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Agreed, I wouldn't use === boolean, but I wouldn't compare it to a real "very bad" like inline events or something
but we're probably nitpicking the fuck out of homeboy's wording
I downvote correct answers if they’re either replying to bad questions, or if the solution sucks
@ndugger nothing wrong with DV'ing a bad solution
wohoo integrated blinds with alexa
I can't believe you guys are arguing in favour of === true
@KendallFrey nuuuuuu
of course we are
I wouldn't use it, I just wouldn't use the words "very bad" to describe it's usage
yeah exactly ^
It's redundant is all
I think a very bad practice would be going about the solution in a completely different way, doing something crazy
like sending the strings via email to an operator in Czechoslovakia and having them verify the match manually, then smsing you the answer back.
Array.prototype.includes = (str) => {
    return eval(str);
Now that is very bad practice
assume the obvious, Kendall
(I didn't want to write a legit polyfill of an includes overload)
Q: I can’t use void function please help me please good programmer

WannaBeProgrammerI can’t creating a void function I’m looking for someone have good experiences and I wanna be in touch with him tnx

didn't get the hint
what now @SterlingArcher?
@towc that's what happens when you leave shit open ended
Isn't code wonderful
@KendallFrey good lord
well, my expectations of what she'd understand were too high, I'll admit that
@SterlingArcher Never leave shit open ended. Always pucker when you're done.
it is 1am though, so don't blame her
@KendallFrey lmao
@SterlingArcher I'm adding a couple more else ifs
Use a switch, you savage
@KendallFrey I mean at this point I guess it can't hurt
@ndugger how'd that work?
he needs an appropriate data structure with object methods
@ndugger Can't, there's nothing to switch on
Switch on dese nuts
> not sure why "originally" and "kinda", but you're right
sounds super condescending
> you know what, alright
should raise some more questions
but it's really british in a not great way, because it's kind of hypocritical
I mean, she is right. "you did kinda originally do X" is true, if "you decisively did from the beginning and are doing X" is true
although that's not what she means, and a relationship like that would become toxic really easily
but hey, we're not in a relationship, and it's toxic anyway, so there's that
Just find a different wamen
in a different forest
> well, they're not wrong
I mean
I also can't just leave that hanging
> you think my main reason for not going somewhere else is the awesome stuff in bratislava?
tbf if I stopped being so in love with her, I'd still hang around
It gets easier to move on from a wamen the older you get. You’re still a bright eyed tween
well, I played chess against myself and I lost
Then don’t play against yourself
when you play against yourself, you always lose
bah, I'll just leave it hanging. Maybe she'll realize when she wakes up
but maybe I'm missing a ton of chances to have nice convos with her
> well, you wanted me to tell you something personal? I thought you knew already, but I think about you every day
is borderline creepy
too meta
try not to think about it too much
when I don't think much, bad things happen
just be like "hey girl, want the d?"
but subliminally
I should not mix vodka and chat. I was about to say something incriminating
this is called flirting
if she flirts back, you're in
if she responds negatively, back off
@Shmiddty not always. Women are complicated
well, for one she doesn't think I'm creeping on her
so that's a huge win
@ndugger speak your mind. You always do
@towc it was going to be legally incriminating and had nothing to do with the conversation
@ndugger I mean, she can change her mind based on your continued actions
> I robbed a bank.
@Luggage it was about thin mints
but flirting back means you have your foot in the door
@ndugger fucked a girlscout, huh?
She’s 18
"She's 18"
But no
To murder you
@towc slow your roll
you probably don't know this girl as well as you think you do
you're supposed to roll? takes notes
treat it like a sushi. if roll too quick, sushi fall apart. no good
treat it like sushi; don't get any at the gas station
Even if it’s a quicky, roll that sticky
@towc don’t send that either
@Luggage there’s a walgreens downtown here that sells sushi
No, it’s just one friend and one towc
Unsurprisingly, tslint is how bitching at me about cyclomatic complexity
it does that?
I'm tempted to just bump it up to 30
Am I a bad person?
> this program is too complex for the dums dums who use typescript, stop being so clever
In this case, not in general
@towc Just one function, and it's dead simple as you can see from the screenshot
@KendallFrey tbf I think TS is the reason it gets really complicated
the reason what gets really complicated?
you could have something like: const charParser = { W() { ... }, w() { ... }, X() { ... }, ... }; for(let char in charParser) { if(thing(char)) { charParser[char](); break; }}
or a more abstract data structure
const charParsers = [{ char: 'x', parser() { ... } }, { char: 'X', parser() { ... } }, ...]; for(let [char, parser] of charParsers) { ... }
actually this one works in TS too
but depending on what you're actually doing, maybe the first one is a lookup table instead of looking through all the possibilities manually
either way, I'm just a kid
Vodka is so good
To just take the edge off my stress
I’m not sorry
I need a cig now though
blame everything on millenials
@ndugger I like that grey goose
That’s what I’m drinking
so smooth
I haven't had it in ages though
I buy cheap stuff for guests. The grey goose is all mine
i didn't realize just how far south my base is, it's screwing with my memory of where things are
avoided warpers and died cutting open a mushroom
You’re underage
Have you told her that you like her?
Did you tell her that you like her?
Those words? “I like you more than a friend”?
define “more explicit”
its a bit eager, but ok
Have you recently?
well, I asked her to go out for hikes and stuff
That’s not a date unless you say it is
women are weird
Don’t lie to yourself
That’s not how it works with most wamen
stockholm syndrome?
new Regex(@"\400").Match("\0").Success == true
This is trippier than I thought
@towc would it hurt you to think about normal things?
@KendallFrey I think so, never tried
is there a particularly good reason not to bin all of that as spam?
41 messages moved to Trash can
you missed a few
everyone has been pretty clear how they feel about your babbbling
I don't know why you keep at it
well, dugger asked
and I genuinely was asking for sterling's help. I'll hangouts him
then do it somewhere else
> I'll hangouts him
poor guy
var selectList = document.createElement("select");
selectList.id = "selectwallet";

//Create and append the options
for (var i = 0; i < myWalletList.length; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = myWalletList[i];
option.text = myWalletList[i];
var slider = document.createElement("input");
slider.type = "range";
text: "Select a wallet:",
content: "selectList",
buttons: {
confirm: {

.then((value) => {

// do something
Using sweetalert2
the content of custom type is not rendering, if I put content: "input" its working fine.
BTW myWalletList is a predefined array, which already exists in my code, I didn't add it here for trying to make it not so large, though it already seems large. lol
Oh sweet, I'm on a 7-day push streak
Probably my first ever
I push every day when I get home
@KarelG Good how are you
I'm still around dont worry
She misses me too much to disappear forever
p much
what was that one beer you said you really liked
I have no idea
Surly furious?
ye that was it
So I am making a chatroom. I want a certain sound to play when user enters message and another sound to play when the other user replies.
my socket is listening to all sockets and emits the message to everyone. Which means, if i enter a message, I get my own message as well
any hope ?
to play the different sounds, should I put logical stuff on the client side or the server side?
passing some Data value to see it isn't my own message on the server side -- good idea?
@ParnasreeChowdhury for mankind? nope.
how many layers do you have
who you talking to
idk, 1 layer? no layer? :?
the ogre, who is made of layers
I'm not sure what layer means in this sense
lol, seems so @ShrekOverflow
The event should probably include the name of the sender yeah
and I am on a diet and don't want to think of layers in the other way I know... (CAKE!!)
@Meredith can I use the socket.id?
Whatever works
and my SweetAlert lost forever
Cool. I'm new to JS so just wanna follow the right practice!
@hilli_micha Well I am the TorOgre
Socket.io should handle this though
Well I am using that.
but on a serious note what did you need help with Parnasree?
@Meredith It won
but I think passing extra stuff in Data should be fine
Using broadcasts
.broadcast can emit it to everyone but yu iirc
or even you idk for sure becuase i haven't used socket.crap since forever
will check that out.
But you should send the data regardless
Okay. I'm just gonna keep playing around with this. Fun stuff
anytime i have to use websocket\s
i end up using uws 😛
if your browser doesn't have Socket support yet, you sire should upgrade
what's uqs?
1 message moved to Trash can
@ParnasreeChowdhury Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
		var selectList = document.createElement("select");
		selectList.id = "selectwallet";

		//Create and append the options
for (var i = 0; i < myWalletList.length; i++) {
    var option = document.createElement("option");
    option.value = myWalletList[i];
    option.text = myWalletList[i];
var slider = document.createElement("input");
slider.type = "range";
  text: "Select a wallet:",
  content: "selectList",
  buttons: {
    confirm: {

the content of custom type is not rendering, if I put content: "input" its working fine.
BTW myWalletList is a predefined array, which already exists in my code, I didn't add it here for trying to make it not so large, though it already seems large
do you mean content: 'select'?
I have copied my previously posted msgs . as you asked @ShrekOverflow
although if this is a jquery plugin
content: "#selectwallet"
Yes I tried content: select, but unable to fetch the options
would make a lot more sense
@qaispak don't use it unless you are absolutely familiar with the ws spec
@ShrekOverflow, I am just curious. Is that what socket.io uses?
uws is a barebones websocket implementation, and it is insanely fast
I tried later after posting it here using content: "select", its showing the select field , but dont know how to put my options array there
ah okay
@ParnasreeChowdhury what is the plugin?
Eventually when I am ready I will use it :D
tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 plan on reading some of this over the weekend
@ParnasreeChowdhury oh lol, that sounded like you are crushing on someone in this room
if it's warm enough.
@qaispak rfc6455 is funny
I would not know :O
@ParnasreeChowdhury are you inserting the select node you just created in DOM somewhere?
OMG, I made it work
it will not be content: "selectList" the quotes are removed and its on the go . :D
Sometimes mistakes are too too silly, really ..
and I was breaking my head for last 7-8 hours
did you read their manual?
yes I read their doc
but some point am not getting really
Now only one thing left getting the value of the selected option which is getting passed as .then(value), which seems not fetching the correct value of selected option, I really dont know
@ShrekOverflow , thanks for the link, I already read it
@KendallFrey Happy birthday dude btw, I'm sure you'll get a cube somewhere as a present.
Actually this is my first time I am using promises only to use this sweetalert.. :)
> If the user clicks the confirm button, the promise resolves to true. If the alert is dismissed (by clicking outside of it), the promise resolves to null.
The value from the promise is simply an indicator of if the dialog was accepted / denied
for option you can probably do selectList.selectedIndex
to find the index of selected value
ok, I got it @ShrekOverflow . Thanks a lot
You’re welcome
I'm looking for a way to queue observable subscriptions (from Angular's http service). Any idea how I would go about doing this? With promises I could keep updating a promise by adding new .then onto the end. The queue can be added to at any time. Example:
queue v1
send v1
queue v2
v1 save complete
send v2
hey happy bday @KendallFrey! somehow I missed the pinned star
I have an image called 3.jpg how to get the 3 without .jpg with jquery $('img').attr('src') what to write next?
.split('.')[0] thought it won't work if your filename has multiple .
Also, please stop using jquery inefficiently
Or at all
for 32 cents a day, you can help a recovering jQuery addict refrain from huffing jQuery ..please call 1-800-PLS-STOP to help
did any one work on chosen jquery plugin
@rrkjonnapalli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the chosen one
eeew it's written in coffeescript
@KevinB first time to hear about
it's less code than jquery?
Just need a quick response if any one knows..
Is there a way to open a url such that it behaves like a browser..? It's not for testing purpose but a simple `ajax` request with jquery.
e.x If request is either from browser or from ajax they should return the same response for the following

The page uses ajax request to manipulate the DOM. Is there a way to tell that hey stop there until the page is fully resolved?
can you be a bit more clear
an ajax request can't open a page that does an ajax request
if that's what you're asking
it can open the page, but it'l just get the base version of that page as returned by the server.
assuming the server has CORS setup
you seem to be asking to scrape a page with the browser
the browser isn't particularly good at that
@KevinB I'm working with extension so I ain't have anything to do with the cors
i dont work with extensions, but i would expect a lot of the same rules to apply.
Th response are just fine. lemme clear it a bit
you still can't execute the response in such a way that causes the ajax request you want to occur to occur
you can however make the ajax request yourself, skipping the webpage
When a page is reloaded inside browser the page looks just fine when request through ajax the page doesn't include some parts of that.
because javascript hasn't ran on it to alter it
yup but any way around?
find a way to run the javascript
but i don't see why you need that
considering the part you need is built with ajax
yup but i don't want to build it myself
@KevinB any idea about how to run?
yeah, send the ajax request and build it
could you please just elaborate on "how to build"?
the part you said you didn't want to do
do it
Do you mean should I build it myself?
@HatterisMad how did you do on the ACT in high school?
can anyone explain me the usage of this set function ?
var obj = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
    writable : true,
    configurable : false,
    value : 10
    get : function(){
      return 20;
    set : function(value){


i mean, look at it this way. build a scraper in a web browser, something it's not made for
or send an ajax request and create a few html elements
one of those two is the simple option
we can set the value to b if the obj.b doesn't have a set function
if so what kind of usage it exits ?
will be looking for scrapper...
> Intel asks customers to halt patching for chip bug, citing flaw
are they going for some kind of scandal record
I have a question. The replace function is handy, but it gets messed up when certain strings that represent capturing groups appear within the replacement text (e.g. $'). These are impossible to escape. How do I do a replace where I actually want $' to show up instead of what it represents. here is an example of the behavior:
var a = `foo$'bar`;
var b = `bazzREPLACEbuzz`;
b.replace('REPLACE',a); //outputs "bazzfoobuzzbarbuzz"
I'd prefer it to be "bazzfoo$'barbuzz"
Never mind, finally found the answer. Right where I probably should have looked first.
And the oscar for accidental help vampire due to incompetence goes to GiantCow
1 hour later…
@user9097755 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@William with no preparation, i believe i got a 27
i actually dressed for gym class that day and went into the gym and was handed a calculator and a pencil :(
@HatterisMad out of 30?
@Meredith I am doing fine atm. I am still happy that you are still around. You have a higher chance to end in an alligator's stomach 😛
@KendallFrey Happy birthday :)
Based on the employee count and industry i need to figure out a way to estimate number of developers.
you never need to do anything
woooo happy birthday kendoll
oh wait, I starred badger's message, assuming she was the first one, as always
wait, you think sterling was the first one?
if no one proves the opposite
too bad
and you would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for this pesky kid
towc, have you even worked with codesandbox?
why are you accusing me? :/
does it make you feel like a bigger man?
my css is being loaded but ignored
so tempted to !!welcome you
I didn't ask y I could ask
it's not finding it on the network
it does for me
you have used ./href
@Neoares it finds a copy of the html file somehow
and so does appending almost anything to the url
@KarelG what :/
oh lul
but removing the ./ does nothing
that's why I'm asking how do I import styles in codesandbox
add this in the js: import './main.css';
it's a webpack plugin, afaik
yeah, thanks
I've never imported a css that way :D
since I'm using templates in my project
has anyone here ever tried to create a function that would change the background picture of a range slider thumb per value?

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