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morning my dudes
how are you, my european people?
has your healthy fat-free breakfast been good?
Its 5 AM and I am up for some weird reason
5AM in india?
since when?
@Neoares I don't operate on IST
I live in EST mentally regardless of my geolocation
because work?
just kind of mumbling here, but chime in if you have thoughts
node still doesn't recognize import/export without flagging?
there is literally an entire spec from the npm team
about it
I'm preparing some of the animations to be sold on codecanyon, and I'm noticing that to do it properly, I need to make the animations quite differently from how they are on codepen
what a shame
!!giphy shame!
first of all, I want it to be hard to just steal the code from the animations, so it doesn't work on a random page. I'd like to automate that, so I'll probably do some clever code obfuscation thing that checks for what the domain name is so they can't just copy it, as well as try to understand it, since it's obfuscated
I don't get that meme tbh :p
it's GoT
don't you see game of thrones?
secondly, I should try to get something that spits out code with the customized values so the customers can get it pre-generated without having to modify my code. It might also be good because it allows for it to still be obfuscated
on the other hand, I need to try and get it to be somewhat maintainable by them, without getting them to ask me to maintain it for them
@Neoares never did... kind of proud about that
if there's an issue with it on the page, it's going to be hard for me to do some quick changes on the obfuscated code, so I'd have to reobfuscate, and that's slow
man, Sequelize feels quite powerful as an ORM
I might be liking it
will see
and I don't have a clear solution for that
@jAndy I went through s1 and decided it wasn't for me
I'm the biggest LoTR fan, but GoT just didnt deliver for me
moreover, I need to do some actual market research on what might be a better graphic style
@jAndy +1
@KamilSolecki I couldn't tolerate a single episode
and I am a huge LoTR fan aswell
I love GoT
it's like history, but not ours, so it's fun
Anyone can help me with my issue regarding Angular's async pipe with an observable? stackoverflow.com/questions/48337171/…
@towc so, like almost every fantasy book? :P
@KamilSolecki except this one is much more complex
yes it's super complex
even if there weren't dragons and zombies, I think I'd still like it
@towc Even the walking dead is more complex than GoT
just kill people
fuck people
and that's it
@ShrekOverflow heavily disagree
are we speaking about books or tv serie?
I've never read the books
so the tv serie is simply AF
I never read the books but stillI
@towc when you are my age you'll have seen a bunch of cliche'd, snoped shows like that and the it just doesn't work
> says the 18 year old to the 12 one
@ShrekOverflow fine. I like it
you don't have to
@Neoares I am much older than that
One show that lives to its hype is breaking bad
if you want a really convuluted cluster fuck for 2 seasons, watch Shield (not Agents of but the one with the corrupt cop) the first two seasons were fun but then it just got old
man its so freaking entertaining
@Neoares I am an ogre, 300 years old!
hmmm mhhh woah... wait wat...
well my organs feel like that anyway
how do I get the remote ip address from a socket-io socket on connect?
all I get is always: ::ffff:
um really?
@jAndy you have a reverse proxy?
if so req.headers.x-forwarded-for or something like that
hmm, can I access that within the connect event from socket.io?
but where? All I have is the socket in the callback
its been ages i have used it
chances are like express there is something like req.originalIp
if you set some flag
no express here, pure ws/socket.io
but it seems that socket.request.headers exists
there ya go
there are bunch of events you can listen for
for auth and stuff iirc there was one to intercept before the entire app
but the socket.request.headers should do :P
well, not really. Bunch of stuff (headers) in there, but noe x-forwarded-for
oh.. which should not wonder.. if you don't have the instruction in your nginx config
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; was missing
I linked you the blog jandy
I knew that already, just forgot to put that into the location
but thanks for the heads-up, brought me on track
apparently I am not alone
same headphones
two things shocked me pretty hard this morning so far
1st) node still does not support import/export in the latest version officially
2nd) latest version of socket.io still does not make usage of Promises
Why would socket.io need promises? It's event based
based on events
event oriented
Contrary to popular believe, you don't have to rewrite your code just because JS develops
wouldn't it be awesome to be able to go like await socket.emit( 'blah' )?
I feel like so
@OliverSalzburg not nowadays
but before transpilers and shit, if you wanted your code to be on point....
or like, IE released new version
@jAndy doesn't sound hard to make a wrapper for it that does just that
yes of course I did that
There's no callback on emit is there?
I'm still shocked that the socket.io lib doesn't support Promises out of the box
@BenFortune of course there is
@BenFortune there is in a special case if you pass it a callback
and then respond back from the other side
that basically does what you shouldn't be doing with WS for the most part
I have only found it useful for ping!
I'd just use the normal emit/on for pinging
I'd rather use socket.io on all my target platforms without running my code through a transpiler that will make debugging a living nightmare
But that's just me!
is there any hook to intercept any incoming data on ws-server (socketIO)?
can't really find anything on their API page for that
@OliverSalzburg I agreee
@jAndy this might be a longshot but socket.on('*') ?
hmm, never heard about that wildcard, but lemme try
I just would like to implement some general.. "anti-spam" filter for single remote addresses
might not work
i might be thinking a diff library
well, that means adding a level of abstraction
yeah does not work :o
would hate to debug code like that :/
fn (Function)
Registers a middleware, which is a function that gets executed for every incoming Packet and receives as parameter the packet and a function to optionally defer execution to the next registered middleware.

Errors passed to middleware callbacks are sent as special error packets to clients.

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
  socket.use((packet, next) => {
    if (packet.doge === true) return next();
    next(new Error('Not a doge error'));
oh indeed
almost to good to be true
yer welcome
now I shall return to my slumber
it's fucking 4PM in india
@Neoares I don't see men here
you might want to see a doctor
@towc but do you see me?
I don't see doctors here either
that's why I said "you might want to"
I should get some kind of first aid certification actually
also, why did you say you don't see doctors here
you know what a PhD is?
the highest studies you can get
and get the title "Doctor"
me? personally?
no matter in which area do you work
no, you in plural
in spain we talk like that
@jAndy Hook into onpacket?
I never tried. Just an idea
middleware works just fine
A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., DPhil, or Dr. phil.; Latin Philosophiae Doctor) is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most countries. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. The completion of a PhD is often a requirement for employment as a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields. Individuals who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree may, in most jurisdictions, use the title Doctor (often abbreviated "Dr") or, in non-English speaking countries, variants such as "Dr. phil." with their name, and may use post-nominal...
> Dr. Phil
@Neoares how do I open links?
@towc shoot out the window
Sometimes i don't get meta. Someone submits a bug report saying the mobile website's menu item is misplaced, I answer "Not a bug, this is by design, see this css that explicitly positions it like that", and all I get are downvotes...
Like, wut.
@Cerbrus That is a stupid argument. That's like saying "It's not a bug, because that's how I wrote the code"
@OliverSalzburg More like: "It's not a bug, because that's how I explicitly positioned the element."
You don't accidentally snap an element to the left site of it's parent, and set it's width to 8px
Just because you explicitly wrote shitty code, doesn't make it less of a bug :P
Bugs are unintentional
Intentionally positioning a element like that is not a bug.
It may be bad design
bugs are animals
@Cerbrus sure, but is there a "bad design" report
@KamilSolecki No. Then it'd be a feature request to change the design
You should not be surprised about downvotes
Like, in general. Ever
I'd downvote it!
Please can anyone help me with this question?
@OliverSalzburg Sure, but if there's not a single upvote, then I'm a sad panda...
That is appalling indeed
Not even a solitary upvote from your peers?!
@Cerbrus who can say no to a panda?
@OliverSalzburg Not one. *noms on bamboo in a sad manner*
!!giphy never say no to a panda
best commercials I've ever seen
so, I'm trying to switch to firefox quantum
can't get dark chat to work easily :/
is "key in object" cross-browser compatible?
@Neoares I would hope so
@Neoares er, yeah?
anyway, I'd go with hasOwnProperty
seems to be better in my case
oh wait
I can also do object[key] === undefined
That's slightly different
@Neoares I think this was recently discussed here and if( "foo" in bar === false ) was provided as a nice alternative for negating the in expectation
Just in case this is what's troubling you as well
Can someone help me with a problem on JSFiddle, please? jsfiddle.net/dk54jb06/4/#&togetherjs=hHO9UOumic
@SamDoes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I like this
I also like the progression of time in this graph
Could just be me, but I don't think the line is supposed to bend back to the left
@OliverSalzburg What's going on there?
@Cerbrus Fiddle is showing where I clicked
Part of their collaboration stuff
Hm, that's distracting... :P
Is writing code cooperatively, like, multiple users in the same file live, something that actually works?
Or is this with more of a tutoring focus?
I've seen these kinds of features on other platforms and would assume there's a demand
Demand can be created :P
hmmm I can't come up with a name for an api route that gives out tokens
For us that would most definitely be a POST /api/tokens
Is there a command I can run that will tell me where all my disk space went on linux
I have 3 things installed on this, it shouldn't be using 10 gb
ls? :P
@Cereal du -h --max-depth 1
Then traverse into deeper folders as needed
Ah, thank you.
If you need to get fancy, dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu
I bet on APT caches or old kernels
/var is using 8.4gb
Google Music is horrible when it comes to suggesting music / radio feature
That's a system folder, isn't it?
@ShrekOverflow So is Spotify
@Cereal Yes. cd /var then issue du again
Apple Music was pretty OK
I like apple music's stations, but they just.. end sometimes
Just randomly stop, super annoying
/var/lib/docker 6.7gb
Curse you, docker
I forgot I was using that
Ah, damn :P
@ShrekOverflow gnoosic.com
give this a try
I asked google assistant what the weather is and she said "bla bla high of 30 and low of 23"
and I was like wtf
did give me surprisingly unknown and good results
then I said "weather in celcius", and it made sense
then I tried "from now on, use celcius"
and she was like "ok, I'll remember your preference to use celcius from now on"
@Cereal There is now a docker system prune
At least I only recently learned about it
It's running a mastodon instance, which I just did for fun
Might just delete it
@Mosho My Google Assistent only works if I talk to it in English, because my OS language is English. If I tell it anything that involves German words, it becomes completely useless. This fits 95% of all my use cases
I reclaimed 500mb!
Oh boy
However, this only applies to when I invoke it with "Ok Google". When I manually tap the mic, it works in German as well
@OliverSalzburg hmm, sometimes I use mine to translate german
@Mosho That works
> wie gehts
> I don't know what terminal your flight leaves from
But, as an example, a shopping list is called "Einkaufszettel" in German. If I tell it to put "2 liters of milk on the Einkaufszettel", it doesn't work
> Play my "Es ist Mittwoch" playlist on Spotify
> lolwut?
And every fucking time I use it to schedule a reminder... "Do you want to save this?"
What the fuck do you think I want to do with it?
To be entirely fair, if you told me to put 2 liters of milk on the Einkaufszettel, I wouldn't know what to do either
So it's at least as useful as 1 cereal
@Cereal Yeah, I can totally understand that it's a problem and I would gladly talk to it purely in German, but then I can't have my OS in English
Are there limitations to having your OS in german?
And the thought of having non-English software pains me
@Cereal Well, it's German
German translations for tech terms are retarded
And you can't communicate about technology with people internationally if you don't use the right terms
And I suppose apps don't have app specific language selection
@Cereal Some apps do, but I prefer to just run the entire thing in English
I do the same for pretty much all other devices I use
Makes sense
I imagine the algorithm they're running for speech detection is completely separate for each language
yeah no one uses hebrew to talk about tech either in israel
People just design their stuff in English and then translate it and the translations almost always suffer and complicate communication on a global scale if you have any issues with the product
and everyone in tech uses english for their OS
only the army uses hebrew
@Cereal I think so too. It's probably complicated enough already. Although when requesting a translation, multi-language works quite well AFAIR
and they sound like morons
And mastodon is gone. Fun experiment
We need to update NAO
Don't forget the huge list of breaking changes :)
Awesome. Sites were starting to look too different, it's nice to have a standard again.
@ssube Right? I want them to look like this again
Ou, official themes
Does bootstrap 4 suck less?
it's mobile first, and uses flexbox
@BenFortune IE11 fallbacks?
I'm pretty proud of the last site I made's design, but it's internal and I can't show anyone :(
did they drop their shitty custom grid for flex finally?
@Cereal I’m in the same boat
I'm not, everything I make looks like shit
I'm on a boat
♫ Boats and hoes, boats and hoes ♫
♫ Head, shoulders, Boats and hoes, boats and hoes ♫
♫ gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang ♫
@OliverSalzburg All of my yes
The font doesn't look right. But I guess it's just been too long for me to tell properly :P
on my travels ive seen something called a "reviver" function, what does a reviver function actually mean?
Revives previously killed processes into zombie workers that mine cryptocurrency on your GPU
when the user is critically harmed, it can call the local hospital and perform various maneuvers if the host is connected to the right hardware extensions. It's gaining popularity, and will be mandatory for any OS by 2021, in the united states
@GNi33 pretty accurate
but most it linked me are not known to me
For me it is as accurate as Spotify :P
Which is crap
I thought software like that worked on complex audio fingerprints of all music you ever listened too and then finds similar tracks and uses cosine similarity to find other tracks I might enjoy
But it's actually just "Oh, you listened to Artist, who I think is Pop. So I'm going to suggest every other Pop artist now"
"And I also have no idea how to distinguish artists who share the same name, even if they produce entirely different genres"
Yeah Spotify is pretty bad on music suggestions. Their Radio is still a bit of a joke, but it certainly has improved. It used to be that it would only play like 20 songs over and over again.
Spotify is spot on for me
@hilli_micha Indeed
The daily mixes and discover weekly playlists are amazing
@BenFortune That's because you're young and your taste in music is primitive
I love Spotify, and have been a paying customer since it became available in the U.S, but unless you like whatever is on the Billboard 100, it's suggestion system is not for you.
@OliverSalzburg Fuck you we're probably the same age
As you age, you will only listen to music if you know that it was recorded in a specific part of France and there were at least 2 naked women smoking cigars present when it was first played
Pandora, in my mind, is still unmatched in actually discovering new songs that are similar to your tastes.
@BenFortune Impossible. You look like you're in your 20s
We went to apple music because my girlfriend wanted more kpop options
@towc what
guys I made an NPM package finally
To each their own. I spend most of my time alternating between Rock from the 60s and 70s and Hard Rock from the 00s to early 10s
@Daemonk look it up
@corvid Link please

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