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But the path is the exact same path given to the route objects, which is relative to the parent route.
@Shmiddty yeah but that doesn't re-render a virtualized feed
<Link to= however, doesn't support relative URLs.
@corvid forceUpdate
Exists for this use case
@MadaraUchiha I might be misunderstanding, if you have the parent route and the subroutes, why is that a relative url?
For example.. On the window resize event you want to re-render the component. Add an event listener for resize and call this.forceUpdate()
^ Bad example unless you throttle it. Resize happens a shit load lol
@SterlingArcher Right, I need to build the URL from all the parts (I have 3 layers of nested routes), then, on top of that, iterate the subroutes and add them to the result
the fan in my case keeps ramping up while idle
Which means that I need to deal with whether or not I have trailing slashes or not in my routes, for example.
That does sound messy
Make a function that checks for a trailing slash by doing an includes on the subroute to the parent route?
Extra slashes won't affect anything
What I would have expected is something like each route having an ID, and then doing ReactRouter.buildUrl(priceTargetId, {symbol: 'aapl'});
Meh, maybe in Router it will.
But I haven't found anything like that.
As it stands, I have to manipulate strings, and I hate manipulating strings.
Seems like a decent main question @MadaraUchiha I'm afraid I can't help here
sorry bro
@MadaraUchiha manipulating strings is my fetish
@KendallFrey don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure it's not that thin
@rlemon something something tiny vibrating strings
cat gifs make me want to pour root beer into my eyes
i have a gif of a cat doing that, one sec
yeah, the hot new meme is sloth gifs. Get out of '04 dude
next week it's people dying from the volcanic eruption in pompeii
@MadaraUchiha why use React Router at all?
I wish sloth memes had been a little quicker
It's kind like Redux. Everyone loved it and then everyone realized it was trash
shakes head
@hilli_micha get with the times bro
@SterlingArcher Nah nah, you're just seeing the flash point dude.
@Jhoverit Existing infrastructure
Fair enough
The flash is a stupid superhero
Always messing up time
shit gets too complicated
you take that back or he'll punch you really fast
and then run away
Flash is actually worse than Aquaman imo
Couldn't you always trim('/')
at least you don't have to see his ugly face while he's moving
And basically have what you need
whooo you can run really fast, get a real super power you fuckin' nerd
@hilli_micha that's half the cast of Injustice 2
<Link to={router.path.trim('/') + '/myRelativePath'}
To be fair, getting punched at the speed of light is sure to hurt a bit
the Flash, Snart the cold guy, Hymen and his buddy the atomic guy
I mean have you ever been slapped out of a moving car? Shit hurts
Sucks either way yea
@SterlingArcher no, the nerves will be destroyed faster than the pain signal can propogate
@SterlingArcher slapped so hard you fall out of a car or slapped by someone in a car?
so, yay
@ssube Also, GREEN ARROW, literally Generic Hawk Eye
because yes lol
@Luggage touche
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/7xQmAkG.jpg
@hilli_micha I bet he has a trust fund too
@ssube the latter
@hilli_micha At least green arrow never had to have superman cut his arm off
that douchey hair and whining
@rlemon lol
they got that part right from the show (where he does)
Or am I remembering wrong?
I feel like if DC didn't have Batman, they wouuldn't exist.
@hilli_micha did you see the 19th century batman that just came out
I feel like if Batman went to therapy there would have been no batman
Fucking lit. Rated R
DC comics: less interesting than DC current
@Jhoverit Gotham by Gaslight?
Me and that girl watched it last night. Pretty damn good
Sucks these days we have to resort to cartoons to get serious superhero movies
I want to watch the Killing joke
I shut off the new Thor like 20mins in :(
I heard it's incredible
@SterlingArcher it is really good
KimCartoon has them ALL fyi
To be fair.. Batman Animated movies have typically quite good, starting with the movies that came out of the animated series.
> has never went to oovoo javer
@SterlingArcher some new ones with Adam West and Burt Ward came out too and they are fucking awesome
Batman vs Two Face and another one I forget
but even post animated series, Under the Red Hood was another good one
Q: Reloading es6 class

PerryIm trying to load an external javascript, do some work with it, delete it and load it back again. But I´m having problems and maybe someone can help me understand why. Here is an example of an external script to be loaded: class ClassA { constructor() { console.log("ClassA object cr...

is this possible?
I don't think it is
There's a 3 movie series out with new Robin and Nightwing etc too
Didn't nightwing bang Harley quinn?
You can load in a new script and replace existing varaibles (like a class constructor)
think webpack hot-reload
@SterlingArcher Yea on Batman and Harley Quinn lol
Somebody else did too
I really wanted to like animated "The Killing Joke' that came out a couple of years ago, but the beginning sequence was painfully awkward and didn't even happen in the original comic..
@BenFortune lol man if i were killed by any of these I'd report them for hacking
Killed it from the start for me..
I liked The Watchmen movie from several years ago.
In order... Son of Batman, Batman vs Robin, Batman: Bad Blood were pretty decent too
Less adult tho
watchmen was like 7/10, and it was too long
the sex was creepy too
I haven't liked any non-animated super hero movie since Hulk
good effects tho
thor ragnorak was good
Everything is just a painfully silly joke, chaacters don't stay in character for more than 3min lol
@ndugger I agree, it was good, but it was way too long..
@Cereal I shut that off less than 25min into it, too painfully silly
the Thor and Captain America movies were solidly post-shark
Definitely silly
it was meh
I watch movies for entertainment tho
like why? they weren't super heroes, just emo kids
that's all movies
i mean
I didn't mind the corny jokes
it just wasn't that great of a movie
The last Marvel movie I saw was Doctor Strange and I liked it, but Disney/Marvel are pumping out movies so fast, I can't be bothered to try and keep up anymore.
I couldn't name a movie I thought was bad
@hilli_micha That was actually decent
ohh, big surprised. rlemon liking corny jokes.
it's nice that the uncommon heroes get decent movies
But yea they're just going for scene-by-scene movies now. No plots to keep track of
In Gotham by Gaslight I was on the edge of my couch trying to figure out who tf Jack the Ripper was
@hilli_micha listen here, michael. You watch those movies, or I'm going to downvote you on stackoverflow. This wave of marvel movies is the best thing to have ever happened in hollywood
A: On Jquery append() or prepend() how to make sure existing elements in the div aren't pushed below

Rakesh Rudracheck bellow URL demo. it might help Demo: http://www.w3house.info/user/fiddel/nP5CbpeE/Append--content-inside-content--infinitely-using-jquery

the games tend to be all second string heroes, so those have some variety even if they aren't good
wtf is w3house
really shitty jsfiddle?
@Jhoverit Definitely
@ndugger Every time you link that video, it gets too real for me.
The latest game of thrones season was literally jsut random scenes glued together
They knew about my crippling case of ugly
@KevinB fiddel
I also didn't make it through the newest justice league
yup, game of thrones has 'gone bad'. someone should have refrigerated it
Those guys had never acted in their lives from the feel of it
@KevinB that guy has two answers on one question stackoverflow.com/questions/19390005/…
@Cereal I was pissed by the most recent season because it literally ended where we started.
Nothing, in terms of progress, happened.
Somebody told me The Flash character reminded them of me so I vowed to change my entire life because wow...
There was 2 good episodes with the dragons, but most of it was boring and dry and stagnant
you didn't enjoy the floppy weiners?
The Dragon and the Wall were the only interesting things, I agree, but still, that's what, 2 feet of movement given where the season started?
Season didn't have floppy weiners
I checked.
South Park's Game of Thrones story arc is my favorite modern SP
are we talking about the GoT south park reference?
and it focuses heavily on the floppy weiners
Ah, I haven't watched South Park in years.
@ssube You just helped me get the joke
@SterlingArcher Kenny gets to be a real princess
I don't watch GoT ever but I've seen the SP
dammit micahel, can't you do anything?
I can disappoint everyone in my life.
@KevinB lol
michael james vincent, you go to your room
@Jhoverit SP is a good summary of GoT s01-05
I don't have a room!
and by then there are armies and dragons, so you can jump right in
just remember that Bill Gates is the red haired shadow baby witch lady
james and the giant peach had more suspense than the past season of GoT
guys what is the better to route url should i use express routing or switch statement
james and the giant peach is fucking terrifying
@alen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@alen you probably want something to parse the URLs, at least
@alen use the express routing, it is much cleaner and you can split files nicely
GoT is kind of channeling Harry Potter movies and changing a little bit too much from the source material.
express routing is good, if it's too much, npmjs.com/package/url-pattern is a great lib
shameless plug
no, use mine
because I'm really cool and everyone loves me
except for luggage
Redshirt, does that refer to Target Employee Uniforms?
He's lying, he even has to take pills to love himself.
I need to make a "khakis" library next
i dont think Jake from State Farm will like that
but no, I made that router long before I came to work for Target
@hilli_micha I mean, this is true
capsulized serotonin makes me want to live
@ndugger nice ill try it
It's pretty good stuff
That review may be biased
I actively maintain "redhsirt", as I use it in personal projects of mine
so don't be afraid to submit issues if you choose to use it
@ndugger who tf wants to live?
Spoiler: not me
now I want to listen to Queen
@SterlingArcher imgur.com/gallery/W0SgN
@rlemon read that this morning lol #LilLunatic
sounds like a story you'd be able to tell
@BenFortune lmao
@BenFortune lol awesome
@BenFortune sweet
> That was his exit apparently
little car don't give a fuck
@rlemon nah, nothing that crazy thank god
I keep losing track of what mode I'm in in vim
cba to look down
I have react ssr / webpack...
@BenFortune lewl nice
anyone have a clue?
am using some async functions, but no promises...
@Develoger async functions return promises
wow lyricshot.net/toothgrinder-the-shadow-lyrics.html these lyrics are actually kind of intense
Promises wrap in async @Develoger
TL Dr it's something about your import
@Mosho why do you think vim users reflexively hit escape a bunch of times after everything?
await foo().catch(error => console.log(error)); ?
nobody remembers, you just esc esc esc
@Develoger why would you combine async/await and .catch()? Use a try/catch like normal person
@Develoger try { await foo(); } catch (err) { console.log(err); }
@Develoger it would also be nice if you threw the error on the resource import. And yeah try catch
omg try and catch
ban him
he broke the chain
On the subject of filler words... I am fine with "uhh" and "umm" now, just stop making train noises
damn I did not knew the rules!
This guy keeps going "choo choo choo choo"
Maybe it's "ch" "ch"
huh, there's no immediate way of setting the timezone of a date
Mr Chooch there's children on the tracks
you can get it, but not set it, unlike just about anything else on Date
tested some code on my laptop and it worked as expected because timezone was as expected, but didn't run according to plan on the rpi, because different locale
@towc if you're working with timezones use moment.js
I think they have an extensive timezone lib
it's just this one thing actually
I might be a js developer, but I'm not that js developer
time should be metric
huh, /.vscode/ftp-sync.json is in my repeated failed request list
@Webster I agree, and so did the french (very briefly)
I didn't know vscode did ftp sync, much less that people uploaded their settings
@SterlingArcher the courage on that horse though
@SterlingArcher she ded
so is the horse
those things are heavy
once a horse flips over, it can't get up
like fish
I'm not a fish
@Luggage like a turtle, or bender?
@Webster time should be measured in songs exclusively
@SterlingArcher now, pair that with this youtube.com/watch?v=4gO7uemm6Yo
the whole "I'm not a fish" thing came from a video of some guy trolling some foreign guy on Second Life
@SterlingArcher oooooooh boy
I find great enjoyment out of people making furries and other weird weebs mad on second life
man, I think it's about time to re-watch MASH
@rlemon hahahaha
such a good show
Hogan's Heroes > MASH
MASH is the shit
you're wrong
you can tell they kept their foot on the pedal too
how does that conversation go with the insurance company?
what a snipe
like, "sir you've hit 17 cars, your license is gone, your car is gone, your job is thinking about it, and we're here for your house..."
reversed and sped up, actually not his fault, 1 bump then richochetting
Wait holy shit this isn't hangouts i can't say that
First use of death penalty for property damage
that's a good friend right there
you're going to want to let me hold that drink
dude's spine rippled
he's gonna need some phys therapy after that
but he'll have a beverage

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