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@ssube @KamilSolecki , Many Thanks, I used const myArr and it worked, Silly mistake
My experience with docker so far has been interesting
@Cereal Dokku is pretty fun
@Cereal Don't include your node_modules in your stage
Count Dokku is my favorite sith lord
It's not, it's building ruby from source
That's worse because it has Ruby in it
Listen here, you
Ruby is a gift to humanity
Rails is kind of like the romans
In that they nailed the gift to a cross
ruby has all the same problems rails does
it did most of them first
there is no difference
Ruby sounds hot
ruby is beautiful ssube is elitist
@BenFortune she is
Javascript has all the same problems jquery does
it did most of them first
ruby makes your processor hot
(not really, it's too slow for that)
I forgot ssube codes in assembly
not in a while :P
But all the monkey patching problems of ruby can be avoided by not monkey patching
I'm pretty disgusted whenever I come across a library that monkey patches the standard library
Like fuck off
One of the reasons I don't like rails
sure, but you still have an overcrowded parser with consistency issues between things like strings and symbols, which shouldn't even be different
But all the startups use ruby so it must be good /s
i.imgur.com/l0ezklP.gifv @ssube @rlemon flawless
Symbols share memory, strings don't
some languages have an interesting basis, like Lua's tables or Go's async, some don't
You can actually freeze strings for the same effect
Also good morning
I don't know a lot of the backend of ruby. I just know it's a pleasure to work in
why are you worried about managing the underlying memory of strings in a "high level" language? :(
none of the abstraction was well thought out and it's leaky af
fite me
@SterlingArcher I thought the snow was important, but I was wrong
I like the speed they approached at. That's a person who doesn't believe in failure.
But failure believed in him
Oh boy did it ever
I know ndugger posted this the other day, but I think we should make it our poem of the day:
I knew nick was towc's sock
I wrote it in 6th grade. Give me a break, bros
that was a fabulous time to pop in
I think your the worlds greatest @ndugger I don't mean anything about it
If I could tag users in here, I'd tag you as the greatest warrior
alright I'll respect your shame
> [Info] Build took 29 minutes and 1 second
Hopefully this image cache thing works
@ndugger Sailing across the sea with gold... is for poor people?
I ordered the wrong size SD cards from my new rpi, too. :(
I thought it was a micro with an adapter, but it was just a fat one
@Vap0r don’t say my things
You don’t deserve poor people
Aww nick is a poet
Nick Is a Poet \
I wish he wouldn't show it
@SterlingArcher they're not yours, but you can have them
poor people are for poor people
Stop saying my things 😡
^ poor person
@SterlingArcher awww motherfucker lmao
Clam down scary terry’s mom
I sure will
@SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=xu4YQ0XZFVM haha, jesus christ
Now that's security
None of you are the world’s greatest
My passwords expire every 24 minutes
Every time work forces me to change my password, I make it less secure
This is Office365. They also offer TFA, but then nothing works anymore
Well, only login doesn't work anymore
@ndugger when I hear you say those words, evil runs and hides from your ships, so it must be true
Office365 kept telling me I didn't have a license for it
lastpass is the way
@Cereal hahaha yup that's what I do too
@Cereal That's expected. You need to wait 72hours for stuff to sync
No, like, in the middle of a school year
I'd be writing notes in onenote
and it would just.. wouldn't sync anymore because it thought I didn't have a license
With everything that is shitty with O365, it's your fault for not expecting it
It did this multiple times. I've grown to hate office products
Man's not hot
That screenshot sums up my O365 experience
One note is the worst way to do anything. We use it at target, and I’d homestly rather use a bunch of word docs instead
@Mosho till they get hacked again lol
@towc : Trying #298156
@ssube what is the way?
@OliverSalzburg a clean and proper experience?
@ssube even if that happened, they'd have to get hold of my phone as well
I can't remember a million passwords. And after enough resets my password security goes down
safe enough for me
@KarelG Waiting
The worst is "you can't use your last 3 passwords"
if someone wants my passwords that bad, they can have them
So I just reset it 3 times to bullshit and then finally use the password I wanted
@Mosho "safe enough for me" aka "We don't need SSL, we're not a bank, you know?"
i just stop using that
I always get SSL
because I hate the red tag in chrome
security is a nice side-effect
That was a quote I often heard from clients who didn't see the need for transport layer encryption
Or when they can't access FairManager through their proxy, because it can't MITM with our TLS settings
I know some of these words
oh FairManager is where you work right
I hope lets encrypt actually emails me about my certs expiring this time
fairmanager.de/en not working for me :X
god damn it, it's building the ruby source again
This docker shit is garbage
layer caching
also, use prebuilt images for stuff like ruby
morning everyone. Interview questions were annoying.
@Mosho Right
I'm trying to use resin.io, which has its own image
@Mosho Yes. We suck
And I'm not sure the ruby image would work on a rpi
Only German available ATM
I guess I could try
images generally work anywhere
the kernel has to be close enough
@OliverSalzburg don't redirect me then :P
I would if that would break any of the resin.io functionality
is resin just a container or is it the OS too?
@Mosho Yeah, I reported that to the relevant department ages ago >:(
also, some links are in german and lead to /de pages :X
It's the OS too
It's just a modified raspbian afaik
I'm not even sure it's modified
@Mosho It's a mess. We currently don't target non-German apparently. We outsourced the entire website and I don't touch it anymore since then
I had a nice static site generator thing previously and now it's Wordpress
Fuck it
aren't you the CTO
I am
The website is marketing, which is not one of my duties anymore
CTGo fire them
outsourcing is a bitch
at least if outsourced to a certain country
Well, it looks better. When you can open it ;P
It's outsourced to a different company in Germany
That other company is not the world’s greatest
The kind where when you ask "What kind of server do you need for the website?" they answer "It needs to have PHP"
> Oh, you know, whatever. Just make sure it can run XAMPP
I wonder who they outsource to
I had a conversation with someone the other day who didn't understand that I was writing html by hand
Nah, they're cool. We could have never made anything that looks good in the given budget. If you want something nice and affordable, you can't have 5-star quality under the hood
He asked me what program I used to make the pages, and I just said an editor
and he said he didn't understand
@Mosho the even further part of germany
I'm sorry
I have a bad joke to make
ha ha (good joke actually)
but I won't
because I am an adult
with self-control
@OliverSalzburg a car that looks good is not really good if it is shit under the hood
Do it
This messed me up a bit lol
Make the joke
@Mosho will you let it to hurt you internally then?>
@KarelG Tell that to the Pimp my Ride guys
I have a huge capacity for internal pain
but hey
sometimes they upgrade the engine too
And we wouldn't pay double just to make sure the site is not built with jQuery, because, nobody other than devs actually cares
yeah fuck the devs
would not mind that if it came from a female
You’d have to pay me double to actually use jquery
@ndugger I like that :D
I’m not for sale
but he is for sail tho
you'd sell out for a bag of memes
Oh no, michael saw my poem
it was beautiful 10/10 would cry again
You’re not the world’s greatest
@hilli_micha 5/7 know your memes bruh
@FélixGagnon-Grenier A+++++ shit poster
Reporting for duty, sir!
How do you assert if something is a class?
Do french canadians go poop in toilets?
In Chai/Expect
er... yeah? where else?
So my boat needed some minor work on it and the repair shop called me just now with an estimate of $321. Is my boat memeing on me?
do you use your boat to bring gold for the poor?
@hilli_micha You have a boat? Pics?
no. being poor is for poor people
that boat is a miniature version of a fisherman boat
@hilli_micha you have a boat, in Orlando?
Where do you use it?
Also boats are for rich people
We had this discussion before, remember? lol
Oh shit we did
I plead the mints
There is a big chain of lakes in Orlando and we're taking it to Tampa in the Spring
Nothing special, but it's fun.
That boat is not the world’s greatest
Yeah, goofy brand name.
Nice boat
bimini top looks clean too
I hate the bimini top though, I'm getting a Hard-T top when I can.
they fucking hide from the ships
@hilli_micha Nice
I think they just hide from michael because he’s the ugliest boy in town
@hilli_micha Hate for a bimini top is natural and comes with boat ownership.
The T-Top is nice, should probably cost you quite a few thousand though
I've got parts and labor at 2k right now.
@hilli_micha your neighbor across the street has a better front garden.
> He's here. He's you and me
Oh boy it'll be a sad day when that doesn't make me laugh
Neighbor across the street is an older lady who spends a lot of time on her yard, I do not.
lol front garden
brb trimming my front garden
This is why I burnt all my school work
my back garden could use some work too
Haters make me famous
@hilli_micha that is cheap!
@ndugger no weapons but your speech here bruh
Indeed. I'm surprised my current work didn't come in at $600+ anything boating related is obnoxiously expensive.
But I guess the guy feels bad for how ugly I am so he gave me an 'ugliest boy in town' discount
Too many memes before 8
I’m not even up yet
get a real time zone
Your time zone is not the world’s greatest

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