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good sir
@ssube well, we had .try(...).catch(...) with promises :D
how to add a java script in a html page?
with your head
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I meant the language part
just keep smashing keyboard
it'll work
you need add <script>document.body.remove();</script>
and how async/await brought it back to life
@Neoares first you must press winkey + r, then type "notepad.exe"...
I prefer thinking he took hold of his independent spirit and traveled across the world to pursue his passion
@KendallFrey ok brb in 15 minutes
i use all jquery now I have is this so far:

var x = $('div');

How do I progres
Thank for help
you forgot to add jquery
@Neoares no jquery is code
oh ok you only added the libraries
@KamilSolecki with and
tags is for more atention
@Neoares "Oh, and what is that $()? Is that new in JavaScript?"
@Cerbrus yea it's ES69
new feature
prints money
> prints 3D money
I still reember when I was learning cmd, I thought the "print" command was going to print sometihng in the actual printer
at HS
well, that's what it actually did at first, isn't it?
that's what I was actually trying to do
to troll & hackz ppl
I was a good hacker by that time
that's racist
I knew how to add a shutdown -s -f .bat file in the "start" windows folder
Wonder Showzen was too good for this world.
I'm white so I can't be a cracker
saltines are white af
@Neoares Doesn't it?
@rlemon #4 is pretty annoying, #1 is kind of annoying, #2 and 3 seem like bullshit
figuring out which methods mapped, flattened, combined, etc was a bitch even in bluebird
> All I see is weird expectations and misunderstandings.
(from reddit)
I agree with that comment.
You see my 0.25 nozzle version last night, Lemon?
yea I did, sorry was watching a movie
looks good.
I need to get different nozzles
@OliverSalzburg no, it's very disappointing
@rlemon yeah, I call BS on the article but there is no place to comment
that's what reddit is for
Had like 6 discussions about it today
Not going to interact with the reddit JS crowd sorry. I don't have a reddit account to avoid time sucking :D
as the guy wrote this post around some tweets, I guess twitter would be a good way to reach out to him
Also the first comment is nice
@GNi33 I know Andre Staltz lol, we interacted a ton
ah, twitter, that forum of educated debate :P
This whole post is just because of an es-observable issue comment IMO
ah, alright :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum send him a strongly worded postcard
In computing, print command was introduced in MS-DOS/IBM PC DOS 2.0 in order to provide single-user print spooling capability. It is roughly similar to that provided by the UNIX System V lp and BSD lpr print spooler systems. The command is also available in the DEC RT-11 and Microsoft Windows operating systems. == Background == In early versions of DOS, printing was accomplished using the copy command: the file to be printed was "copied" to the file representing the print device. Control returned to the user when the print job completed. Beginning with DOS 2.0, the print command was included to...
> there is no point in putting this into the language unless there will be new syntax.
Prints a text file.

PRINT [/D:device] [[drive:][path]filename[...]]

   /D:device   Specifies a print device.
@ssube I don't like it either, but I have seen some good discussions on twitter. It's not all bad
@BenjaminGruenbaum wtf? he thinks every new collection type needs syntax?
Seems fine
@rlemon some of it sounds like bitching of someone who was just thrown into an async world
that's the most backwards thing I've seen in the tc39 repos yet
@ssube note that with new TypeScript you'll be able to do promise flattening
@ssube he's a smart guy but he has a very specific view point and it's very different from what most developers have
Which is why es-observable is stuck, because blesh and him used to be like that and that antagonized a portion of tc39
what an embarrassingly nearsighted opinion
Kevin being stuck in the middle
@ssube from his perspective, observables are central to JavaScript and people will use them to express everything. He wrote cycle.js and thinks reactive "is the future" or whatever.
He also uses the tool of "very strong words and opinions" very often.
sounds like the backbone developer all over again
> then() is a mix of map() and flatMap()
"I won't use modules, modules are evil, nobody uses modules"
fuck off imgur
What does the statement "Functions in JS are first class Values" mean?
@f__society Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
who is deleting all these golden images
In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures. Some programming language theorists require support for anonymous functions (function literals) as well. In languages with first-class functions, the names of functions do not have any special status; they are treated like ordinary variables with a function type. The...
@f__society it basically means that you can store functions in variables, pass them as arguments to other functions and so on
@f__society They don't get stuck with business class, the lucky bastards
It's actually an interesting argument for functions for laziness
Although the fun thing is that observables are one of the most eager abstractions
woooaaa thanks for the response guys.
I'd like a promise that didn't run right away
of course you can arrange for that, it's just annoying
@ssube you can do that with a subclass or a library.
sure, a promise factory of any kind
I argue that it shouldn't be the default behavior because laziness adds complexity
@ssube Right, and the argument that one can make is that a function is that abstraction. If you have code that you don't want to run right away - put it in a function and invoke it when you want it to run
@ssube so put it in a setTimeout call
the only compelling argument I could see for it is when you need to allocate the promise wrapper ahead of time
for some sort of memory or time limitation, like on embedded
you mean called only when the value is required to be resolved?
@ssube you'd like to defer new Promise? To be fair in my opinion new Promise isn't a great API - I'd actually remove if and make promisify the default API if I could
@BenjaminGruenbaum which goes for almost all of the current objects
@ssube which is why almost nothing is lazy - this argument breaks when doing combinators for collections though - which is a problem that promises never aimed to solve but is interesting for async iterators which are native :)
@rlemon oh ._.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think that makes a lot more sense, because you are explicitly creating a factory from a function vs "creating promises," whatever that means
the idea of creating a promise and when things happen has confused a lot of people and is totally unnecessary
@ssube I think so too - but the promise constructor is useful in order to extract resolve/reject synchronously. Technically .promisify(cb => ...)() could work.
@monners once it comes ill post :P
@ssube right, but the average person using Node shouldn't use new Promise ever anyway
they shouldn't, but they see it and want to
What do you think would help?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did that before I even learned that promisify existed
Feels good to take the bike out 😃 High of 69 (giggity) today <3
I already have a bunch of answers telling people they shouldn't in SO as well as the canonical telling them they should promisify - I can add a warning to the Node docs if you think that'd help
it actually took me nearly a month to discover promisify
@SterlingArcher fuck you there is snow outside here
Also, today I joined sinon as one of the 8 people on the team :)
@KamilSolecki in pole-land everyone slides
my biek is still having his winter break
ohh man I crack myself up
@rlemon omg lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum the most common legitimate use, just as you said, is to wrap an existing async operation. promisify does that for nodebacks and .try does it for some others, but I feel like there's a third missing promise-starter
@KamilSolecki I'm taking it out tonight to wash and just general fluid updates
@BenjaminGruenbaum You need to make your membership public
Turns out I was a little shaky for the first minute cause it's wet outside
it'll dry up soon
it better, I need more snow
@OliverSalzburg thanks, done
Do I show up for Node?
@rlemon hawt
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, looking good :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, but you always seem to show up just before dinner
@ssube what third?
@rlemon I remember in NY when a Crack head said he was hungry and wanted money. After I offered him a doughnut that I had, he goes: "Chocolate glazed? These are the worst" and leaves lol
I'm not sure. Not even sure there can be one, other than new Promise, it's almost the fallback case.
@ssube my dream is for people to have no idea what a promise is and just use async/await - I've been watching that come true in the last year after struggling for promises since 2013 :)
@KamilSolecki well, he was right
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ahh, a Torvalds
old fashioned glazed is the only acceptable doughnut
always listen to a crackhead
@ssube If it were up to me I'd even make .all and .some (not .race lol) sugar and magic over await (as in await.all promiseIterable) and remove the promise namespace if I could
@BenjaminGruenbaum async/await is a big deal, for sure. It's a shame that it's so limited to promises
@Luggage he'd wish
@ssube what do you mean? With async iterators it's very powerful
@rlemon honey glazed is the best
yeah, I was just thinking that
Eventually maple glazed
I think it'll start to pick up with Node 10 and native async iterator support
@rlemon plain.
async iterator will certainly help, maybe I just need to use more generators today
ReadableStream will have Symbol.asyncIterator support
@BenjaminGruenbaum what about generators?
doughnuts are bad
iterable streams will be the best
Old Fashioned is the worst drink ever
@SterlingArcher what about them?
@KamilSolecki depends entirely on the whiskey and bitters
@BenjaminGruenbaum are they not the async iterator you're looking for here?
@SterlingArcher no dude, I litearlly mean async iterators (doing for await) - lemme find you an old deck from somewhere
most of what I use observables for could be greatly simplified with async iterators
@ssube what browsers do you support? For internal tools you should feel free to use them
To be fair, perf is better with observables, and v8 is working on improving it
my code is either hobby projects or internal tools for work, so latest chrome only :D
Then go for it!
@BenjaminGruenbaum what does unicast mean?
@SterlingArcher you can do multiple .thens on a single promise and they all get the same result. That's called "multicast". Unicast means that you can only have one listener.
> Ads aren't just an opportunity to sell stuff, they're an opportunity to really show people that we understand a given topic.
To clarify, this is a 2-3 year old talk, and async iterators are stage 4 now (and part of JavaScript)
StackExchange koolaid lol meta.stackexchange.com/q/306737/222527
@BenjaminGruenbaum and comcast means you have no one working in the support department who cares
lol, fuckin comcast
@rlemon comcast actually have some nice open source :P There's also a network interruption tool called comcast that's pretty nice
they might be the only place I'm ok yelling at and threatening to cancel
@BenjaminGruenbaum shame they don't use it on their own network
their infrastructure is awful and regularly has issues
@ssube I do it with Cox whenever they shut my service off for "illegal activity" but can't give me a time, date, mac address, etc
(at the backbone level, not for consumers, that's always bad)
> How can I stop this activity with NO information? :cries:
@BenjaminGruenbaum I like how copy is the only one who's username you put in there lol
that was extremely informative
@SterlingArcher I'm glad you liked it, it's on youtube somewhere probably
@BenjaminGruenbaum i just read your presentation, it's real nice I learned quite some :)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it - there is a newer version somewhere
@Jhoverit check that snapchat boot action :D
what do you think of how they "lace" up?
I'm really glad somebody is thinking of the motor-skills challenged bikers
say what? lol
I'm jk
That's cool lol
Just watched
My snowboard boots lace up similarly to that. No more laces :D
And they're actually comfy af
lol my new Timbs are comfy af but I'm not riding yet
Truck jus got tuneup, I'm gonna do the water pump and then work on trading
I'm only riding today, it's like 63F out there right now
Yea it's warm here. Not riding warm maybe putting around warm
lmao I thought you were waiting until spring because snow
@SterlingArcher I call end of Feb. end of real winter
@SterlingArcher wasn't the last time you "took a chance because it is great weather out for this brief period of time" when you bailed?
@rlemon there's literally no chance of a freak ice storm today
you said that before
I jus don't fuck with cold tires/roads.
nu uh, I said the weather said it wasn't supposed to snow
the ocho
anyways, RIP
I get your watches
I watched Cloverfield Paradox last night
I suggest yiou all do the same. Master troll
@rlemon if I die, I die and you have to die with me
It's in our contract
I don't like comedy when they sound like they're constantly out of breath
@SterlingArcher lol i.imgur.com/ccSAWnR.jpg

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