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canada kicks butt at curling
s/at curling//
hello broddas
that meme is too old
I had no idea apple treats Print Scr as F13
Now I can screenshot like a pro
I don't know sports, is that your golf score?
rubiks cube
i'd take that in golf though
I'm pretty sure golf doesn't have averages
everything has averages
it does if you average them
!!sleep or no
@KendallFrey no
well ok
Maybe tonight will finally be the night you stay up
You can do it I believe
make it to the end of The Little Mermaid and find out what happens
She kills Dumbledore
Will the expression for a default parameter value be evaluated if a value is passed?
I could guess, if you like.
I'd prefer you know
We need to invent a 3d printable lego alternative
The answer appears to be no
A shape that works with FDM printers
@Luggage Why doesn't the normal shape work?
it's very dependent on precision
i think
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
@Luggage who knew?
things like a slight bit of extra plastic on a corner where the layer ends makes fit difficult or impossible
and legos are too numerous to post process and manually trim
@Luggage Do you think there's a shape for friction-fit interlocking construction blocks that isn't precision-dependent?
yea. it can be angled and 'snap' in slightly
we can do shapes legos cant, since they are molded
maybe make those bottom circle flared such* that it'll fit a wider range of sizes
I mean, slight imprefections, not like purposely scaled bricks
the top bumps can have a slight lip, too
or 'undercut'
@Luggage A chamfer? normal legos already have that, I think
oh wait what
Are you suggesting that would be a viable shape?
How would that even get together?
slight flex
use flex instead of precision
in what direction?
one sec,
If you're gonna print building toys you'll probably have better luck with K'nex
What problem does that solve?
Seem you either have it not go in, or loose when it does go in
legos that work with the precision of our cheap 3d printers
Lego locking is patented though, no?
But how does it solve that?
@Luggage yoiu might want to animate it
kendall can only imagine porn from those images
it is supposed to slide in sideways or someshit?
Nope they flex / bend
and lock
Have you never used lego ?
no, just flex and snap on
like a... snap
I don't get it
there's no plastic squishy enough to do that with legos
I don't believe you
@KendallFrey do you have a cheap android phone?
try taking out the back cover
same concept
plastics come in a wide range of hardnesses
I understand even less now, if that were even possible
@KendallFrey Luggage has drawn them extra extra large
@Luggage Wait, so is the top of the nub supposed to squish in on itself, or move in a certain direction?
squish in
it could be segmented to allow that
how do you plan to print something segmented that small?
I think at 0.1 i can maybe do it.
@KendallFrey buy some legos?
it'll only be a few layers.
test 😃 ?
Also it seems it would need to have some serious chamfer or it would just flatface against and not squish
@ShrekOverflow I have a 1m pile of legos on my desk right now
yea. it might not be possible with the small amount of space to get the flex AND grip and all
Try snapping them in and out slowly
or better yet cut one side open
and record it in slow mo
What if the pegs were straight and flexy, and the holes were tapered?
hm, maybe.
simpler, but them you might have them fit together but leave a gap
so you have some leeway at the entrance and it tightens up nicely as you go deeper
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
Told you he can only imagine porn with those drawings
don't make me penetrate you with my Saturn V
thats a big rocket
he had help from some germans
he is misidentifying an N1 for a saturn 5
F1 from a Saturn V?
What's an N1?
N1 The russian Saturn V counter part. "Never succesfully tested"
Folks, what’s the difference between import { React, Fragment } from 'react' and import React from 'react'; const Fragment = React.Fragment?
As in, the second "works", the first doesn't.
does import React, { Fragment} from 'react' work?
@TravisWhite Yes it does
So what's the difference? :P
can't really explain it right now, way past my bed time
A: export default vs module.exports differences

Nelson YeungWhen you have export default { bar() {} } The actual object exported is of the following form: exports: { default: { bar() {} } } When you do a simple import (e.g., import foo from './foo';) you are actually getting the default object inside the import (i.e., exports.default). Thi...

2 hours later…
Had a missile alarm few minutes ago, fun
1 hour later…
@TravisWhite thank you
@MadaraUchiha whoa, legit city wide?
Pretty much all of northern part of Israel was on high alert this morning
Did you start packing up? :P
Seems to have settled down though
To be fair, i dont think we even have missile alerts around here
Germany does that's for sure
I'm thinking of doing an IoC container for a side project for TS
It sure could teach me a lot about certain things in TS
@KamilSolecki Go for it
I've done a couple, it's good for your understanding
they called Hanzo trash, youtu.be/R_FaaxmBM1o @MadaraUchiha ;-;
@SaitamaSama Hanzo is trash tho :P
what code formatting plugin do you use ? prettier ?
@MadaraUchiha Hanzo is a god tier hero. facts.
for javascript stuff
@AjayS We tried prettier but didn't like how it formatted the code. Unreadable in some cases.
So we ended up not using anything.
now what you suggest ?
We have VSCode's formatter, which we use.
But aside from that, nothing.
(Worth noting we're also looking for such things, but nothing we found seems to be good enough for now)
@AjayS enforce a style policy on yourself, then set up a linter to follow it.
90% of things are OK as long as you are consistent with it
There will eventually be a fork of prettier with much more configuration
you mean own config file ?
Then we'll consider
But prettier has the exact same problem Crockford's JSLint had, they assume they know better than you and don't allow you much freedom over the formatting.
@MadaraUchiha reflection is pretty much the only way for the kernel to instantiate the classes, right?
Nah, if you have a reference to the class you can just use new
function factory<T>(clazz: {new(): T}, ...args: any[]) {
  return new clazz(...args);
Something like that
Oh right I forgot about typed factories for a moment :Nutella
How did :P get acutocorrected to:Nutella i have no idea
I tried shift+alt+f in vs code, but this I have to run on individual file
can't we run this on complete project ?
@AjayS You can enable format on type, format on paste and format on save.
yes that ok
I guess I'll start with browsing through my favorite Ioc that is castle Windsor
@AjayS Also, in my experience, running a formatter on the entire project destroys your ability to git blame properly.
I want to run manually on complete application by just one click
See how they handle things
Ah ok
@MadaraUchiha do you, by any chance, have link(s) to some interesting JS quirks one might not know about?
@Zirak's the guy to ask
cc @Zirak my love
There are a couple of fun things
!!> [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10].map(parseInt)
@MadaraUchiha [10,"NaN",2,3,4,5]
is my personal favorite.
And there's your fun ASI thing
Whoa whoa whoa
Ok but why is the first 10 converted just ok
Whoa whoa whoa
Ok i understand now :The
What is going on with the auto correct seriously.
@MadaraUchiha w0t
@SaitamaSama Here's a hint
!!> [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10].map(function(n) { return parseInt(n); });
@MadaraUchiha [10,10,10,10,10,10]
@SaitamaSama try to figure it out looking at MDN
Of both functions
@KamilSolecki The catch is in parseInt or map?
@RahulJain Both.
I used to like JS. Not anymore
ah, looks like map sends some other values to parseInt in the second arg
is that the one?
You are almost there, now why is the second one NaN and the rest 3, 4, 5?
mmmm intensifies
[1, 2, 3].map(parseInt) ===== [1, NaN, NaN]
(Look in parseint behavior)
ah, the index is 1; parseInt(n, 1) returns NaN; and there after the radix changes with the index
right... that makes sense :B
Now for a slightly easier riddle
!!> null > 0 || null < 0
@KamilSolecki false
!!> null == 0
@KamilSolecki false
@KamilSolecki == !== === ?
explain parseInt riddle lol
How about this? @SaitamaSama @RahulJain
@SaitamaSama I using == makes it 'even harder' of a riddle
looks like there's some weird casting thing going there
which of the data structure for retrieving inconsecutive elements
But what exactly?
parseInt(null, 24) === 23
parseInt accepts two parameters
the number, and the radix
@SaitamaSama wait one more thing that's somewhat crucial I missed
map calls the callback you pass to it with 3 parameters, the element, the index and the array itself.
!!> null >= 0 && null <= 0
@KamilSolecki true
Now the riddle is complete
[10, 10, 10, 10, 10].map(parseInt)
// turns to
[parseInt(10, 0, arr), parseInt(10, 1, arr), parseInt(10, 2, arr) /* ... */]
// turns to
[parseInt(10, 0), parseInt(10, 1), parseInt(10, 2) /*, ... */]
// turns to
[10, NaN, 2, 3, 4]
well, if I do new Number(null) it returns 0
so... my intuition is that >,<,== doesn't do this conversion, while >=,<= does
is that it?
You are very close
There's nothing in this riddle that has to do with casting.
@MadaraUchiha parseInt(null, number greater than 23) isn't NaN why?
No clue :o
I give up >.<
Oh, I know why
!!> console.log(parseInt("null", 24), parseInt("null", 23))
@MadaraUchiha "undefined" Logged: 23,"NaN"
Does that make things easier? :)
@SaitamaSama basically, >=, <=, >, and < perform toPrimitive with a hint of number
!!> +null
@KamilSolecki 0
But that's not what parseInt does
@MadaraUchiha we are doing another riddle
parseInt treats the first argument as string
@MadaraUchiha stahp
4 mins ago, by Rahul Jain
@MadaraUchiha parseInt(null, number greater than 23) isn't NaN why?
This one? ^
But null is treated differently in case of equality operators like == and ===
@MadaraUchiha no, the one I posted, with nulls
oh oh, I see... that makes sense
Ah with the >= and <=?
So inside == and this ===, null gets mangled to undefined
!!> null === undefined
@KamilSolecki false
Well in case of ==
Since obviously it won't in case of ===
yeah, true
!!> null == undefined
@KamilSolecki true
Here we go.
null==undefined is true but null===undefined isn't
because === does strict checking, while == doesn't
parseInt("a", 11) === 10
parseInt("b", 12)===11
parseInt("c", 13) === 12
Also my phone has just reached the temperature of 3 suns
lol, how?
Dunno, it's blazingly hot
!!> 683306015..toString(36)
@MadaraUchiha "batman"
You mean :Nutella
also, on a side note, Madara are you watching Violet Evergarden or Darling in the FranXX this season?
Nah, my anime game has weakened significantly
> bad madara
meh, normie pleb
I saw a challenge once on reddit
Where a guy would listen to every song he could find from X genre
Over the course of 2-3 years
I wanna do this with hip hop
There must be plenty underground stuff I'm still not aware of
Will Smith
Now this is a story all about how Kamil listens to Gettin' Jiggy Wit It
@ndugger Will Will Smith smith? Yes. Will Smith will smith.
@MadaraUchiha I don't want to do this but
... Yes. Smith will will smith*
Oh wait
I'm retarded
@MadaraUchiha you can also say Will smith Will smith?
Will will smith smith ?
@rukhta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Solve haversine formula for lon2 or lat2

spyrostheodoridisGiven the following haversine formula in Javascript could someone help me solve it for either lon2 or lat2 if all other parameters are known? E.g. solve for lon2 if lat2 is known (in addition to d, lon1, lat1) or vice versa (solve for lat2 if lon2 is known). Lat and lon are in degrees. var R = 6...

did he just make his math problem into code
so that it gets solved on SO
yeah pretty much :D
nice try, but they forgot the MCVE
i can't load an external file using ajax in cordova
i've been trying the CORS and keep failiing to load the file
can anyone help me ?
what error(s) are you getting?
i can't load the file because of a preflight thing
i'm in visual studio environment
the CORS settings on the server are probably wrong, but without the exact error, there's no way to be sure
Failed to load "fakeurl" Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:4400' is therefore not allowed access.
this is the precise error
i'm quite sure it is a client side error
the server isn't sending the CORS headers at all
I've set a header in the server side script
it is set in the connection file
what is going on?
well, it's not being sent to the client
I would start by making requests from postman or something you can see headers in
use that to figure out why the headers aren't being sent (or if they are and some bit of code is removing them...)
can i show you how i set the header in php?
or is it irrelevant?
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
this is it just a line of code in the connection file
and stop
that's all good and fine, but it's not making it to the client
there are many possible reasons, but I would start by replicating the requests
Linking to your own blog is actually fine, as long as you disclose that it is your blog. When the post does not attempt to answer the question otherwise, it is also spam. This should have been a comment if not for the promotional link. — ssube 19 secs ago
ugh, this person has a link to their blog in almost every post
@ssube to be fair, this would maybe sound better if you had showcased it as a link only answer
which it mostly is
(at least in my opinion)
it is a link-only answer, linking to their own blog
> However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers.
i know, and you did say it, but imho this might not carry that message to the reader
> This should have been a comment if not for the self-promotional link.
I raised a few spam flags on their answers
y-know, people can't read
mods can :)
I think he took the 'jumpstart your carreer with SO' that appears on the side bar too literally
I understand the temptation to blog about questions and cross-link, but it's not that hard to preface with "this interested me, so I wrote a blog post: linky"
I think that still isn't good: link rot is a thing; so one should quote the relevant pieces.
sure, link-only answers are poor on their own

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