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look up lambda calculus
you just summoned towc
meeh tomato tomato
@SterlingArcher Nah, you need to say "lambda calculus" two more times for that
that expression doesn't work in text form
lambda calculus
lambda towculus
Also, what I would have wanted is that this would work: (err, value) => err ? throw err : value
But throw is not an expression
function(){throw err;}()
kind of like ruby's return if?
or whatever language it is
@ndugger Yeah
The efficiently would be negligible, but nextTick does hold a higher efficiency because Promises create 2 and throws away one, but tbh I've never used nextTick to handle async behavior and I don't really know too many who do. I'll have to do some more research — Sterling Archer 6 secs ago
@Luggage Yeah, but that sucks
of course
Can anybody weigh in here? My research says process.nextTick is more efficient than await and they do the same thing, but I never see people sync to the next event loop to handle async method calls
IIFE inside a ternary should be a fire-able offense
IIFE should be a fireable offense. We have just straight up closures now
@Luggage murder-able*
and modules
IIFEs are for jQuery enthusiasts and php pros
@ndugger don't you know that the p in php both stand for "pro"?
pro ho pro
pro hytertext pro
@pfMusk Please don't use process.nextTick for this. Just make the function async and use await, you-in-6-months would thank you. — Madara Uchiha ♦ 15 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha for my learning benefit: why?
If nextTick is more faster, why not?
more faster? ok J
jordan is more faster than a cheetah
I think you mean a cheeto
@SterlingArcher Because it's a terrible fucking idea. You can't wait for it (callbacks), you lose stack traces (and all ability to handle errors) if it throws, etc.
yes, a puffy cheeto
Ahhhh there's the kicker
I didn't know you lost the stack trace and callbacks
Awww :(
@SterlingArcher Benji will be able to tell you all about it. But basically, with await, you get a full async stack-trace
That means that even though the code before await could have executed seconds ago, and other code may have executed while you were waiting, it will still appear in a stack trace, similar to how it would have been if the code were sync.
So basically it's faster sure, but wtf is the point if you can't have the natural async loop
guys I need a variable name
@corvid x
@corvid 💩
What would you call a component that loads data and displays it as either a list or a tile view, and handles infinite loading?
<KitchenSink />
@corvid "Fat"
Last one: <ListMcTileface />
my name <Jeff />
@KevinB o/
i haven't hit rep cap in a few days
Q: Problems while installing same app with different package name


I'm crying
that's a dank Q
hello sir
what's that
I love how hello sir is in bold
Bobert lol
lmao Jobert
hahahaha i forgot about that
Oh shit @rlemon playstation.com/en-us/games/doom-vfr-ps4 Doom is coming to VR
@ndugger Please stop.
who's the jerk moderator deleting the comments?
Is it Madara?
It is
It is
@MadaraUchiha do mods not close questions?
welp, time to CV now that the fun times were taken away
mods are exception handlers
closing questions isn't an exception
@rlemon It'll get closed soon enough, and I want to share the link with friends for giggles before it's deleted
haha losers he kept mine
she looks so happy with herself
way too happy lol
@SterlingArcher also dude that's been out since November for PC 😋
Yah but PC is gonna run me like $2000+ lol
Especially because monitors are fucking expensive
I think I'm leaning PS4 Pro and VR bundle
how often do you have to buy a new monitor
2000+ no way
you're just looking at highend stuff
@Loktar dude this BenQ monitor is like $800 for a 32" 4k
I spent $1700 on just the tower alone for mine, and this was like a year ago. the GTX 1080 is like up $200 from when I bought it
why do you need a 32" 4k?
I'm a high end man lol
Why don't you need a 32" 4k?
If you're pairing that 32" 4k with Windows, you're going to have a bad time.
32" for a computer monitor?!
I have a 27" 2.5k like a normal human being
my eyes would explode
How else am I supposed to beat those damn russians at CSGO?!
well a PS4 can't even play PSGO OR CSGO
By playing it 4:3 at 1024x768, like the real players dol
so you're taking a huge downgrade for the sake of money
that's not being a high end man just sayin
@KevinB LMAO
@rlemon lmfao
24" master race
lol the pspro seems fine though but ultimately you're at the mercy of the console which is the only downside
@Cereal size doesn't matter
for example many games support 4k on the psgo, but run at 30fps and dip lower
@BenFortune That's not what your mom said
you have the option to run at 1080 at 60fps
console to me seems like a waste of $$
Consoles are pretty good value
I mean I like consoles for sure only because of exclusives though
@Cereal You motherfucker
400 pucks for a capable gaming system
@BenFortune That is the definition, yes, one who fucks mothers. Very apt. Cheers!
consoles are good because ease of entry, a lot harder for kids to mess up
@Loktar I don't know why I have so much trouble justifying a PC
I'm just scared I'll spend all that money and discover I don't have friends to play with
@SterlingArcher maybe because you wont play games much
and if that's the case, then don't
Because you'll play 2 games to justify it and then it'll collect dust?
I play too much VR chat
Also yes
Seems like you should spend that 2k on hair products.
I have to fuck with settings with like.. every game I've everp layed on PC
Hey don't joke around about my hair
I don't ever joke.
I bought my 3dsxl for pokemon and haven't touched it for about 2 years
So I'd say for lower cost + not having to do that, means consoles are pretty good
@Cereal same, I just have to crank them all to ultra
I think a PS4 is the move here
Is VR also the move?
If you have nvidia, the drivers will fix the settings for you
super high end PC + star wars battlefront + thin mints = one hell of a good time
except that it always sets games into fullscreen mode
and fullscreen mode sucks
..I wonder what a Runescape power session would be on thin mints
@SterlingArcher try hallucinogens, then you don't need a console OR a computer
Honestly, after having thin mints, I usually just run around in the forest, staring at the foliage. It looks so real
RS Old School, not that new garbage. I want 3 hours of sweet midi tunes.
@SterlingArcher you should see if there is anywhere you can try it
Making some changes to a 4 year old system. I was fucking retarded 4 years ago. Why the fuck did I do any of this like this
and don't buy it at Gamestop (PSVR I mean)
they wont let you return it
@Loktar that's a really good idea
Most of my code I wrote even just a year ago makes me cringe
I'll check best buy and see if they have a VR station
i'm writing code right now and cringing
def get it through Amazon, not that you were even thinking GS just putting it out there
I don't support gamestop, I'll buy it through amazon
yah i do everything on amazon
holly loves her psvr
VR is pretty cool, but honestly mine sit 90% of the time
@Loktar I wouldn't let someone return it either. I think the cushion of my vive is 40% sweat at this point
I sold my PSVR a while back
made money on it actually
"mine site"?
My JS career started with me spending 3 weeks on codecademy. 4 years later, you'd never even know it was the same person who wrote the code
where's dying via flamethrower
@SterlingArcher lol idk I mean I bet you'll like it all regardless
@rlemon @Loktar on the PSVR do you need to use a TV or can you just plug the headset in and sit there in the dark?
you need a tv
PSVR is isn't worth the cost, since I could just get an oculus
it uses a box that splits the connection, but iirc it had to use a tv for some weird reason
@Loktar I hope so too, I'm getting bored of COD zombies
@ndugger damn, how'd you manage to be working at target with code academy on your resume?
@Loktar do you? the hdmi from the psvr could just terminate nowhere?
or did they explicitly disable that
That sounds a little funky
maybe not, vrheads.com/…
Would be cool if it was a standalone device
@ndugger I have some filtering functionality on a select, and for whatever reason, it's all in a util file.
@hilli_micha You think I put codecademy on my resume? Pft
> You can use your PSVR without a TV, and it's actually awesome
@ndugger yeah 100% agree
@SterlingArcher shitty is that you need to power on the psvr to use the ps4 while it's connected
@SterlingArcher There are some standalone android vr headsets coming out soon
because the hdmi goes through that
which is pretty cool
so if you have the psvr connected all the time, it has to be on while playing regular games
which is kinda shit
I have a Gear VR and I love it, can't wait to test the PSVR out and see the display differences
@BenFortune do they have any positional tracking?
I'd like to get a PSVR for RE7 and Gran Turismo, but I'm nervous it would just sit after those two games like my current console do..
@SterlingArcher yeah positional tracking is a pretty huge difference
@Loktar not sure
meaning it tracks more than just turning your head
I'd use my vive more if I had more time
actually tracks forwards/backwards movement in addition
I'm worried about the PS5 coming out and making this purchase obsolete af
meh it wont be announced until end of this year or next year at the EARLIEST
but I doubt that even
I'm worried about the PC2 coming out and making my PC1 obsolete
@Cereal You need to find the way
I don't play vrchat
I refuse on principle
You boring fart
Gorn and racketnx though
I played vr chat as cookie monster the other night
Good workouts
@Loktar oh good :)
I'm always a sweaty mess after gorn
VR Chat just weirded me out more than anything because of all the people who were role playing..
RP is life my man
I had a hard time walking the day after I got gorn
I remember the Pub servers and people were behind the bar 'serving drinks' and shit.
I saw a teaser trailer and the controller looks dope af, it pulls a Switch maneuver and breaks away for VR trackers
I came across two dudes roleplaying a yugioh duel
@SterlingArcher you love Skyrim right?
I remember the PS move was way ahead of Wi/Kinect in terms of tracking accuracy... I've never tried VR though, is on my short list of things I want.
I do, very much so
PS4 still has skyrim vr exclusively
!!s/g/p/ 41016823
!!s/go/po/ 41016827
It reminds me of the RP Servers on World of Warcraft. Those just get weird.
@rlemon I'm always a sweaty mess after porn (source)
@BenFortune I had a hard time walkinp the day after I got gorn (source)
so I mean that alone should sell you
oh shit
I forgot Skyrim was in VR!
@BenFortune hehehehe
get the VR package though, you need the move controllers (for many games)
Oh absolutely
Leave me alone :(
@BenFortune I had a hard time walking the day after I pot gorn (source)
@Loktar It will eventually land in steam though, right?
fuck it
@ndugger I think they said it was a timed exclusive only so yeah
but who knows 😒
ok, good
Seems like Skyrim in VR would be hard as fuck to play..
You have fallout vr, right?
Is it good?
I've heard absolutely zero about it since it came out
Anyone played Brookhaven Experiments?
Played it at my bosses house, it's fucking awesome
@hilli_micha I wonder how disorienting it is, I mean, minecraft mindfucked me in VR
I haven't heard any comments on subnautica VR
Too many people playing vr chat
Not enough people playing games
seems like that'd be scary as hell
Rimworld VR
@SterlingArcher VR in general fucks me pretty hard, I feel like I'd need to take a dramamine before each session.
@KendallFrey @SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/OYuxD3D.png
@hilli_micha don't even bother trying Minecraft VR
Minecraft was the only one that disoriented me but only because the move sensor wasn't sensitive so it jerked around
If it was smooth like Dread Halls I could have played it for hours
@rlemon get out
@rlemon I had nachos yesterday
still one of my fav jokes
> what do you call cheese that is not your cheese
nacho cheese :D
My girlfriend lives off nachos
I don't understand it
You have a girlfriend?
What did the Mexican put under his carpet?
you have nachos?
Where have you been for the last 7 years, @SterlingArcher
I knew it!
I had a giant plate of nachos last night. Ashley was appalled, borderline disgusted with the fact it had half a pound of meat on it and an obscene amount of cheese on it. I was a dirty little pig last nigth
nachos should be 50% cheese by weight
Gotta be doused in beef mince, cheese and salsa!
the rest is meat and beans
@ssube They're not even nachos if they aren't
damn right, they're cheesey chips
I would say 40% of the weight was cheese. Either way, it was like a 2 1/2lb plate
Cheesy chips are a whole other ball game here
needs more gravy
dude now I'm hungry in British
those are some nasty looking cheese fries
@ssube It's not real cheesy chips unless it's dirty as fuck and served by a 1 star takeaway
@ssube What do you mean? I think the pile of quasi-yogurt on the top is a Michelin Star decision.
The only downside about cheese fries is that they get soggy real quick
I enjoy greasy chili fries but that looks like they dropped a stick of butter on it at the end
I don't like soggy fries
soggy fries have their place
@SterlingArcher Only when they're nuked in the microwave,
Dude, chili cheese fries are my go-to comfort food.
soggy fries are unedible
@ndugger and that place is in my mouth
I don't really do fries that often. They're rough on my stomach
Like if I watch Titanic and I'm all bummed out because Jack died, I'm getting a big pile of Chili cheese fries
The only fries that are good soggy are Poutine fries
my comfort foods are either PB&J, or Grilled Cheese + Tomato Soup
but that's only because they're more gravy than fry
@hilli_micha dude, spoilers
@ndugger oh my god grilled cheese and tomato soup is heaven
Always wanted to try PB&J but every time it goes through my head it sounds disgusting
I thought you didn't believe in Heaven, you heathern.
tomato soup disqualifies you from heaven
I like to make fresh, home made tomato soup with my grilled cheese
@ssube I'm willing to take that risk
hmmmm... careful with civ VI, it's kinda really cool and now I can't ever go back to the old ways of managing cities cc/ @KamilSolecki @KendallFrey
@BenFortune I ate enough of them as a kid that I can't anymore, they're iffy
@BenFortune Us Americans put a lot of sugar in our PB. Don't try it unless you can get your hands on a jar of JIF extra crunchy
@ndugger I have reeses
the soggy bread with cement butter is really off putting
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I haven't gotten very far. The only thing I've noticed is barbarians are way more aggressive
@BenFortune ew
I miss the old culture system though
yeah... the district / wonder placement is very nice too
the only good peanut butter sandwich is with fluff and banana
also ew
I really like civ 6, but I also like war mongering and fighting barbs so
banana and nutella sandwiches
Q: Spring Boot & JPA: Implementing search queries with optional, ranged criteria

smeebSpring Boot REST service and MySQL here. I have the following Profile entity: @Entity @Table(name = "profiles") public class Profile extends BaseEntity { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; @Column(name = "profile_given_name") private Str...

@KendallFrey really? I kinda prefer the dynamic allocation of things depending on your gouvernment
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yeah that's a great way to do micromanaging
banana nutella is good too
banana I can tolerate, but you can take your marshmallow fluff and shove it
that shit's gross
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Don't get me wrong, I like the new system too
@BenFortune yes
@rlemon small 1mm think part i just printed (bowden clip).
@ssube you, sir, are a good person
yours will be harder, since it's a tower
I think I got a civ 6 key from humble bundle monthly this month
nutella + banana = pretty much the best thing in life
@Cereal I subbed just for Civ 6
@Cereal yeah that's why I have it too. 12$ instead of 80$ was kinda a good deal
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I once made a banana and nutella cake, it was glorious
gonna unsub once I get the rest of the games
nutella and club crackers might be better than any sandwich
I've just always been subbed
I don't like Nutella
It's like a little present every month
someone ban @hili
doesn't nutella give you cancer
that's what I heard
What doesn't give you cancer
it has automative grade coconut oil in it, iirc
well, if you drive a civic
@BenFortune Everything, as long as you're not in California
@BenFortune makes your stronger?
@SterlingArcher what
what doesn't give you cancer makes you stronger
stronger donger
or just gives you more aggressive cancer
honestly it's a coinflip
what doesn't give your cancer cancer makes it stronger?
If you consume enough cancer causing substances, the value for cancer in your body just overflows and loops back to 0. Trust me, it really works
so your choices come down to recursive cancer or being hercules
nutella is good with pretzels, but it's awful on bread
@hilli_micha Yeah but then Gandhi nukes your ass
@hilli_micha Throw new CancerOverflow();
Wait wrong meme
that was intentional, and you know it
Hold on, I want to know more about this midget
cc @ndugger
Apr 24 '17 at 14:33, by Sterling Archer
I got so drunk it pittsburgh they kicked me out of a bar for picking up a little person
@BenFortune cover is $5
@BenFortune The term is vertically challenged, it's 2018 dude.
they're not challenged, you bigot
they're vertically disinclined
I'm not your bigot, pal
@KendallFrey I thought we agreed to stop talking about that D:
I didn't
@hilli_micha vertically challenged puts the blame on the victim. They've been assulted by air pressure
It was implied!
The implication man
@SterlingArcher fuuuuuuuuuck. can't unsee
You're right guys, I'm sorry, I'll check my vertical privilege.
@SterlingArcher So was "don't kidnap little people"
Russel's Joke Tips?
@KendallFrey drunk me doesn't understand social norms
yeah we noticed
Obviously, I've chatted with drunk you, that dude is unstable.
not dropping things is a social norm now?
He's like a walking episode of Dr. Phil.
Drunk Jordan is incredibly stable
yeah, stable genius
Drunk Jordan 2017
It's true, drunk Jordan is a mad genius
Since there are more people here now, I'm going to try my luck again
I have react-router 3
Jun 15 '16 at 17:20, by Sterling Archer
Hey, my track record may not be all that mentally stable, but it sure as hell is good looking
I want to generate a menu/nav from the subroutes of the current route.
Nov 5 '17 at 2:09, by Sterling Archer
Sorry I’m drunk but I’m get what I mean
i.e. I have /stocks/msft and /stocks/msft/price-target and /stocks/msft/news, and I want to generate a menu containing two links for the two subroutes.
@BenFortune unrelated, that's not my mental stability
@MadaraUchiha split the URL, iterate list and generate menu item components from it?
is that possible without running/rendering the JSX?
is it considered bad with React to pass through properties for the sole sake of triggering re-renders when necessary?
@rlemon I've been binge watching that show lately
Now, I can do it if I juggle 3 different properties react-router provides me with
it's fantastic
@corvid why would you need to rerender without a change in props?
But the code I ended up with is messy
@Shmiddty I have a grid which should re-render if the page has changed
@corvid the page dimensions?
I was wondering if I were missing something and react-router had some sort of utility for this sort of thing
It sounds like something that would be a common use-case.
@Shmiddty sorta. I have a drawer that animates out
@MadaraUchiha I wonder if you can pass in the Router object as a prop and get the subroutes that way
what was the messy code that you ended up with?
@corvid have a wrapper element that knows when its dimensions change and passes them to children
@SterlingArcher You get a list of the subroutes, react-router provides me with that.

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