material-ui it's fantastic
@paul23 also takes 1 argument
Can you use mocha to test mixins?
also your second line is invalid js as well
It's about the idea, return a "combined" promise where I let javascript deal with returning. - Or use an explicit lambda to return.
not invalid
just not what you mean, I assume
what are you trying to do
Promise.all([someValue, promise])
@KevinB :b MDC is nice as well tho
but it isn't material ui
Well I have a promise that returns "something" but the function needs to have an extra data added to it.
I'd rather prefer the modularity of MDC over anything
the function?
@Jarede you can test anything with it
The function that initializes the promise.
Yeah I'm dumb
I sort of agree with most of his points here.
@MadaraUchiha already been debated
it does implement material design, but they're two different things, solving the same problem in different ways
@ssube Oh?
@MadaraUchiha slow
@ssube you wouldn't have an example of using mocha to test a mixin would you?
> Promises were invented, not discovered. The best primitives are discovered, because they are often neutral and we can’t argue against them.
That seems incredibly opinionated
@SterlingArcher Eh, that's not the part I agree with.
I feel like the eager nature is somewhat awkward.
@SterlingArcher that part is totally true
material ui is already built into react components, whereas MDC would require a bit of setup
I feel like the lack of cancellation is seriously awkward
@MadaraUchiha I agree, but as Benjamin noted, the work around is trivial and makes the lazy nature explicit
@ssube it's illogical, though
Who cares if it was invented or discovered
@SterlingArcher how so? Design patterns exist before they're named
@ssube It's something beginners have a hard time grasping.
that's like saying penicillin sucks because it was invented
home/ubuntu/.npm/socket.io/0.9.14/package/lib/socket.io.js — jdog 21 secs ago
@SterlingArcher it's a massive difference. Invented patterns are things like redux
It's not an intuitive API
"So the Promise is eager to call its implementation. Note that in the code above, we didn’t even use the returned promise! There was no .then() attached to it, or anything. " this I think is so bad :(
redux is popular af though
they end up being horribly awkward because somebody started with an idea and then found use cases
@MadaraUchiha not at all
cc @SterlingArcher
@SterlingArcher it's still limiting
@SterlingArcher Inventing is discovering, so...
if you're looking for patterns and places to use them, you'll end up with Java
@ssube Sure it is, I remember the flood of questions here on Stack Overflow very well.
factoryproviderhelperutils layered on one another
@KevinB oh dear
Not to mention that it's not like that in other languages with similar primitives.
minimal code comes from finding where the patterns are needed and using them to simplify (usually dedupe)
@MadaraUchiha I don't think that's a very good argument on its own, because there are so many old languages that made really poor choices (seealso: Java)
seealso: coldfusion
@ssube Yeah, but the Promise spec didn't draw from Java
It drew mostly from C#
Java promises CompletableFutures suck
harder than Sterling
As for cancellation
Benji will also tell you to "just implement cancellation"
Sure, it's possible in userland, almost everything is
@SterlingArcher my mom is a scarecrow-looking lunatic, so that's on you, m8
But that shifts the complexity onto me.
@MadaraUchiha problem with built-in cancellation is that it's meaningless in many (most?) uses
the real solution would be real threading, but that scares JS devs :P
@ssube have some fucking respect that's your mother
you scarecrow looking dicknut
@ssube What do you mean? I want to be able to signal to whatever source of IO I'm waiting on that it can stop trying.
Cancel the HTTP request, cancel the database query, close the fp early, etc.
@MadaraUchiha that might work for local IO, but what about XHR/fetch? Cancel might not happen on the server side
plus functions provide a guarantee they won't be interrupted
so you can't cancel a function that is doing some IO
@ssube That's no longer my concern, whether or not the server can detect a connection drop
But I lose the ability to signal it.
Any reason why a head-injection based JS embed script wouldn't work in React?
componentDidMount = () => {
        var pbk = {};
        (function(u, k, m){
        var d=document, h=d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],l=d.createElement('link')
        s.async=!0;t.kicker=k;typeof m=='string'?t.contentContainer=m:t.modal=!!m;
        })("exampleURL.com/testtest", "#car_rental_search", "#car_rental_content")
@ssube Synchronous functions wouldn't, sure.
I don't see how cancellation could be handled consistently
@Vap0r dear god
@SterlingArcher I know man
@MadaraUchiha right, so now you have to keep in mind the complexity of setting breakpoints in your function
@ssube You have to anyway
Why is it lexical, doesn't seem to have any this references in it
looking up lexical
const foo = this.bar;
await blah();
console.log(foo === this.bar);
arrow syntax
Do you have a guarantee that true would be logged?
@SterlingArcher oh that's just how we do it. So I guess I can try without that
not at all
Of course not
I meant that you would have to add breakpoints
@Vap0r it won't change anything here
@ssube Add them where?
Yeah just found that out
in a function that might otherwise by synchronous, if you want to cancel it, you have to find some spots to break and check
The temperature is supposed to drop 32 degrees in the next 20 hours here.
you'd have to change the promise callback to handle cancellation
@ssube You can only cancel a pending promise anyway
If the function returns an already fulfilled Promise, you won't be able to cancel it...
right, this only matters if it hasn't fulfilled
I have an example in mind, one sec (on a call)
@ssube Well, how does C# handle it?
@SterlingArcher I'm just going to throw up the settings object into global because their minified script uses that.
hmm... it seems I might as well learn react now
@MadaraUchiha just re-using your example above, without the await, it's guaranteed to never break, right?
@rlemon @KendallFrey getting my mobile base deployed!
Kerbal Boring Program
Unless this.bar is a weird getter, but ignoring that...
tf is that
/kick Jhoverit
with the await, it will stop and go do something else, and may (or may not) come back. How would that cancel be signaled to the function?
does the await reject?
it seems like, to support generic cancellation, you'd have to add regular awaits (or other break-able points) and handle rejections at each one, so... you may as well write Go :P
just don't come back
You either reject with a special kind of error, which sucks, or you just skip directly to the finally block.
no resolve, no reject
I honestly don't know how C# handles it
But they have cancellation for a long while now.
@MadaraUchiha so everyone has to add a finally? That's not a high hurdle, but it is one
@ssube No, if you don't care whether the promise cancels or not, you add a finally.
finally optional
If you need to dispose of some resource, you have a finally anyway.
The function would just never be resumed in the case of the promise being cancelled.
(and no finally block)
that seems odd, but maybe that's just me
any promise can wander off and not come back, so it's not a change for what happens today, really
what else could cancellation mean
"I'm gonna cancel unless you give me a discount on my bill!"
thats what cancellation means to me anyway.
My phone is ringing
It says MY phone number is calling
Alternatively to a finally block, you can pass something to cancellationToken.cancel() that would describe how to dispose of things.
@KendallFrey do i make like a VTOL to bring it there
like, a really wide and short rocket
you could strap engines on the sides with decouplers
@MadaraUchiha I do think finally is the right way to go about it
or on top skycrane style
you start to get into what Disposable does in more robust languages, though
those are what I usually do
@ssube Sure, I'd love to have something akin to using in C#
Or try-with-resources in Java
@ssube sure, cancelling can be implemented with just setting resolve/reject to noop
yeh Ill go for skycrane
Which is better in my opinion.
C# has try-with as well, doesn't it?
@Mosho We have a userland implementation of cancellation in our code in TipRanks
If I have an iframe in my react render function, how do I call a function belonging to that react component from within the iframe?
oh, that is using
@ssube that
But it's convoluted and hard to understand
why do you think the Java one is better? I've used both but it's been a while, and the Java one sucked
@ssube Better error handling
@MadaraUchiha nice, did I do that
What if your disposer throws?
What if multiple ones throw?
ah. Neither even come close to bluebird's error handling, though
@Mosho Nah, Benji did it on his last few days in the company, and Nitzan and I fixed it since it was broken :D
@MadaraUchiha well, you can require they don't
The words "Lack of fundamental understanding" were spoken.
I thought that was a restriction they already had in C#
@ssube No you can't
@ssube Not in C#
Your disposer is something akin to "close the file handler"
What if that fails?
it can signal errors without throwing
// I tried something like this:
componentDidMount = () => {
    window.test = function() {
@ssube Sure you can, but that beats the purpose of the entire Exception architecture
Which, admittedly, is not very good
And then within the iframe: parent.test()
also tried parent.window.test()
no luck.
@Vap0r Are the iframes in the same domain?
there are existing conventions for that, though. Call each one and quit on the first error, collect all errors and handle them as a single one, probably others
@ssube In Java, before try-with-resources, would have had something like this
@MadaraUchiha it's just the one is within react, and the other is separate. Not sure if that matters
But I can't imagine why it wouldn't be present on the window object
@MadaraUchiha yeah, they've been in use for ever
try-with/using and pattern-matching catch would be nice additions to JS, though
What are the best steps I can use to try to work through this error?
DBConnection conn = null;
try {
  conn = connectToDb();
  // do stuff;
} finally {
  if (conn != null) {
    try {
    } catch (DatabaseException e) {
      // handle
catching errors by type would be awesome
That is ridiculous
yes, = null means you dun fucked up
@ssube You had to
in this case "you" is the lang
Block scope
Finally wouldn't have had access to conn otherwise
yep, I've written that many many times
is that even JS
conn = 'apple';
@Mosho Java
But you have to do similar things with JS
Except you can be a smartass and use var
And get the = null implictly
couldn't you use let as well?
and that's why people say JS is a bad language :P
the the lol i do that all the the time
@KevinB But then you'd have to let outside, like in Java
With var you can define the variable inside the try
@SterlingArcher 😢
not sure which is uglier
but you could
@Mosho Well, today in Java, you do this:
try (DBConnection conn = connectToDb()) {
  // magic
} catch (DBException e) {
  // can inspect e to know if there were extra errors when disposing
@MadaraUchiha not joking I actually do that a lot lol
<cfset url.lib = CreateComponent('component', 'lib')>
@SterlingArcher I know 😫
@MadaraUchiha meh, not a big deal I guess
having to separate declaration from initialization is a little meh
but not too bad
posts where the author clearly didn't know their audience... are my biggest complaint with recruiters. — ssube 23 secs ago
tonymyer, United States
1 2
@Mosho The problems were that you had a nested try/catch inside your finally (for each disposable I might add, this was a simple example)
is anyone aware of a library that will allow me to specify a format for my url eg. /config/users/:userId/edit and then extract userId? looking at the library "qs" now but documentation is awful
this guys profile lol
And also, you had to handle errors in two places
> I'm not your typical dumb#$#% recruiter
> FULL DISCLOSURE- By day, I am a senior level technical recruiter. BUT, I'm not your typical dumb#$#% recruiter. I LISTEN. I UNDERSTAND TECH. AND I DO NOT HAVE A JOB YOU'D BE GREAT FOR.
what a pos
try {

} catch (e) {
  // one
} finally {
  try {

  } catch (e) {
    // two
why do you need to do that
> linedin.com/li/tonymyer
@ssube do you think the 'NOT' is a typo? lol
because you can't catch specific errors?
@SterlingArcher not a chance
nah, recruiters always claim to have "the perfect job" for you
even when they have exactly 0 jobs available
What a joke, is this the kind of recruiters y'all deal with?
I've never had a recruiter even marginally close to that
"we're not trying to sell this to you if it's not a good fit, now SQUEEZE"
@SterlingArcher that's better than most, he wasn't lying about that
most people in any profession are incompetent. Why are recruiters any different?
SOmbeody gave it an undelete like saying 'hold up im not done berating you'
@KendallFrey SOmbeody gave it an undelete like saying 'hold up im not done beating you' (source)
@Mosho Because you handle a logic error and a disposal error differently
Also, both of those places might throw
@SterlingArcher just to put recruiters in perspective for you, I started getting emails about devops within the last few months. I've had it as my title for 3 years? their stolen data dumps are that out of date
And you need to handle the error, because you're Java, and you have checked exceptions
@KendallFrey nice lol
@MadaraUchiha eh
wrap resource in disposable
problem solved
and there's still the occasional "software engineer in test" "role"
@ssube I don't answer my phone lol I know who I want to work with, so that I don't get this crap
@ssube about the same length of time that term existed
@Mosho Again, what if your .dispose() throws?
I get some funny linked in messages though
@Luggage I was doing it before it was cool
@SterlingArcher I get an email like that almost every day
Today you have try-with-resources that solves all this for you, and it's very nice
0 calls, though, I don't share my #
The more recruiter spam you get the better the engineer you are
But in JavaScript, for example, you don't have that.
i disabled linked in almost entirely, short of deleting the account
you can make dispose not throw
but sure, it's always nice to have the language do work
unfortunately you can't hide your linked-in account from paid lead seeking accounts
This is true
@Mosho And again, dispose() is "close the file pointer" or "remove the lockfile", what do you do when that fails?
other than by completely deleting it
Once you're in their system you're fucked
What do you do when fs.unlink throws?
You still need to catch it and handle it.
which would go in your implementation of dispose
@Mosho But you don't always know at that point what you want to do
runtime errors are someone else's problem
Which is the inherent problem with exceptions, the level you deal with them is the level you continue execution from
the compiler is my unit test
if it's well formatted, it's right
@MadaraUchiha use an event then, I guess
I made an MVCE for my issue: codesandbox.io/s/73z344zwnx
@Mosho Now you're just throwing random solutions into the air.
Basically I should see a widget, which I do when it's just plain JS, but not when it's a react application
It's an easy problem to solve, just try/catch in your finally
But it sucks
Events suck even more than that
I sent that guys question and account to my brother, let's see what he says lol
And so would nonzero return values and anything else you might come up with on the spot
@MadaraUchiha making sure you don't leak anything is the worst part

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