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> gosh, really want to have a face-to-face heart-to-heart with you right now
next thing you know she invites me to the forest
I didn't send that
> hey, at least you don't think I'm creeping on you :D
is this even a friendzone?
did she just get towczoned?
> I'm here because of you now too
sent that
I think it's ok. Not too awkward
after 29 mins of staring at the message
@ndugger wanna share?
how far can you kick a bottle?
wait it's you, dunno why'd I ask if you wanted to share
> well, you're not getting any vodka with that attitude, towc
I know, I know, I'm trying to get better
> you have a long way to go, kid
I'll be patient and keep improving myself
damnit, it could have gone well :/
that convo could not have come up
we could have talked about the most intimate things
but something went wrong somewhere
no clue when she started thinking I wasn't into her anymore
remember that me being depressed thing when she told me she was into someone in early january? She knows I was very mixed up and emotional about that. And it was barely 22 days ago
too many times
well, she'll probably be online in ~17mins and say something
@ndugger more explicit, sadly
@ndugger "I really like you"
I asked her out for the first time 3 years ago
well, it wasn't meant as a date
I don't think I asked her out for a date since that time 3 years ago
just friendly meetings that would possibly lead to us getting closer and me asking her on a date at a later time
she's the kind of person who turns on you aggressively as soon as you hint some pressure. I kind of admire that
hey, if they can beat me, I have something to learn from them :P
> Me: when do you think I stopped being here because of you btw?
Her: Idk, I kinda think I was mean to you, so I thought "somewhere along the lines"
Me: Do you regret it?
Her: I feel bad being mean to you but I feel being nice is not fair to you so... 😶
@SterlingArcher take a load of this
if I ask her "why" she'll just reminisce some things I do that she considers bad, and will make her possibly hate me more
if "to you" means "you'd be at a disadvantage" it means I don't have much hope anytime soon, and if it means "I'd be at a disadvantage" it means I don't have much hope anytime soon either
go for it
well, I still need sterling's help
I only talked to dugger because he fed me
@ndugger don't feed the towc
41 messages moved from JavaScript
1 hour later…
var selectList = document.createElement("select");
selectList.id = "selectwallet";

//Create and append the options
for (var i = 0; i < myWalletList.length; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = myWalletList[i];
option.text = myWalletList[i];
var slider = document.createElement("input");
slider.type = "range";
text: "Select a wallet:",
content: "selectList"

.then((value) => {
// do something

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2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Based on the employee count and industry i need to figure out a way to estimate number of developers.
1 message moved from Java
how can someone estimate Based on the employee count and industry figure out a way to estimate number of developers.
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2 hours later…
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1 hour later…
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