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@phenomnomnominal npm search --parseable @scope | awk -F $'\t' '{print $1}' | xargs npm link
That was fun
hi, what does this command do?
node node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json
runs that script with that argument
what does ngc command do?
it's an npm package
is it still available? isn't it outdated?
I dunno
look for it on npmjs.com
mm.. ok. thank ou!
hey all... fiddling about with mixins... i've Object.assigned a mixin, but when i call the function on my mixin it doesn't seem to have access to the this properties of the Object?
so actually the code here: stackoverflow.com/questions/48792138/… when i call labelCopyCaps it doesn't seem to have access to this.release
@BenFortune heh, x-platform?
ngc is the angular compiler
it's a wrapper around tsc
@phenomnomnominal so ngc can be replaced with tsc, right
exec('npm run aot || npm run aot-win && npm run aot-rollup || npm run aot-rollup-win', {maxBuffer: 1024 * 500000}, function(err)
how does this execute?
I got this angular2 project, which is bundled using gulp. need to get the project up. can someone help me explaining the above exec command.
@RahmathullahM I don't think you're the right guy for the task
@RahmathullahM wrong question. If it is being used, it works. The question should be "What does this do?"
@phenomnomnominal git bash? :P
I'm bored, might have a go in powershell
@phenomnomnominal We have a dedicated tool for that linking shit :P github.com/fairmanager/spodr
npm search --parseable "@scope" | ForEach-Object{($_ -split "\t")[0]} | ForEach-Object{npm link $_}
mmm.. yes, even i think the same. I shouldn't be doing this. :(
@RahmathullahM I normally stick with things I should be doing, but badly
@RoyiNamir If you want the context of registerAndroidOnBack, don't use an arrow function
this works :
registerAndroidOnBack(  this.onBack.bind(this));
But I dont want to use bind
Why not?
That's why it exists
thought maybe something with arrow to keep this ?
registerAndroidOnBack(() => this.onBack());?
Did you mean (() => this.onBack)() ?
This is the function in another file :
export function registerAndroidOnBack(callback: (data: AndroidActivityEventData) => void)
    if (isAndroid)
            application.android.on(application.AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, callback);
callback ^ should be running in context of the this we've been talking about
@RoyiNamir He knows.
@MadaraUchiha like this ?registerAndroidOnBack( this.onBack); ?
using it like this^ , doesn't work : it doesn't know this.myslides :
This : registerAndroidOnBack( this.onBack.bind(this)); does work - BUT I was hoping for non-bind solution
7 mins ago, by Royi Namir
registerAndroidOnBack(  this.onBack.bind(this));
6 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
registerAndroidOnBack(() => this.onBack());?
Put a variable in the ()
and pass that variable to onBack
Oh yeah
I'll send you the bill
registerAndroidOnBack(data => this.onBack(data));
Remind me to never use typescript
Does it do some weird type casting if you pass the method directly?
removing the function and doing it manually - also doesn't work :
application.android.on(application.AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, this.onBack);
@OliverSalzburg I'm already using lerna, but this is for some other shit too. I'll check our your thang
However this : does work
 application.android.on(application.AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, (data:AndroidActivityBackPressedEventData)=>
                data.cancel = true;
@MadaraUchiha is it just me, or after watching the new OW dev update, it seems like Hanzo is going to be nerfed to ground?
@phenomnomnominal Hey, maybe I should check that out :D Maybe we can assimilate some features
Seems to also to a lot of other stuff, which we're handling through other tools
@SaitamaSama Hanzo is stupid, he doesn't need to be nerfed, but I consider the strength of his scatter arrow to be a bug.
He can take out 400+ HP targets in one shot.
That's the only powerful ability he has tho
lerna is great
even his ult sucks
@SaitamaSama No, he can headshot, like any sniper character in any game ever.
@phenomnomnominal Looking at it right now. It's been around for quite some time and this is the first time I'm seeing it
@MadaraUchiha but that requires a terrible amount of practice, to project the pathway of his arrows, project the future positions of his targets, etc...
The whole multi-package management aspect is very central to how we work. I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't heard about this tool sooner :D
my point is, if they remove scatter, no new players would ever play him, because they won't possibly ever get elims
@SaitamaSama It's as if a sniper character takes skill to use effectively or something
Who would have guessed!
@OliverSalzburg came out of the babel project
@SaitamaSama Sounds like a net win to me.
@MadaraUchiha no, hitscan snipers are relatively largely easy to play than projectile ones
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, I see @hzoo in the early releases :D
@SaitamaSama Sure, which is why in most cases the projectile ones are stronger
For example, in TF2, a full powered rifle shot does the same damage as an arrow, but the arrow takes a third of the time to fully nock.
So essentially, if done right, you can triple the DPS if you use the bow, instead of the rifle.
never played TF2 enough to understand it's mechanics :B
Hanzo has huge advantages over widow
He can maintain a nocked arrow while jumping and moving fast
so why would anyone use a rifle?
@Neil Because it's easier to hit
ah it's got a scope
@MadaraUchiha one of them was close combat
Not need to take the gravity of the projectile or the travel time into account
Also no scope/zoom on the bow.
that was SCATTER
@SaitamaSama But that's not what ended up happening
What ended up happening is that you can snipe a target of any range, doing wayy to much damage in a single shot.
not sure how accurate that is.. I'd assume loading an arrow would take longer than loading a bullet
The entire point of tanks is that even snipers don't take them out in one shot.
Sure, orisa can use fortify to save herself from scatter
=> no one shot
@SaitamaSama Rein can't do shit
Hog barely survives with under 100 hp
@phenomnomnominal Is lerna specific to a "monorepo" approach?
anyways, let's just see what papa Jeff does to Hanzo, I hope it just doesn't affect / nerf him too much
Think of it from outside the perspective of the hanzo main
Hanzo isn't too strong, but his ability is just stupid and awkward, not to mention frustrating to everyone.
I put in loads of hours practicing Hanzo... I'm just salty with the fact they are nerfing him
@MadaraUchiha true, true...
@MadaraUchiha hanzo is getting his E nerfed
they tried different things
they tried to substitute E for a piercing arrow
the also tried to ad a functionality to the "R"
reducing cooldown for E and shift
wtf kind of cryptic shit are you guys on about again?
like he's reloading
@OliverSalzburg hello kitty online
hello kitty online was such a downgrade from hello kitty island adventures
@Neoares I don't believe you
I really wish devs would stop trying to reinvent the wheel
yeah but it's still awesome
I can show you my garden
the garden feature's a sham to milk people in the cash shop
you disgust me
Who's idea was it to sell fucking seed packets where you don't even know what seeds you're going to get anyway
that's called "introducing randomness to videogames", pal
rng is funny and frustrating
but it makes you willing to play more, if applied in the correct quantities
@MadaraUchiha hog surviving with 100 HP = hog with 400HP
rng, the reason why I don't play hearthstone anymore
it's funny AF
yikes... I won't even play competitive magic the gathering anymore because of the randomness
play gwent
so many cards that when played, has a random chance of completely changing the game around
it is almost a strategy
about to lose? throw out rng cards
gwent's fun
never played gwent
standalone game came out
who is gwent
That's what we call your mother
@Neoares that's exactly what I think doesn't need to be nerfed
@SaitamaSama are you kidding me
I think you're the only one that thinks so
even blizzard said it
@Neoares blizzard is notoriously known for making terrible nerf choices
I got disgruntled with hearthstone when I saw c'thun. that's just not a fair card at all.
@jmb.mage its a shit card
@jmb.mage any of the ancient gods was
the point of the c'thun card was that in order to get to the point where it's a guaranteed "you win" card, you have to fill your deck with support cards which kind of suck
I don't think that was such a terrible thing
If nothing else, you knew it was coming sooner or later
how are you supposed to counter it? pack you deck with secret cards to trigger?
@Neil that's not true
@Neoares it was a bad card without the support cards
that is exactly true
you sort of had to have them
cthun requires at least half of your deck to be built around it
I had them
and cthun cards are straight up shit
@KamilSolecki that's the tihng
rely on one card is not always good
not if it brings half of a deck with it
for example, in my current rogue deck I rely in one legendary
Well that was a big weakness of the deck, it's true
if I get it in first turn, with a shadowstep, it's easy win
if I don't get it, it's 80% lost
also, you release c'thun
though you sort of had to specialize if you wanted to have cards that let you "destroy" specific cards in your opponent's deck
it half/clears the board and makes 3-4 damage to your face
do you mean keleseth?
next turn you wipe it with some spell, gg
or you had to run rogue fast card draw
@KamilSolecki yeah the one that boosts all cards with +1/+1
dude you dont need it early at all
I have a card that gives me 2 minions if combo is triggered
but that's it
I went with keleseth rogue to 2-3
I went to 3 with face huntard
couple of years ago
its all about committing your minions correctly, keleseth only adds to the powerspike
Shadowreaper Anduin
if you dont have it
its all good
no it's not
you have less than 50% of probability to win
lol no
a deck with no 2 mana cards is shit AF
since it's a tempo deck
the deck is great
it's better than any c'thun deck
woohoo 1800
-1 is 1799 quick maths
@rlemon how much do you love me
That's a hungry valentine
because I kinda need this
not as much as that girls loves her boyfriend
I feel sorry for the guy, the names are crossed out
he will never know who sent it
or if it was meant for him
who cares
you have the food
true dat
@Neoares I don't go to High School. That would be weird.
But thank you for your concern.
He was worried because some dick shot up a school down here.
@hilli_micha im sorry, wont do it again
you're grounded mister
i see
@rlemon Love and karma. What a deal
@hilli_micha yeah I guessed
it was near you?
Not really, it was closer to Miami, which is roughly a 4 hour drive from Orlando.
@BenFortune they know if they disturb the kitty it'll be a swift death
@Neoares Not necessarily
but you get the point
also, hanzo can oneshot orisa
For one thing, it's = hog with 400 hp without breather
yes but he can be healed again by others
also, I'm up for some OW tonight, I get somewhat stable 20 - 22fps now
@SaitamaSama What did you do that made this miracle happen?
Im considering buying OW
@MadaraUchiha 400 hp hog makes me think you're talking about a motorcycle
20 fps in a FPS >.<
I play at 144 xP
@rlemon close enough
!!giphy roadhog
@MadaraUchiha turned everything to low, lowest res, some effects are disabled
@KamilSolecki It's a nice contrast to league since matches are only 5-10 minutes long on average.
@hilli_micha only quick plays or arcade
comp matches can be well over 20 minutes
Ah, fitting, haven't done comp, but still, that's a nice contrast to league matches which average at 30-40 min.
sex him/her
also, on a side note.... I cloned my 1 year old webserver today, it surprisingly worked
@hilli_micha oh, do you have pubg already?
@KamilSolecki buy, buy, buy, buy
Not yet, I meant to download it two nights ago but my credit card wasn't near me so I was like "eh, too lazy to find my wallet"
PUBG is amazing
I'll have it by the weekend most defintely, dunno if I'll get to play.
@SaitamaSama Oh, I've a GTX 970 and all of my settings are low, except for the resolution.
One of the most fun games I've played in the past year
would be nice :)
I wonder if it's feasible to get another ssd for my notebook and just swap it out when I want to switch operating systems
Just dual boot?
I don't think there's a graphics card out there that can reach 144 fps on my resolution on all ultras.
@GNi33 Seems impractical, why not just dual boot?
@MadaraUchiha 4K?
@MadaraUchiha 2k?
anyone knows how warranty is affected when switching the hard drive in a dell XPS?
@KamilSolecki 1440p
so 2k :P
@hilli_micha because my current SSD is too small as it is
and I hate dual boot
I prefer 1080@144 than 2k@60
@MadaraUchiha On OW?
@MadaraUchiha yeah, I've heard people mostly keep those low for competitive environments
it just always causes some problems one way or another
at least for shooters, where fps are very important
@GNi33 you could virtualize instead of dual boot :D
@MadaraUchiha sure, Titan XP or Quadro can
@MadaraUchiha why 2.5k
@MadaraUchiha I can do 100fps in Witcher 3 on Ultra /w hairworks on GTX 1080 Ti
/w that res
@ssube nah thanks
2k should have 15XX height pixels
so it sounds like 1.8k
had windows 10 running on hyperV lately, seems to be working fine until it doesn't
it runs excellently on kvm
@KamilSolecki ye bastard ≖_≖
best thing is if you just try to boot up another virtbox or something
I expected it to at least nicely die or give me errors
anyway, fuck marketing
nope, blue screen
with 2k and 4k
figure I upgrade my 6 year old computer with new graphics card and 8gb of ram and I've gone from unplayable Witcher 3 to Witcher 3 at 1 fps
I don't really have issues with other games either
that sounds like a fun experience!
granted, maybe it's not on ultra
AC origins doesn't run as well on my 1080ti as I hoped
AC always has a shitty optimization
Maxed out, 100% render scale it doesn't even stable at 60
It runs steady at 30 with 200% render scale
PUBG used to have even worse optimization
its somewhat ok now
still can run it at max 100 fps
hmm, swapping the harddrive doesn't seem to be too hard on this one. Any recommendations for a good SSD at the moment?
Id like that 144 with the 144hz screen
one of the most memorable moments in my gaming experience was the original assassin's creed seeing the entire city from up top
that was incredibly impressive back then
@KamilSolecki Yeah, but you have to drops the settings so low
16hz 1440p monitor
@Cereal huh Im on max
wait no
@Neil where did the first one play again?
im on high actually
I have fond memories of AC II
loved the setting
first one was damascus?
@GNi33 I played it on pc, but it might have been available on other platforms too
I 100% completed ACII
!!s/on// 41263857
@hilli_micha @GNi33 I played it pc, but it might have been available on other platforms too (source)
Origins is going to the first one I've even beaten since then
Played all the other ones, none of them drew me in
@hilli_micha im high actually (source)
oh the in-game place? yeah damascus was one of several cities
@Neil hehe, nah, I was thinking about the city :)
ah, yeah, that was cool
@KamilSolecki I have a 144hz monitor
I geeked out a little about renaissance firenze and venice in the second one
they did a good job regarding the details of some of the famous places
@Neoares I do too, I just want that 144fps to go with it
that's why I'm capping at144fps instead of 60
I think you'd need 2 titans to run PUBG on ultra on 144fps XD
@KamilSolecki I have a 1060 and I can reach 144fps in a lot of games
I just capped mine at 70
maybe not at ultra, but fps > resolution or graphics quality
My monitor is delightfully garbage.
@KamilSolecki nah it's literally imposible
even with 6 titan XP
can you run Titan XP in Windows XP?
oh wait
the titan V stands for Vista
Double XP Weekend
lul wtf
so next titan is titan seven
the ending of assassin's creed was awesome too
I remember
it was really kind of surreal
The first 5 minutes of origins is great
the last one I finished was AC III
i jus want medium at 60 fps, is that too much to ask? ;-;
the ending was a little over the top I think
and you couldn't skip the credits
I beat the vita AC game, actually now that I think about it
oh man, Origins would be right down my alley
the setting
So I've beaten ACI, II, the vita one, black flag, and the stand alone pirate one
I watched that opening cutscene and was like "welp, guess I'm beating this now"
Main character's a bad ass, say no more
they're really milking the franchise, but I honestly enjoyed every AC game I played so far
I don't enjoy bugs
depends on the bug.
beetles are kinda cool
Has anyone plaeyd that new kingdom come game? See a lot of hype about it
Cicadas are cooler.
nope nope nope
72 dollars though
all and every sorts of bugs should be incinerated

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