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my work won't roll out the creators update
i want WSL :'(
I am locked out of .ssh
@Mosho Emergency root console?
can you access the servers root
I don't want to access root
@Mosho You gotta.
you dont ereally have a choice lol
I own the folder already
something is messed up
@Mosho Give it 700 chmod then
in WSL
@MadaraUchiha I did
still denied
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
can you access SSH at all
@MadaraUchiha I'll do that now
I stupido
What do you guys think of the new proposed context API for React?
i thought it wasnt advisable to use the context property
as that's what things like redux or flux are for
personally, I hate the idea of passing attributes through properties, as it makes code brittle
it's not advisable for people who aren't named dan abramov
because react-redux has been using it since day 1
@MadaraUchiha I stopped using context once I started keeping my state out of react’s hands, for the most part
@Hybridwebdev hate to break it to you, but redux uses react’s context api under the hood
Id say its better just to get in the habbit of using some sort of store, that way you never have to think about where your data comes from
And pass it to dumb components from containers as needed
@ndugger well yeah, thus provider...but it does it on the top level, so it's not the same as passing it through components
It is when 90% of devs connect every component, lol. Redux is a trash fire.
connecting almost every component is the right thing to do
trash fire
passing props through components is cancer
smart/dumb components is terminal cancer
Go away, critical thinker
@Mosho agree fully, because then it makes components reliant on other components which is majorly anti-pattern
@Hybridwebdev store = global variable
As is context, in the old API and this new one.
The real solution to most of those things is to allow for real DI in React.
to me from what i've learned so far, a component should fully live in its own world, obvlivious to any other component...if it doesn't function on its own, it's fundamentally broken
@MadaraUchiha well, I think for all intents and purposes context is real DI in react
You guys want to see an extremely cringey poem I wrote in 6th grade?
@Mosho Hardly. It can't live without the world being in a specific configuration.
That's not what DI is about.
DI is about your component not caring where it gets shit from, and not relying on it coming from anywhere. With this, your component is totally aware that it's connected to context
@ndugger yes
hand written or typed?
Please pin this
Actually please dont
I hate that font
For the love of god
@ndugger k
sounds like some v for vendetta shit
@Hybridwebdev I wrote this like 12 years ago, don’t criticize me
@MadaraUchiha so the DI is done into context, and not your component
who cares
the usage is the same
@Mosho You use something like <Language.Producer> at the top, and <Language.Consumer> at the bottom, yeah?
@ndugger sorry i meant no disrespect, just stating opinion :)
!!wow or subnautica
@ndugger I like the cute "you and me" part. My poems are even worse.
@William 12 year old me had a lot of angst
But you have to import { Language } from './somewhere';
That's when you're screwed.
i'll take that as the answer
@MadaraUchiha no you don't, and that has nothing to do with context
I haven't looked at it yet
11 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
What do you guys think of the new proposed context API for React?
I did ask about it specifically from the get go :D
<ThemeContext.Provider value={this.state.theme}> that seems retarded
@MadaraUchiha and, well, I don't think that defeats the point of DI
so you import the injector/consumer
not a big deal
yeah, it's coupled to react
but it's coupled to react anyway
I don't see the problem
@Mosho It is, with DI the component isn't supposed to be aware that it's being injected into
With this, it's aware, and coupled to a specific injector
and it matters because
Because now you can't use it without the same producer being present as an ancestor
Same problem w/ global variables, you now have to setup the world in a specific manner for tests to be possible.
you can have another one injecting whatever
@Mosho No, you can't, because both the producer and consumer are on the same, imported, object.
and maybe you can have nothing injected at all
That's the point
you mean they are "registered" into some global thingy
You createContext and it returns an object with both the Producer and Consumer components
does it have to be the same one
or just the same name
type Theme = 'light' | 'dark';
// Pass a default theme to ensure type correctness
const ThemeContext: Context<Theme> = React.createContext('light');

class ThemeToggler extends React.Component {
  state = {theme: 'light'};
  render() {
    return (
      // Pass the current context value to the Provider's `value` prop.
      // Changes are detected using strict comparison (Object.is)
      <ThemeContext.Provider value={this.state.theme}>
          onClick={() =>
            this.setState(state => ({
@Mosho Same instance
you sure?
@Mosho Read the RFC
you do have default context
The proposed API only allows for a consumer to read values from a single provider type, unlike the current API, which allows a consumer to read from an arbitrary number of provider types.

I don't like this, because it essentially means you're creating 1 huge reducer for a component, rather than segmenting things....tradeoff being readability
> Note that an arbitrary provider and arbitrary consumer cannot necessarily be used in conjunction, even if their value type is the same. They must be the result of the same createContext() call.
yeah ok
so yeah it's not DI
I guess they are aware of that
It's a fancy way to encapsulate global state
more wrapping of actual code in stuff
maybe i'm dumb, but reading that, i don't see much benefit from the current implementation

it seems geared more towards performance than it does towards clarity

over-optimization is never a good thing
Anyone still using crystal report? i have a quesiton
There is this old program that needs to revive but it is still in vb6. now im having a problem in dependencies, due to crystal report 13. I already installed cr13 but the dlls still not available.
@Hybridwebdev The real problem here is that you're relying on global state.
It's the same problem the old context had, and the same problem redux has, and the same problem that flux has.
@MadaraUchiha but the very nature of react is that it relies on global state...I don't see how there's a way around that, no matter how you look at it

As soon as you start relying on data exterior to a component, class or any other encaspulation, you're relying on globals...that's how programming works
@Hybridwebdev What do you mean? In its core, React does not rely on globals
@MadaraUchiha hmm, as opposed to what
You pass props, and react outputs DOM.
@Mosho DI
you still have state somewhere
or do you mean
just globals
@Mosho Sure, but it's not magically accessible out there in the aether
not app state
@KevinB where should i put a base down there? ILZ? Lost River?
You can't just import {actions} from './somewhere' and fire it
You ask for it in your props, and you get it
Either directly from your caller, or from DI
But no globals.
Shared objects/stores? Sure. But I don't want to import things
you said global state
it triggered me
Right, bedtime for me
but state is global
any data derived from methods exterior to a constructs encapsulation is in fact global
Beit a class, or any other means of encaspulation
I'll be happy to continue this discussion tomorrow, it's actually interesting.
Night :)
I found the best way
import actions from './actions';

class Component {
	actions = actions;
@Mosho that's global
but it's also injectable
your code is "only" coupled to that file
of course, which means it's reusable....that's kinda the tradeoff, with the caveat being it becomes global
not the code
it saves you from using DI which has a little overhead but you can still inject for tests
I as well have to go, however this conversation is enjoyable for me as well
yeah I'm touching myself over here
@Luggage i have no idea, and don't know the difference between the two, :p
i dipped my toe down there last night, just long enough to get some kyanite and then went back to the surface
saw the sea dragon
between lost river and the loava zone? was is deeper and red everywhere
yea, i saw him down there.
i kept to the right wall
left the cyclops in a "safe" place then explored a little with the prawn
the lava lizards are bastards
really, i'm looking for a profitable place to put a scanner room
or maybe i should do a base right at the limit of a seamoth accessibility
use just the link and it'll show the description
Then it takes up the whole page
on my laptop
My keyboard has a snake game
your keyboard on phone , laptop, tablet?
for Gaming when your motherboard won't POST
@William external keyboard
link? to what you mean
Similar to this
not the same keyboard though
yeah i'm not gonna build a base down there. I went back to the surface with ~ 14 kyanite, which i think is enough to make all the important stuff including a thermal generator for my cyclops so it can sit at the bottom of the ALZ to generate power and be away from the dragon
next trip down there i'll go a bit deeper. I was a bit surprised at how low the visibility down there was
The cove tree would probably be the best location though, just make sure a moonpool is high enough that a seamoth can enter it
so that you can easily ferry materials to and from the main base using the seamoth
it's a pain getting the cyclops in and out of the river
@Tavo What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the lik
i mean good morning
@david everyone knows the secrets now thanks to video games
@david Don't blame me if you get flagged
@ShrekOverflow it's a risk sure, but seeing as ndugger isn't here to freak out i felt like i had to step up to the plate
@david yeah, but can you knit?
@david Just curious how did the migration go/ is going with the recent feature changes? (And finally stabalization)
o_O i do not understand the knitting reference
@ShrekOverflow I've moved to a different project, and someone else is handling the auth0 stuff on this one
I know he is doing... something, to bring us up to date
but I haven't really been following
I think he might be moving back to lock?
have there been major feature changes recently?
not really
we just deprecatd the legacy
and its all OIDC complaint now
even the embedded login
@david never mind. very obscure reference. If you really want to know: google.com.sg/…
ahhh, that's probably what has caused him to look at it... I think we're still on the legacy stuff
our node modules are also horribly out of date >< i think they have vulnerabilities or something
Please feel free to reach out to us
at any time :P
we're not doing things right at all
thanks, i will do
also are you guys using we-chat by chance ?
some people do
no. It's very popular in this region though
i think it's mainly the dudes/girls from china
seems to be bigger over there
yep. Even here
@david no in the Auth0 integration
uhm... probably not?
like 2 factor stuff?
like wechat social / OAuth 2
Weird enough they do the entire OAuth protocol in GET requests :|
an interesting choice
in java, can you declare a method abstract in a class that inherits from a class that implements an abstract method with the same name that extend an abstract class?
@Mosho this is not the Java Room :troll:
just want to see what people's instincts are
abstract class Foo
  abstract void wat();

class Bar extends Foo
  void wat() {

abstract class Baz extends Bar
  abstract void wat();

class Wat extends Baz
  void wat() {
installing 16 GB Ram to open eclipse
would this work
without trying, of course
Java is annoying in my opinion
that's the point
!!will that work?
@ShrekOverflow Not at all
even caprica thinks no
but i guess it'll?
why do you think it will?
win.location.hash.slice( 1 ).split( '&' ).reduce(( data, current ) => {
			let [key, value] = current.split('=');
			data[ key ] = value;
			return data;
		}, Object.create( null ));
is there any smarter way to do this?
like making an object from a hash of #foo=blah&game=lost
@Mosho no idea, NotEnoughJava error
I think it'll let you
@jAndy new URLSearchParams(location.search)
no search, hash
hm.. does it make a difference tho
ah, missed that
might need to replace the # with a ? at the front?
or just remove it
hm no, doesn't work sadly
but .. good call anyways
it seems to work when i tried
how so
new URLSearchParams(location.hash.replace('#', '?'))
returns an empty object for me
yeah it's a sneaky object that hides all its bits
need to do [...x.entries()] or something
or query it directly with .get or .has
yeah it's a little fucky
i only just discovered it a minute ago though
might want to check support too
!!>JSON.stringify([...new URLSearchParams('foo=blah&game=lost').entries()])
@david "ReferenceError: URLSearchParams is not defined"
yeah it seems to have the entries
support seems pretty okay too, nice one
@jAndy JSON.parse({"${hash.replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g, '":"')}"})
I win
oh boy
I guess... that is so glorious and ugly at the same time, has to win
actually it's missing some backticks
how do I escape backticks here
JSON.parse(`{"${hash.replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g, '":"')}"}`)
I found something so obscure in the .NET regex engine I'd say it's not a stretch that I'm the first one who's ever encountered it.
I think I just found the reason for it in the source code
This is so bizarre
broccoli gives me gas
I'm trying to post this to an mvc controller but it keeps giving me an invalid primative json error
@jgabb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Esso gives me gas
really? I have to pay :(
Oh I do too
can anyone help me out with the above question?
    setTimeout(async function number(){
      var data = await randNumber();

        if (config.data.datasets.length > 0) {
            var month = MONTHS[config.data.labels.length % MONTHS.length];

            config.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {

    }, 1000);
Im using this to make a call every 1000 miliseconds but it doesnt work any reason as to why?
I was told not to use that
But instead use recursion
oh I see
But for some weird reason it doesnt pause for 1 second
then after 1 second that function would be called a lot more than every 1 second
That doesnt make sense
what doesn't
It would call itself alot
Because if it did it would still have a 1 second delay
SOrry i understand now
how do i do the settimeout outside of the function though?
instead of number() try setTimeout(number, 100)
that's a good start
I didnt know it could take that as a parameter
that's what your first setTimeout does
why is there a setTimeout at all?
he doesn't want to use setInterval
It still doesnt work
Ok I fixed it
(async function number() {
    await randNumber();
unless you need to offset the whole thing for one second once for some weird reason
Question: I assumed that since number is a function you would want to call it as number() not: number. Why is it this?
@jAndy he wants it to happen every 1 second
@Hooga you're not calling it when you do setTimeout(number, 1000)
I fixed it, it's working now after adding setTimeout(number, 1000);
then you have to call setTimeout( number, 1000 ); anyways
it will be called in 1 second
by the runtime
(the browser)
@ShrekOverflow Ahah, turns out I've just been put back on auth0 stuff
How do you stop the setTimeout?
cancelTimeout, IIRC
Yes I am aware of clearTimeout but what if you want both mapped ot diffrent buttons
I call the function and it says its not defined
        document.getElementById('activate').addEventListener('click', function (){

            setTimeout(async function number(){
              var data = await randNumber();

                if (config.data.datasets.length > 0) {
                    var month = MONTHS[config.data.labels.length % MONTHS.length];

                    config.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {
nvm fixed
Why most stackoverflow's rooms are abandoned?
because it's 9pm cst
they probably got filled with vampires
and didn't have the garlic levels of room 17 to protect them
this room is a lot more active ~ 12 hours from now
@KendallFrey s/cancel/clear/
I have not learned anything from the fate of the degassi and accidentally brought a reaper leviathan within sight of my home.
well... from one of the pods we got on the floating islands, you can infer what happened
Guys need your help!
Lets say I have an array A
now A[0] would give me value of first element
I want to do something like
A[0].AlertIndex() should give me an alertbox saying "Index is at 0"
A[8].AlertIndex() should give me an alertbox saying "Index is at 8"
how can I accomplish something like that?
with some really ugly code
yea its one of these riddles I am trying to do and not real production application :)
depending on what A[0] contains it may not even be possible.
its an array of integers
definitely possible, and not all that difficult. but very stupid
and, again, dependant on what exactly the array contains
can you shed some light into your thought process.
I can pick it up from there
assuming it's an array of unique numbers, you'd simply add the method to the number prototype and have it look directly at A to find the index
I got this feeling there must be a built in way in js to get the indexer using prototype or something
there isn't one
once you get to the number, there's no reference to the array
yea that would work if numbers are unique like you said
also assuming these numbers are plain values
A proxy would let you do it too
@david, I thought about proxy solution too but I think I will have to do some initialization in constructor?
This appending code doesn't work with me
 $('.list-group').append("<ul> <li class='list-group-item'>comment</li> </ul>");
@wenn32 const A = new Proxy([], {get: (that, item) => ({AlertIndex: () => alert('Index is at ' + item)})});
comment comment is a var
no it's not
it's in a string
it will just come out as 'comment'
is that what is happening?
when you say 'it doesn't work with me'
@david okay it works when comment is a variable
I changed my code to
 $('.list-group').append("<li class='list-group-item'>+comment+</li>");
no it doesn't
cos you're missing some of these: "
it doesn't work when comment is a variable
so comment should be?
@JavaFan David means $('.list-group').append("<li class='list-group-item'>"+comment+"</li>");
i don't really follow you, so i'm going to paste a link to a question that might help
@David thanks bro didn't knew there was a proxy
you are great
@wenn32 just as long as you don't want to use it as an actual array
@david got it :)
@david could it be solved without gotonode function?
@wenn32 It didn't work
hi every body ,can anybody suggest me a good JavaScript book?
@HamedJavaheri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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