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@MadaraUchiha for some reason importing TS from JavaScript doesn't work - any idea what obvious reason I'm missing?
@BenjaminGruenbaum with webpack?
@Mosho you got 10m to help me? I haven't done this in a few months
do tell what is failing
you mean that the import clause doesn't work?
or that the files just don't import
It doesn't find the .ts module when imported
@Sankar Nikola Tesla
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you have .ts as a resolvable extension?
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.tsx'],
resolve: {
      root: absolutePath('../'),
      extensions: [
"Uncaught Error: Cannot find module "src/api/test"
Which loader?
I recall having it once with ts-loader
@Neoares No i meant who invented Nikola Tesla
can you for a moment hop in and try awesome loader @BenjaminGruenbaum
I can, but I don't think that should make a difference
I'm trying to remember what, but I recall there was something about ts-loader which caused that issue
@Sankar his parents?
an additonal setting or something
with the art of sex
@Neoares Exactly thats what i meant
@BenjaminGruenbaum maybe, but we will at least be certain :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure
can you give me your config
Sure, hangouts?
lemme double check it and make sure it's not a brainfart
> brainfart
Weird, with awesome-typescript-loader I get ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'awesome-typesript-loader' in
so, that is not so awesome then
Github down for anyone?
it says it's just me :(
ok now it says it's not just me
they might have problems with AWS
not for me
Down again
github works fine for me
a bit slow, but it works
because they use AWS
but they're having problems for sure
what about aws?
they have different server locations
maybe not all AZs are down
but they have to redirect to AZs in indonesia, so gl
like the load balancer is having a bad time
anyway I don't think it's an AWS problem
AZs don't go down that easy
maybe A, or B,or C, but not all of them
so I'd blame github
well, we are about to move everything to aws, so...
your company?
Hi folks
github works fine at my end
* throws a banana to @LuckyLam *
I need to put a picture on GH
but I don't have any
!!giphy random
put that one
maybe this one
@rlemon can you make me prettier
you arent on that picture
missing doggo
I'm just not wearing sunglasses in the pic
and I recently got a haircut
ah, makes sense
I have used neo's pic as my GH avatar
after that, my workplace knows that I love the matrix trilogy
@Mosho oh boy just you wait
I'm firing up ps as soon as I get back to work
but I just wanted a pic to be in contrast of everyone's selfie pic there ...
@Mosho you are the one in glasses, right?
no, I'm the coke bottle
anyone here how to fix this?
:product-models="['Buyer's Item #']"
I don't think I've ever met a coke bottle
the Buyers's Item # is a dynamic string
@KamilSolecki fizz
:product-models="['someObject']" and the someObject = Buyer's Item #
any idea please?
@KarelG it's like linkedin for a lot of developers
eh, you will have a hard time to find my GH account :P
I link that in my CV
then list on which OSS I have contributed on.
(not all of them. 3 is enough. Worked at 5 so far)
yeah but I find it's easier to work with people you've never met and never will if there are pictures of them in their profiles
of course that's just my preference
I personally see no difference
those pics are tiny if you check a repo anyways ...
(except at issues)
why people use both [class*=asd], [class^=asd] { ... } instead of just one
because that's what they pasted from does
could be taht the author doesn't know those selectors very well
so then, is there any difference?
yes ...
class="asd"             [class*=asd], [class^=asd]
class="foo asd"        [class*=asd]
class="foo asd bar"    [class*=asd]
@Neoares there is, ^ is starts with, * is contains
but if you use *, you clearly don't need ^
there is also ends with: $=
ok, in my case I only need ^
please note that [class*=asd] will be triggered too if you have class="wasdaa"
I know
that's why I'm gonna use ^
I'm doing something like class-separated-by-hyphens
so class-separated will have some basic style
then depending on the next word, different styles
[class^=tutorial-arrow] {
    position: absolute;
    border: 6px solid transparent;
.tutorial-arrow-up {
    top: -12px;
    left: 10px;
    border-bottom: 6px solid #15BCCC;
.tutorial-arrow-down {
    bottom: -12px;
    left: 10px;
    border-top: 6px solid #15BCCC;
[class^=tutorial-arrow-left] {
    border-right: 6px solid #15BCCC;
    left: -12px;
.tutorial-arrow-left-up { top: 12px; }
.tutorial-arrow-left-down { bottom: 12px; }
[class^=tutorial-arrow-right] {
    border-left: 6px solid #15BCCC;
I'm a CSS ninja
@KarelG What kind of math goes into weighing returning a dead tree against the cost of the entire process
How can that be beneficial?
do you expect them being that smart ?
I just plant the tree in my garden for the next year.
if it dies when I check it in december, well, I simply buy a new one for decoration and chop the dead one for firewood
Did you ever get a used christmas tree to root?
I did try this a few times, never succeeded
I imagine
I've rooted quite a few cuttings, but a whole tree? :D
it could work on a relatively young tree I imagine, if you keep the cut trunk wet all of the time and just put it inside for the 2 or 3 days of christmas and replant it right afterwards. At least that's what I heard
as I said, never succeeded myself
How have I only just discovered Virtualbox's seamless mode
It's amazing
It's amazing because you just discovered it
Give it a minute
It will disappoint soon enough
seamless mode?
@OliverSalzburg the tree comes with a block of soil. I just dig a hole, put a bit fertilizer below it (green cuts disposal like peeled pieces of potatoes), put a small fraction of fertilized soil on it, then the tree. I then cover it with ... branches
ya know when you cut some grown branches from bushes to keep it small, you roll those in a grinder/whateverdevice. You get then a heap of tiny branch pieces
idk how its called in english
Oh. We always have clean cut trees
but I have to say, it does not work always because the soil and weather is kinda different.
any react dev in here?
@KarelG mulch?
it happens that I could reuse same christmas tree two times, but at other side, i could not re-use
googled imaged "mulch" yes that!
partly matter of luck tho. Had a tree being infested with a huge ant nest below it
would be stupid to bring that in house
@OliverSalzburg I wouldn't even know what to call that in german
oh wait... that probably is german
Is kubernetes kind of like a cloud platform you host yourself?

I keep seeing the name, went to the site and it didn't really clarify
@Cereal container management i think
sorta like docker
I thought docker was like a little VM
I just read a blog article about someone making a cluster of RPIs for kubernetes, which made me think it wasn't a vm
it is not
Anyone working on TypeScript with WebStorm?
> It's called Medium because the articles are neither rare nor well-done.
Fucking burn
@Cereal it's not unlike a VM, but much smaller, using kernel features (namespaces) instead of pretending to be a whole new machine.
from the inside, they look pretty much the same
@GNi33 Yeah. It's the same word in German
Given a component that can change while the user is looking, I'd like to have an indication in the form of a transitioned color change or something similar.
I've seen multiple approaches, and aside from CSSTransitionGroup (which I'd like to avoid very much) I don't see a real way to do it.
Am I missing something obvious?
> can change while the user is looking
like, are you doing eye tracking or what
@Neoares Imagine a stock price component whose price changes via WebSocket
I want that every time the price changes the text to flash green or something
are you talking about react, right?
store the current value
and when you get the new one, compare it
@MadaraUchiha make it flash hard red and play an audio notification
I cannot get over how much like santa he looks
so you have an element (the layer) which has style={{display: {this.state.hasChanged? 'block' : 'none'}}}
then you set hasChanged to true every time you get new value
you can use a timeout of X seconds to set it back to false if you want
actually you don't need the 3rd braces I think
@Cereal 😁
style={{display: this.state.hasChanged? 'block' : 'none'}} should work I think
lemme check
yes it does
so you just do this.setState({'hasChanged': true}) everytime you get websocket data
idk if that's what you wanted :D
@Zirak Have you seen this blog? netsekure.org
@SomeGuy nope, thanks! I]s it mostly chrome internals?
I'll let you determine that :P netsekure.org/archives
Looks like he's really into smurf smut
TIL ctrl+page up will bring you to the tab left of the current one
was going to use ctrl + home
ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab
mouse over the tabs and scrollwheel
@rlemon Wow, professional plebian here
I need to figure out how to disable it actually
it's super annoying because my laptop has two finger scrolling on the touchpad
When I was on Windows, I had an AutohotKey script to add that functionality
I hate it, I never use it on purpose, only by mistake
If you were to combine Login and Signup into one word
what would it be?
@Zirak i know about ctrl+shift+tab but my fingers aren't flexible enough to do that easily.
now I only have to use my right hand to accomplish that.
Basically I have no idea how to name my Login/Signup component
@rlemon wut
@MadaraUchiha hi
@KamilSolecki IPleaseDontFireMe
@KamilSolecki how do you expect to combine two different things together?
@Zirak not an interface duh :D
@Zirak mousewheel on the tabs in chrome changes tab
@KamilSolecki login and signup?
its one modal
loginModal and signupModal
lemme check mine
authenticationModal then
oh I have 2 components :D
@KarelG here we go
@KarelG auth is only login dude
auth has nothing to do with signup
> how do you expect to combine two different things together?
but probably he only expects email and pw for auth
@KarelG one of those side-by-side forms
@KarelG with Potara
@rlemon you lie
works for me
get on my level, pleb

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