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SteamOS feels like the right choice so far
but maybe I should use Ubuntu / Solus instead that way I will be able to ssh and use them for other stuff too
there's a floor to input latency that you'll never be able to fix, just because of the translation layer
wifi itself doesn't seem to add much but your router certainly can
that is, with a good router, wifi should be fine
but in my case the noise is way too high for non beamforming routers
there are 29 SSIDs that I can catch
and microwaves 😐 ..
heh, yeah, I'm on a hill so my AP has seen 50-some
unifi keeps a running log, which is cool
I haven't seen a running log
Its just what my macbook captures
I can barely even recieve the b/g/n signal 3 rooms apart (~20 ft)
switching to a beamforming router fixed the issue for me (10 - 30ms jitter to 8 - 10ms jitter)
yeah, it's a bit nuts
542 all time, but a lot of those are passing cars
have you tried extension antennas for your wifi?
oh woah I missed it, happy birthday @FlorianMargaine!
old maaaan
aren't you older ?
i don't think loktar is older than florian no
yeah I am
he's 29
I'm 35
oh wow, i thought he was older than that lol
but he's still old! 😋 /joking
wait... you can have kids at the age of 29
im not ready for this shit. pause, timeout
@Loktar you are 35 :O
(I still can't get the idea of you being 35, even though you have told me this n times xD)
@HatterisMad lol dude I had kids by 20
@ShrekOverflow haha yeah it's weird to me too
20 by 20
it's funny a lot of people I know now my age are having their first or 2nd kid
i know a lot of people that had kids at 18 unfortunately
and my oldest is 15, only 4-5 more years left in the house
and my ex girlfriend had a kid at 16 lol
youngest is 11, I'm going to be free "young"
@HatterisMad damn
will you sigkick him :3 ?
@ShrekOverflow what do you mean?
kick him out at 18?
> and my oldest is 15, only 4-5 more years left in the house
nah, as long as they are trying things I'll let them stay, I mean there is a limit though
that was a nerdy joke, Imy humor has gone down
like if they're 25 and just lazy, I'll kick them out
I wish you were my dad :P
Q: How to get the multiple drop down values from checked checkbox?

Ivin RajOn click save button. We have Domain Doctor and based on domain we have Modules like Doctor Add/View, Doctor/Adddoctor checkbox. Inside Module Doctor/Adddoctor checkbox we having some dropdown list.In case we select some Module then corresponding drop down list value should be send. But in our...

i have been paying rent to my parent since i was 18, and paid for all of my expenses since i was 16 :/
yeah if my kids do that I'll have no issue with them living with me
but I think by 30 or even late 20's I'd still be like alright it's time to move on
lol right
i have not wanted to live with my parents.... it is just the best economical choice at points
yeah I understand that totally
and if i wasn't able to do that.... i would be fucked
like if they are on their own and run into trouble I wont let them live on the street
@HatterisMad mostly the same here + the H1B
heck I let my dad live with me for like 8 years
that was pretty rough though lol
thank goodness he has his own place now
yeah that would be really rough lmfao
Yay steamOS installation complete
@ShrekOverflow do they still update that?
I haven't heard much about steamos in a while
crazy, good to know
last version was sent Aug 17
I am assuming security patches aren't announced
but I'll check :D
this is just going to be a full gaming box / compute box
is there a steam app to mine bitcoin :?
... ntmk but damn man
I think that would be a badass idea
with achievements and such
you should make a gamified mining app
Maybe time to greenlite
there is no more greenlight, just steam direct now
you pay $100 and boom your games on steam
oh so one of my friends said that he used to mine bitcoin for fun back in 09
@Loktar I think at this points companies should make their game free
and use the GPUs to mine bitcoins, (Pay by compute power!)
and didn't realize it was going to be worth anything, so he dumped the computer he mined it on and all of it is gone forever lol
@ShrekOverflow hah yea, or have an option
that would be crazy
@HatterisMad omg that sucks
Its way better than watching ads tbh
esp on mobile games
dude @Mosho posted some stuff not too long ago, he had like 12 bit coins 😒
where even friken paid games have ads :|
maybe more I can't remember, but it's so crazy
@Loktar he said he used to mine bitcoin just as a challenge against a friend to see whose computer could mine more and thus was the superior computer
lost them as well
@loktar i think he said he had 60k bitcoin at one point ( i can't verify this )
I would be so angry at myself lol
but if he is actually telling the truth, i think i should check on him for suicide watch more often lol
haha yeah
he was showing me his setup and trying to educate me on how to make money mining
and im not sold on the technology
Stan Lee was accused of sexual misconduct now
stan lee can still get it up?
I have no idea
Not saying anything
> The nurses, for whom clients pay $1,000 a day, worked on shift rotation at the house and were available to him 24/7, seven days a week.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5250513/Marvel-creator-Stan-Lee-95-accused-groping-nurses.html#ixzz53qr4Zi2C
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$1k / day -> say $30k per month -> $360k per year WTF?
lol damn
/applies for a nursing degree
Most nurses make like 40k
but i am ogre!
and you will have bodily fluids all ogre you
if you become a nurse
1 hour later…
@Kotlinboy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Kotlinboy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Kotlinboy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
window.util = {
      getAbsoluteURL: function (url) {
          var absoluteURL = new URL(url, window.BASE_URL);
          return absoluteURL.href;
I need to construct a URL which doesn't remove the existing params
For example new URL("/edit_post", "" should return
But URL doesn't do that
Is there an alternative
@Kotlinboy why don't you concatenate the string in the URL construct ?
but it should work ...
ah right. Just re-checked the docs. The functionality is right
I got rekt by sickness
I used a lib called url-join
It works. Kinda fixed a major bug in my Django project that was related to JS
are you serious? You have included a package to solve a "" + "/edit_post" problem?
Just copied a 49 line js script to my static file dir
I now realize that might have been a bit overkill
But the URL sometimes might have slashes and sometimes not
It has to be reliable
at the end ?
At the end of djeddit and at beginning of /editpost
The module is very small. most of it is whitespace and comments
... How do you know something went down in 17 while you were sleeping?
Hi everyone is anyone there know how to determine if the link is linking a file to be download or a normal link
Here is my scenario I have a <a href = ""></a> The path is pointing on my database which contain links and a file. I want to know if there is a possibly way to determine if its a file or a link if its a file i want it to be downloaded while if its a link i want it to open in new tab and view. Thank you so much
72 emails...
At least it was an interesting read.
Hey guys, need some TS halp
This is most of the script
  function normalize (str, options) {
    if (startsWith(str, 'file://')) {
     // make sure file protocol has max three slashes
      str = str.replace(/(\/{0,3})\/*/g, '$1');
    } else {
      // make sure protocol is followed by two slashes
      str = str.replace(/:\//g, '://');
      // remove consecutive slashes
      str = str.replace(/([^:\s\%\3\A])\/+/g, '$1/');
    // remove trailing slash before parameters or hash
    str = str.replace(/\/(\?|&|#[^!])/g, '$1');
    // replace ? in parameters with &
@MadaraUchiha Ask
I have a dependency on tiny-emitter
A JS library that has no .d.ts. file
I wanted to well-type it myself
Hi everyone is anyone there know how to determine if the link is linking a file to be download or a normal link
Here is my scenario I have a <a href = ""></a> The path is pointing on my database which contain links and a file. I want to know if there is a possibly way to determine if its a file or a link if its a file i want it to be downloaded while if its a link i want it to open in new tab and view. Thank you so much
So I did something like this in my lib.d.ts file
declare module 'tiny-emitter' {
  abstract class Emitter {
    emit(type: string, ev: any): void;
    on(type: string, fn: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
  export = Emitter;
@Cerbrus pleb. When I returned from holiday, I have to face 1800 mails. There was a glitch that sent all support mails to my mailbox ...
@KarelG [Ctrl]+[A] > [Mark as read]
When I try to import * as TinyEmitter from 'tiny-emitter' { (they have no default export), it gives me an error
> [ts] Module ''tiny-emitter'' resolves to a non-module entity and cannot be imported using this construct.
just counting the mails coming from GH notifications after a drama...
I had to read through all of them to forward each mail to the right person correctly
@KarelG are you a mail server?
Hm, not enough experience with modules like that :-/
then someday, an analyst complained that he suddenly got 30 mails from me, all supports dedicated to him...
Investigating a bit tells me I need Emitter to also be a namespace
And adding namespace Emitter {} in the module block does make the error go away
But when I try class Something extends TinyEmitter {} it doesn't inherit the emit and on methods
This is how jQuery's typings work:
declare module "jquery" {
    export = $;
declare var jQuery: JQueryStatic;
declare var $: JQueryStatic;
JQueryStatic is just an interface.
In fact, 99% of the typings files I have here is interface declarations. Not even in a namespace
abstract class Emitter should probably be interface Emitter
@Cerbrus But then a class cannot extend it
But a typing can't be extended
It's not an implementation
It's just an, well, interface that tells Typescript what methods are available in the library
Meanwhile: Can a 10k+ please cast the last delete vote on this homework question? :-)
Upvote all my stuff and I can
My instructor asked me to use the internet. I am not using others to pass a test, I am learning it in the process. Do not vote to close this. I need it. — Folarin Osibodu Jan 4 at 10:35
he has procrastinated. If I was a prof, I would google my task info
> Please help. I want to pass this test with flying colors.
> I am not using others to pass a test
dissonance? :P
@OliverSalzburg what has happened last night ...
wait I missed a shitstorm yesterday
also why did so many people change their prof pics
because that is de whey
@KamilSolecki it's one of those new meme things
What happens if a mod freezes a room? Nobody then can use that room? Or is it just creating a snapshot?
I am getting 144 FPS
on CS:GO all maxed out 😀 it works, although it is a bit sluggish
@BenFortune Please don't.
@KarelG Nobody can chat, stars are frozen
And i assume ROs can't move messages.
A image
Okay, let's not continue that "meme" today.
12 hours ago, by Madara Uchiha
ROs: Feel free to kick liberally. I think the joke overgrew its own humor. If it gets even more out of hand, ping/flag.
That meme is the joke Madara was talking about.
@KarelG You might not be aware of it, but some of the folks around here are pretty fucked up
You don't look into the tab for 5 minutes and people start kicking each other in the balls
And, worst of all, during the whole ordeal, there were hardly any good puns or sexual innuendo
I'll put a pun in your endo
Nope, I've got nothing...
Anyway. I started to download my Amazon Drive yesterday. What a fucked up process. It's probably too late now to note this, but, don't use Amazon Drive
how do you download something physically?
3D print it ?
But if you must interact with it, CloudBerry Explorer is pretty sweet
@Cerbrus I really don't like how people are clamping down on this 'meme'. It's the tamest shit.
there was no reason it couldn't have been left to die a natural death. Lots of people were getting involved and having fun doing so
It's unfortunate that ndugger & luggages historic beef with each other is confusing the issue
but I really do believe that kicking people for memeing in chat is a massive overreaction
The "meme" is stupid.
And apparently no longer welcome.
very, and it's stale now too
So let's not continue dragging this on
that's the part i don't like. who gets to decide whether it's welcome or not? Just because luggage is an RO and decided to put his foot down?
there were other ROs that were having fun with it
David, this is no longer the place to discuss that.
So, how's the weather over at your place, @david?
@Loktar you didn't miss it, everyone else was a day early :)
any more weather talk and i'm opening 15 github issues
You don't even know how to appreciate a good weather!
(@OliverSalzburg i've just spent 3 weeks in japan's cold ass winter, and come back to nz's nice summer. going to go scuba diving this weekend. i can appreciate a good weather :D)
Cerbrus, it's just us here. We're not disturbing anyone, we're not preventing people from asking questions. Why can't we chat about the room's culture?
Because it's meta and meta is boring
Because this issue has been moved to github. We're not going to come to any conclusions here, and we're not going to endlessly debate about some drama here.
I've asked you to drop it two or three times now.
just drop it and we move on
and the best time to stop is this:
cap pls
here we go.
But I don't want to hammer...
of course you do!
!!hammer or no hammer.
@KamilSolecki That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, d, y, !, ^, π, ?, א
@Cerbrus no hammer.
There we go :-)
just watched a vid of a cruise ship going through a huge storm ... that captain is an idiot
Dude was really hoping for that chandelier to crash down
Can I ask a question?
sure. go ahead
I have an object with an image tag inside (as a fallback). When $(document).ready() the object is showing as a blank html (just having the html, head, and body tags). If I then run the code to get the contentDocument manually (after everything has loaded) then it works.

Is there a way to determine when the object has loaded the SVG completely? I tried all sorts: $(object).ready(), MutationObserver, $(object.contentDocument).ready()
Images have a load event that fires. Are you actually using an image? like <img src="some.svg" />?
<object id="logo" class="logo" data="<?= $baseURL; ?>/images/logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
<img id="logo" class="logo" src="<?= $baseURL; ?>/images/logo.png" alt="My Logo" />
A side question would be: how do I know the fallback occurred.
you should be able to tap into the event with $('#logo').on('load', () => {yourstuff;})
(it's been a while since i've done jquery so that might be wrong)
The reason is that for the SVG I can manipulate the path, with the image fallback I need to swap the image out
@david This solved it, I used the onload function on the object and that solved the problem. something so simple; thank you!
Guys, with ReactIntl, is there a way to add the translation ID in an attibute or something?
<span data-intl-id="foo.bar.baz">Foo Bar Baz!</span>
one of the adds of this new chat app, Threema says that it does not collect data. Yet if you scroll down ... you see the opposite
@FlorianMargaine Happy birthday!
@KarelG lmao
synchronous ajax requests are deprecated. will the day come when this is not supported by browsers anymore or can i use it?
Don't use it, what's your reasoning for using it?
why-oh-why are the Chrome dev tool killing me so hard
in some cases it is useful. for example when you have multiple requests depending on each other. i know that it can be solved with callbacks but when you have more than 3 requests it's awful code and results in a callback massaker
for( let [ namespace, content ] of Object.entries( namespaceContainer ) ) {
				for( let [ eventName, listeners ] of Object.entries( content ) ) {
					// namespace and content is a "Reference Error: not defined" here
That seems unexpected
its only while in debug/breakpoint
Is source mapping involved?
of course I can access those variables in normal runtime, but if I want to debug it, it can't seem to find/resolve out of scope stuff
I only know this behavior from when it's unable to map variable names back to their original name and you would have to check out s or whatever instead
Or when stuff is actually out of scope
let me disable source map then for a sec
sad, same problem.
@jAndy are the variables used?
@KendallFrey that group is weird
if you add console.log(namespace, content); does it work?
@Neoares Don't you dare call baby metal weird
I already heard a song of them
megitsune I think it was called
weird as fuck xD
it's like waifus doing screamo
@qd0r use promises...
@phenomnomnominal what do you mean? I just need to check in debug state where I'm at at present in the loop. At least "content" is used for the entries-lookup right... but Chrome can't scope it up
Fetch already give you a promise object.
@MadaraUchiha did you read all that I wrote to you yesterday?
it was related to your react question
@jAndy chrome removes unused vars from debugging scope
let me try that
indeed that does the job
how horrible is that
it's some memory shit
but yeah, it's annoying
what is an "unused var" for chrome?
I can't even express how stupid that is... remove "unused" from scope. What definition is unused then
yea.. I clearly USE those variables, but I don't directly access them in that deeper scope, that's enough for chrome to remove them
that must be configurable somewhere pretty please
another reason to continue with FF :/
watch expressions possibly override it?
conditional breakpoints?
I tried debugger; as statement and manual breakpoints, I only have access to those out-of-scope stuff if I indeed "access" those free variables in the scope I'm currently at
if you modify the breakpoint so it only breaks on !!namespace, does that work?
for( let [ namespace, content ] of Object.entries( namespaceContainer ) ) {
				for( let [ eventName, listeners ] of Object.entries( content ) ) {
					listeners = listeners.filter( eventData => {
						console.log( namespace, content);
						if( eventData.registrar !== this )
I can observe namespace and content now in the dev tools, but eventName and listeners is "undefined"
this is hell
until madara froze it
you can go up the call stack to where they're in scope?
Bring @PaulIrish here
you'll be lucky
looks like I've been thinking "chicken" was its own plural for a while
why lol
"the chicken are eating" sounds much better than "the chickens are eating" to me
you mean like sheep
chicken is the plural for chick
@towc to you, indeed
sounds horrible to me
see them hot chicken by the corner?
@KamilSolecki nailed it
I vote for chicken plurality
what sounds weird to me is "people are" instead of "people is"
but because in spanish "people" is singular
la gente?
I don't know a language in which chicken is its own plural tbf
la gente es, instead of la gente son
right yeah
@towc you tried to find one, you failed
don't you have like "les persona son"
in spanish, the femenin of chicken = dick
people is the plural of person
I once actually said that in a shop
@KamilSolecki you know very well man xD
the look on peoples faces
Yeah i know some spanish
jQuery has been removed from atom! (Among other things): blog.atom.io/2018/01/10/the-state-of-atoms-performance.html
it was a chicken whop?
like "I want a dick"
a deli yeah
I went in
kamil wants a dick for lunch lul
and said
did they give it to you?
Una polla por favor
they went laughing
then proceeded to explaining
I guess because they notice your accent
hah yeah probably
@KamilSolecki It's not an English dick but ... :D
in theory animals doesn't have gender in spanish, gramatically speaking
but some people does it for animals like dogs or cats, but because they treat them as humans
but also, calling someone a "perra" is like calling her a bitch
your dog is not smart
your dogs are not smart
won't be long until my kids will eat spiders
is "chicken" femenin in your language? @KamilSolecki
is there a SQLi possibility with ps.setString(index++, "Sent mail '" + email + "'");
ps = java's PreparedStatement
@KarelG thanks i'll google for that

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