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It's your own Steam library lol nvm. It's not like PSNow
ooh weird
I'll play something super graphic intense on my macbook and see how good it is
I'm doing this course assignment
in c
and for both parts I wrote some C code, fixed compile errors
and had 0 bugs
It looks like it basically is PS Now or Onlive and such..where a computer in the cloud does the hard work and your laptop is just 'streaming' the result. So the spec of your PC will be ultimately irrelevant beyond some basic requirements
I made my own cellular automaton: JSFiddle
@Mosho inb4 the instructor fails you for cheating
"0 bugs, nice copy and paste from Stack Overflow!"
that is pretty much what I did
adapted to the assignment
@Charly Will it ever stabilize?
Nope, been watching for quite a while.
Now I need to prove that it's turing-complete...
Any idea why it doesn't stabilize?
You can see vertical lines that span diagonal lines on both sides - these never disappear once they get separated from each other.
I totally gave up using vim to do the assignment though
@hilli_micha stale meme
Is V8 engine used by node intelligent enough to recognize "constants" in functions, and not recreate those on each call? - IE const localSet = new Set([1, 2, 3])
calling my memes stale makes me frown very hard.
but then [1, 2, 3] a kind of expensive operation. (Though this is used in an async function so I do not wish to store it in the enclosing scope).
making you frown very hard makes me very hard
A set probably always have to allocate new memory, right?
Fiddler for mac, 2.7mb
Also, const doesn't mean you can't change its content. You can still add items to the set.
Dependency MONO: 480mb or Windows 16 GB
@Charly Yes - but each function call the set is the same; so I wonder if it can notice this and not take the ~2-5ms it takes to create the set.
and I thought Electron Apps were bad
My client's js file went from 2.5 MB to 700 KB after gzipping. I'm curious how much it will go down after minification as well
I don't know for sure. Never dealt with memory and low level code.
make an emulator in JS
I guess there's not a constexpr keyword I could use to help javascript :/.
we have const for variables
Well those aren't really "constant" between function calls :P - like how array/string literals are constant.
what do you mean?
const foo = 2
foo is now constant
you mean like if you were to pass the variable around in functions?
so you want constant function arguments?
const bar = [2]; bar[0] = 3; bar[0]; // 3
Sure, but one could say: const foo = variable /*variable is based on user input*/ so V8 can't optimize around the keyword const.
say I have: mySet = complexFunction() - but complexFunction will always return the same result.
if it only relies on internals for the output, sure
So I wish to let v8 optimize it so complexfunction is only called once
or if it's not a generator or something
v8 does do a lot of optimization for function calls
the more you call a function, the faster it gets, usually
This is already a thing
not quite the same thing as what you want, but there is already optimization
Well does it use lru-cache - or better phrased, can I influence/help it to say: "this function only NEEDS to be called once; Each time the result will be the same; Don't bother with it after the first call"
if it returns a new/different array every time, no, it still needs to call the function
@paul23 all modern js engines are smart enough to do that inlining
depends on the complexity of complexFunction though
it will get optimized a bunch after JIT, so after optimization it might behave the same as what you want
Hmm if that's true I'll have to manually keep a cache. That's going to be powerful
If you're trying to squeeze that much performance out of your JS, don't use JS
you have an XY problem
Problem is, the function takes about 5ms to solve. So I really really don't want it to be executed multiple times.
oh no, 5ms
And it's not even solving, it's generating a computation matrix for the actual calculations.
calling a function alone costs like 2ms in v8
if it's really a constant, then maybe inline it in your code
only if your code is shit
@ndugger not really
I was just pointing out how silly his concern was, not actually being scientific
JS is not built with performance critical, complex computational programming in mind. It was designed to animate buttons on a web page
gogo dataentry
Well this should be a zero time operation. Since the returned set of matrices are never modified so could be constant the whole application. And thus the function is called many many times (since it's expected to be zero time).
@ndugger that's technically correct, but js engines are pretty good, you can squeeze great performance from them
@paul23 then make it truly zero time, inline it yourself if you benchmarked (you did, right?) and saw that it takes a long time
@Zirak it's not the function call - it's the fact that there's always created a new matrix set.
Instead of using interning or caching. - Doing that myself is of course possible but kind of a pain.
then do what zirak has said twice now; don't put it in a function; inline it in your app's state
How would a constexpr help you in that case?
If you don't mutate then inline
A global matrix (or a getter) could save both memory and cpu
@Zirak Instead of executing the complex function, the second (and further calls) would just return the "cached" result.
you can do that yourself with some state management
foo() { if( this.cache !== undefined) {return cache;} else {this.cache = internalFoo(); return this.cache;} of course works.
But now I am having a state which can get out of sync (shouldn't since I deem it constant - but I don't have a guarantee from the engine)
out of sync in what way?
What'd make it change?
Well if I call this in a promise it might've changed between the call and the resolving of the promise.
Furthermore, if it's truly a constexpr-worthy function, again, you can simply inline it
@Zirak Any external code could - I don't have control over that so can't protect the state.
Let go of the fear
@Zirak It's called everywhere in my application.
If you don't change it, nobody else would
If a 3rd party running alongside you wants to make your life terrible, you lost anyway
How would any third party code even have access to it? Just define it as a const within a module, or use symbols to help mitigate collisions
Paranoia is just causing you to overthink it
@paul23 Then inline it to a simple getter function
But before doing that, actually check that it's a problem
premature optimisation and all that
also, if the object/array's values never change, you could consider freezing it (though I think that has its own performance implications)
@Loktar @rlemon @Luggage @ssube So apparently it's possible to permanently bend a part if you try to remove it from the bed before it's cooled. TIL
it's not perm. heat it back up and bend it straight
lol yea
I did that once with a flat part.
yea, on flat parts, especially
@rlemon tbh, probably not worth the effort
I microwave my bent parts
github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/1071 ITT: Man demands answers from tc39 so that he may steal them
I wanna implement this behaviour using Angular 5
If I access a page and there is no token stored in localStorage, I redirect to the login component
Hello, I would like to implement this behaviour using Angular 5 i.imgur.com/CcLnkDV.gifv
I would prefer and advice
rather than a dance
Wow, did I go to sleep and wake up and all of a sudden Angular went from 2 all the way to 5?!?!
there's no other explanation
they adopted a proper versioning system
I think you're just meant to call it Angular now
i assume
but 2 vs 5 is like comparing 1.5 and 1.6
because that would mean they made a ton of incompatible changes really lickety split!
@Platus I guess the reason we aren't answering your question is because it is unclear where you are stuck? the if...then part of the logic? how to access localStorage? how to redirect to your login component (I don't know what your login component is named...)?
@NH. What I want to do is to implement this for every component
I mean whenever I enter a page that requires authentication and there is no token I want the user to be redirected to the login page
@MadaraUchiha, @copy twitch.tv/overwatchleague decent game going on
uprising vs spitfire
weird casters
I started fiddling with writing unit test for custom angular directive today
I got the mock of dependency part down, but I haven't cracked mocking the templateUrl.
any thoughts on that if you've done it before?
at the moment its taking the templateUrl from the actual directive but that points to the server, obv that won't work on local
@ssube you got time to go into a tiny bit of detail about what to use and how to use it for managing nodejs instances on my server?
because I'm sure how I'm doing it is wrong, because none of these ssl tutorials are looking like what I have going on.
and I can't seem to get node to listen on https for websockets.
well, that last sentence doesn't make sense, but you get it
I pass the https server to node-ws and it just errors because node can't attach directly to 443, and I don't think it should. nginx is in the middle.
nginx handles wss
I can imagine it will, if configured correctly.
what I'm saying is I've probably made a turd of it all
and it has worked thus far, but now I need secure connections
and I'm willing to scrap how I have it for a better solution instead of monkey patching what is there.
when nginx terminates https it turns it into an http that node sees, does it work the same way if it terminates the wss? does node just see a regular ws connection?
well right now it says I'm on a secure connection, but i'm using the http module and I guess certbot made that proxy in nginx?
so the websocket connection isn't saying it is secure and fails
you'll want to update the ssl versions and ciphers, but that config works with web sockets
Someone is going to call bullshit on this, but I'm going to say that TLS is on the IP layer, so the WSS just uses the already encrypted channel. Either way, it runs on the same TLS transport that nginx provides for your existing HTTPS
And that had a lot of technical terms in it, so it's probably good
@Luggage and in your node.js file, you just use https and listen on 3000?
no, http. nginx is handling the ssl
okay, I'll give it a shot
that serves static files, too. you can remove that
the lines with "Upgrade" are related to getting web sockets working
now nginx won't start
figured it out
duplicate default server
Is it just me or is there less music?
so when connecting on the client. I use wss://server.com:port yea?
because now when I connect I get booted right away
got me, i used socket.io
I have me a laser cutter, propulsion cannon and seamoth. I think I'll go watch some fireworks (sunbeam) and then go on a cruise (aurora)
it goes like this right? browser -wss> server:443[nginx] -ws> localhost:3000[node]
Can I ask for some career advice on here
related to JS
become a janitor
learn PHP
btw, Janitors are cool people. At least they are working a job!
you say that like I was being facetious
Anyway, there is a purely Node.JS role vs MEAN fullstack/devops/Cloud The second one sounds interesting but I wonder if it will improve my skills much since it's so spread out.
anyone on here experienced with devops?
yeah I am constantly switching context at my job
@BrooksDuBois Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
back and forth between spring Kotlin, ios swift, and react
it depends on how much exp you have. JS can be a huge headache if you don't know it inside and out but if you feel like you do def go for the fullstack thing it's rewarding to have control over all aspects. btw cloud is not devops lol
I've been told (here) that one should avoid null as much as possible. - However wouldn't that mean this (stackoverflow.com/questions/461966/… ) question & answers need to be relooked at?
Pop quiz: What does (?<![^]) mean?
it means it is time to go home
it means never having to say 'i'm sorry'
there is a PDA with the coords to the jelly shroom base
found on the degasi island this game
yeah, i really like that they added those
kinda guides you through to finding the main story
and then leaves you with nothing
leaves you with nothing?
yeah, once you hit the 500m base, you don't know where to go from there
at that point you just have to explore and figure out how to cure yourself
i never made it to the disease research, which i thin is next, but never really tried too hard
i'll be back in ~45
it gives you locations, sorta. X meters SW of the enforcement platform
yeah that's mostly useless
it is
it's down in the caves
oops, now I have more cube stands than cubes

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