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Just saw these yesterday :D
Good stuff. Definitely improved my workout
@BenFortune I think RDS might be more expensive (by 5% or whatever their markup over EC2 is) if we were just replacing the database servers, but with the maxscale balancers and bandwidth between all of them, Aurora specifically comes out to be way cheaper.
maintaining those balancers is a pain, too, almost as bad as running an email server :D
Aurora requires at least a db.r4.large
Yeah, moving to aurora would be about a 9x increase in cost for us
yeah, it runs on some tiny instances
Well, for Postgres anyway
MySQL runs on smaller ones to my knowledge. But we've only looked at Postgres option. Was way too expensive compared to what we currently have deployed
not having to manage a cluster and get woken up at 4am when 3 of the 7 nodes suddenly switched master is worth it, imo :P
even with galera clustering in mysql sucks ass
@ssube Do you know of any decent rotational backup scripts for xtrabackup/innobackupex?
You have larger deployments apparently :D
@BenFortune what do you mean?
Just use logrotate
Like incremental backups or the actual rotate-and-delete older ones part?
@ssube xtrabackup has the HUGE advantage that it can do SST with no downtime
yeah, it's pretty good
ah, not in the context of galera, sorry
@ssube Both
restoring into aurora (our current boxes are self-managed) takes about a day with mysqldump and friends, maybe an hour with an xtrabackup in s3
Wanting to run a full every day, then incremental every hour
And rotate/delete every 7 days or so
My bash-fu isn't so good
logrotate can delete, looks like xtrabackup can do some amount of incremental
@BenFortune you can write that in JS :)
I think everyone has written a backup tool in their life.
was going to suggest that
sounds like a good chance to learn Go
what is go?
@Neoares traditionally the favorite board game of sysadmins
A language people write blogs about
fuck go
and/or go fuck
It does have an excellent logo though
I actually like the language better than the logo
it's a nice alternative to bash
The logo's pretty great though
I'm hangover
fuck everything
@ssube the language sucks, the runtime is pretty good though
even though it has its warts
(like, no fork())
yeah, I'll agree with that
the language is good enough to make the runtime features useful
for a backup script though, I'd use python or node
@FlorianMargaine But then I'd have two problems
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Hi haNGoVeR, i'm nicK DuGgEr
yo, citron
I love how you type
are you a typed language?
I was just suggesting Go because I've been learning it recently
ThANks, I maDe a nDugger buttoN fOR My CHaT
user image
and as a replacement for long, multi-file bash scripts with unit tests, it's so much better
@rlemon does it spam 123 if you hit it twice?
it could.
@Vap0r nothing really
go is nice, I learned a bit a couple years ago
is go a hybrid between C and JS?
The foo, err := gets old fast though
you should eventually expand to a 007 button that says "back in..." too
@Neoares C and bash
it's C with more curlies, less malloc
and concurrency
muchos concurrencos
not a high level or data processing language at all, nothing functional
@FélixGagnon-Grenier :(
Is concurrency a new crypto?
no it's money criminals use
@FlorianMargaine I'm just starting to get into that part and it's much easier to pick up than any other language's concurrency, imo
:O that's bad
We shouldn't use go
@ssube yeah, the concurrency is fabulous in Go
@Cereal concurrency is the enemy of crypto, actually
I'd like to talk about my daytrading experience in crypto real quick
go doYourThing() is beautiful
some who knows react ?
@FlorianMargaine dafuq
yeah, I'm using a few routines and shared channels for a k8s bot to post in slack
 • Stress
 • Heartache
 • Constant self-doubt
 • Loss of financial solvency
 • Memes
concurrencia is a femenin word in spanish :D
just saying
@Neoares you think I (1) know Spanish? (2) Care?
@BenFortune but why?
@FlorianMargaine you think (1) i care you care?
@FlorianMargaine heh :)
@BenFortune cute
I only pinged you to say "dafuq"
then added some general culture, that probably nobody cares about
it's there :D
butt is culo
"cul" in french.
cul in catalan also :D
I like cul
did you know that Gayp0r is like "guépard" in french?
guépard is some kind of cat
... why do you always let me single handedly kill the mood. fuckers.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier cheetah
in polando its gepard
which, funnily, is also a male name
@FélixGagnon-Grenier weird guy with a hat...
interesting how similar that is to leopard, even though we call cheetah something else
@BenFortune you should probably tweet about it
is that another ananas situation where english is the odd language out?
i think so yeah
@towc say in romanian plz
hey guys :)
Q: Webpack bundles tests (enzyme / jest) in the production env

DevelogerI have issue with Webpack building production bundle with test files + test libs included. In this case it is Enzyme and Jest which we use. Webpack version 3.10.0 Webpack.build.js const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpac...

@KamilSolecki I think it's the same as in polish
@Develoger have you done anything to set up multiple bundles?
not on this project
afaik you essentially turn the tests into a vendor bundle, with their test deps
webpack is smart enough to pull them out of the main bundle, although the common chunks plugin is helpful
thanks for saying that. Am a bit confused, why would test even be in any bundle
You suggest to try with common chunks?
you need the tests to be in a bundle so they have access to their dependencies
especially if you're using webpack to handle import
even in the production bundles?
this is for web app
how you split modules between bundles is unrelated to how you make test/prod bundles
test/prod varies by whether you run the minifier, but main/test is just which modules end up where
@ssube I don't see why his tests would get bundled if they aren't imported through his entry point
I think
@Mosho yeah, that I'm not sure about, but OP said they were in the bundle
@Develoger are you accidentally importing your tests somewhere?
I have no reference to the tests in import
what happens if you empty index.js?
and bundle
just a sec
dat holy moment when coffee first gets in yo mouth in the morning
my bundle is 493 bytes then :D
@Develoger in the issue, that file isn't even code
hallowed are the coffee
@Vap0r nice try, fucker friend
@Develoger so it doesn't include anything, I assume
it's pretty odd that the snapshot would get included in the bundle
@FélixGagnon-Grenier jokes on you I never try monsieur!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier how do strikethrough?
yeah I am so pissed atm tbh
~not that way~ this way?
spent a day debugging that
triple ~?
tags and strikethrough are weird
and if I remove the externals property from webpack config it builds enzyme as well :D
I'm childish atm
which makes bundle huge
> 124
> questions tagged
@Develoger somehow, it's reaching it from the entry point
oh shit ^
I suggest looking for that
@Vap0r gj!
by incrementally adding more of your modules
I know where sadly
and bundling
@ssube For me it's --- at the beginning and end
but don't have clue how to solve
@ssube what's that?
since there is one file for testing which imports enzyme
@Develoger don't import it
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the strikethrough tag
tests should be totally separate from your app's entry point
@Vap0r k, let's see if I remember this time
that seems hard
... gods I'm being an ass.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've got at least 8 minutes left. lets go
am not sure why it bundles spanshot @Mosho
even if there is reference to this enzyme resource
@rlemon your mum is as big as Tamriel
you need to set up your tests as their own entry point, so it makes a bundle with all that stuff
@Develoger something is making it think it should
@FélixGagnon-Grenier she's a healthy lady.
up to you to find out what
I don't know how to comebacks.
just come 'n his back
so inappropriate. so beautiful.
what's the best way to learn all these god damn vim commands
@Mosho you are right
thanks guys!
@Develoger what was it
@ssube @FlorianMargaine Any experience with github.com/axkibe/lsyncd?
What are those graphs called that are just a single bar, with different colors representing pertentages
Like a pie graph but not a pie
stacked bar chart?
@BenFortune no
@Mosho that's the one thanks
@Mosho you mean :q! and :wq?
essentials also includes shift-v, dd and :?
I mean everything in this 10 page cheat sheet
@Mosho I still did not solved sadly
but it is nice to say thanks
@Mosho bah. I mostly use these

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