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with multiple layers of caching between the you, the CPU, and memory, increasing reps makes it harder to measure
@ssube The idea is that you would design the exploit such that the timings would be statistically bimodal. Each time you run one test (cache hit or miss), you find a way to reset the state of the cache (either by flushing that particular cacheline or forcing it out using associativity) and do it again. Loop it 100000 times, and you've exceeded the uncertainty of the timer.
Not saying it's actually practical, but someone determined enough can attempt it.
Maybe, but how much does the timing vary between two hits or two misses?
How do you ensure that you've cleared the cache fully?
@ssube 5 ns vs. 500 ns. So a factor of 100-ish.
I mean between each of the two hits and each of the two misses
@ssube You don't know for sure. But if you reverse engineer the cache eviction policy (just like they did with the branch predictor for Spectre 2), you can probably evict a cacheline with minimal work.
solution: just run one app per computer
probably, but every bit of uncertainty makes it harder to catch, and I think multiplying by 100k will make that worse
is cache hit timing consistent between a full cache and a fresh one?
> No networked computers
there are so many small time variables
@ssube You don't. You set it up such that if the bit you're trying to read is 0, you get 100000 cache hits, otherwise 100000 cache misses. That would potentially show up bimodal.
@Luggage abstinence works
@ssube Depends on which level you're hitting.
@Mysticial right, and how do you ensure you hit the same one for every one of the 100k iterations? I think the natural uncertainy would be amplified and break the attack
My only regret is missing sterlingarcher's post that got a million flags
it was funny
@Mysticial if you can blow it to that amount of cache hits and misses - then maybe - but that would be a lot of hits and it would be tricky.
damn, can't see deleted message that old (or that caused bans)
@ssube Like I said, you need to reverse engineer the cache enough to know. Evicting from the L1 and L2 is easy. Just access 8 other lines with same address mod a large power of two. L3 is slightly harder since it's hashed. I'm just saying that decreasing the timer makes it harder, but maybe not impossible for someone who really knows what they're doing.
It would have been fine behind a NSFW tag, but I think Jordan was half wanting the flags for street cred.
How big is the TLB?
It was a lego guy in the bathroom with a lego glory hole
That gives users colors, if that's all you want
Just userscript
it also keylogs (not really, that I know of)
Might be big enough
@Luggage The script? D=
Is there any vanilla DOM method to wrap a node with another node/tag? Or you do you still have to createElement/appendChild your way
@Mysticial not impossible, but we're already talking about an attack that might not work and needs careful timing. If you don't know the exact CPU, can't determine the cache, or are competing with other processes (like in a cloud env), that's even harder.
You "still have to" do that
I wrote it, I don't remember putting in a keylogger
just asking because of all those new shiny DOM utils like remove, after, before, replaceWith etc.
Those are new? Are you from the past?
Please ask my grandfather where he burried the cash
reminder that I haven't asked for life advice today
I just spent like 30 minutes reading through this entire stupid blog post
> Setting up the proxy
To have the Webpack development server proxy our API requests to our API server, we just need to add the following line to client/package.json:

// Inside client/package.json
"proxy": "http://localhost:3001/",
We're set.
3 sentences!
who/what do you blame?
@towc I hope that doesn't mean you're ending your life, because I strongly oppose that decision
@towc The blog writer using 20 paragraphs to say 1 thing
@Cereal so now you're giving me life advice without me asking? Damn
nah, I have no intention of actively seriously injuring myself, on purpose
I just want to make sure that you not asking for life advice doesn't mean you're dying
ah, no. It's just that people only notice when I ask for life advice, and I want them to also notice when I don't ask for life advice. And yes I want a pat in the back. And I demand a cookie and a star
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have no idea actually. TLB has never been a performance bottleneck for the stuff I do. At least not until now.
pats @towc on back
Get your own cookies, though.
@Cereal suicide is not de wey
u do not know de whey
I feel like I'm going to get banned, I should change my avatar
Stop spamming. Reported.
> I feel like I'm going to get banned
not sure he means him
That is you saying "I typed this not for any purpose other than I want to start a fight"
Nope, it means he feels like he's in an environment where the slightest misstep could result in someone punishing him without explanation or any form of recourse
keep calm and listen to Fit for an Autopsy
@Luggage you could have ignored it too
Stop being so oversensitive. Sometimes people make jokes. Have you heard of jokes? They’re funny.
I also could've
I could have ignored it. I didn't kick. I just wanted to say that I don't appreciate intentional trolling and trying got start drama.
I don't have to ignore.
Congratulations for not kicking. I guess you expect a reward now
I suggest we all ignore future attempts at starting a fight
let's try
@ndugger you suck
@towc for the right price
@SterlingArcher your avatar is not the avatar I married
any reason for the change?
other than... change?
not really
Does that catch his leg or does he just stumble as he lands? i.imgur.com/fi76krV.gifv
he cleared it
if you got shinned by a motorcycle you wouldnt just stumble a bit lol
could have just caught his foot for a few inches
did you just have a stroke
I think I might have.
ill call the bondulance
@Luggage I wasn't here for that, I just scrolled up and read it
Facts don’t matter to some people
You know what they say about jumping to conclusions; they make a con out of u and me
So catch me up, do I really need to go through 2 promises to get a textual response when using fetch
Fetch, and then the stream/parser
is it a problem?
No, I just wasn't expecting it
I haven't used JS in awhile
I guess it's future proofing it incase they ever make json parsing asynchronous
and the textual one just had to match the format
It’s more just about bringing streams to the client
Now I suppose if I want the view to update when the data changes, I should just wire up a websocket. There's no special whatchamahoosit in react to do that?
react doesn't touch data loading at all
but yea.. a websocket is common if you want live updates
like, pushed from the server.
That's what I thought. Refreshingly simple.. I feel like a lot of libraries would touch it
Or less to re-learn I guess
I wish something would touch me
get a cat
I tried to set my avatar to a picture of my cat, but it super squished it
function FruitList(props) {
    return props.fruits.map((fruit) => {
       return (
           <li key={fruit.id}>{fruit.name}</li>
Is this the proper way to make a list of something as a component?
@Luggage in as nice as a way as I can put it, I have zero interest in socialising with you and ask that you please don’t try to socialize with me.
My brain wanted to to use a loop in the jsx, which I don't think is possible
you can make it a little neater if you use arrow functions, but yeah that should be fine. You need react 16 for array responses though
He already is using an arrow function
@ndugger in as nice of a way I can put it, the feeling is mutual, budy. You've been a real drag ever since you came back to this channel to constantly shit on us and anyone that entered the room. You've openly told us you hate us and we suck and that you like trolling and don't give a fuck about the feeling of others. I gave you room to be nice, but I won't any more.
Ah, found the documentation for render
@ndugger ah yeah i see, but only on the inner function. And he's still using a code block and return
@Luggage that isn’t nice at all. Feel free to ignore me, in fact please do and just allow the other room owners to moderate me. You’re clearly incapable of being objective.
If you want to continue your accusations, take it to github; that’s your own rule afterall.
@david Oh right, the last statement is implicitly returned in an arrow function isn't it
Or is that only without brackets
only without brackets
you could do something like
`const FruitList = (props) => props.fruits.map((fruit) => <li key={fruit.id}>{fruit.name}</li>)`
@Luggage and @ndugger probably a good idea if you actually ignore each other
That’s what I’m suggesting as well
although then you're getting to quite the one liner, over 80 chars
function FruitList(props) {
    return props.fruits.map((fruit) => <li key={fruit.id}>{fruit.name}</li>);
@ndugger I guess make the first move then
I’m not going to ignore an ro unless he ignores me first. I’d have no warning of him about to kick me. I’m not dumb.
I won't start conversations or enter into his, since he has now explicitly asked me not to. But I won'
Just don't get kicked, ezpz
He can still unignore you after, and you'd be in the same place.
I've managed it for years, please ignore the 2 year absence
But I won't 'ignore' him if he's being disruptive or pinging me to tell me he doesn't like me.
I politely asked you not to talk to me; you responded with accusations. Please ignore me so we can move on
It'd be great if just one of you did it.
quit baiting each other; drop it or leave
He has an unfair advantage. He can kick me and claim it was because I ignored his warnings
@ssube that applies to both, correct?
Yeah and that advantage is in place for a reason
I know it sucks, but sometimes life is unfair
@phenomnomnominal not if you abuse it it isn’t
@Luggage could you please ignore him
@ndugger drop it
Stop saying that. I won't.
the github issue is open
this isn't some personal disagreement. he shit posts all day and sometimes gets kicked. that's how it works.
asking an RO to ignore you because you won't behave is ridiculous
I have been, if anything, not consistent enough.
@ssube I’m asking an ro to ignore me because he’s incapable of being objective. You continued this, btw, so don’t be a hypocrite and kick me now
drop it
Other ros have no problem
@ssube i will, but you can’t continue it and then tell me to drop it. We all have to if you actually want to be objective.
@ndugger that's not true
I didn’t say all, and I thought we were supposed to drop it
I don't see the github issue
Oh, was in the wrong repo
There's also a link to them in the room description
Like it or not, there is a hierarchy here, and you're lower in it because you're not a RO, just like I'm lower in it because I'm not a moderator. You can't just call "abuse" and "incapable of being objective" and expect that to not escalate stuff. Your reply to luggage about having no interest in socialising was pretty baiting. If you don't want to talk to someone, don't tell them that you don't, just stop talking to them. I think we can all agree this has gone far enough.
Would be cool if we could all agree to refrain from being escalatory for a bit while we cool down.
between ssube's 'drop it' and your talk, there may be mixed signals
yeah, a bit
would you mind dropping it for a bit as well, @phenomnomnominal?
So so happy to.
It's not busy here and I think it's more reasonalbe to talk about this now than it was before, but I'll leave that to you two.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but keeping the topic here isn't getting anywhere
Or please continue it so I have more ammunition to make github issues with; your call
would it help if i suggested that you guys drop it too?
drop it like it's hot
I wish I had some beer
put some bread in water.
beer, not prison wine
toilet hooch
I think we can all agree that whether or not ugandan knuckles got out of hand or not, that whey giphy made it all worth it
I'm curious about that VR chat
I'm sure it's not awkward at all.
@ssube Someone made a point earlier that the creator of the "know de wey (Ugandan knuckles)" meme regrets making it because it prevents VR Chat from becoming like Second Life and the comparison is apt already. If you've ever been exposed to Second Life.
I have and thought of it instantly.
I thought it was because it made VR chat more like Second Life
I remember the quote
7 hours ago, by rlemon
> The creator of the 3D model that has been used to bring VRChat's "Ugandan Knuckles" meme to life regrets his decision, saying that the overproliferation of memes in the virtual reality game threatens to transform it into the next Second Life.
Read more at http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/362289-creator-vrchats-ugandan-knuckles-meme-regrets-decision#KmFtzXmfrxthFLOF.99
@Loktar I realize that, regarding thin mints, that context matters in my example. I was primarily referring to personal consumption, nothing beyond that.
turns out we don't talk about Second Life much lol
@ssube I believe you're right. But either way, the comparison is apt.
I wouldn't try VR chat while my so was here
Second Life hasn't been relevant for many years I feel, outside of niche memery and cancer.
yeah no worries regardless
it's a late night weekend sort of thing
Basically Comedy Night fills that same spot imo
I worked with (and eventually replaced) the build/CI/CD guy from Second Life at an unrelated company
he was the weirdest dude
used to get in the elevator and say "going down" in time with it
all slow like
i'd probably do that if no one else was on
Second Life certainly breeds an odd individual when exposed for long periods of time.
the sort of individual with a fox tail coming out of their butt
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I wasn't thinking about cakes, no.
First night of "American Govt." class was not what I expected.
what are you taking classes for?
Degree, either Comp Sci or Business, haven't decided, I need to soon, about to get my AA
Just been really putting off these 'bullshit' classes.
oh nifty
comp sci
I've got 6 years, going on 7, of development experience. I worry that Comp Sci will be redundant on my resume.
If you removed all the bullshit classes from my degree, I would have graduated in 2 years and saved 20k
but.. comp sci is what all jobs will be.
having it on your resume certainly won't hurt
if anyone asks, you went back for the formal education later
I really liked the math courses of my CS degree. I knew probably 80% of the CS courses, and the 20% was good learning
if I were hiring someone and they had experience and then got degrees, certs, etc, that just shows depth of knowledge and means they know the theoretical, algorithmic stuff
I think I'd personally be fine in an interview with where I stand now, I've been a solo developer for the last 4 years so I've got the whole gamut of experience covered. I'd just tell them the truth, I was really busy settling into my life with my wife (rhymes) along with navigating my job and picked up college a little late, but it'll get completed either way
having learned everything on the job and recently gone for a cert, there's a ton of theoretical stuff I've never used and am totally missing
Right. All I've ever heard is Real world experience is not even close to the stuff you'd learn in classrooms, and I'd believe it. I"m sure a classroom doesn't do a good job of emphasizing how important staying organized is above all else
staying organized is important?
It's the only way I've found to survive thus far lol
I don't have anyone really above me, it's 100% me to keep the ship a float from a dev. stand point. So organization keeps my head from exploding
I organize my code, but nothing else in my life.
the code is what is important. source control is forever. programmers are temporary meat-bags
I treat work more as a constantly evolving stream of data and I'm Flash, buffering poorly
That's my biggest mistake from when I started, not correctly utilizing source control. When I need to retrace something I did years ago and I have to rely on notes from past me, that guy is an idiot and he's worthless.
good version control didn't exist years ago
cvs was better than nothing, in spite of what linux torvalds says
We've always used SVN, the biggest thing I failed on was meaningful notes.
Thumbs up for "don't nut them all together".. — Alex C yesterday
svn is just better cvs
from elsewhere on SO and out of context
I used CVS for a bit once, was working with a Windows kernel dev who wouldn't touch anything else and had a bunch of headers and debug info for NWN1
If there was someone else here, I'd set up Git in a heart beat. But it's just me, so I don't need anything beyond what SVN provides. So, it's all a matter of necessity.
apt install gitlab-ce :D
really. free, more features than most people need
well. more features than most people USE
but yea.. if you have SVN and you are alone, it's fine.
git's whole thing is branching, so yeah
i strongly prefer git, but as long as that svn repo is backed up you've done your obligation and can rest easy
unless you want to branch heavily
svn can branch and merge decently enough, these days
I can't decide if I want to use branches in my own stuff pre-release or nah
still have tree conflicts with some changes, but workable.
I only need tags/branches for release milestones. Maybe the odd feature here and there, but nothing crazy.
also, you can use git against an svn repo
I only really suggest that if you know git well enough to rebase. you'll have to do it more often when using git as an svn client (at least when working with other people)
I have a small project I've done with Git, but nothing huge.
Standing Desk + Remote = Dancing Desk
Can you work for a US company, @ShrekOverflow?
That's my blood sugar (yes, it's a little high at the moment, handled) there in the @code terminal. #diabetes https://www.hanselman.com/blog/VisualizingYourRealtimeBloodSugarValuesANDAGitPromptOnWindowsPowerShellAndLinuxBash.aspx
so geek
@Luggage I do work for a US company
ohh, ok
just a thought. nothing to quit your job over. some place I did work for is having a hard time taking over a project since they are incompetent fools. I know they were looking for people..
tell me more 😃
well, i can bring it up, but don't get too excited, yet. I don't know how they would feel about hiring an individual overseas. They mostly have local people.
I don't know what hassle (if any) it is to hire someone living abroad as an employee.
or contractor or anything
anyway, I take you are interested if I mention it?
I sometimes see people store properties in an object with dependencies among one another.
I sincerely think that it's not a good habit.
@Luggage lets talk ovr email about this, I can't be excited or non-excited unless I know more about the company
and the work, also I am actively looking for jobs that apply for my Visa
Because you have no idea which property is the source of truth and you have to maintain that relationship
a react/mobx/knockout/node/postgres project (my code) for a really shitty company.
You are dreaded if that property is always the same values as what is calculated from another one.
@ZhengquanBai Can you give an example?
1 message moved to Trash can
@ZhengquanBai Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
total: 3,
list: [{}, {}, {}]
This is our first pet death. Sucks. Whole house is a mess. https://t.co/p1vcm0yay3
I watched the whole video. no death :(
If "total" is meant to be length of the list, it doesn't need to be a parallel property.
@ZhengquanBai I agree.
Is it part of some other (third party) API, though?
@Luggage Inherting your code sounds fun, working for a shitty company not so much
@Luggage I like how "Whole house is a mess" could mean a lot of things
Yea, I expected an explosion
Was it an exploding hamster?
Where can I buy an exploding hamster?
I bet KJU could tell me
understood, that's why i left and only did work as a contractor for them, (that was way better). But that isn't the most stable. Would you be interested in part time work, or don't want a second job?
sure I can take part time
I'll bring it up. We can talk more if there is any interest on their part.
But... again.. no idea.
Hi bros sissss
tfw my Chrome extensions are the primary reason I don't switch to Firefox
That is a lot of extensions.
I was about to say I need every one of them, just realized I have two "full page screenshot" extensions
name some that you need. Just curious
The most important one
ahh, like the canadization extension
Harvest for timekeeping
React Dev tools for debugging
JSON Formatter for looking at APIs
SO Chat Commander so I can have easy access to cat pictures in SO Chat
Autoscroll for when I scrape Facebook
Full Page Screenshot because I constantly need to have full page screenshots (that scroll)
Betternet for VPN
Millenials to Snake People for obvious reasons
User-Agent switcher because I'm working on a decompiling and recreating some app that uses a custom User-Agent
Eyedropper so I can figure out what colors are what in images and stuff.
The only ones that are questionable whether I need them are the Autoscroll and User Agent switcher since I need them less often. But yeah
More of those sound useful* than I would have predicted. :)
Yeah lol
i used to use screenshot and eyedropper plugins. dont' need them anymore. I just run lastpass and react dev tools
What do you use in place of the Eyedropper plugins? Or do you just not need them anymore
Just don't need them.
I am installing SteamOS
on my old desktop
oh shit
let me know how it goes, that whole steamos thing seemed to die off really fast
i was one of those people secretly hoping that steamboxes would take over and bring the masterrace to the world
but it never really happened
i was left feeling like an ouya fanboy
conisdering > Brewmaster release 2.121 (August 2, 2017; 4 months ago)
it should be pretty faine
steam can't even make a good web browser, and how they want an OS?
it's just linux
@Luggage its Debian with Steam Client running out of hte box
my desktop is headless as I am using the monitor
so all I want from it is its raw compute / gpu power to play games
I think with in home streaming it should work fine 😃
in home streaming is the thing where you use one beefy machine to run the game and a smaller dumb terminal type thing to interact with it?
i did that once somehow and the input lag was too jarring
@david You'll either need beamforming, 802.11ac relatively free wireless router or ethernet
I did an update of my desk / essentials
Although maybe I should just use the system by swapping HDMI Cables
effectively it's now Desktop -> Macbook -> Main Monitor (bleh) / Macbook Screen (gleee... the colors, the crisp!)
although not being able to run League of Legends is a bummer
beamforming might be overkill
steam has never cleared 30mbit casting to the TV
@ssube latency
but that might be due to my noisy neighbourhood
@ssube is there any other way you can think of that I can "merge" these computers?
latency could be many things. What sort of router are you thinking?
ATM I have a wireless router that serves as a modem
ah, yeah
but for gaming I'll use ethernet b/w the desktop and the router
Q: How to get the multiple drop down values from checked check box?

Ivin RajOn click save button. We have Domain Doctor and based on domain we have Modules like Doctor Add/View, Doctor/Adddoctor checkbox. Inside Module Doctor/Adddoctor checkbox we having some dropdown list.In case we select some Module then corresponding drop down list value should be send. But in our...

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