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I want my uni to update to the newest version of catia
virtual reality in modelling! that's like a dream!
@rlemon last time I checked, there was 8 science type going
maybe 7. everything is different
especially boilers
7 I think
sorry, rimworld is life
I remember because my factorissimos had 8 inputs and one was left unused and it felt wrong
red green blue black yellow purple white
gray more than black
nah that's just the white of the glass
making it look grey
when your swipe is bigger than your print :D
bottom of rp3 encasing done \o/
time for more curling
olympics has just taken over my life
I haven't watched any of it
you guys suck
fuck olympics
sorry, eh?
@rlemon lmao you still got turndownforwhat in your bookmarks?
it's a bookmarklet
@SterlingArcher you know the konami code?
windows 8 lol
@Mosho 7
from pleb to pro
@Luggage chimney didn't survive
was taken clean off tho :D
did it melt?
not sure
ohh, just too smal?
it's stuck to the print head
i think just too small
ohh, hehe
advil is amazing
about to pop my 20th for the day
i hope you like stomach bleeding
the print itself isn't terrible
not great, but not terrible
@Luggage I'm willing to accept the trade-off
@Luggage yea
I don't think that chimney will work
uhh lol
@Luggage won't know until you try
haha yea I didn't see that first time
hard to miss now
isn't there a setting for when it decides things are too small and skips them?
honestly, better than I expected
shiiit. gj
where's the floating chimny
it was the best feature
this fox prints really well small, if you're looking for other things
the details on the back of that benchy are really good
does it have the front port holes?
they are there!
do that and it'll print
need some more light on that pic.
yea the black pla doesn't make this easy
ha, so they are
tiny little port holes. Still mostly round too
nevermind. that breaks other things
the back window is there as well but bulged out
crap, forgot to start preheating the bed
its not working. — cooper 5 mins ago
NotWorkingException, line: yes
guys I finally figured it out
gets out nozzle wrench
I have the same window bulge...
You're making game pieces?
Hello Experts, I have the following problem:
nope, just junk
1 message moved to Trash can
@DRP Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
replace only likes strings
function myFunction() {
	var coder = "Myself'
    var str = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML;
    var txt = str.replace(/coder/g,"Eureka");
    document.getElementById("p").innerHTML = txt;
but the var coder is a string
so how can i provide a variable that is a string
in the sense that the method only accepts a string
You're trying to replace the literal string "coder" \
replace(coder ,"Eureka")
don't use different quotes for "Myself'
for starters
that, too
the myself word
scroll down to the example and you would find that it is written like:
the idea is that the word typed in <input></input> is whats going to be used
const txt = coder.replace(/My/g, "Eureka")
@paul23 ok testing that
@SterlingArcher pics or it didn't happen
Or wait, nvm I'm a moron and it's too late, you actually have a variable named str XD
@paul23 I think i got lost a bit...
Go with mosho's & luggage's advice
let me give you a wider picture
 <legend>Find word:</legend>
    <input type="text" id="matched">
    <legend>Replace with:</legend>
    <input type="text" id="replaced"> <br/>
    <p id="totalwordsfound"></p>
    <div class="">
    <input type="submit" id="go" value="Go">
    <input type="reset" id="reset" value="Reset">
  <script type="text/javascript">
    //console.log(document.getElementById('matched').value );
    document.getElementById("go").addEventListener("click", replacer);

    function replacer () {

    var vm= document.getElementById('matched').value;
    var vr document.getElementById('replaced').value;

    if (vm == "" || vr == ""){
      alert("Empty value to search or replace"); return ;}

    else {
      ///// this is the part i want to fill
Luggage's advice :P
Basically a user types a word they want to get replaced by another word in the entire docoment
so the word they typed is getting taken in the script by the var vm= document.getElementById('matched').value;
then that value vm which is a string is what i want to pass to the replace method
however the replace method does not like it like a variable only as a string
I am learning btw, however this time there is a problem in the code
last time i came it was just theory
so this should be fair
@DRP /coder/g is actually not a variable, rather it is a "regex literal", or for simplicity the same as if you would've typed str.replace("coder", "Eureka")
@paul23 Yes i tried this
but see thats the thing
not the word coder
but the value it represents
You want to replace what's stored "in" coder so you should just do: str.replace(coder, "Eureka")
@Mosho sorry on that one it was a typo
let me try again
@DRP do what @paul23 said and use the variable you declared
/coder/g has nothing to do with that variable, it's a regex
@Mosho so you are right it worked
now how to get it to work with regex
what do you need a regex for
because the idea is toget all matches, not just the first
of that word
new RegExp(coder, 'g')
@DRP That's not what the regex would help you with
you gotta make sure it does what you expect though
@Mosho now it does, in terms of not using regex, so basically it does find the word and replace it
because if coder has regex characters like + it might not do what you expect
however i want it to match that word and get replaced for all instances
@Mosho i see
Oh wait nvm, again I'm just forgetting javascript does things a bit different than conventional languages, regex can indeed transform replace to replaceall
so in that case what would you propose?
@paul23 yes
A better solution would be to directly create the regex.
!!> const coder = 'name'; 'name name'.replace(new RegExp(coder, 'g'), 'Eureka')
@Mosho "Eureka Eureka"
@paul23 not sure what you mean, my knowledge is from w3schools so very limited examples given there
coder = /myself/g - then you won't easily get confused with special symbols.
If you directly type the regex you probably also remember to correctly escape all characters.
@paul23 thats sweat ! let me test it
@paul23 workeddddd!
thanks experts
javascript chat rocks!
peace out
@HarishKarthick Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
btw, just use mdn instead of w3schools
pD: had never thought about using regex into a variable
any one idea about PWA
@paul23 i do from time to time
depending on how complex i need to go
in the sense that it has sometimes examples either to complicated (no clear for my understanding) or too much info to go through
@KevinB PWA(Google Progressive web apps )
was the link about bitcoin favicon shared here?
@MadaraUchiha who made the iOS app?
possibly NSFW depending on where you work: gfycat.com/ImpoliteBeautifulIchthyosaurs
@ShrekOverflow I've seen it... cant remember where from
eh, nothing to be ashamed of about smacking a handsome ass
@SterlingArcher amirite
he smacked a handsome dick
oh wait
just noticed
wacked him right in the willy
was pretty off center though
Hey, I'm working on a GUI for a business and they want me to separate the processes into a to-do list. Does anyone have any idea how to describe the pipeline for a GUI, or helpful resources? I can't really find anything ~
@LukeIsitt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Man are you in luck. Todo lists are what 95% of examples are.
I don't think that's what he meant
oh :(
11 tourists 1 rescued kerbal and a pilot setup for rentry
just how NASA does it
They've got 3 to-do's: 1. "Write GUI for Mobile Test System" 2. "Write GUI Requirements Specification" 3. "Deploy GUI Software for Mobile Test System" and want me to separate those 3 into more to-do's
unfortunately i'm gonna be landing in the dark
meh. as long as it's not on thew side of a mountain
i have no idea where i'm landing
so, that's a possiblity
crator rim area
@KevinB Once you're a bit lower make sure you rotate it so that the attitude is more horizontal
that way you will generate a lot of lift, which would make the slope more shallow providing more time to reduce velocity.
Rule of thumb: you want to see the wind/plasma effect angled about 5 degrees "above" your vehicle.
(That does however increase stress on the joints, so initial entry is probably better to go perfectly aligned/let the dynamics align you).
i just let it go in uncontrolled
i don't know how fast he came inn but for pods coming in form LKO, I don't bother
it came from a mun flyby
no correction needed
@Luggage Minimize the number chutes! - which would minimize weight & thus fuel.
that wouldn't reduce need for chutes
Well maybe it's just me making fuel cost 100 times as high and item costs about 5-10.
it's probably that thing you said about you being great.
only need chutes for the soft landing part, the craft in that orientation will slow itself to below 300 m/s, which is slow enough for final chutes to deploy
+ 1.5 times the weight on all "service" modules.
@KevinB What aerodynamic model do you use?
i had ~ 200 ms dv left in tank when i dropped it
That waste!
better than the transfer stage i sent crashing into the mun surface with 2.3k m/s left
Well I shouldn't talk too much, I stopped playing ksp when I realized I wasn't playing it anymore. Rather I spent 90% of the time in python to create calculators/simulators to optimize my path.
when the craft only costs 30k and the payoff for the mission is more than 300k... you can afford to do a little overengineering
@KevinB Yeah that's the sad thing about the carreer mode. Crafts are so cheap compared to the payoffs if you take the right missions.
Rescue = quick money, Tourists = easy money.
@paul23 youtube.com/… a series where they use kOS to program flying. They get into machine learningto plot courses
well, you can make it harder, but when you combine 5+ missions in one trip it can get quite rewarding
these missions are really cheap, but later on when i'm leaving the kerbin system it's going to get really expensive
@KevinB Like I said: in the end I actually made it so that I have to combine multiple missions just to break even. - I wish ksp actually got "harder" the further you get in carreer mode, right now it actually gets easier to not go bankrupt.
depends on if you just do missions, or do missions + other stuff like a station + base on every moon/planet, rovers, etc
for example, i'm going to want an aircraft that can refuel itself on eve
@Luggage Interesting. The flying I've mostly done manually: I made scripts for the design of rockets.
but there's no mission for that kind of thing
@KevinB plugins! - Oh and also add some lifesupport, I found that without life support that actually kills kerbins everything feels shallow/no drawback to failing.
tried life support, liked it until i wanted to leave the kerbin system
then it just got tedius

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